
December 06, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on December 5, "The US and China are sparking again in the trade issue. The US will continue to oppose to certify China as a WTO" market economy nation "on 30th November Expressed.

December 06, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May

Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun on December 5,
"The US and China are sparking again in the trade issue.
The US will continue to oppose to certify China as a WTO" market economy nation "on 30th November Expressed.
As long as China is not accepted by market economy countries and countries,
it will be subject to anti-dumping tax on Chinese products from other countries,
which will be disadvantageous for export expansion.
China shows uncomfortable feeling that treatment not recognized as a market economy country "does not exist
in WTO rules".
It is a position that it has already become a market economy from the end of last year.

The U.S. government thinks that
the Chinese government subsidizes enterprises to protect domestic manufacturers such as steelmakers
and exports products at cheap prices, but I think it is true.

I also oppose the entry of China into the WTO.
It is impossible to give the Communist party dictatorship of "market economy nation"
the Communist party dictatorship state which does not respect freedom, democracy and human rights.

Until at least purely private companies export under free competition
under the government elected
by the general election from all citizens on the premise of compliance with freedom,
democracy and human rights, and also international law,
It should not be given "certification of" market economy country ".

In addition to the United States,
Western Europe and Japan should also keep pace with the United States.

It is crazy that the economy alone and the capitalist economy
by government funds are the Communist party dictatorship.

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope with immigration problems
by illegal means. Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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