
Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone".

 The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets, 

such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people," 

and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus."

You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war.

September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed!

On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy," 

saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even 

if "the United States has stopped trading with China."

President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone" 

with innovative manufacturing technology. 

Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone".

Part 1 President Trump announced at a press conference at the White House 

on Labor Day's "holiday" that he would regain employment from China to the United States.

"Decoupling is an interesting word," he said. 

"The United States has lost a lot of money, 

but if the United States loses business with China, 

the United States will not lose a lot of money. This is called decoupling. 

I'm starting to think about it. "

Mr. Trump has hardened his stance toward China 

for re-election in the presidential election on November 3.

If former Vice President Biden, a Democratic candidate, wins the presidential election, 

"the United States will be owned by China, 

and (Mr. Biden's victory) will be China's victory," Trump warned.

In addition to banning federal agencies from contracting 

with companies that outsource to China in the future, 

he announced that he would pursue China's responsibility for the spread 

of the new coronavirus infection.

Make the United States a global manufacturing power again.

Thoroughly end dependence on China.

Since it cannot depend on China, 

it will regain employment from China to the United States, saying 

that it will end its dependence on China through decoupling 

or the introduction of large-scale tariff measures that it has implemented so far.

Taxes are levied on companies that abandon the United States and create jobs 

in China and other countries.


Targeting trillions of assets such as the Jiang Zemin clan in the United States, 

intending to freeze as compensation for the "Chinese virus"!

The United States is working with several countries to investigate the $ 10 trillion 

in foreign assets of Chinese Communist executives that are intended to be used to compensate 

for the Chinese Communist virus.

The United States is investigating the assets of the Jiang Zemin clan, 

a former leader of the Chinese Communist Party, 

and the total amount is estimated to be more than $ 1 trillion.

If the assets of the Jiang Zemin clan are made public, 

not only will the Jiang clan be ten times as large as the "Millionaire in the World", but

The overseas assets of "Chinese Communist officials" also exceed the total assets 

of the Forbes list in the world.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Construction of special zones.

See below.





Part 3 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "issues a false employment contract" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" 

under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

The Japanese Diet has revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act as pointed out 

by the international community.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act".

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 

for "activities outside the status of qualification" 

under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act are "innocent."

The reason is that "those who hired them illegally" are not punished 

under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 

"equality under the law" and international law prohibiting arbitrary "punishment".

There are many victims in the world.

Please support them, everyone.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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