
The issue is the construction of a "hydrogen station", but on the assumption that the "hydrogen gas tax" will be charged, if the US government bears most of that, gasoline vehicles will disappear within 10 years.


August 30, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,

The "last belt" will be the US "golden belt." 

Yesterday, I made a proposal to manufacture "carbon fiber" using "CO2" generated 

from "coal-fired power plant". 

Today, we propose the production of a "hydrogen gas vehicle" that can be used 

in a reciprocating engine by electrolyzing "water" using that power to extract "hydrogen." 

The issue is the construction of a "hydrogen station", 

but on the assumption that the "hydrogen gas tax" will be charged, 

if the US government bears most of that, gasoline vehicles will disappear within 10 years.

Part 1. Production of lithium-ion batteries, 

which are the main components of EVs (electric vehicles), 

is currently dominated by manufacturers in China, South Korea and Japan.

Now that Bosch has given up, the names of European carmakers and suppliers are missing.

China: CATL (Ningde Era New Energy Technology), BYD (Hia Di), 

Japan Toyota Motor Corporation/Panasonic Union, Korea: LG Chem, Samsung SDI.

European automakers have no choice but to buy batteries 

for manufacturing EVs from these battery makers.

Even if we say "hydrogen fuel," 

it is not the FCV (fuel cell vehicle) that Toyota has published its patent.

Europeans just want to change the fuel of their gasoline engine cars 

from gasoline to hydrogen. Even if hydrogen is called, it is not pure hydrogen used for FCV, 

but CH4 (methane) gas is called e-gas, and it is intended to be used 

in the reciprocating engine so far.


One of the important issues is to reduce the hydrogen production cost, 

while the method of producing hydrogen from water cheaply and in large quantities 

and the efforts to use hydrogen as an energy source with a carbon sheet 

with a three-dimensional structure are rapidly expanding. .. 

If water can be efficiently electrolyzed, 

it will be possible to produce large amounts of CO2-free hydrogen cheaply. 

Research and development 

of a hydrogen production method using a carbon sheet having a three-dimensional structure has progressed.


China has no technology for reciprocating engines, so it is trying to popularize electric vehicles.

Rare metals have to be used for fuel cells.

Many of the rare metals are monopolized by China.

Western countries should not follow China's strategy.

Before the spread of electric vehicles, 

"hydrogen gas vehicles" used in "reciprocating engines" should be popularized.

The method of burning hydrogen gas with the "reciprocating engine" has already been proven 

by "Mazda" with a rotary engine, so there is no problem in safety.

The development of inexpensive "hydrogen gas" and CH4 (methane) gas should be put to practical use.

The "Last Belt" "Detroit" is now in the "Golden Age".

The "unequal Paris Treaty" should be "crushed"!

I will write next week too.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".

I seriously seek the "rule under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims worldwide due to "illegal punishment" 

for "violation of the Immigration Control Act".

For details, please see the emails on Saturdays and "Send on weekdays."

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.


Past emails can be viewed below.




If you have any questions, please email us.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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