
Voice of justice Trump imitates an "Oriental Dictator" because he has bad friends! Trump "continues to be president" after 2024. "Trump 2188" is crazy! He has been criticized for "not respecting the order of law". When he loses in the presidential election in 2020, he is in prison!

Trump imitates an "Oriental Dictator" because he has bad friends!
Trump "continues to be president" after 2024. "Trump 2188" is crazy!
He has been criticized for "not respecting the order of law".
When he loses in the presidential election in 2020, he is in prison!

2020-07-23: Dear Sir,
On July 9, US Secretary of State Pompeo announced sanctions restricting the issuance 
of visas to three executives of the autonomous region and their family members, 
allegedly involved in human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China.
"The human rights are the most important issue 
for the government," said McNanny in a press conference on September 9.
If so, "human rights violations in Japan are worse."
Even the "rule under the law" is not recognized by the Japanese government.
The United States should take similar steps for Japan.
Otherwise, the United States will only be a harassment of "China."

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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