
October 30, 2021: US security is proportional to China's military spending. If you limit the "poor people" in Latin America to special areas and hire them, you can make products that can beat China. "If the United States and its allies cut imports from China, the threat of China's military power would disappear.

 To President Biden 

October 30, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

"Last week" post: How was the "proposal" for "construction" of the "US special zone 

on the Mexican border"? 

My claim is that "economy and security should be united." 

US security is proportional to China's military spending. 

If you limit the "poor people" in Latin America to special areas and hire them, 

you can make products that can beat China. 

"If the United States and its allies cut imports from China, 

the threat of China's military power would disappear.

China said when the United States raised tariffs on "Chinese products." 

The market economy should be free. 

China said that it is the "market principle" that sells cheap products. 

The United States and allies should devise a system 

that can compete with Chinese products on a "market principle". 

I am proposing to build a "special zone" 

that produces better and cheaper products than "Chinese products 

in the socialist market economy".

The world is full of people who have no work to do. 

"Special zones" should accept large numbers of "poor 

and refugees" as "provisional immigrants." 

I am a "concept" that accepts "provisional immigrants" as workers separately 

from the "residential zone of my own people". 

Their wages are lower than "Chinese workers". 

However, for "they without income", it is "happy income". 

But their descendants can also be "presidents."

I propose three big "special zones" to the world. 

"Special zone of Nigeria" by "EU", "Special zone of Mexico border" by the United States, 

"Special zone of Australia" by "New TPP". 

In addition, we will build "special zones" in each country depending 

on the circumstances of each country. 

For example, "Okinawa's special zone" by Japan.

"Products made in special zones" need to be superior in quality 

and price to Chinese products. 

Each "product made in the special zone" is "made by importing from China" 

by the "countries that operate the special zone". 

Therefore, the sales destination of the product is guaranteed. 

For details, please see "Each special zone".

The "building" of "special zones" enriches workers in the EU, 

America and Asia. 

And we will enrich the "poor people of the world" such as Africa and Latin America. 

Not only that, it will reduce China's military spending 

and bring back a safe and peaceful world. 

Everyone, we should "build" a "special zone".

Part 1 The world is full of people who have no work to do. 

I think I should give them a job. Germany has accepted a large number of "immigrants 

and refugees". But they had problems with the German people. 

President Trump built a wall on the "border with Mexico". 

He pointed out that "illegal immigrants" are "many criminals." 

So I would like to limit my residence to "special zones" and "accept" them. 

Their wages are below the "minimum wage" in the United States. 

The place of residence is also limited to "special zones". 

Therefore, we will enact a "special law of the federal government" for "special zones". 

See below for an introduction to "special zones".


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" 

under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty". 

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised. 

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent." 

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims. 

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law". 

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan. 

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" 

of "violation of immigration law". 

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails. 

There are also many American victims. 

There are also many Chinese victims. There are also many Filipino victims. Twice





See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

"Special zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special zone of Mexico border" by the United States, 

"Special zone of Australia" by the new TPP (IPP), 

"Special zone of Okinawa" of Japan .... 

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants." 

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries". 

Developed countries can “manufacture” “cheap” than Chinese products 

by “employing” “provisional immigrants”. 

Making products that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ... 

English, Japanese, French, German


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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