Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles

 Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles

October 17, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. America should not fight between races! Lincoln said, 

"Most people can survive disasters."

The wishes of allies! Part 1! Americans should once again have an "American Dream"!

You should change the "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

You should "scrap and build" the "rusted belt zone" with the latest technology. 

Let's do our best together!

Promotion of coal-fired power generation that recovers 100% of "CO2". 

The recovered co2 is recycled into "carbon fiber".

Construction of a state-of-the-art steelworks such as "steelmaking by MOE"! 

We should create a country that is competitive with China 

by setting up inexpensive hydrogen production stations throughout the United States 

and manufacturing hydrogen-fueled automobiles instead of gasoline, 

using a method that produces hydrogen from water in large quantities at low cost.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

For more information, see today's SNS Post.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.



See the indictment below. (Japanese)


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