Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China? President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company

 Does the US buy even "video posting apps" from China?

President Trump approves TikTok's proposal to partner with US company

2020-09-21: Dear Sir,

The US government has announced sanctions for Ben Soda, the chief prosecutor of the ICC. 

I support the US government. 

I have repeatedly appealed to the "ICC" for "individual crimes of Japanese government prosecutors and judges." 

They are ignoring. I still send emails to the ICC every day. 

(The content is the same as the transmission to the leaders of each country).

The reason is that it "corresponds" to the "Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court" 

and the "serious attack" on the general "rule of law".

Yet, the "ICC" tells the "US military" and "US intelligence" 

that it "corresponds" to a serious attack on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 

and the "general rule of law."

The "ICC" only appears to be demanding a "bribery" from the United States. 

The "ICC" has lost its credibility as an international organization. Should be dismantled. 

US State Department Secretary Mike Pompeo, please dismantle the "ICC".

For more information, see today's SNS Post.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.



See the indictment below. (Japanese)


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