
#Nagano Opinion  The United States and Western countries want China's 1.4 billion market and have accepted all of China's selfishness. We are "already", "I am fed up". We should "decouple" China.

August 02, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
The US government urged China to close the Consulate General in Houston, Texas. As a countermeasure, China demanded that the US consulate in Chengdu be closed. On February 21, 1972, United States President Richard Nixon visited the People's Republic of China, met with President Mao Zedong, and opened diplomatic relations between the United States and China. For half a century since then, both countries are heading towards a break in diplomatic relations. Restoration of diplomatic relations with China had no merit for the United States. Only the huge trade deficit, the unemployed and the disadvantages that create security threats remained. As President of the Republican Party, President Trump should liquidate the negative legacy of President Nixon (Republican Party).

Part 1. China demanded that the US consulate in Chengdu be closed. 
This is to "counter" the closure of Houston.

President Nixon visits China.

China has been growing rapidly since about 50 years ago and has continued to emit “CO2” and “pm2.5”.
But developed countries have reduced their emissions. China seems to be the cause of global warming.
Otherwise it is the relationship between the earth and the sun.

Is CO2 really the cause of climate change? Skeptics who question the "established theory".

At present, abnormal weather is occurring frequently due to global warming, 
but in 1973, about half a century ago, the world was suffering from abnormal weather 
with a cooling tendency.
Grain prices soar. President Richard Nixon at the time took an urgent ban on soybean exports.
This is the "ghost" that is troubling Trump today.
If President Richard Nixon does not urgently ban soybean exports,
Now, China had no choice but to buy "soybeans" from the United States.

The United States and Western countries have been “wielded” by China over the last half century.
The United States and Western countries want China's 1.4 billion market 
and have accepted all of China's selfishness.
We are "already", "I am fed up".
We should "decouple" China.

I will write next week as well.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the "rule under the law" of Japan.
There are many victims worldwide due to "illegal punishment" 
for "violation of the Immigration Control Act".
For more information, please see the emails on Saturdays and "Send on weekdays."
Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

Past emails can be viewed below.

If you have any questions, please ask by email.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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