
that recovers CO2 by using hydrogen instead of coke in the process of reducing iron from iron ore and transforms it into "a substance with less environmental burden" Is being done. The former Mayor of New York, Bloomberg, will be able to revive the US economy.


The former Mayor of New York, Bloomberg, will be able to revive the US economy.

September 13, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,

China stopped the economic growth of developed countries with the "Paris Treaty". 

But China is accelerating its CO2 emissions.

You should know that "steel" is made by "deoxidation" and "oxidation". 

The global share of China's "steel production" exceeded 53%. 

The total amount of CO2 emitted during the iron production process reaches about 3 billion tons per year 

(about 9% of the world's total CO2 emissions), 

and the steel industry as a whole needs to save energy and decarbonize. 

No wonder President Trump left the Paris Convention.

In order to avoid war with China, each country 

in the world allows the "Communist Party of China" to "selfishness."

In the United States, please use the new technology of "Molten oxide electrolysis (MOE)" 

in "Scrap & Build" of "Steelworks" to construct a decarbonized static ironworks.

MOE technology is the first technology that enables zero CO2 emissions in the steelmaking process, 

and is said to be able to reduce CO2 emissions by 2 billion tons annually if it is fully used.

In the "NEDO Project in Japan", research and development of "CO2 separation and capture technology" 

that recovers CO2 by using hydrogen instead of coke in the process of reducing iron 

from iron ore and transforms it into "a substance with less environmental burden" Is being done.

The former Mayor of New York, Bloomberg, will be able to revive the US economy.

Part 1. In 2013, researchers at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 

United States of America) developed a steelmaking technology with a simple process and zero CO2 emissions.

Boston Metal, which promotes research and development of this technology, 

established a steel manufacturing technology that can withstand commercial use in 2019 

and aims to further spread the steel manufacturing technology with a low environmental load.

Boston Metal is a startup that develops business with the core technology of "Molten oxide electrolysis" (MOE), 

which is a steelmaking technology with low environmental load, 

and is led by researchers at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Founded in 2012.

The MOE steel mill owned by the company is cheaper to construct than a general steel mill, 

and not only the steel manufacturing process but also the entire supply chain can be made more efficient. 

Therefore, it is possible to "control" the "environmental burden and cost" of steelmaking.

Since the industrial revolution since the 1800s has increased the global demand for iron, 

the blast furnace for modern indirect ironmaking has been developed.

As mentioned above, the steelmaking method causes a large environmental load,

Until now, this method has been the mainstream.

In Japan's NEDO project, 

"hydrogen reduction technology" aims to reduce CO2 emissions by using hydrogen instead of coke 

in the process of reducing iron from iron ore, and changes to a substance with a low environmental burden 

that captures CO2 "Research and development" of "CO2 separation and capture technology" is being conducted.

The "demonstration experiment" has been completed in the "first phase" from 2007 to 2017.


The "Paris Treaty" is an "international treaty" to "protect" the "CCP".

World crude steel production in 2019 will reach a record high for the third consecutive year! 

China is expanding.


We should "decouple" China to protect the planet.

I will write next week too.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".

I seriously seek the "rule under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims worldwide due to "illegal punishment" for "violation of the Immigration Control Act".

For details, please see the emails on Saturdays and "Send on weekdays."

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.


Past emails can be viewed below.




If you have any questions, please email us.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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