
To President Biden! The United States is doing "Dogeza diplomacy" with Japan! A US-Japan Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministerial Meeting (“2 + 2”) was held. Each minister, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State are wearing blue ribbon badges! If this were an American, I would be more angry than "Remember Pearl Harbor". It is true that the Japanese government (Prime Minister) has deceived North Korea! I don't understand why the Biden administration is so "biased" to Japan. Unless investigated, it is unknown whether North Korea's report is a lie or a truth. You should investigate first and then do formal diplomacy. North Korea should accept the "dispatch" of the "investigation team."

 To President Biden!

2021-03-24: Dear Sir

The United States is doing "Dogeza diplomacy" with Japan! 

A US-Japan Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministerial Meeting (“2 + 2”) was held. 

Each minister, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State are wearing blue ribbon badges!

If this were an American, I would be more angry than "Remember Pearl Harbor". 

It is true that the Japanese government (Prime Minister) has deceived North Korea! 

I don't understand why the Biden administration is so "biased" to Japan. Unless investigated, 

it is unknown whether North Korea's report is a lie or a truth. You should investigate first 

and then do formal diplomacy. North Korea should accept the "dispatch" of the "investigation team."

This case is a disagreement between Japan and North Korea. 

What I am "frustrated" with as a Japanese is that I brought the Japanese abductees back to Japan 

in a "cowardly" and "method." 

At that time, Prime Minister Koizumi brought him back to Japan with the promise of "temporary return." 

That is why he is called "the diplomatic genius of deception".

In this, North Korea is unilaterally treated as a villain. 

So I suggested that "investigation teams" be created in the United States, 

United Kingdom, France, and Germany to confirm the survival of the remaining abductees. 

We Japanese want to know the truth. 

If North Korea's claim is false and they are alive, we want them to be brought back to Japan.

Part 1 The Blue Ribbon Movement aims to rescue the Japanese (victims of the Japanese abduction case) 

who were abducted by North Korea.

There are 12 abduction cases approved by the Japanese government, 

and 17 abduction victims. 

The North Korean side has officially approved the abduction 

of Japanese people for 13 of them (6 men and 7 women), 5 of whom have returned to Japan, 

but the remaining 12 have died "8". , Four people did not enter the border.

" The Japanese government has taken the position 

that "we will deal with it on the premise that everyone is alive."

The truth of this is unknown unless a fair third country investigates and reports the investigation.

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AA%E3%83%9C%E3%83%B3%E9 % 81% 8B% E5% 8B% 95_ (% E5% 8C% 97% E6% 9C% 9D% E9% AE% AE% E6% 8B% 89% E8% 87% B4% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C)

A ministerial meeting on foreign affairs and defense between Japan 

and the United States called "2 + 2" was held.

Each minister, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State are wearing blue ribbon badges!


The problem of Japanese abduction by North Korea is the problem 

that 17 Japanese people (13 according to the North Korean side) were abducted 

by North Korea from the 1970s to the 1980s by North Korean "operators". ..

The Japanese were abducted from "Japan and Europe".

See below for details 🄬

!! https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8C%97%E6%9C%9D%E9%AE%AE%E3%81%AB%E3%82%88%E3%82%8B%E6 % 97% A5% E6% 9C% AC% E4% BA% BA% E6% 8B% 89% E8% 87% B4% E5% 95% 8F% E9% A1% 8C

"Abduction is alleged, Japan should apologize," North Korea insists


The diplomatic power of former Prime Minister Koizumi, a genius who tricked North Korea


Megumi Yokota's remains. Teikyo University doctor confesses to scientific journal "Nature"

"It's my first time to appraise a cremation, I'm not convinced that it's a fake."



I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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