
#Opinion of justice  August 08, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, In the "With Corona Era", the "smart city" will be central. Competition with "China and Japan" in East Asia, which is a "totalitarian" or "authoritarian" nation, is a disadvantage. In China, which is a "surveillance society," a complete "smart city" system can be built. In Western society, it is necessary to build a "smart city" while protecting "freedom and democracy" and "human rights." I continue to argue that this difficult “trial and error” should be done in a “special zone”. A country with the strongest "smart city" technology and know-how will become the "world's factory"!

 August 08, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,

In the "With Corona Era", the "smart city" will be central. 

Competition with "China and Japan" in East Asia, which is a "totalitarian" or "authoritarian" nation, 

is a disadvantage. In China, which is a "surveillance society," a complete "smart city" system can be built. 

In Western society, 

it is necessary to build a "smart city" while protecting "freedom and democracy" and "human rights."

I continue to argue that this difficult “trial and error” should be done in a “special zone”.

A country with the strongest "smart city" technology and know-how will become the "world's factory"!


Part 4. Please see below for the following.





For more information, see today's SNS Post.





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