
To President Biden  November 26, 2022:"Electricity bills double in 2 years" French people scream that electricity bills continue to rise. According to a survey, 1 in 4 people cannot pay their electricity and gas bills!

 To President Biden 

November 26, 2022: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

Sales and market share of electric vehicles are expanding in Europe [July/August 2022 period]. amazing! Because gasoline is expensive!

"Electricity bills double in 2 years" French people scream that electricity bills continue to rise. According to a survey, 1 in 4 people cannot pay their electricity and gas bills!

High electricity bills in France are a thorn in the side, with 84% of people surveyed in 2021 saying they have concerns about their energy consumption.

And 60% of people save their heating consumption by worrying about their electricity bills. Don't die, everyone!

In 2020, 14% of people said they endured the cold inside their homes, but by 2021, that number has increased to 20%. Will you continue to endure from now on!?

25% of people said they had difficulty paying their electricity and gas bills. Stop economic sanctions against Russia!

Under these circumstances, the increase in the sales and market share of electric vehicles can only be said to be due to the widening gap between rich and poor.

Electricity should be prioritized for domestic and industrial use. Electric car companies should make electricity too!

The global supply of lithium-ion batteries will increase fivefold by 2030. It is irresponsible that lithium has not been secured.

Demand for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) accounts for about 80% of the total.

High crude oil prices are pushing the decarbonization movement, leading to increased demand for lithium-ion batteries.

I think it will be difficult to popularize electric vehicles that rely on lithium-ion batteries.

The power supply is not stable, and "industrial and domestic power" is competing with power for automobiles.

I am promoting "hydrogen cars". He argues that electric vehicles should shift to "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles" in the process of popularization.

"Tesla" and "Nissan Motor" should jointly develop a "unit that produces electricity from hydrogen" to be installed in electric vehicles.

Hydrogen is supplied by a "high-pressure hydrogen cartridge". For hydrogen, simply replace the "high-pressure hydrogen cartridge" with the existing "G/S".

Electricity is generated with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (nuclear power plant). The by-product heat is then used to produce hydrogen from water. Simultaneous production of electricity and hydrogen!

HTGRs (nuclear power plants) should be built by oil majors. And auto companies should invest too.

Oil majors should "transform" from "selling oil" to "manufacturing and selling" electric power and hydrogen.

Part 1. "Double in 2 years" French people scream that electricity bills continue to rise


"Double in 2 years" French people scream that electricity bills continue to soar.


Global supply of lithium-ion batteries to increase five-fold by 2030: research firm


What is the reason why electric vehicles should be popularized because of the power shortage?


Continuous production of 100 liters of hydrogen per hour, Japan Atomic Energy Agency opens test equipment


I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,

"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...

English, Japanese, French, German


In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.

Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations


Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.


Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan


Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Part 8 Nagano opinion

CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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