
To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The black man was killed by the police saying he couldn't breathe. I think this word is not only a protest against the police but also a cry of the "younger generation" of whites and blacks against "a society of disparities". US workers "lost" in

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-09-07: Dear Sir,

The black man was killed by the police saying he couldn't breathe. I think this word is not only a protest against the police but also a cry of the "younger generation" of whites and blacks against "a society of disparities". US workers "lost" in "competition" with Chinese "slave workers." The "younger generation" cannot see the "rich tomorrow" even if they "endure" now.

It is a “competition” of “conditional work” between whites and blacks.

The disparity society is expanding even in Japan. The "new government of Japan" is "Pro-Chinese." "The leading research institute in the United States (CSIS)" is on the alert.

"American dream" is necessary for the United States to become strong. The key to American rebirth lies in the return to America's "founding spirit." The next American president should be someone who can support the youth'American dream'. I think Ameri's revival will cheer up the "Western countries." And help Japan "govern under the law".

Part 1. American Dream is a concept of success in the United States.

Taking advantage of the “opportunity” given to “equal”, “winning” can be “achieved” 

by “hard work = Diligent” and “effort”.

The "source" depends on the "right to pursue happiness" stated in the "Declaration of Independence."


We should consider the real reason why American industry has declined.

The real reason for the decline of the United States is that the United States lost "American-likeness".

What is "American-likeness"? It is often represented in Lincoln and Kennedy's speech.

America is a people-based politics for the people of the people.

Nor do Americans expect "what the nation will do".

It means that American people should expect "what the nation can do".

American dream. The meaning of American Dream is not to get rich.

As Mickey Mouse says, if you “continue to seek,” your dream will “realize”.

"Effort" is always "rewarded."

The roots of Japanese management, quality control, lifelong employment, 

and family management, all of which are said to be "strong" in Japan, are in the United States.

The decline of American industry is that America has lost the confidence and pride of being an American.

The revival of American industry depends on Americans regaining their confidence and pride in America.


This concept is common to "Western countries".

Please "realize" the "American dream of each country".

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" for the reason. 

Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".

It's a false accusation. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has yet to apologize. See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Part 2. See below for the following.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

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