
To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-09: Dear Sir, In the international community, Japan, which solves the "abduction problem" with "money," is a "lawless nation" below North Korea. As of 2020, Japan has only two countries with which it has an extradition treaty, the United States and South Korea. Even China, which makes it "easy" to "death penalty", has signed "extradition treaties" with 55 countries.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-11-09: Dear Sir,

The international community should denounce the "Japanese government" 

and impose "economic sanctions." 

In the international community, Japan, 

which solves the "abduction problem" with "money," is a "lawless nation" below North Korea.

As of 2020, Japan has only two countries with which it has an extradition treaty, 

the United States and South Korea. Even China, which makes it "easy" to "death penalty", 

has signed "extradition treaties" with 55 countries.

"Countries" other than "two countries" refuse to conclude 

with Japan because of Japan's "judicial system," "human rights," and "death penalty system."

"Only 11 countries are not members of the treaty," including Japan.

I consulted with an attorney under the control of the "Japanese Communist Party".

The reason for the crimes in the "bill of indictment" 

and "documents of judgment" is that I supported "Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act". 

Therefore, we explained that it was not a "crime".

The attorney said, "It's not illegal because the" applicable law "can be changed." 

I was surprised by the ignorance of the lawyer.

You can change the content of the "bill of indictment" during the trial. However, 

the "judgment" for this "bill of indictment" has been finalized.

Even lawyers of the "Japanese Communist Party" 

who "claim" human rights are ignorant "abilities" like this.

Each country does not conclude a treaty with Japan because Japan's "judicial system" 

and "human rights protection" are "out of the question". !!

North Korea is a "country" that has "concluded" extradition treaties!

The Japanese should be deeply aware of this, regardless of political thought.

 And we should take action to reform the anomalous "judicial system" 

 and "human rights protection." You should be a decent Japanese!

In Japan today, it's no wonder that Japanese women have been "raped" around the world!

The "ruling and opposition parties" should stop doing "back-door transactions" 

with "judiciary" regarding "immigration law violation cases".

Part 1 Former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn fled Japan to Lebanon "on bail".

Ghosn will not be handed over to Japan unless the Lebanese government cooperates "actively" 

with Japan.

Why can't the Japanese government conclude extradition treaties with each country?

The United States has treaties with about 70 countries, 

and the United Kingdom has treaties with about 120 countries.


"Statement of the Central Prosecutor's Office of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea": ​​

Requesting "delivery" of "terrorists".

North Korea is a member of the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

 (May 13, 2017 "Rodong Sinmun")

"Statement of the Central Prosecutor's Office of the Democratic People's Republic 

of Korea" was published in "Rodong Sinmun".

The content is "deliver".

When I investigated whether North Korea really joined the "International Organized Crime Prevention Treaty", 

it was.

According to a survey, "only 11 countries are not members of the treaty," including Japan.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





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