
U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared wearing the ``corona protection mask''. ”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week) Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”. White and black are competing in the white world, while yellow is invading the world! Anglo-Saxon, do your best!

U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared 
wearing the ``corona protection mask''.
”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week)
Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”.
White and black are competing in the white world, while yellow is invading the world! 
Anglo-Saxon, do your best!

2020-07-14: Dear Sir,
In Chongqing, China, some villages are “submerged” 
in which “floods” have occurred due to “concentrated heavy rain” 
that is said to occur once every 80 years. 
This "flood" is "concerned" about the "breakdown" of the Three Gorges Dam, 
the world's largest hydroelectric dam. 
It is also pointed out that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam will cause 
the Chinese economy to collapse, 
resulting in a “stock price crash” around the world. 
Each country should "decouple" China early.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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