
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson February 13, 2022:

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 

February 13, 2022: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

"Toshiba's union", a "big company in the Japanese electrical industry," has awakened. The "labor union" of "Toshiba" demanded "expansion of investment" from the management side. The "labor union" made a "request" to properly "explain" because the growth could not be seen in the "plan to divide Toshiba" into three. If you rely on the Japanese government and management, "Japan will collapse" and "Japanese companies will collapse." The "labor union" should "lead" the Japanese economy.

The Japanese government did not support Toshiba's "semiconductor business." However, the "semiconductor business" is in a state of "insufficient goods". The Japanese government will provide "hundreds of billions of yen" to "Taiwanese companies" that build factories in Japan. Toshiba has hired many workers in its semiconductor business. The Japanese government's semiconductor policy is suspiciously "arbitrary"!

The Japanese government did not support Toshiba's "nuclear power business." Toshiba withdrew from the "nuclear power business". However, the "nuclear power business" has become a "star" in the "decarbonized society." The Japanese government's nuclear policy is "arbitrary"! Japan should withdraw the "tourism nation" and "return" to the "industrial nation".

"Government's inaction" is the same in the United States. The US "United Auto Workers" should make demands on management and the US government. The "next generation car" in the United States should be a "hydrogen engine car". If a "hydrogen engine car" is "installed" with a "hydrogen cartridge", hydrogen can be "filled" by "cartridge replacement" at a "gas station" in the "US".

"Hydrogen engine cars" should be "produced" as American cars in "Detroit". US cars will not lose to China's "EV" strategy, let's go with the "strategy" of the US's own "hydrogen vehicle"! The United States should "avoid" the "lithium war."

The "manager" of the "US" needs to stand up. Products produced in China need to be returned to "production in US factories". US factories should be built in a "special zone on the Mexican border." The "rattle snake" should be expelled from the "Mexico border" and a "factory" should be built.

Welcome the "poor" of Latin America as factory workers. "Poverty in Latin America" ​​is overjoyed. Their wages are cheaper than Chinese workers! .. See the "Special Zone" proposal for more details.

Workers around the world should make demands on the government. As a general rule, the state should bear the operating costs of the "labor union". The "union dues" of the "labor union" should be limited to "1 coin per month". The origin of the economy is "household spending". The activities of the "labor union" strengthen the nation. Don't lose to the Communists!

Part 1. Toshiba's union is worried about the three-part plan proposed by management.

From the employees, what is the core of the company that you want to grow even though you have overcome the "accounting scandal"? Some say, "I can't see the future" and "I've sold the medical and home appliance businesses, but now I need more content than spin-offs." So far, the company has told the union that it will respond in February regarding its specific growth strategy. ,


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,

"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...

English, Japanese, French, German


In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.

Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations


Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.


Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan


Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Part 8 Nagano opinion

CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Daily posts are published in the following program.


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