
I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

 Mr. Biden, economic measures 200 trillion yen, cash benefits added by $ 1,400 per person


January 16, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

We should protect an "equal society" that respects the freedom, 

democracy and human rights that humanity has historically won.

The United States and its allies need to win the economic war with China. 

To that end, it is necessary to promote "technological innovation." 

The center of "technological innovation" has been led by "new companies = SMEs". 

This can be seen in the postwar economic history of the United States, Europe and Japan.

Recently, the US "GAFA" and "Tembagger" have proved their achievements.

Leaders of developed countries other than Japan's "Suga administration" fully understand this 

and are strengthening "cultivation of entrepreneurs" and support measures for SMEs.

 (Japan is said to halve SMEs with the advice of British people).

But UK SMEs account for 99%, which is more than Japan. The UK promotes "entrepreneurship" 

and fosters SMEs. I think this is the "distant cause" of Britain's prosperity.

What I'm interested in is that successful people aren't graduates of top universities.

The founders of successful post-war Japanese companies are not graduates of top universities either.

Europe and the United States of "fundamental" comfort "education" 

and Asia of "war-type education centered on memorization to pass the exam".

Speaking of which, Korea's exam war is famous, but there are no Nobel laureates.

French universities do not have their own entrance exams, so you can enter 

by submitting an application to the university you want to go to. However, 

the lessons are extremely strict and the content is advanced, 

so the test results will make you "repeat a year". It's an ideal system of equality.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens who have fought 

for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.

It is a country that people long for. I think France is the country that can beat China.

In India, there are many "young people in the IT society" who break through the "caste society". 

If France teams up with India, 

I think both countries will become economic powers "more than the United States and China."

I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities 

and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

Part 1 The main thing in talking about the history of France is the French Revolution 

that occurred between 1789 and 1799.

The French Revolution was the most representative civil revolution in the history of the world, 

beginning with the aristocratic rebellion against the kingship 

and developing into a revolution involving the "whole citizen".

It began with a raid on Bastille and evolved into the abolition of feudal privileges 

and the declaration of human rights.

France was a victorious country in World War II, but it suffered considerable war damage.

The "territory" and finances deteriorated, 

and the "many" colonies in the 17th century became almost independent in 1960.

The 1st to 5th Republics have been carried out, and various changes have been made to win freedom.

At present, France, which has succumbed to terrorism 

and maintains the dignity of being the number one country in Europe, 

can be said to be a country that is doing its best.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens 

who have fought for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.


Examples of industry-academia collaboration efforts in the field of human resource development in each country


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


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