
2017 Décembre 07 2011: Le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Excellence  Alors que l'Europe souffre d'un problème de l'immigration et des réfugiés, au Japon, a été la correspondance du problème de l'immigration dans les moyens illégaux de la société occidentale est effaroucher. Veuillez vous intéresser à l'immigration illégale et à l'intervention des réfugiés au Japon. En cas S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais. S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! S'il vous plaît prendre comme ordre du jour même,

2017 Décembre 07 2011: Le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Excellence

Chers Messieurs. Selon la BBC, la Cour suprême fédérale quatre jours,
sur le décret présidentiel que le Président Trump interdit le monde islamique et le public de l'entrée de la Corée du Nord, comme les huit pays qui ont publié en Septembre de cette année,
a pris la décision d'admettre l'application générale.
Je pense que c'est un résultat naturel.

Japon, le ministre de la Justice le statut de résidence accordé, subvention de visa est le ministre des Affaires étrangères. Grant critères et non la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration,
a presque devient ministre de la Justice, à la discrétion du ministre des Affaires étrangères.
Bien sûr, le refus de visa accordé et un visa d'immigration n'est pas rare.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères a refusé la raison ne pas divulguer.
Si vous êtes américain, ça pourrait être fou.
Si vous soumettez de faux documents à l'état de l'examen de la résidence,
seul le ministre de la Justice d'annuler le statut de résidence des sanctions administratives.
Une fois retiré le visa sera autorisé à quitter le pays. C'est tout!
Lorsque 就 illégale en dehors du champ d'application du statut de résidence,
a travaillé étranger est l'emprisonnement et une amende.
A travaillé avec des opérateurs est également l'emprisonnement et une amende. Cette loi n'est pas respectée.
Chinois, en soumettant un faux contrat de travail à Tokyo Bureau de l'immigration,
a été facilement obtenu le statut de résidence, pour des raisons qui peuvent être l'emploi illégal,
nous avons aidé le droit pénal qui a fourni le contrat de travail en chinois J'ai été condamné. C'est plus fou!
Pour les législateurs et le gouvernement ont fait la loi,
je me suis plaint écrit sur d'innombrables lettres et e-mail,
mais ont été ignorés. Je suis donc se sont plaints à la communauté internationale.
S'il te plaît, aide-moi.

Alors que l'Europe souffre d'un problème de l'immigration et des réfugiés, au Japon,
a été la correspondance du problème de l'immigration dans les moyens illégaux de la société occidentale est effaroucher. Veuillez vous intéresser à l'immigration illégale et à l'intervention des réfugiés au Japon. En cas
S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais.
S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! S'il vous plaît prendre comme ordre du jour même,
comme les Nations Unies et du G7, du G20.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Merci de nous aider! Sincèrement vôtre. Yasuhiro Nagano

07. Dezember 2017: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Japan, der Justizminister der Aufenthaltsstatus gew?hrt, ist Visumserteilung in dem Minister f?r ausw?rtige Angelegenheiten. Erteilen Kriterien und die Immigration Control Act Gesetz nicht hat wird fast Justizminister, dem Ermessen des Ministers f?r ausw?rtige Angelegenheiten. Verweigerung von Visa Nat?rlich gew?hrt und Einwanderungsvisum ist nicht ungew?hnlich.

07. Dezember 2017: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Nach Angaben der BBC,
das Bundesgericht,
vier Tagen ?ber die DPR,
die Trump Pr?sident der islamischen Welt und die ?ffentlichkeit ?ber den Eintritt von Nordkorea wie die acht L?nder verbieten, die im September dieses Jahres erteilt wurde eine Entscheidung getroffen, die allgemeine Durchsetzung zuzulassen. Ich denke, dass es ein nat?rliches Ergebnis ist.

Japan, der Justizminister der Aufenthaltsstatus gew?hrt,
ist Visumserteilung in dem Minister f?r ausw?rtige Angelegenheiten.
Erteilen Kriterien und die Immigration Control Act Gesetz nicht hat wird fast Justizminister,
dem Ermessen des Ministers f?r ausw?rtige Angelegenheiten.
Verweigerung von Visa Nat?rlich gew?hrt und Einwanderungsvisum ist nicht ungew?hnlich.
Der Au?enminister wird die Gr?nde f?r die Ablehnung nicht bekannt geben.
Wenn Sie ein Amerikaner sind,
k?nnte es verr?ckt sein.
Wenn Sie auf den Aufenthaltsstatus Pr?fung gef?lschter Dokumente einreichen,
nur der Justizminister den Aufenthaltsstatus als Verwaltungsstrafen aufzuheben.
Sie werden verlassen, wenn Ihr Aufenthaltsstatus aufgehoben wird.
Das ist es!
Wenn illegal 就 au?erhalb des Geltungsbereichs des Aufenthaltsstatus,
ist Ausl?nder gearbeitet Haft und eine Geldstrafe. Unternehmer,
die arbeiten,
sind ebenfalls inhaftiert und in Ordnung. Dieses Gesetz wird nicht eingehalten.
durch einen falschen Arbeitsvertrag in Tokyo Immigration Bureau Vorlage wurde leicht den Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten,
so aus Gr?nden, die illegale Besch?ftigung sein kann,
wir das Strafrecht unterst?tzt, die den Arbeitsvertrag in Chinesisch zur Verf?gung gestellt Ich wurde verurteilt.
Es ist mehr verr?ckt!
Um Gesetzgeber und Regierung das Gesetz gemacht,
ich habe beschwerte sich ?ber unz?hlige Briefe geschrieben und E-Mail,
aber ignoriert. Deshalb appelliere ich an die internationale Gemeinschaft. Bitte hilf mir.

W?hrend Europa von Immigration und Fl?chtlingsproblem leidet,
in Japan, wurde in den illegalen Mitteln der westlichen Gesellschaft die ?bereinstimmung des Einwanderungsproblems zu erschrecken ist. Bitte interessieren Sie sich f?r illegale Einwanderung und Fl?chtlingsma?nahmen in Japan.
F?r den Fall
Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanit?ren Kriminalit?t" der japanischen Regierung auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte holen Sie als Agenda auch in wie den Vereinten Nationen und der G7, G20.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgef?hrt.


Bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Gr??en.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan! Although we have already stated violation of the applicable law, we clearly discriminate foreigners as stated in the judgment document. It is human rights abuses against foreigners to declare foreigners to live in Japan if they do crime. And if foreigners can live in Japan, it is abuse of assistance to assume that foreigners commit crimes if they commit a crime, foreigners and Japanese citizens can not live with peace of mind.

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan!

2017-12-07: I will inform you today of President Trump 's mail and the world media
"Humanitarian Crime Fact series" NO: 31

In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different from
"governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.

Japan needs "governance under the law".

In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.

Because it is a human, there are errors.

If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done. However,
the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.

It is an act equal to terrorism.

This is the fact of Japan's justice.
Help me!

Since "humanitarian crime" caused
by international law violation is no longer carried out on a daily basis,
please give urgent support.
The "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "act of terror".

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.

And also to press the ICC against the terrorism problem
and North Korea 's abduction issue to condemn this problem with top priority.

If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law
and report the facts.

And please campaign to the Japanese government to do "rule under the law"!

Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

Last time, No: 30 is the continuation.

Although we have already stated violation of the applicable law,
we clearly discriminate foreigners as stated in the judgment document.

It is human rights abuses against foreigners to declare foreigners to live
in Japan if they do crime.

And if foreigners can live in Japan,
it is abuse of assistance to assume that foreigners commit crimes if they commit a crime,
foreigners and Japanese citizens can not live with peace of mind.

In relation to the illegal employment made by a foreigner,
it was not a "crime for promoting illegal employment" that
stipulated the punishment for that aid act,
but because of making it possible to live in Japan,
it was a causal relationship that made a crime,
no criminal punishment
It is illegal to abuse assistance charges to apply the criminal law "assistance crime"
on the grounds of aiding "assistance for cancellation of status of residence".

Crime of police officers, prosecutors and judges is obvious.
The crime was arrested and confined under false laws,
so it is "penal code offense of special public officer's authority" of the Penal Code.

It is "criminal charges of false charges" of criminal law because he accused
with false law. As a crime constitution reason, "willful" is not necessary.

In Japan, such crime of violation of applicable law is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.

If you apologize and restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.

However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.

It is an act equal to terrorism.

This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me! ! Next time, it continues to NO: 32.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!

Details of the incident can be found below.

I'd like to ask the President. As a world police officer,
please rescue humanitarian crimes of the Japanese government. Best regards,

(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)


To the international society's media

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.

The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!


To the media of the international community! 1st news!  I have appealed to write up letters and e-mails to the Diet members and the government that made laws, but they are being ignored. That is why I am appealing to the international community. Help me.

To the media of the international community! 1st news!

2017-12-07: Today's topic to announce to President Trump and the world media is
"Federal Court has admitted President Cardinal's immigration control bill,
Japan has a status of residence qualification examination
by the Minister of Justice and entry of foreign minister Most of them are
at the discretion of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
and most of them are at the discretion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
and the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
and of course the refusal of visa status
and immigration visa is not unusual for Americans ? "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

According to the BBC,
the US Supreme Court ruled on April 4 that the presidential decree that
President Cardamom had issued in September this year,
which prohibits the entry of citizens of eight countries such as the Islamic area
and North Korea.

Congratulations on the victory of the White House.

I think that it is a natural result.

Japan has the Minister of Justice granting status of residence
and the Minister of Foreign Affairs granting immigration visa.

Granting criteria are not laws of Immigration Control Law,
and most are at the discretion of the Minister of Justice
and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Of course it is not unusual to grant a status of residence or refusal of immigration visa.

The Foreign Minister will not disclose the reasons for refusal.

If you're an American, it might be crazy.

When submitting a false document to the status of residence qualification,
the Minister of Justice simply rescinds the status of residence as administrative penalty.

You will be departed if your status of residence is canceled. That's all!

If you are illegal when you are outside the scope of your status of residence,
the foreigner who worked was a prison sentence and a fine.

Business operators who work are also imprisonment and fine.

This law is not complied with.

We submitted a false employment agreement to Tokyo immigration office
and easily obtained the status of residence,
so we provided employment contracts to Chinese for reasons that
illegal employment was possible,
and we assisted the criminal law I was condemned. It's more crazy!

I have appealed to write up letters and e-mails to the Diet members
and the government that made laws, but they are being ignored.

That is why I am appealing to the international community.

Help me.

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.

Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media, embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)


To the media of the international community,

The above is a news article on Japanese politics, economics, society, etc.

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.


The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.

Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!



December 06, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on December 5, "The US and China are sparking again in the trade issue. The US will continue to oppose to certify China as a WTO" market economy nation "on 30th November Expressed.

December 06, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May

Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on December 5,
"The US and China are sparking again in the trade issue.
The US will continue to oppose to certify China as a WTO" market economy nation "on 30th November Expressed.
As long as China is not accepted by market economy countries and countries,
it will be subject to anti-dumping tax on Chinese products from other countries,
which will be disadvantageous for export expansion.
China shows uncomfortable feeling that treatment not recognized as a market economy country "does not exist
in WTO rules".
It is a position that it has already become a market economy from the end of last year.

The U.S. government thinks that
the Chinese government subsidizes enterprises to protect domestic manufacturers such as steelmakers
and exports products at cheap prices, but I think it is true.

I also oppose the entry of China into the WTO.
It is impossible to give the Communist party dictatorship of "market economy nation"
the Communist party dictatorship state which does not respect freedom, democracy and human rights.

Until at least purely private companies export under free competition
under the government elected
by the general election from all citizens on the premise of compliance with freedom,
democracy and human rights, and also international law,
It should not be given "certification of" market economy country ".

In addition to the United States,
Western Europe and Japan should also keep pace with the United States.

It is crazy that the economy alone and the capitalist economy
by government funds are the Communist party dictatorship.

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope with immigration problems
by illegal means. Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

05 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Phillip Chers Messieurs. Selon le Yomiuri Shimbun du 5 d?cembre, "les Etats-Unis et la Chine sont de nouveau ? l'origine du probl?me commercial. Les Etats-Unis continueront ? s'opposer ? la certification de la Chine en tant que" pays de l'?conomie de march? "le 30 novembre Exprim? Tant que la Chine ne sera pas

05 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Phillip

Chers Messieurs. Selon le Yomiuri Shimbun du 5 d?cembre, "les Etats-Unis et la Chine sont de nouveau ? l'origine du probl?me commercial. Les Etats-Unis continueront ? s'opposer ? la certification de la Chine en tant que" pays de l'?conomie de march? "le 30 novembre Exprim? Tant que la Chine ne sera pas accept?e par les pays et les pays ? ?conomie de march?, elle sera soumise ? une taxe antidumping sur les produits chinois provenant d'autres pays, ce qui sera d?savantageux pour l'expansion des exportations.
La Chine a le sentiment d?sagr?able qu'un traitement non reconnu comme un pays ? ?conomie de march? "n'existe pas dans les r?gles de l'OMC". C'est une position qui est d?j? devenue une ?conomie de march? ? la fin de l'ann?e derni?re.

Le gouvernement am?ricain pense que le gouvernement chinois subventionne les entreprises pour prot?ger les fabricants nationaux tels que les sid?rurgistes et exporte des produits ? bas prix, mais je pense que c'est vrai.
Je m'oppose ?galement ? l'entr?e de la Chine dans l'OMC. Il est impossible de donner ? la dictature du parti communiste de la ?nation de l'?conomie de march?? l'?tat de la dictature du parti communiste qui ne respecte pas la libert?, la d?mocratie et les droits de l'homme.
Jusqu'au moins les entreprises purement priv?es exportent en libre concurrence sous le gouvernement ?lu par l'?lection g?n?rale de tous les citoyens sur la pr?misse du respect de la libert?, la d?mocratie et les droits de l'homme, ainsi que le droit international, Il ne devrait pas ?tre donn? ?certification de" pays de l'?conomie de march? ".
En plus des ?tats-Unis, l'Europe occidentale et le Japon devraient ?galement suivre le rythme des ?tats-Unis.
Il est fou que l'?conomie seule et l'?conomie capitaliste avec des fonds gouvernementaux soient la dictature du parti communiste.

??Alors que l'Europe souffre de probl?mes d'immigration et de r?fugi?s, dans les pays occidentaux, la soci?t? en Europe occidentale est stup?faite de faire face aux probl?mes d'immigration par des moyens ill?gaux.
Veuillez vous int?resser ? l'immigration ill?gale et ? l'intervention des r?fugi?s au Japon. En cas
S'il vous pla?t, sauvez le ?crime humanitaire? du gouvernement japonais.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Merci de nous aider! Sinc?rement v?tre.


6. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 5. Dezember nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, ?die Vereinigten Staaten und China wieder in Handelsfragen entfachen verstreut. Die Vereinigten Staaten am 30. November in China zertifiziert werden zu“

6. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 5. Dezember nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, ?die Vereinigten Staaten und China wieder in Handelsfragen entfachen verstreut. Die Vereinigten Staaten am 30. November in China zertifiziert werden zu“ Marktwirtschaft ?der WTO, und werden auch weiterhin zu widersetzen Ausgedr?ckt. China, es sei denn aus Marktwirtschaft L?ndern zu beobachten und international, von einem Staat gefolgt, die von der Antidumpingsteuer auf chinesische Produkte aus anderen L?ndern multipliziert zu werden neigt, die zur Ausweitung der Exporte von Nachteil ist.
China zeigt das unangenehme Gef?hl, dass eine Behandlung, die nicht als Marktwirtschaftsland anerkannt ist, "in den WTO-Regeln nicht existiert". Es ist eine Position, dass es bereits Ende letzten Jahres zu einer Marktwirtschaft geworden ist.

Die US-Regierung hat die chinesische Regierung eine Subvention an Unternehmen ausgegeben, um die inl?ndischen Hersteller wie Stahltr?ger zu sch?tzen, aber erwartet, dass auf einem g?nstigen Preis das Produkt exportierte haben, denke ich, dass es die Stra?e ist.
Ich bin auch gegen den Beitritt Chinas zur WTO. In der Kommunistischen Partei Diktatur, Freiheit und Demokratie, und die Kommunistischen Partei Diktatur noch Achtung der Menschenrechte Zertifizierung der ?Marktwirtschaft L?nder“ gegeben wird, gibt es nicht zumutbar.
Zumindest, Freiheit und Demokratie und Menschenrechte, die weitere Annahme, dass mit dem V?lkerrecht erf?llen, bis unter einer Regierung, die in allgemeinen Wahlen von all Volk gew?hlt wurde, ist rein private Unternehmen unter dem freien Wettbewerb zu exportieren, Es sollte nicht "Zertifizierung von" Marktwirtschaftsland "gegeben werden."
Neben den USA sollten auch Westeuropa und Japan mit den USA Schritt halten.
Es ist verr?ckt, dass die Wirtschaft allein und die kapitalistische Wirtschaft mit staatlichen Mitteln die Diktatur der kommunistischen Partei ist.

??W?hrend Europa unter Einwanderungs- und Fl?chtlingsproblemen leidet, ist die Gesellschaft in Westeuropa in den westlichen L?ndern verbl?fft, um Immigrationsprobleme mit illegalen Mitteln zu bew?ltigen. Bitte interessieren Sie sich f?r illegale Einwanderung und Fl?chtlingsma?nahmen in Japan. F?r den Fall
Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanit?ren Kriminalit?t" der japanischen Regierung auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgef?hrt.


Bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Gr??en.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan! 2017-12-06: I will inform you today of President Trump 's e - mail and the world media etc "Factual series of humanitarian crimes" NO: 30

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan!

2017-12-06: I will inform you today of President Trump 's e - mail and the world media etc
"Factual series of humanitarian crimes" NO: 30

In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.

Japan needs "governance under the law".

In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.

If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.

However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.

This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!

Since "humanitarian crime" caused
by international law violation is no longer carried out on a daily basis,
please give urgent support.

The "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "act of terror".

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.

And also to press the ICC against the terrorism problem
and North Korea 's abduction issue to condemn this problem with top priority.

If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law
and report the facts.

And please campaign to the Japanese government to do "rule under the law"!

Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

It is the continuation of No: 29 last time. In case

In 2015, in Osaka, a Chinese international student
whose status of residence is "study abroad" was hostessed
and criminalized as "illegal employment crime (activity outside the status of residence)"
became "deportation" but as unjust We have fought in trial and are innocent.

The reason for the judgment at this time is that
it is not the Immigration Act Principle (law) but the by-law (the ministerial ordinance) that
it does not permit working hours restriction of 28 hours a week
or "non-qualified employment" in sex business as a non-qualification activity ,
He dismissed prosecution as not being in violation of the law.

In case
The number of charges written
in the indictment (reason why it is a crime) is the fact that
the provision of the provisions of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act (withdrawal
of status of residence against false documents submission) is stated.

This is a violation of application law contrary to law logic.
If the facts stated are true,
that sin is an aid to the Immigration Act's Article 22,
4-4 (Rescission of Status of Residence for False Documents).

In addition, we will attach an employment contract to the application for change
of status of residence, but the submission of "Employment Agreement" is not stipulated
in Immigration Control Act
but we are only requesting submission of employment contract by section manager.

Therefore, there is no basis to punish the Employment Agreement as submitted
by the section manager, which is neither a law nor a ministerial order,
as the content is false.

We will act silently for any self-punishment for self-satisfaction.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me! ! In case

Next time, it continues to NO: 31.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!

Details of the incident can be found below.

I'd like to ask the President. As a world police officer,
please rescue humanitarian crimes of the Japanese government. Best regards,

(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)


To the international society's media

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.

The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!


To the media of the international community! 1st news! 2017-12-06: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump and the world media and the like should be "Not only America but Western Europe and Japan should keep pace with the United States

To the media of the international community! 1st news!

2017-12-06: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump 
and the world media and the like should be 
"Not only America but Western Europe and Japan should keep pace with the United States 
and certify China as a" market economy country " There is none. "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on December 5,
"The US and China are sparking again in the trade issue.

The US will continue to oppose to certify China as a WTO" market economy country "on 30th November Expressed.
As long as China is not accepted by market economy countries and countries,
it will be subject to anti-dumping tax on Chinese products from other countries,
which will be disadvantageous for export expansion.

China shows uncomfortable feeling that treatment not recognized as a market economy country
"does not exist in WTO rules".
It is a position that it has already become a market economy from the end of last year.

The U.S. government thinks that
the Chinese government subsidizes enterprises to protect domestic manufacturers such as steelmakers
and exports products at cheap prices, but I think it is true.

I also oppose the entry of China into the WTO.
It is impossible to give the Communist party dictatorship of "market economy nation"
the Communist party dictatorship state which does not respect freedom,
democracy and human rights.

Until at least purely private companies export under free competition under the government elected
by the general election from all citizens on the premise of compliance with freedom,
democracy and human rights, and also international law,
It should not be given "certification of" market economy country ".

In addition to the United States,
Western Europe and Japan should also keep pace with the United States.

It is crazy that the economy alone and the capitalist economy
by government funds are the Communist party dictatorship.

President Trump, Gambare!

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.

Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.

(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media, embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)


To the media of the international community,

The above is a news article on Japanese politics, economics, society, etc.

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.


The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.

Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!



December 05, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister Dear sirs. According to CNN, US Treasury Secretary Tillson announced on 3 that it announced the withdrawal from the "New York Declaration" that set out support for refugees and immigrants to the United Nations. The declaration claims to infringe the sovereignty of the United States.

December 05, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister

Dear sirs. According to CNN, 
US Treasury Secretary Tillson announced on 3 that it announced the withdrawal 
from the "New York Declaration" that set out support 
for refugees and immigrants to the United Nations. 
The declaration claims to infringe the sovereignty of the United States.

The New York Declaration defends refugees and immigrants against discrimination and violence,
the rights of immigrants, supports settlement,
It was summarized last year for the purpose of guaranteeing education
and employment, and the United States has participated from the beginning as well.

The Declaration aims to adopt international agreements on refugees and immigrants by next year.

An international conference on immigration issues will begin in Mexico from 4th.

However, there is no meaning of the "New York Declaration" unless America
with many refugee / immigrant acceptance participates.

I can understand American claims, but it is regrettable to withdraw
from the United States as Riceik chairman of the UN General Assembly says.
I think that international refugee / immigration problems can not be handled only in one country.
Please rethink President Trump. We should talk over again in each country.

Japan ratifies the treaties, etc.,
but it does not practice, it is a country without cowardice.
I think that Japan should not ratify if it can not keep it.
Japan is not very "New York Declaration" level.

Japan is easy to enter the country legally, uses it as an inexpensive labor force,
and expels it as a criminal if it becomes unnecessary.
Each country should investigate and condemn the correspondence of immigrant refugees in Japan,
referring to the following.

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope with immigration problems
by illegal means.
Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case

Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

05. Dezember 2017: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Laut CNN gab US-Finanzminister Tillson am 3. bekannt, dass es den R?ckzug aus der "New York Declaration" angek?ndigt habe, die Unterst?tzung f?r Fl?chtlinge und Einwanderer bei den Vereinten Nationen vorsehe. Die Erkl?rung behauptet, die Souver?nit?t der Vereinigten Staaten zu verletzen.

05. Dezember 2017: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Laut CNN gab US-Finanzminister Tillson am 3. bekannt, dass es den R?ckzug aus der "New York Declaration" angek?ndigt habe, die Unterst?tzung f?r Fl?chtlinge und Einwanderer bei den Vereinten Nationen vorsehe. Die Erkl?rung behauptet, die Souver?nit?t der Vereinigten Staaten zu verletzen.
Die New Yorker Erkl?rung verteidigt Fl?chtlinge und Einwanderer vor Diskriminierung und Gewalt, den Rechten von Einwanderern, unterst?tzt die Niederlassung,
Es wurde letztes Jahr zusammengefasst, um Bildung und Besch?ftigung zu garantieren, und die Vereinigten Staaten haben von Anfang an mitgemacht.
Die Erkl?rung zielt darauf ab, bis n?chstes Jahr internationale Abkommen ?ber Fl?chtlinge und Einwanderer zu verabschieden.
Eine internationale Konferenz ?ber Einwanderungsfragen wird in Mexiko vom 4. bis zum 4. September beginnen.
Es gibt jedoch keine Bedeutung der "New York Declaration", es sei denn, Amerika mit vielen Fl?chtlingen / Einwanderern nimmt daran teil.

Ich kann amerikanische Behauptungen verstehen, aber es ist bedauerlich, sich aus den Vereinigten Staaten zur?ckzuziehen, wie Reikiks Vorsitzender der UN-Generalversammlung sagt. Ich denke, dass internationale Fl?chtlings- / Einwanderungsprobleme nicht nur in einem Land behandelt werden k?nnen. Bitte ?berdenken Sie Pr?sident Trump. Wir sollten in jedem Land noch einmal reden.
Japan ratifiziert die Vertr?ge usw., aber es praktiziert nicht, es ist ein Land ohne Feigheit. Ich denke, Japan sollte nicht ratifizieren, wenn es es nicht halten kann. Japan ist nicht sehr "New York Declaration" -Ebene.
Japan ist leicht legal in das Land einzureisen, benutzt es als billige Arbeitskraft und vertreibt es als Verbrecher, wenn es unn?tig wird. Jedes Land sollte die Korrespondenz von Fl?chtlingsfl?chtlingen in Japan untersuchen und verurteilen, wobei es sich auf Folgendes bezieht.

W?hrend Europa unter Einwanderungs- und Fl?chtlingsproblemen leidet, ist die Gesellschaft in Westeuropa in den westlichen L?ndern verbl?fft, um Immigrationsprobleme mit illegalen Mitteln zu bew?ltigen. Bitte interessieren Sie sich f?r illegale Einwanderung und Fl?chtlingsma?nahmen in Japan. F?r den Fall
Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanit?ren Kriminalit?t" der japanischen Regierung auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgef?hrt.


Bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Gr??en.

Yasuhiro Nagano

05 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Phillip Chers Messieurs. Selon CNN, le D?partement d'Etat de Tillerson Secr?taire 3 jours, l'ONU a annonc? qu'elle avait notifi? le retrait du soutien d?termin? des r?fugi?s et des immigrants ? New York D?claration ?. La d?claration pr?tend porter atteinte ? la souverainet? des ?tats-Unis.

05 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Phillip

Chers Messieurs. Selon CNN, le D?partement d'Etat de Tillerson Secr?taire 3 jours, l'ONU a annonc? qu'elle avait notifi? le retrait du soutien d?termin? des r?fugi?s et des immigrants ? New York D?claration ?. La d?claration pr?tend porter atteinte ? la souverainet? des ?tats-Unis.
La D?claration de New York d?fend les r?fugi?s et les immigr?s contre la discrimination et la violence, les droits des immigrants, soutient le r?glement,
Remont? l'ann?e derni?re pour assurer l'objectif de l'?ducation et de l'emploi, les ?tats-Unis avaient ?galement particip? d?s le d?but.
La d?claration vise ? adopter des accords internationaux sur les r?fugi?s et les immigrants d'ici l'ann?e prochaine.
Une conf?rence internationale sur les questions d'immigration commencera au Mexique ? partir du 4?me.
Cependant, sans la participation de l'acceptation par les Etats-Unis des r?fugi?s et des immigrants souvent, il n'y a pas de sens de la ? D?claration de New York ?.

Bien que je puisse comprendre les all?gations des ?tats-Unis, disant que l'Assembl?e g?n?rale des Nations Unies du pr?sident Raichaku, il est regrettable aux ?tats-Unis de retrait. Je pense que les probl?mes internationaux de r?fugi?s / immigration ne peuvent pas ?tre trait?s dans un seul pays. S'il vous pla?t repenser le pr?sident Trump. Nous devrions parler ? nouveau dans chaque pays.
Japon, comme la Convention mais ratifi?e, est la l?chet? aucun pays qui ne fonctionne pas. Je pense que le Japon ne devrait pas ratifier s'il ne peut pas le conserver. Le Japon n'est pas tr?s au niveau de la "D?claration de New York".
Le Japon est facile ? entrer dans le pays l?galement, l'utilise comme une main-d'?uvre peu co?teuse, et l'expulse comme un criminel si cela devient inutile. La correspondance de l'immigration et du statut de r?fugi? du Japon, en r?f?rence ? ce qui suit, chaque pays devrait ?tre condamn? ? une enqu?te.

Alors que l'Europe souffre de probl?mes d'immigration et de r?fugi?s, dans les pays occidentaux, la soci?t? en Europe occidentale est stup?faite de faire face aux probl?mes d'immigration par des moyens ill?gaux.
Veuillez vous int?resser ? l'immigration ill?gale et ? l'intervention des r?fugi?s au Japon. En cas
S'il vous pla?t, sauvez le ?crime humanitaire? du gouvernement japonais.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Merci de nous aider! Sinc?rement v?tre.

Yasuhiro Nagano

December 05, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister Dear sirs. According to CNN, US Treasury Secretary Tillson announced on 3 that it announced the withdrawal from the "New York Declaration" that set out support for refugees and immigrants to the United Nations. The declaration claims to infringe the sovereignty of the United States.

December 05, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister

Dear sirs. According to CNN, 
US Treasury Secretary Tillson announced on 3 that it announced the withdrawal 
from the "New York Declaration" that set out support 
for refugees and immigrants to the United Nations. 
The declaration claims to infringe the sovereignty of the United States.

The New York Declaration defends refugees and immigrants against discrimination and violence,
the rights of immigrants, supports settlement,
It was summarized last year for the purpose of guaranteeing education
and employment, and the United States has participated from the beginning as well.

The Declaration aims to adopt international agreements on refugees and immigrants by next year.

An international conference on immigration issues will begin in Mexico from 4th.

However, there is no meaning of the "New York Declaration" unless America
with many refugee / immigrant acceptance participates.

I can understand American claims, but it is regrettable to withdraw
from the United States as Riceik chairman of the UN General Assembly says.
I think that international refugee / immigration problems can not be handled only in one country.
Please rethink President Trump. We should talk over again in each country.

Japan ratifies the treaties, etc.,
but it does not practice, it is a country without cowardice.
I think that Japan should not ratify if it can not keep it.
Japan is not very "New York Declaration" level.

Japan is easy to enter the country legally, uses it as an inexpensive labor force,
and expels it as a criminal if it becomes unnecessary.
Each country should investigate and condemn the correspondence of immigrant refugees in Japan,
referring to the following.

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope with immigration problems
by illegal means.
Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case

Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan! 2017-12-05: Today we will inform you of trump president e-mail, world media etc. "Fact series of human crime" NO: 29

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan!

2017-12-05: Today we will inform you of trump president e-mail, world media etc.
"Fact series of human crime" NO: 29
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated. Japan needs "governance under the law".

In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event. Because it is a human, there are errors. If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you, it can be said that governance under the law is done. However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law. It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!

Since "humanitarian crime" caused by international law violation is no longer carried out on a daily basis, please give urgent support.The "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "act of terror".

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC, but please also support international society.
And also to press the ICC against the terrorism problem and North Korea 's abduction issue to condemn this problem with top priority.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts. And please campaign to the Japanese government to do "rule under the law"!
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
It is the continuation of No: 28 last time. In case
It is clear that if you work within the scope of your status of residence, you will not be illegally employed, even if you obtain the status of residence of international and technical skills and humanities at the discretion of the Minister of Justice as described above, "Contents false employment contract".
Therefore it is clear that there is no relationship between 'false employment contract' and illegal employment and 'illegal employment of qualified activities'.
It is clear that they became illegal workers are the responsibility of employers who employed and worked foreigners with status of residence without the qualification to work.
As legislative purport of the Immigration Control Act, aiding and promoting acts against illegal employment are illegal unless they are disposed as stipulated in "illegal employment promotion crime".
Furthermore, the application of assistance criminal is arbitrary illegal contrary to the logic of the law which abused the assistance crime.

In the Japanese judicial system, there is a "retrial request system", but due to the reason of "application error mistake", we can not request it. However, when a crime such as a police officer involved in the incident is confirmed, you can request a retrial.
Crime of police officers, prosecutors and judges is obvious. That sin,
Because it was arrested and captured though it did not become any crime, it is the criminal law "abuse of special officials' official abilities."
It is "criminal charges of false charges" of the criminal law because he accused us to impose punishment for false reasons without being a crime at all. As a crime constitution reason, "willful" is not necessary.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me! ! Next time, we will continue to NO: 30.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law) by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
Details of the incident can be found below.
I'd like to ask the President. As a world police officer, please rescue humanitarian crimes of the Japanese government. Best regards,
(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)


To the international society's media

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.

The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!


To the media of the international community! 1st news! 2017-12-05: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trumps and the media of the world is "Japan ratifies conventions etc. but it is a country without fear of doing it, if Japan can not protect, Japan should ratify Japan is not very "New York Declaration" level. "

To the media of the international community! 1st news!

2017-12-05: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trumps and the media of the world is 
"Japan ratifies conventions etc. but it is a country without fear of doing it, 
if Japan can not protect, Japan should ratify Japan is not very "New York Declaration" level. "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

According to CNN,
US Treasury Secretary Tillson announced on 3 that it announced the withdrawal
from the "New York Declaration" that set out support
for refugees and immigrants to the United Nations.

The declaration claims to infringe the sovereignty of the United States.

The New York Declaration defends refugees and immigrants against discrimination and violence,
the rights of immigrants, supports settlement,
It was summarized last year for the purpose of guaranteeing education and employment,
and the United States has participated from the beginning as well.

The Declaration aims to adopt international agreements on refugees and immigrants by next year.

An international conference on immigration issues will begin in Mexico from 4th.

However, there is no meaning of the "New York Declaration" unless America
with many refugee / immigrant acceptance participates.

I can understand American claims,
but it is regrettable to withdraw
from the United States as Riceik chairman of the UN General Assembly says.

I think that international refugee / immigration problems can not be handled only in one country.
Please rethink President Trump.

We should talk over again in each country.

Japan ratifies the treaties, etc., but it does not practice,
it is a country without cowardice.

I think that Japan should not ratify if it can not keep it.
Japan is not very "New York Declaration" level.

Japan is easy to enter the country legally,
uses it as an inexpensive labor force, and expels it as a criminal if it becomes unnecessary.

Each country should investigate and condemn the correspondence of immigrant refugees in Japan,
referring to the following.

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.

Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.

Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.

Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)


To the media of the international community,

The above is a news article on Japanese politics, economics, society, etc.

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.


The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.

Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!



4 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Eduard E. Phillip Chers Messieurs. J'?cris le fait que le traitement juridique des immigr?s et des r?fugi?s est tr?s diff?rent entre l'Europe occidentale et le Japon.

4 d?cembre 2017: Honorable Premier ministre fran?ais Eduard E. Phillip

Chers Messieurs. J'?cris le fait que le traitement juridique des immigr?s et des r?fugi?s est tr?s diff?rent entre l'Europe occidentale et le Japon.
Il y a un article int?ressant dans le journal du soir japonais 'Evening Gundami'. Un magasin de ramen populaire "Ichiran" a ?t? enqu?t? par la police pr?fectorale d'Osaka le 29 novembre. "Une femme vietnamienne qui travaillait ? temps partiel dans une orchid?e a re?u une question d'emploi d'un policier en mai et un emploi ill?gal a ?t? d?couvert." "La femme a ?t? arr?t?e pour avoir viol? la Loi sur le contr?le de l'immigration avant le 29, et Ichiran a ?galement ?t? recherch? pour une maison soup?onn?e d'avoir enfreint la loi sur les mesures d'emploi, qu'il a n?glig? de notifier."

C'est le fait que le Japon n'est pas r?gi par la loi. La punition de la loi sur le contr?le de l'immigration est la suivante.
Les femmes vietnamiennes qui travaillent ill?galement sont l'article 73 de la loi sur l'immigration (d?lit d'emploi ill?gal).
Les soci?t?s et les employ?s du magasin de ramen "Ichiran" qui travaillent ill?galement sont s?v?rement punis par la Loi sur l'immigration, article 73-2 (crime de promotion de l'emploi ill?gal). Cependant, selon l'article, des femmes vietnamiennes ont ?t? arr?t?es. Cependant, le directeur de l'emploi du magasin de ramen "Ichiran" n'a pas ?t? arr?t?.

C'est la routine quotidienne de l'administration judiciaire japonaise. Parce qu'il ne punit que les ?trangers, il s'agitclairement d'une violation du droit international. C'est parce que l'administration judiciaire japonaise ?volue dans une ?structure d'adh?sion?. J'ignore le membre de la Di?te qui a l?gif?r? cela. "Le contr?le en vertu de la loi est le port de la merde." S'il vous pla?t, condamnez le Japon ? "r?gner sous la loi"!

Alors que l'Europe souffre de probl?mes d'immigration et de r?fugi?s, dans les pays occidentaux, la soci?t? en Europe occidentale est stup?faite de faire face aux probl?mes d'immigration par des moyens ill?gaux.
S'il vous pla?t int?ress? ? l'immigration clandestine et le soutien des r?fugi?s du Japon. En cas
S'il vous pla?t, sauvez le ?crime humanitaire? du gouvernement japonais.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.


S'il vous pla?t nous aider! Sinc?rement v?tre.

Yasuhiro Nagano

4. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren. Ich schreibe die Tatsache, dass die rechtliche Behandlung von Einwanderern und Fl?chtlingen in Westeuropa und Japan sehr unterschiedlich ist.

4. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren. Ich schreibe die Tatsache, 
dass die rechtliche Behandlung von Einwanderern und Fl?chtlingen 
in Westeuropa und Japan sehr unterschiedlich ist.
Es gibt einen interessanten Artikel
in der japanischen Abendzeitung 'Abend Gundami'. Am 29. November wurde von der Pr?fekturpolizei von Osaka ein beliebter Ramenladen "Ichiran" untersucht. "Eine vietnamesische Frau,
die Teilzeit in einer Orchidee arbeitete, erhielt im Mai eine Jobfrage von einem Polizeibeamten und eine illegale Besch?ftigung wurde entdeckt." "Die Frau wurde wegen Versto?es gegen das Immigration Control Act bis zum 29. festgenommen, undIchiran wurde auch nach einem Haus gesucht, das den Verdacht hatte, gegen das Gesetz ?ber Besch?ftigungsma?nahmen versto?en zu haben.

Dies ist die Tatsache, dass Japan nicht gesetzlich geregelt ist. Bestrafung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes ist wie folgt.
Vietnam-Frauen, die illegal arbeiten, sind Artikel 73 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes (illegal employment crime).
Unternehmen und Angestellte des Ramen-Shops "Ichiran", die illegal gearbeitet haben, werden durch das Zuwanderungsgesetz, Artikel 73-2 (illegale Arbeitsverhinderungskriminalit?t), schwer bestraft. Laut dem Artikel wurden jedoch vietnamesische Frauen verhaftet. Der Arbeitsleiter des Ramenladens "Ichiran" wurde jedoch nicht verhaftet.

Dies ist die t?gliche Routine der japanischen Justizverwaltung. Weil es nur Ausl?nder bestraft, ist es eindeutig eine Verletzung des V?lkerrechts. Dies liegt daran, dass sich die japanische Justizverwaltung in der "Adh?sionsstruktur" bewegt. Ich ignoriere das Parlamentsmitglied, das dies gesetzlich festlegt. "Kontrolle unter dem Gesetz ist Schei?tragen." Bitte verurteile Japan, "unter dem Gesetz zu herrschen"!

W?hrend Europa unter Einwanderungs- und Fl?chtlingsproblemen leidet, ist die Gesellschaft in Westeuropa in den westlichen L?ndern verbl?fft, um Immigrationsprobleme mit illegalen Mitteln zu bew?ltigen. Bitte interessieren Sie sich f?r illegale Einwanderung und Fl?chtlingshilfe in Japan. F?r den Fall
Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanit?ren Kriminalit?t" der japanischen Regierung auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgef?hrt.


Bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Gr??en.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano

December 4, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister Dear sirs. I write the fact that legal treatment for immigrants and refugees is very different between Western Europe and Japan.

December 4, 2017: Honorable Prime Minister Terrysa May, British Prime Minister

Dear sirs. I write the fact that legal treatment for immigrants 
and refugees is very different between Western Europe and Japan.

There is an interesting article in the Japanese evening paper 'Evening Gundami'.
A popular ramen shop "Ichiran" was investigated
by the Osaka prefectural police on November 29. "A Vietnamese woman
who was working part-time in an orchid received a job question
from a police officer in May and illegal employment was discovered."

"The woman was arrested for violating the Immigration Control Act
by 29th, and Ichiran was also searched for a house
on suspicion of violating the Employment Measures Law,
which he neglected to file necessary notifications."

This is the fact that Japan is not governed under the law.
Punishment of Immigration Control Act is as follows.

Vietnam women who work illegally are Article 73 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment crime).
Corporations and employees of ramen shop "Ichiran"
who illegally worked are severely penalized for criminal penalty
by the Immigration Act, Article 73-2 (illegal employment promotion crime).
However, according to the article, Vietnamese women have been arrested.

However, the employment manager of the ramen shop "Ichiran" has not been arrested.

This is the daily routine of Japanese judicial administration.

Because it punishes only foreigners,
it is clearly an international law violation.

This is because Japanese judicial administration is moving in "adhesion structure".
I ignore the Diet member who legislated this.

"Control under the law is shit wearing."

Please condemn Japan to "rule under the law"!

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope
with immigration problems by illegal means.

Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan.
In case
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.


Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan! 2017-12-04: Today, I will inform you of the trump presidential mail and the world media etc. "Factual series of humanitarian crimes" NO: 28

To the media of the international society! 2nd news from Japan!

2017-12-04: Today, I will inform you of the trump presidential mail and the world media etc.
"Factual series of humanitarian crimes" NO: 28

In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different from
"governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".

In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.

However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.

This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!

Since "humanitarian crime" caused
by international law violation is no longer carried out on a daily basis,
please give urgent support.
The "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "act of terror".

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.

And also to press the ICC against the terrorism problem
and North Korea 's abduction issue to condemn this problem with top priority.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please campaign to the Japanese government to do "rule under the law"!

Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

It is the continuation of No: 27 last time.

The Tokyo Immigration Bureau had guided us as follows. In case

1) If the status of residence qualification is satisfied with "diploma" etc.
and there is expert knowledge, he instructed foreigners as follows.
If employment company is inappropriate or employment contract is false etc,
foreign nationals are asked to change employment contract company and reapply.
And please accept the alien to the receiving company. That fact is there.

2) Foreign residents who have engaged
in employment contracts are not required to enter the company
with their status of residence,
even if they do not enter the company,
the status of residence is granted to foreigners,
and after grant, they are free to work anywhere within the status of residence.
Just because you have issued an employment contract,
you should not force your employment.

3) After acquiring the status of residence,
foreigners can find employment within a certain period of time
and find employment,
without having to immediately cancel the status of residence even if
they can not join the employment contract company.
There is no obligation to hire employment contracts even if they are issued.

Therefore, it can not be said that
it promoted illegal employment outside the status of qualification. Also,
there is no cause-and-effect relationship between assisting acts to obtain status of residence
and illegal work.

If judiciary administration collaborates,
general public can not compete with applicable law violation.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me! !

Next time, we will continue to NO: 29.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
Details of the incident can be found below.

I'd like to ask the President.
As a world police officer, please rescue humanitarian crimes of the Japanese government.
Best regards,

(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)


To the international society's media

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.

The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!


To the media of the international community! 1st news! 2017-12-04: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump and the world media is "I have found a illegal employment of a Vietnamese woman, a Vietnamese woman has been arrested, but a ramen shop" Ichiran " Employment manager is not arrested. "

To the media of the international community! 1st news!

2017-12-04: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump and the world media is 
"I have found a illegal employment of a Vietnamese woman, 
a Vietnamese woman has been arrested, but a ramen shop" Ichiran " Employment manager is not arrested. "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

There is an interesting article in the Japanese evening paper 'Evening Gundami'.

A popular ramen shop "Ichiran" was investigated
by the Osaka prefectural police on November 29.
"A Vietnamese woman who was working part-time in an orchid received a job question
from a police officer in May and illegal employment was discovered." "

The woman was arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration Control Act by the 29th,
and Ichiran was searched for a house on suspicion of violating the Employment Measures Law,
which he neglected to file necessary notifications. "

This is the fact that Japan is not governed under the law.
Punishment of Immigration Control Act is as follows.

Vietnam women who work illegally are Article 73 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment crime).
Corporations and employees of ramen shop "Ichiran"
who illegally worked are severely penalized for criminal penalty
by the Immigration Act, Article 73-2 (illegal employment promotion crime).
However, according to the article, Vietnamese women have been arrested.
However, the employment manager of the ramen shop "Ichiran" has not been arrested.

This is the daily routine of Japanese judicial administration.
Because it punishes only foreigners,
it is clearly an international law violation.

This is because Japanese judicial administration is moving in "adhesion structure".
I ignore the Diet member who legislated this.
"Control under the law is shit wearing."

The aim of this article is that "people concerned with food
and drink industry are tough every time."
"I do not care about illegal work, I do not have any problem with restaurants".

Please condemn Japan to "rule under the law"!

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.

(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)


To the media of the international community,

The above is a news article on Japanese politics, economics, society, etc.

Please report the illegal "humanitarian problem" of the Japanese government!

President Trump will issue the North Korean Japanese abduction issue as a "humanitarian problem" in the United Nations.
There is no "good" "bad" for abduction.

Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.


The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.

Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)


For uncertainties, please contact us!



إلى وسائل الإعلام من المجتمع الدولي! 2017-12-01: موضوع اليوم أن يعلن لرئيس ترامب ووسائل الإعلام العالمية وغيرها "" كان رسمت الطين على وجهه، "شي جين بينغ تاو، تهتز أقصى من الغضب! تماما مثل الصين، لا يمكننا تحمله. كوريا الشمالية كيم رونغ-غون هو وجه واثق [الوجه المفاخرة]. " محتوى البريد الإلكتروني اليوم هو كما يلي.

إلى وسائل الإعلام من المجتمع الدولي!

2017-12-01: موضوع اليوم أن يعلن لرئيس ترامب ووسائل الإعلام العالمية وغيرها
"" كان رسمت الطين على وجهه، "شي جين بينغ تاو، تهتز أقصى من الغضب!
تماما مثل الصين، لا يمكننا تحمله. كوريا الشمالية كيم رونغ-غون هو وجه واثق [الوجه المفاخرة]. "

محتوى البريد الإلكتروني اليوم هو كما يلي.

سيدي العزيز، أنا اليابانية. احترم الرئيس العظيم.

وفقا لسانكي شيمبون، شي جين بينغ تاو هذا الشهر، ولكن لم يسمح لهم بزيارة إلى كوريا الشمالية مبعوثا خاصا له،
وقد فشل الاجتماع مع كيم جونغ ايل رئيس حزب العمال الكورى "كان وجهى موحلة". وهناك.

"الوجه كان موحلة" = [رسمت الطين على الوجه]

تعبيرات مماثلة هي أن تفعل الأشياء التي تؤذي الفخر من المعارضين · الحصول على الإهانة · التقليل من تقديرها · التقليل من شأنها
· محقر · محقر · ينظر إلى أسفل · ينظر طفيفة · بالأسى خفيف · تعتبر أقل شأنا
· محقر · نزيد · يمسح · يمسح تماما · بحثت بالكامل
· يمكن أن تؤذي بك الكبرياء · تحصل على الإذلال · أنت عار · أنت مهين · موسد
· علاج طفيفة · أذل · رسمت مع الطين على الوجه · تداس من الكبرياء · يضر الفخر
· أنت تدوس بالفخر. وهلم جرا.

شرق آسيا هو عالم الفكر الكونفوشيوسية. الكونفوشيوسية تهتم بالعلاقة الهرمية.

من وجهة نظر الصين، كوريا الشمالية ليست على قدم المساواة، بل هو بلد تابع.

وأقنعت المبعوث بإرساله إلى كوريا الشمالية، لكن كوريا الشمالية لم تتطابق مع الصواريخ.
لهذا السبب "وجهي كان موحلة".

"أنا رسمت الطين على وجهه،" شي جين بينغ تاو، تهتز أقصى من الغضب!

أما بالنسبة للصين، في وقت مبكر من وصول الشتاء على نطاق كامل،
وبطبيعة الحال، فإن تعزيز قيود التصدير على النفط فضلا عن الحظر المفروض على النفط الخام يرتبط ارتباطا مباشرا بحياة المواطنين، لذلك لا يمكنني الوصول إلى ذلك.
الشعب الكوري الشمالي الذي لا يستطيع العيش سيصبح لاجئا واندفاع إلى الصين!

أنا في ورطة الآن الصين! شي جين بينغ هو جينتاو!

ومرة اخرى، اعترف كيم رونغ -
الوجه الذي حاولت القيام به. الوجه الذي يبدو جيدا. وجه تباهى. هو.

منذ الرئيس ترامب هو صفقة كبيرة، يرجى البقاء فاسي! الرئيس ترامب، غامبار!

يرجى دعم الجرائم الإنسانية من قبل الدولة اليابانية.
ليس فقط القانون الياباني ولكن انتهاك القانون الدولي.

ليس فقط لي ولكن الكثير من الأجانب مثل الصينيين والفلبينيين يجري التضحية.
يرجى حفظ من "الجريمة الإنسانية" من قبل الحكومة اليابانية.
وفيما يلي الوثائق التي ستقدم إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية. http://oyazimirai.hatenadiary.jp/archive/category/%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B%E5%88%91%E4%BA%8B%E8%A3%81%E5%88%A4%E6%89%80%EF%BC%88%EF%BC%A9%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%89%E7%94%B3%E7%AB%8B%E3%81%A6

الرئيس ترامب، غونبار. ويرجى مساعدتنا! مع خالص التقدير.

(يتم توزيع هذا البريد الإلكتروني أيضا على وسائل الإعلام العالمية، والسفارات في العالم، والسياسيين، وما إلى ذلك)

************************************************** ****************

وبالنسبة لوسائط الإعلام في المجتمع الدولي،

ما ورد أعلاه مقالة إخبارية عن السياسة اليابانية، والاقتصاد، والمجتمع، وما إلى ذلك.

يرجى الإبلاغ عن "المشكلة الإنسانية" غير القانونية للحكومة اليابانية!

سيصدر الرئيس ترامب قضية الاختطاف اليابانية الكورية الشمالية باعتبارها "مشكلة انسانية" فى الامم المتحدة.
لا يوجد "جيد" "سيء" للاختطاف.

كما يجب مراعاة قضايا حقوق الإنسان التي تتعارض مع القانون الدولي للحكومة اليابانية في الأمم المتحدة.

وأعتقد أن عمل الدولة على انتهاك حقوق الإنسان غير المشروعة وغير القانونية يدعو الإرهاب.
ويجب أن يحكم العالم بموجب القانون، استنادا إلى القانون الدولي.

من فضلك، يرجى دعم.
ودعونا القضاء على الإرهاب من العالم!

يتم تحميل جميع المعلومات إلى هب التالية.


أولا وقبل كل شيء، نود أن نقابل المحكمة الجنائية الدولية.

إن ما ذكر أعلاه، الرئيس ترامب، سفارة اليابان في طوكيو، المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان، المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، أعضاء النظام الغذائي، وسائل الإعلام في العالم،
أرسلت عبر البريد الإلكتروني إلى منظمات العمل اليابانية والمنظمات الاقتصادية وغيرها.

منذ أنا البريد الإلكتروني كل يوم، يرجى الإبلاغ باهتمام.

ياسوهيرو ناغانو

ويمكن الاطلاع على الوثائق التي ستقدم إلى المحكمة الجنائية الدولية أدناه (إيسك)!
(غير منشورة بشكل عام)


للحصول على الشكوك، يرجى الاتصال بنا!

¡A los medios de comunicación de la comunidad internacional! ¡1ª noticia! 2017-12-01: El tema de hoy para anunciar al presidente de Trump y a los medios mundiales, etc. "Xi Jinping Jintao" fue el barro en la cara, pintada", se agita máximo de la ira! Al igual que China, no podemos pagarlo. Kim Rong-Gwon, de Corea del Norte, es un rostro confiado [cara de jactancia]. "

¡A los medios de comunicación de la comunidad internacional! ¡1ª noticia!

2017-12-01: El tema de hoy para anunciar al presidente de Trump y a los medios mundiales, etc.
"Xi Jinping Jintao" fue el barro en la cara, pintada", se agita máximo de la ira!
Al igual que China, no podemos pagarlo. Kim Rong-Gwon, de Corea del Norte, es un rostro confiado [cara de jactancia]. "

El contenido del correo electrónico hoy es el siguiente.

Estimados señores, soy japonés. Yo respeto al gran presidente

De acuerdo con el Sankei Shimbun, Xi Jinping Jintao este mes, pero se le permitió visitar a Corea del Norte su enviado especial,
Las conversaciones con el presidente del Partido Kim Jong-un Trabajo de Corea es el fin al detonar, 'fue pintada de barro en la cara.' Y allí.

"La cara estaba embarrada" = [Estaba pintada de barro en la cara]

expresiones similares son Cave es Mikubira-que-es insulto es que tanto orgullo está herido de la otra parte
· Despreciado · despreciado · mirado hacia abajo · visto ligeramente · ligeramente angustiado · considerado como inferior
· Despreciado · Nazed · Licked · Totalmente lamido · Totalmente buscado
· Puedes herir tu orgullo · Te humillas · Te avergüenzan · Estás insultado · Mossed
· Tratado ligeramente · humillado · pintado con barro en la cara · pisoteado de orgullo · herido orgullo
· Eres pisoteado por el orgullo. Y así sucesivamente.

Asia oriental es el mundo del pensamiento confuciano. El confucianismo se ocupa de la relación jerárquica.

Desde el punto de vista de China, Corea del Norte no es igual, es un país subordinado.

Convencí al enviado para que lo enviara a Corea del Norte, pero Corea del Norte no se conformó y falló un misil.
Es por eso que "Mi cara estaba embarrada".

"Pinté el barro en la cara," Xi Jinping Jintao, se agita máximo de la ira!

En cuanto a China, antes de la llegada de invierno a gran escala,
embargo de petróleo crudo es, por supuesto, los controles de exportación relacionados con el petróleo refuerzan la única vinculada directamente a la vida civil, que no ponga una mano.
¡Los norcoreanos que no puedan vivir se convertirán en refugiados y se apresurarán a llegar a China!

Estoy en problemas ahora China! Xi Jinping es Jintao!

Nuevamente, Kim Rong de Corea del Norte
La cara que traté de hacer. Una cara que se ve bien. Una cara jactanciosa. Lo es

Dado que el presidente Trump es un gran negocio, ¡mantente atento! ¡Presidente Trump, Gambare!

Apoye los crímenes humanitarios del estado japonés.
No solo la ley japonesa, sino la violación de la ley internacional.

No solo yo, sino muchos extranjeros como chinos y filipinos están siendo sacrificados.
Salve del 'crimen humanitario' del gobierno japonés.
Los documentos que se enviarán a ICC se encuentran a continuación. http://oyazimirai.hatenadiary.jp/archive/category/%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B%E5%88%91%E4%BA%8B%E8%A3%81%E5%88%A4%E6%89%80%EF%BC%88%EF%BC%A9%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%89%E7%94%B3%E7%AB%8B%E3%81%A6

Presidente Trump, Gunbare. Y por favor ayúdenos! Atentamente.

(Este correo electrónico también se distribuye a los medios mundiales, embajadas en el mundo, políticos, etc.)

************************************************** ****************

Para los medios de comunicación de la comunidad internacional,

Lo anterior es un artículo de noticias sobre política, economía, sociedad japonesa, etc.

¡Denuncie el "problema humanitario" ilegal del gobierno japonés!

El presidente Trump emitirá el problema del secuestro norcoreano japonés como un "problema humanitario" en las Naciones Unidas.
No hay un "buen" "mal" para el secuestro.

Las cuestiones de derechos humanos contrarias al derecho internacional del gobierno japonés también deben tenerse en cuenta en las Naciones Unidas.

Creo que el acto de violación de los derechos humanos ilegales e ilegales por parte del Estado invita al terrorismo.
El mundo debe ser gobernado por la ley, basado en el derecho internacional.

Por favor, por favor ayuda.
¡Y eliminemos el terrorismo del mundo!

Toda la información se carga en el siguiente HP.


Antes que nada, nos gustaría entrevistar al ICC.

Lo anterior hoy, el presidente de Trump, Embajador de la Embajada, la oficina, la CCI, los parlamentarios, el mundo de los medios de comunicación,
Envié un correo electrónico a organizaciones laborales japonesas, organizaciones económicas, etc.

Como soy correo electrónico todos los días, informe con interés.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Los documentos que se enviarán a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) se pueden ver a continuación.
(Generalmente inédito)


Para incertidumbres, contáctenos!

2025-01-23:من المرجح أن يكون عام 2025 هو العام الذي سيتم فيه وضع المركبات الهيدروجينية بالكامل في الاستخدام العملي. وسوف تتحرر أوروبا أخيرًا من "تلوث الهواء" الناجم عن "المركبات الكهربائية".

 2025-01-23: إصدار الأسبوع. سيارات الهيدروجين الإيطالية "مذهلة". ستظهر "شركة سيارات هيدروجينية" ستتفوق على "تسلا...