
To President Trump 2020-11-02: Dear Sir, In 2010, I was sentenced to imprisonment for "supporting" the "Chinese" "violation of the Immigration Control Act."

 To President Trump

2020-11-02: Dear Sir,

In 2010, I was sentenced to imprisonment 

for "supporting" the "Chinese" "violation of the Immigration Control Act."

 However, this judgment is clearly "false charge" according to Article 31 of the Constitution.

It is not a crime that the prosecution stated in the "indictment" as "reason 

for the crime". This is because it is not a crime to provide "false documents" to foreigners.

This is specified in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, 

at the 192nd extraordinary Diet session, 

the "law to partially revise the" Immigration Control 

and Refugee Recognition Act "" was "enacted" and became a crime for the first time.

According to the provisions of Article 39 of the Constitution, 

punishment cannot be made retroactively.

This case is a crime committed by special civil servants (police officers, prosecutors, judges).

Everyone in the international community! This is a crime of "human rights violations" in "Japan".

Japan punished people without observing the "basic law".

Many foreigners are victims. Of course there are Americans too!

Everyone in the international community! Please denounce the Japanese government. And rescue us.

Part 1 Article 31 of the Constitution. 

No one shall be deprived of his or her life or liberty 

or be subject to any other punishment unless the procedures stipulated by law are followed.

Article 39 of the Constitution. No person shall be held criminally liable 

for any act that was legal at the time of execution or was already acquitted. 

In addition, criminal liability cannot be held again for the same crime.

The basis law to prove innocence is Article 22-4-4

 (Revocation of Status of Residence) of the Immigration Control Act.

In the partial amendment of the Immigration Control Act of 2004, 

the "Revocation of Status of Residence"

 (Article 22-4) system was established (enforced on December 2, 2004).

Article 22-4 of the Immigration Control Act at the time of the incident

 (cancellation of status of residence).

(The Immigration Control Act is revised every year).

The Minister of Justice may revoke the status of residence currently held 

by a foreigner when any of the facts listed in the following items is found.

1) to 3) are omitted.

4) In cases other than those applicable to 1) to 3), 

when false documents are submitted and a seal of landing permit is received.

In this issue, deception or other fraudulent means is not a requirement, 

and the applicant does not need to be willful.

5) Omitted

Article 22-4-4 is the submission of false documents.

Note: The "Lie, (Kyogi)" document has now been changed to the "False, (Huzitu)" document.

As of 2014, the expression is as follows.

Article 22-4-4 "Document" with "statement" of "false".

The law distinguishes between "kyogi" and "Huzitu" in Japanese.

In English, they are "Lie", "False,".

At the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session, 

"Law to partially revise the" Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act ""

1 Penalties for camouflaged residents will be put in place.

2 The status of residence revocation system will be strengthened!


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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