
To President Trump Mr. Trump seems to be absent from Mr. Biden's inauguration ceremony. And will he hold a rally? Mr. Biden must not give Mr. Trump a "pardon"!

 To President Trump

Mr. Trump seems to be absent from Mr. Biden's inauguration ceremony. And will he hold a rally?

Mr. Biden must not give Mr. Trump a "pardon"!


2020-12-10: Dear Sir,

Japan's "NEC" has announced that it will participate in a demonstration project 

(project name "NeutrO" RAN ") utilizing" 5G Open RAN "led by the British government. 

The British government will exclude equipment 

from China's major telecommunications equipment giant Huawei from its communications network, 

making it one of the alternative candidates.

Huawei, Ericsson of Sweden, and Nokia of Finland account for 80% of the world base station market. 

Ericsson and Nokia are also increasing orders, seeing Huawei as an opportunity, 

and it is unclear how far the Japanese can expand their market share.

What I am worried about is that the Japanese government has a "pro-China" policy. 

As the United Nations points out, Japan is a country that cannot "govern under the law." 

It is a country without "human rights awareness".

Just as Japanese products (Huawei) equipment, 

NEC products can leak information to the Chinese government.

I have also complained of illegal "human rights violations" to Japan's Keidanren and labor unions. 

But they are ignoring. I think they have the same idea as the Chinese Communist Party.

The UK government should be vigilant and monitor to prevent information leaks 

from "NEC products" to the Chinese government.

Part 1 The British government has announced 

that it will collaborate with NEC on infrastructure development 

for the next-generation communication standard "5G."

Huawei, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment company, 

will be excluded from the telecommunications network, making it one of the alternative candidates.

It may be a business opportunity for NEC to strengthen its overseas business of communication infrastructure.

According to the British government, International Trade Minister Truss, 

who visited Japan on the 23rd under the signing of the UK-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), 

met with NEC Chairman Nobuhiro Endo. 

A 5G related base will also be established. With the EPA, 

the UK has made it an important issue to stimulate business and personnel exchanges in the digital field.


NEC will participate in a demonstration project (project name "Neutr ORAN") utilizing 5G Open RAN led 

by the British government.

NEC believes that the system demonstrated by "Neutr ORAN" has the potential to be deployed not only 

in the United Kingdom but globally.

"Neutr ORAN" is one of the initial projects carried out by CoE and is scheduled to start operation in 2021.


Oliver Dowden, Minister of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports of the United Kingdom, 

welcomes NEC's participation in this innovative Welsh demonstration project.

This project provides more options for telecommunications carrier network construction 

and contributes to the diversification of the global telecommunications supply chain.

Following the recently announced establishment of Open RAN CoE in the UK by NEC, 

the project shows NEC's strong willingness to contribute to the UK.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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