
Congratulations to Mr. Biden for winning. Mr. Biden's "winning" in the US presidential election has become "certain." He won Pennsylvania. Several US media reported on the 7th.

 Congratulations to Mr. Biden for winning.

Mr. Biden's "winning" in the US presidential election has become "certain."

He won Pennsylvania. Several US media reported on the 7th.


November 08, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The dream of "American dream" was realized while the world economy was depressed by the corona turmoil. 

Four major US IT companies called "GAFA" such as Google announced their financial results 

for the July-September period of 2020 on October 29, respectively. 

The bright news. I think it's a great achievement!

However, there is dark news that will pick up the dream of the "American Dream.

" The "US House of Representatives" is "proposing" the "corporate split" of GAFA. 

The reason is that they are monopolies and have too much power.

The situation surrounding "GAFA" is similar to that of Microsoft (MS),

which monopolized the OS and browser and was mentioned 20 years ago.

I hope the "US House of Representatives" does not pick up the dream of the "American Dream.

" When "GAFA" is split, Chinese companies will only be pleased! Good luck with "GAFA"!

Even if human resources are trained to "just memorize knowledge", 

big companies cannot "start a business".

Leaders in developed countries other than the United States should understand 

that companies such as "GAFA" cannot "start a business" if they only develop human resources 

who aim to become "high-ranking bureaucrats."

Part 1 The four major US IT companies called "GAFA" are Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon.com.

Due to the increase in demand for Internet services due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, 

Amazon.com's final (current term) profit has tripled from the same period of the previous year.

Google's parent company Alphabet 

and Facebook (FB) also set new record highs due to strong online advertising.

Due to the influence of the new corona, 

Apple's new product release of the smartphone "iPhone" released 

in September every year was delayed in October this year, 

so the final profit decreased by 7.4% to 12.6 billion dollars 2 Profit declined 

for the first time in a quarter.

On the other hand, sales of the personal computer "Mac" 

and the tablet terminal "iPad" were strong against the background of the increase 

in telecommuting and online lessons, and the sales increased for the sixth consecutive quarter.


"The US House of Representatives" proposes the division 

of "GAFA" companies "Too much power as a monopoly company".

On the 6th, the US House of Representatives released an investigation report based 

on the antitrust law (antitrust law) of giant IT companies called "GAFA" such as Google and Apple.

However, the report is compiled by the majority opposition Democratic Party 

in the House of Representatives and is not legally binding.

The ruling Republican Party is against it, 

and the future focus will be on whether it will lead to legislation in parliament.

Amazon.com and others are in mind for the corporate split, 

which is the pillar of the proposal.

In addition, Facebook has accused it of acquiring a potential threatening start-up 

and maintaining its dominant position.

The US House of Representatives has also recommended increasing regulator budgets 

to strengthen GAFA surveillance.


The situation surrounding "GAFA" is similar to that of Microsoft (MS), 

which monopolized the OS and browser and was mentioned 20 years ago.

In the United States, companies are becoming huge, 

and the "division" of "corporations" is being discussed repeatedly.

MS did not reach a "split" after a long trial struggle.


I will write again next week.

Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.




If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano


Yasuhiro Nagano

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