
President Biden!2021-11-29: [This week I make a serious proposal to Israel and the Jews. It is a proposal to save the United States of allies]. At this rate, the United States will "collapse" with a trade deficit with China. When the US finances go bankrupt, "Israel's security" disappears. To that end, Israel should move "American politics and business." I will conclude. Israel and the United States should jointly build a "special zone" on the "US-Mexico border." In this "special zone", "many of the products that the United States imports from China" are manufactured. The "trade deficit with China" will be eliminated.

 To President Biden!

2021-11-29: Dear Sir: [This week I make a serious proposal to Israel and the Jews. 

It is a proposal to save the United States of allies]. 

At this rate, the United States will "collapse" with a trade deficit with China. 

When the US finances go bankrupt, "Israel's security" disappears. 

To that end, Israel should move "American politics and business." I will conclude. 

Israel and the United States should jointly build a "special zone" on the "US-Mexico border." 

In this "special zone", 

"many of the products that the United States imports from China" are manufactured. 

The "trade deficit with China" will be eliminated.

It is not possible to make a product that can beat Chinese products simply 

by attracting American and Israeli companies to this "special zone". 

The wages of US companies are too high compared to the wages of Chinese companies. 

But don't lower the wages of American workers. 

If so, there is a need to raise the wages of American workers. 

We will create a "special zone" to create this wage gap.

In the United States, "illegal immigrants (poor people)" 

from Latin American countries are "rushing" to the "borders". 

Dissatisfaction among low-income workers in the United States is deprived of jobs 

by "illegal immigrants." 

Or, "illegal immigrants" are pushing down the "market price" of "wage". 

Illegal immigrants who can't get a job have no choice but to commit a crime. 

Former President Trump heard the voices of these Americans in the United States. 

He created a "wall" on the "Mexico border" to prevent the invasion of "illegal immigrants".

Because of these policies, the American people were "divided." 

President Biden took advantage of "division" and vowed to "unify America" ​​and became president. 

President Biden has "resumed" the entry of "illegal immigrants." 

But President Biden's "acceptance policy" for illegal immigrants has failed. 

This is because the "poor people in Latin America" ​​

who heard the "policy for illegal immigrants" of the "Biden administration" "rushed" to the Mexican border.

The cause of President Biden's failure is "clear." He didn't have enough work in the United States to accept "illegal immigrants." The “labor needs” of low-wage workers are limited. The acceptance of excess foreign workers was rejected by the American people. This is not a "race issue". It is "impossible" for foreigners who do not speak English to live in American society immediately. Will continue tomorrow.

Part 1. Immigration surges due to the corona turmoil. Biden administration is in trouble

The number of illegal immigrants to the United States is increasing rapidly, 

and the trend is changing. The Biden administration is in dire straits over the response. 

What the hell is going on?

Q. What is the current status of illegal immigrants?

Q. What is the response of the Biden administration and the reaction of the people?

Q. What is the direction of immigration policy and its evaluation?

Q. Why are Haitians rushing in?

Q. What about Vice President Harris on this issue?

Q. What about people who couldn't enter the United States?


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. 

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes 

of support for immigration law violations" in 2010





Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

"Special zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special zone of Mexico border" 

by the United States, "Special zone of Australia" by the new TPP (IPP), 

"Special zone of Okinawa" of Japan .... 

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants." 

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries". 

Developed countries can “manufacture” “cheap” than Chinese products 

by “employing” “provisional immigrants”. 

English, Japanese, French, German


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Allies should unite "economy and security"!

The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. To do so, 

"immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones". 

"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones". 

"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".

However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job. 

This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products. 

"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants". 

The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy. 

We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich. 

You should build "Algeri's Special Zone", 

"Mexico Border Special Zone" and "Australia's Special Zone".


Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"! 

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy! 

"SARS virus" has disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people. 

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" 

that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography. 

In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask! 

It should be developed jointly by each country within a year. 

The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived! 

See daily posts for details. Or contact us!

Yasuhiro Nagano

If you have any questions, please contact us!


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