
The decline of American industry is that America has lost the confidence and pride of being an American. This applies to other developed countries as well.

 The decline of American industry is that America has lost the confidence and pride of being an American.

This applies to other developed countries as well.

2020-09-07: Dear Sir,

The black man was killed by the police saying he couldn't breathe. 

I think this word is not only a protest against the police but also a cry 

of the "younger generation" of whites and blacks against "a society of disparities". 

US workers "lost" in "competition" with Chinese "slave workers." 

The "younger generation" cannot see the "rich tomorrow" even if they "endure" now.

It is a “competition” of “conditional work” between whites and blacks.

The disparity society is expanding even in Japan. 

The "new government of Japan" is "Pro-Chinese." 

"The leading research institute in the United States (CSIS)" is on the alert.

"American dream" is necessary for the United States to become strong. 

The key to American rebirth lies in the return to America's "founding spirit." 

The next American president should be someone who can support the youth'American dream'. 

I think Ameri's revival will cheer up the "Western countries." And help Japan "govern under the law".


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



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2025/03/17:كما يقول الرئيس ترامب، فإن الخطوة الأولى هي "وقف إطلاق النار". سيسمح وقف إطلاق النار "للأوكرانيين والروس" بالبقاء. ويمكن مناقشة أمن أوكرانيا بعد وقف إطلاق النار.

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