
Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants" and remittances from them will enrich their finances.

 September 20, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The United States and its allies need an "cheap manufacturing zone" to replace China.

That's why I'm proposing to build a "special zone" on the American side of the Mexican border.

This is another chance for a new "American dream".

This is not just an advantage in the United States. 

Construction of special zones requires enormous construction materials. 

Then, you can export "product parts" to the factory in operation in the "supply chain". 

Latin American countries export their people as "provisional immigrants" 

and remittances from them will enrich their finances. 

If the special zone is made to have a scale of about 100 million people, 

it will be about the scale of consumption in Japan. 

Farmers in the United States can sell crops and livestock products 

in the United States without relying on China.

Bold policies are needed to "decouple" China.

Part 1 It is important that the United States and its allies have a strong economic relationship.

However, the United States attaches great importance to trade 

with China and has passed a huge dollar to China due to a huge trade deficit.

So the United States has called on its allies to close the slight trade deficit.

In addition, the United States has "forced" the "increased burden" 

of "military spending of US troops stationed for security."

All are due to the trade deficit with China.

I think China's foreign policy is a "strategy" based on a "honey trap."

Before China, it was the "way" of "Japan."

Western countries have fallen into a "Confucian culture" that they have never experienced.

Fortunately, Western countries "struck Japan" against Japan and "repelled" Japan's "honey trap."

What Western countries should do is get out of China's "honey trap."

This applies not only to politicians but also to the general public.

Even now, "honey traps" are "held" somewhere every day.

And the latest technology and "defense information" are leaking steadily.

Even the general public is trapped in cheap Chinese products.

The "intelligents" of developed countries speak of "human rights", 

but prefer to buy Chinese products made from "forced labor" and "slave labor." 

It may be said that this is also a "honey trap".

China! If decoupling with the United States, 

the potential growth rate will drop to 3.5% "Bloomberg Economics" analyzes.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.




If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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