
To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The system in which police officers and prosecutors make requests to the court and judges issue arrest warrants is not working at all. Police officers and prosecutors who disregard the law and arbitrarily arrest and imprisonment in "general theory" are "out of the question". The judge who punished "arbitrarily" with the argument that "the tub shop is profitable if the wind blows" is "out of the question".

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-12-18: Dear Sir,

A working group of the UN Human Rights Council reported that Mr Ghosn's arrest 

and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," and requested compensation.

In order to resolve the demands of the United Nations, 

it is necessary to change Japan's "judicial system," "politics," and "people's will."

This week's "review".

The system in which police officers and prosecutors make requests to the court 

and judges issue arrest warrants is not working at all.

Police officers and prosecutors who disregard the law and arbitrarily arrest 

and imprisonment in "general theory" are "out of the question".

The judge who punished "arbitrarily" with the argument 

that "the tub shop is profitable if the wind blows" is "out of the question". ..

I told my attorney "the logic of law". The lawyer said, "I specialize in the logic of law."

The attorney defended by "pretending to know the law" without examining the law in violation 

of the attorney's basic duties.

When I left the prison, I asked the Japan Federation of Bar Associations for help. 

However, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations replied, 

"The Japan Federation of Bar Associations does not have the" power "to help you."

I consulted with the Human Rights Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, but said, 

"It is not the job of the Human Rights Bureau."

All Japanese political parties and many members of parliament have also "sought help but" ignored ".

There was only one member of the Diet who was interested.

Only former member of the House of Representatives "Ikuo Hiranuma". 

I talked to him many times by email. He said, "I'll keep it in my stomach."

Everyone in the international community! Please know the facts of Japan. please ask. Tell the facts.

The Japanese government said it was "not legally binding", 

saying that the UN request was "not accepted at all". 

Japan has abandoned UN diplomacy. Japan will be a war-torn country again.

Everyone, change Japan together!

These posts also send the same to the Prime Minister's Office every day. 

This is the reality of Japan's "Prime Minister's Office".

Part 1 I was well aware of Articles 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act 

(those who submit false documents and obtain a status of residence will have their status of residence revoked).

Ask a lawyer to put the "Immigration Law" 

and "Detailed Regulations of the Immigration Law (Ministerial Ordinance)" into the detention center.

What was inserted was a printout of the "Detailed Regulations 

of the Immigration Control Act (Ministerial Ordinance)" searched on the Internet.

There was no description in the "Detailed Regulations 

of the Immigration Control Act (Ministerial Ordinance)".

So I told my attorney to "insert" the "immigration law".

However, lawyers say that there is no point in insisting on "procedural theory."

This made me feel sick.

It is a "state" that cannot be spoken.

This is what it means to be arrested and "restrained".

Carlos Ghosn's deprivation of liberty violates Articles 9, 10, 

and 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Articles 9, 10, 

and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 

The board expressed the view that it was arbitrary.


I have also filed similar "complaints" with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

But I don't have a lawyer like "Mr. Ghosn's lawyers, Francois Jimerley and Jessica Finnell."

Please support us, everyone in the international community.

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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