
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-10a 】 Your 1600 Daily: We will end ‘catch and release’

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-10a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
We will end ‘catch and release’
On Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum that takes important steps to end “catch and release,” a dangerous practice whereby those who have violated our Nation’s immigration laws are released into the United States shortly after their apprehension.

The Memo’s opening lines lay out the challenge facing our country:
  • Human smuggling operations, gang member entry, and other criminal activity spilling across the U.S. border threaten our security and safety.
  • The backlog of immigration cases is alarmingly large and has hindered the quick resolution of outstanding cases.
  • Shortages in border-security and immigration enforcement personnel have reached critical levels.
In response, President Trump has asked his Secretary of Homeland Security to produce a report within 45 days that details how the Administration is acting swiftly to end these “catch and release” practices. He also renews his call for Congressional Democrats to join Republicans to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Read the President’s full Memo on ending “catch and release.”

The fight on opioid abuse takes center stage
President Trump traveled to New Hampshire three weeks ago to lay out his plan for how America will win the war on opioid and drug abuse. This week marks another important step toward that goal.

Today, opioids will take center stage at the twelfth meeting of President Trump’s Cabinet. He will receive updates from Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who is helping spearhead the White House’s initiative, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Later this week, a temporary memorial to victims of opioid abuse will be on exhibition just outside the White House on the Ellipse at President’s Park. It will remain open through Wednesday, April 18.
Learn more about President Trump’s initiative to stop the opioid epidemic.

One important group of Americans is doing very well The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly jobs report on Friday, which showed that nonfarm payroll employment rose by more than 100,000 in March. Following exceptional job growth in January and February, the U.S. economy is adding more than 200,000 jobs per month on average so far in 2018.
Job gains during the Trump Administration have lowered the unemployment rate for all major demographic groups in the United States. One important and often-overlooked group in particular has felt the benefits of accelerated economic growth: Americans with disabilities.
Americans with one or more disability have typically experienced higher jobless rates than the average citizen. The unemployment rate for men with a disability has dropped by 3 percentage points since President Trump took office, and the unemployment rate for women with a disability has fallen by 2.6 percentage points. These numbers even outpace the decline in joblessness across other groups.
Read more: Job growth in the first quarter of 2018 remains strong

Photo of the Day

The White House | April 5, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


This morning, President Trump will host a meeting with his Cabinet.
This afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for Mississippi’s Senator-designate Cindy Hyde-Smith, and a swearing-in ceremony for Carla Sands as the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark.
Later, the President and Vice President will receive a briefing and have dinner with Senior Military Leadership.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today. 2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir   Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today.

2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Do not you think it is natural for President Trump to get angry?
Why do not the EU countries support President Trump?
Japan is doing the same thing.

In the case of Japan,
even politicians will be in sync with special civil servants
 (police officers, prosecutors, judges). What is law?

In case
I told you yesterday that it is almost impossible for a fine.
The reason I am fined not to imprisonment is because we are vulnerable because
I am violating international law.

Since many countries have weaknesses in the Japanese government,
they do not point out that they are offenses,
so the Japanese government wants to do it.

This case will not end with this alone.
Only how to make foreigners "imprisonment punishment".

Without punishing the employer
who hired himself in Article 2 "illegal employment promotion crime",
only foreigners who worked were criminalized as "imprisonment punishment"
with Article 70 "illegal working crimes".

Although it says many times, although it is understood that the prosecutor has discretion,
if it is equal under the law,
it is only for foreigners to make a criminal penalty
for imprisonment with "illegal employment crime" Obviously it is a breach.
It is unreasonable!
I do not understand the causal relationship of illegal work!
Everyone, do not you think so?

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-04-10: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten des Trump des Tages usw. lautet wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-04-10: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten des Trump des Tages usw. lautet wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Glauben Sie nicht, dass es für Präsident Trump normal ist, wütend zu werden?
Warum unterstützen die EU-Länder Präsident Trump nicht? Japan macht das Gleiche.

Im Fall von Japan, sogar Politiker,
Ich bin im Einklang mit einem besonderen Beamten (Polizist, Staatsanwalt, Richter). Was ist Gesetz?

Gestern habe ich dir gesagt, dass es für eine Geldbuße fast unmöglich ist.
Der Grund, warum ich nicht zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt werde, ist, dass wir verwundbar sind, weil ich gegen internationales Recht verstoße.
Da viele Länder Schwächen in der japanischen Regierung haben, weisen sie nicht darauf hin, dass es sich um Straftaten handelt, so will die japanische Regierung es tun.

Dieser Fall wird damit nicht enden.
Nur wie man Ausländer zu einer "Haftstrafe" macht.

Bestrafen Sie nicht den Arbeitgeber, der in Artikel 2 des Artikels 73 "illegale Arbeitsfahndungskriminalität" beschäftigt
Nur Ausländer, die gearbeitet haben, wurden als "Haftstrafen" durch Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitskriminalität" kriminalisiert.

Obwohl ich viele Male sagen werde, weiß ich, dass der Ankläger Diskretion hat,
Wenn es nach dem Gesetz gleich ist, ist es nur für Ausländer, Gefängnis für "illegale Arbeitskriminalität" zu kriminalisieren
Offensichtlich ist es eine Verletzung. Es ist unvernünftig!

Ich verstehe den kausalen Zusammenhang illegaler Arbeit nicht! Jeder, meinst du nicht?

Illegaler Zugang ist eine Frage der Dimension vor der illegalen Arbeit.
Jedes Land sollte Mauern an der Grenze machen, um illegale Einreise zu verhindern!
Angela Merkels Ministerpräsident Gambare!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen gegen Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge durch japanische Mitarbeiter.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 10/04/2018: contenu E-mail au Trump aujourd'hui président, etc., les éléments suivants sont répertoriés. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

10/04/2018: contenu E-mail au Trump aujourd'hui président, etc., les éléments suivants sont répertoriés.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Ne pensez-vous pas qu'il est naturel que le président Trump se fâche?
Pourquoi les pays de l'UE n'appuient-ils pas le président Trump? Le Japon fait la même chose.

Dans le cas du Japon, même les politiciens,
Je suis en accord avec un fonctionnaire spécial (policier, procureur, juge). Qu'est-ce que la loi?

Je vous ai dit hier qu'il est presque impossible d'imposer une amende.
Êtes-vous en peines sans emprisonnement est parce qu'il ya une faiblesse parce qu'il est une violation du droit international.
Comme bon nombre des pays, il y a une faiblesse du gouvernement japonais, le gouvernement japonais parce qu'il ne pointe pas qu'il est la transgression est Hodai que vous voulez faire.

Cette affaire ne se terminera pas avec cela seul.
Seulement comment faire des étrangers "la peine d'emprisonnement".

Sans emploi punition était l'entreprise 2 de l'article 73 dans le « emploi illégal criminalité favorable »,
Était le seul EXERCÉE étranger était une disposition pénale de « l'emprisonnement » à l'article 70 « péché d'emploi illégal ».

Bien que je le dise à plusieurs reprises, je sais que le procureur a un pouvoir discrétionnaire,
Si l'égalité devant la loi, à des sanctions pénales d'emprisonnement le seul étranger dans le « péché d'emploi illégal » est,
De toute évidence, c'est une violation. C'est déraisonnable!

Je ne comprends pas la relation causale du travail illégal! Tout le monde, tu ne le crois pas?

L'entrée illégale est une question de dimension avant le travail illégal.
Chaque pays devrait faire des murs à la frontière pour empêcher l'entrée illégale!
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, Gambare!

Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires commis contre des immigrants et des réfugiés par le personnel japonais.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international.
Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Do not you think it is natural for President Trump to get angry?
Why do not the EU countries support President Trump? Japan is doing the same thing.

In the case of Japan, even politicians,
I am in tune with a special civil servant (policeman, prosecutor, judge). What is law?

I told you yesterday that it is almost impossible for a fine.
The reason I am fined not to imprisonment is because we are vulnerable because I am violating international law.
Since many countries have weaknesses in the Japanese government, they do not point out that they are offenses, so the Japanese government wants to do it.

This case will not end with this alone.
Only how to make foreigners "imprisonment punishment".

Do not punish the employer who hires in Article 2 of Article 73 of "illegal employment promotion crime"
Only foreigners who were worked were criminalized as "imprisonment punishment" with Article 70 "Illegal employment crime".

Although I will say many times, I know that the prosecutor has discretion,
If it is equal under the law, it is only for foreigners to criminalize imprisonment for "illegal employment crime"
Obviously it is a breach. It is unreasonable!

I do not understand the causal relationship of illegal work! Everyone, do not you think so?

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
Prime Minister Teliza May, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
The material is below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-04-10: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Do not you think it is natural for President Trump to get angry?
Why do not the EU countries support President Trump?
Japan is doing the same thing.

In the case of Japan,
even politicians will be in sync with special civil servants
 (police officers, prosecutors, judges). What is law?

In case
I told you yesterday that it is almost impossible for a fine.
The reason I am fined not to imprisonment is because we are vulnerable because
I am violating international law.

Since many countries have weaknesses in the Japanese government,
they do not point out that they are offenses,
so the Japanese government wants to do it.

This case will not end with this alone.
Only how to make foreigners "imprisonment punishment".

Without punishing the employer
who hired himself in Article 2 "illegal employment promotion crime",
only foreigners who worked were criminalized as "imprisonment punishment"
with Article 70 "illegal working crimes".

Although it says many times, although it is understood that the prosecutor has discretion,
if it is equal under the law,
it is only for foreigners to make a criminal penalty
for imprisonment with "illegal employment crime" Obviously it is a breach.
It is unreasonable!
I do not understand the causal relationship of illegal work!
Everyone, do not you think so?

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-09A 】 Your 1600 Daily: The President’s agenda is defying critics

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-09A 】

Your 1600 Daily:
The President’s agenda is defying critics
Last week, calculations of America’s economic growth rate for the fourth quarter of 2017 were revised upward to show growth of nearly 3 percent. “That revision didn’t get nearly as much attention as when the initial read of that quarter’s growth came in below expectations at 2.6 percent,” Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said.

Director Mulvaney delivered his verdict: Too many on the left and in the media will pounce on any news they can to throw doubt on the effectiveness of President Donald J. Trump’s economic agenda.
But the economy is booming, as nearly any statistic you could pick makes clear:
  • The U.S. unemployment rate in February marked a 17-year low.
  • The number of Americans rating the economy good to excellent has hit an 18-year high.
  • Average job growth numbers in 2018 are the strongest since 1997.
  • Since January 2017, more than 2.5 million jobs have been added to the economy.

Read more about how President Trump’s leadership on the economy is making a difference for all Americans.

National public health advisory
Speaking at a National drug abuse summit in Atlanta yesterday, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams announced his office’s first National public health advisory in 13 years. The Surgeon General urged more Americans to carry naloxone, a potentially lifesaving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

"You don't have to be a policeman or a firefighter or a paramedic to save a life," Dr. Adams said.
Earlier this week, the Surgeon General praised President Trump’s leadership in the fight against opioid abuse. The President’s opioid initiative “marks a significant moment in our national effort to reverse the deadly trends we have seen,” Dr. Adams wrote.
More: Leadership is here to fight the opioid crisis

What to know about the President’s National Guard order To give our Border Patrol agents the support they deserve, President Trump has authorized the deployment of National Guard units to America’s southern border.
Our Border Patrol agents work incredibly hard to do their jobs. These law enforcement personnel are tasked with securing thousands of miles of border, and they often do not have the manpower or resources necessary to address the flow of illegal immigration into the United States.
President Trump is taking this action because Congressional Democrats have obstructed efforts to secure our border. While the President will use every ounce of his existing powers to protect American national security, Congress must deliver a lasting fix to this problem.
More: What you need to know about President Trump’s order to deploy our National Guard

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump participates in a roundtable discussion on tax reform | April 5, 2018 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today. 2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir   Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today.

2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

For a foreigner who has worked illegally,
it is good to be a criminal offender to leave a foreigner legally living in Japan.

It is a crime of unlawful employment, making it a small fines punishment.

Because I committed a crime in Japan,
I will be forcibly withdrawn.
Almost foreigners, this is the case.
Do not you think it is strange?

When a foreign national who overstays the period of stay has illegally worked,
it is forced to withdraw without a criminal action.

Most of the residents staying
in Japan overstaying the period of stay is due to illegal employment.

Only those allegedly illegally employed who are illegally employed are not criminalized
under the Immigration Act's "illegal employment promotion crime",
only foreigners who have been illegally employed are criminalized
under the Immigration Act of the Immigration Act.

Although it is a fine punishment,
it can not be said that it is equal under the law.

If you admit this,
what is "equal under the law" in international law? please tell me.

The sanctuary city of America is crazy.
Even under the same federal law, police officers arrest gun criminals.

But police officers do not arrest illegal immigrants. How about EU countries?

I think that such unreasonable politics gives "terror".
I think that it is President Trump that is challenging straight from this. In case

In case
Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.

My information ***************************************************

Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-04-09: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-04-09: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Für Ausländer, die illegal gearbeitet haben und Ausländer verlassen wollen, die sich rechtmäßig in Japan aufhalten,
Es ist gut, ein Straftäter zu sein. Es ist ein Verbrechen der ungesetzlichen Beschäftigung, die es eine kleine Bußgeldstrafe macht.

Weil ich in Japan ein Verbrechen begangen habe, werde ich gewaltsam zurückgezogen.
Fast Ausländer, das ist der Fall.
Denkst du nicht, dass es seltsam ist?
Wenn ein Ausländer, der die Aufenthaltsdauer überschritten hat, illegal beschäftigt ist,
Es ist eine Abschiebung ins Ausland ohne kriminelle Handlung.

Die meisten Einwohner, die sich in Japan aufhalten, sind illegal beschäftigt.

Bei illegaler Beschäftigung werden illegal Beschäftigte von Arbeitgebern nach dem Zuwanderungsgesetz nicht als "illegale Erwerbsförderungskriminalität" kriminalisiert.
Nur Ausländer, die illegal gearbeitet haben, werden nach dem "Gesetz über illegale Beschäftigung" des Zuwanderungsgesetzes kriminalisiert.
Obwohl es eine feine Strafe ist, kann nicht gesagt werden, dass es unter dem Gesetz gleich ist.

Wenn Sie das zugeben, was ist "rechtlich gleich" im Völkerrecht? Bitte sag es mir.

Die Heiligtumsstadt von Amerika ist verrückt.
Sogar unter demselben Bundesgesetz verhaften Polizeibeamte Schusswaffenverbrecher.

Aber Polizeibeamte verhaften keine illegalen Einwanderer. Wie wäre es mit EU-Ländern?

Ich denke, dass solch unvernünftige Politik "Terror" gibt.

Ich denke, dass es Präsident Trump ist, der gerade daraus herausfordert.

Illegaler Zugang ist eine Frage der Dimension vor der illegalen Arbeit.
Jedes Land sollte Mauern an der Grenze machen, um illegale Einreise zu verhindern!
Angela Merkels Ministerpräsident Gambare!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen gegen Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge durch japanische Mitarbeiter.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-04-09: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump du jour etc. est comme suit. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-04-09: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump du jour etc. est comme suit.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Pour les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement et veulent quitter les étrangers qui résident légalement au Japon,
C'est bon d'être un criminel. C'est un crime d'emploi illégal, ce qui en fait une petite amende.

Parce que j'ai commis un crime au Japon, je serai retiré de force.
Presque étrangers, c'est le cas.
Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est étrange?
Lorsqu'un étranger qui dépasse la durée du séjour est employé illégalement,
C'est la déportation à l'étranger sans action criminelle.

La plupart des résidents séjournant au Japon après la période de séjour est due à un emploi illégal.

Avec un emploi illégal, ceux qui ont travaillé illégalement ne sont pas considérés comme un «crime de promotion de l'emploi illégal» par les employeurs en vertu de la Loi sur l'immigration
Seuls les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont criminalisés en vertu du «crime d'emploi illégal» de la loi sur l'immigration.
Bien que ce soit une amende, on ne peut pas dire qu'il est égal en vertu de la loi.

Si vous admettez cela, qu'est-ce qui est «égal devant la loi» en droit international? Dites-moi s'il vous plaît.

La ville sanctuaire de l'Amérique est folle.
Même en vertu de la même loi fédérale, les policiers arrêtent les criminels armés.

Mais les policiers n'arrêtent pas les immigrants illégaux. Et les pays de l'UE?

Je pense qu'une politique aussi déraisonnable donne la «terreur».

Je pense que c'est le président Trump qui remet directement en question.

L'entrée illégale est une question de dimension avant le travail illégal.
Chaque pays devrait faire des murs à la frontière pour empêcher l'entrée illégale!
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, Gambare!

Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires commis contre des immigrants et des réfugiés par le personnel japonais.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

For foreigners who have worked illegally and want to leave foreigners who are lawfully residing in Japan,
It is good to be a criminal offender. It is a crime of unlawful employment, making it a small fines punishment.

Because I committed a crime in Japan, I will be forcibly withdrawn.
Almost foreigners, this is the case.
Do not you think it is strange?
When a foreign national who overstays the period of stay is illegally employed,
It is deportation abroad without criminal action.

Most of the residents staying in Japan overstaying the period of stay is due to illegal employment.

With illegal employment, those who illegally worked are not criminalized by employers under the Immigration Act as "illegal employment promotion crime"
Only foreigners who have been illegally worked are criminalized under the Immigration Act's "illegal employment crime".
Although it is a fine punishment, it can not be said that it is equal under the law.

If you admit this, what is "equal under the law" in international law? please tell me.

The sanctuary city of America is crazy.
Even under the same federal law, police officers arrest gun criminals.

But police officers do not arrest illegal immigrants. How about EU countries?

I think that such unreasonable politics gives "terror".

I think that it is President Trump that is challenging straight from this.

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
Prime Minister Teliza May, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. The material is below.


There is a limit to the life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-04-09: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

For a foreigner who has worked illegally,
it is good to be a criminal offender to leave a foreigner legally living in Japan.

It is a crime of unlawful employment, making it a small fines punishment.

Because I committed a crime in Japan,
I will be forcibly withdrawn.
Almost foreigners, this is the case.
Do not you think it is strange?

When a foreign national who overstays the period of stay has illegally worked,
it is forced to withdraw without a criminal action.

Most of the residents staying
in Japan overstaying the period of stay is due to illegal employment.

Only those allegedly illegally employed who are illegally employed are not criminalized
under the Immigration Act's "illegal employment promotion crime",
only foreigners who have been illegally employed are criminalized
under the Immigration Act of the Immigration Act.

Although it is a fine punishment,
it can not be said that it is equal under the law.

If you admit this,
what is "equal under the law" in international law? please tell me.

The sanctuary city of America is crazy.
Even under the same federal law, police officers arrest gun criminals.

But police officers do not arrest illegal immigrants. How about EU countries?

I think that such unreasonable politics gives "terror".
I think that it is President Trump that is challenging straight from this. In case

In case
Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!
President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-06b 】 West Wing Reads | Hiring survey for March finds booming employment at small firms

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-06b 】

West Wing Reads |

Hiring survey for March finds booming employment at small firms

Hiring is soaring and wages are rising at American small businesses. That’s according to the latest employment report from the National Federation of Independent Business,” The Wall Street Journal reports. James Freeman writes that “this fresh evidence of a vibrant economy” arrives as President Donald J. Trump participated in a roundtable discussion this afternoon in West Virginia, which featured workers who are now enjoying bonuses, raises, and lower tax rates.

Click here to read more.
In The Advocate, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) and Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) write that they “are pleased and thankful President Donald Trump has started a national conversation on infrastructure with his proposal.” The two Governors believe that President Trump’s infrastructure plan will “not only create jobs, but bring value to our citizens and build communities unlike this country has seen in decades.”
President Trump’s announcement that he is prepared to use military resources to deal with a long-simmering border crisis is a welcome response to the vexing influx of illegal arrivals, including those hoping to take advantage of our broken system for handling asylum seekers,” Jessica Vaughan writes for Fox News.
In northern Minnesota, “generations of residents have gone to work in the mines, endured cycles of booms and layoffs, and mostly voted for Democrats. But President Trump’s tariffs on imported steel are being celebrated as a boost to the local taconite mines, which supply American steel mills,” Mitch Smith reports for The New York Times.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-06a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Immigration loopholes that put everyone at risk

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-06a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Immigration loopholes that put everyone at risk

Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump ordered the National Guard to assist Border Patrol in securing our Nation’s Southwest border with Mexico. The President’s decision reflects a lack of Congressional action to reform our broken immigration system and strengthen security at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Grave loopholes in our immigration laws are hindering enforcement efforts. One of the most significant such loopholes relates to unaccompanied alien children (UACs). Many UACs are smuggled into the United States by criminal organizations, and once here, very few will be repatriated.
Most UACs are older teens from Central America. Some are MS-13 gang members who use our immigration system to infiltrate the country, but many other UACs are also at great risk from gang activity. Releasing UACs to sponsors with often unstable living situations makes these teens prime targets for gang recruitment and violence.
Read more about how loopholes in trafficking laws put victims—and American citizens—at risk.
More: The basics you need to know about UAC loopholes

The President visits West Virginia
Today, President Trump travels to West Virginia for the fourth time during his Presidency, meeting with small business leaders and families who have benefited from tax cuts he signed into law in December.

Here is what the President will tell West Virginians this afternoon:
  • America is open for business once again. Energy exports are at a record high and net imports are the lowest in more than 30 years.
  • Wages are rising at the fastest pace in nearly a decade. A record number of small businesses say now is a good time to expand.
  • These big-picture numbers are amazing, but what I want to hear is your personal stories.
Watch President Trump’s visit to West Virginia live at 2 p.m. ET today.

Infrastructure plan provides skilled jobs
When President Trump released the details of his infrastructure initiative in February, one of its key pillars was the need to reinvest in American workers. Yesterday, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta explained exactly what that would look like under the President’s plan.

The president’s plan not only invests in physical infrastructure, it also invests in workforce education,” Secretary Acosta writes. He explains that a cumbersome Federal bureaucracy too often limits Americans’ potential by restricting Federal assistance to traditional educational programs.
By embracing a wider range of skills-based learning opportunities, including apprenticeships, President Trump’s plan stands to help a much larger class of American workers.
Go deeper: The President’s infrastructure plan makes it a great time to be a job-seeker in America

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the 140th White House Easter Egg Roll | April 2, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, after receiving his daily intelligence briefing, President Trump will travel to White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, to participate in a roundtable discussion about tax reform.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-04-06: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-04-06: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Seltsamerweise diejenigen, die illegal mit Überstunden gearbeitet haben,
Fast, ohne kriminelle Strafe, wird es zur Beherbergungseinrichtung der Einwanderung geschickt und zwangsweise repatriiert.

Weil das Überschreiten der Grenze das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz darstellt, wird es veranlasst, das Land durch Verwaltungsstrafen zu verlassen.

Selbst wenn du illegal mit Überstunden arbeitest,
Weil die Staatsanwaltschaft nicht beide im Ermessen bestraft, ist es kein Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht.

Ich denke, dass sich auch jedes Land vom Land entfernt.

Es ist die Heiligtumstadt der Vereinigten Staaten, nicht zu verlassen. Illegaler Zugang ist in der Einwanderung selbst illegal.

Es ist verrückt für mich, dass jedes Land die Immigrationspolitik von Präsident Trump nicht unterstützt.
Jedes Land sollte es unterstützen, damit die Vereinigten Staaten ein Rechtsstaat werden.

Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, eine Armee in die Vereinigten Staaten zu schicken.
Es ist, dass jedes Land streng gegen illegale Einreise bestraft wird.
Die heilige Stadt der Vereinigten Staaten unter dem Gesetz zu regieren! Es sollte verurteilt werden.

Das Problem sind illegale Arbeitnehmer von Aktivitäten außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus.
Auf diese Weise wirst du nicht gezwungen zu gehen, also mach es zu einem Verbrecher.

Das Problem ist, nur Ausländer zu kriminalisieren und gewaltsam zurückzutreten,
Es ist eine Menschenrechtsfrage wegen Verletzung des Völkerrechts.

Es wird das Hauptthema sein. Ich werde nächste Woche weiter machen.

Illegaler Zugang ist eine Frage der Dimension vor der illegalen Arbeit.
Jedes Land sollte Mauern an der Grenze machen, um illegale Einreise zu verhindern!

Angela Merkels Ministerpräsident Gambare!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen gegen Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge durch japanische Mitarbeiter.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-04-06: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-04-06: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Étrangement, ceux qui ont travaillé illégalement avec un séjour prolongé,
Presque, sans pénalité pénale, il est envoyé à l'établissement d'hébergement de l'immigration et rapatrié de force.

Parce que la prolongation est la disposition de la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, il est fait pour quitter le pays par des sanctions administratives.

Même si vous travaillez illégalement avec un séjour prolongé,
Parce que l'accusation ne punit pas les deux à la discrétion, ce n'est pas une violation du droit international.

Je pense que chaque pays s'éloigne également du pays.

C'est la ville sanctuaire des États-Unis de ne pas partir. L'entrée illégale est illégale dans l'immigration elle-même.

C'est fou pour moi que chaque pays n'appuie pas la politique d'immigration illégale du président Trump en matière d'immigration.
Chaque pays devrait le soutenir afin que les États-Unis deviennent un État de droit.

Il n'est pas nécessaire d'envoyer une armée aux États-Unis.
C'est que chaque pays punira sévèrement contre l'entrée illégale.
Pour gouverner la ville sanctuaire des États-Unis sous la loi! Il devrait être condamné.

Le problème est celui des travailleurs illégaux d'activités en dehors du statut de résidence.
De cette façon, vous ne serez pas obligé de partir, alors faites-en un criminel.

Le problème est de criminaliser seulement les étrangers et de se retirer de force,
C'est une question de droits de la personne en raison d'une violation du droit international.

Ce sera le thème principal enfin. Je vais continuer la semaine prochaine.

L'entrée illégale est une question de dimension avant le travail illégal.
Chaque pays devrait faire des murs à la frontière pour empêcher l'entrée illégale!

Premier ministre Eduard Philip, Gambare!

Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires commis contre des immigrants et des réfugiés par le personnel japonais.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-04-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-04-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Strangely, those who have worked illegally with overstay,
Almost, without criminal penalty, it is sent to the accommodation facility of the immigration and forcibly repatriated.

Because overstay is the provision of Immigration Control Act, it is made to leave the country by administrative punishment.

Even if you work illegally with overstay,
Because the prosecution does not punish both at discretion, it is not a violation of international law.

I think that each country is also moving away from the country as well.

It is the sanctuary city of the United States not to leave. Illegal entry is illegal in immigration itself.

It is crazy for me that each country does not support President Trump 's illegal immigration immigration policy.
Each country should support it so that the United States becomes a state of law.

There is no need to send an army to the United States.
It is that each country will punish severely against illegal entry.
To govern the sanctuary city of the United States under the law! It should be condemned.

The problem is illegal workers of activities outside the status of residence.
In this way, you will not be forced to leave, so make it a criminal.

The problem is to criminalize only foreigners and forcibly withdraw,
It is a human rights issue because of international law violation.

It will be the main theme at last. I will continue on next week.

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!

Prime Minister Teliza May, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-04-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-04-06: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

those who have worked illegally with overstay are mostly sent to the accommodation facilities
of immigration without being criminal punishment, and are forcibly repatriated.

Because overstay is the provision of Immigration Control Act,
it is made to leave the country by administrative punishment.

Even if you work illegally with overstay,
the prosecution does not punish both at discretion,
so it is not a violation of international law.

I think that each country is also moving away from the country as well.
It is the sanctuary city of the United States not to leave.
Illegal entry is illegal in immigration itself.

It is crazy for me that each country does not support
President Trump 's illegal immigration immigration policy.

Each country should support it so that the United States becomes a state of law.

There is no need to send an army to the United States.
It is that each country will punish severely against illegal entry.
To govern the sanctuary city of the United States under the law!
It should be condemned.

The problem is illegal workers of activities outside the status of residence.
In this way, you will not be forced to leave, so make it a criminal.

The problem is that it is a human rights issue because of international law violation,
because it can crash down only foreigners and forcibly withdraw.
It will be the main theme at last.
I will continue on next week.

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!

President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. The material is below.


There is a limit to life!
Please help soon! Best regards.

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-05b 】 West Wing Reads | Trump to send National Guard to US-Mexico border

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-05b 】

West Wing Reads |

Trump to send National Guard to US-Mexico border

President Trump has ordered the National Guard to secure the U.S.-Mexico border in the absence of congressional action on immigration,” Sarah Westwood reports for the Washington Examiner.

The president has directed that the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security work together with our government to deploy the National Guard to our Southwest border to assist the border patrol,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters at the White House.

Click here to read more.
In The Columbus Dispatch, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta shares that “since President Donald Trump’s election, American job creators have added nearly 3 million jobs, including more than 50,000 here in Ohio.” Secretary Acosta adds that “the president’s bold infrastructure proposal promises to create even more jobs.”
The Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign against North Korea is working,” Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs writes in The Hill. Heinrichs notes that President Trump “choosing John Bolton to lead his National Security Council just as preparations are being made leading up to the talks is a masterstroke.”
In The Detroit News, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams writes that with President Trump’s new opioid initiative, the President “is providing the leadership necessary to make serious headway in this battle.” The Surgeon General explains that President Trump’s announcement “marks a significant moment in our national effort to reverse the deadly trends we have seen for the past several years, and a recogniti

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-05a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Dr. King’s legacy, 50 years later

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-05a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Dr. King’s legacy, 50 years later
April 4 marks the kind of anniversary America wishes it never had to endure. Fifty years ago today, the life of our Nation’s greatest civil rights icon was cut short by an assassin’s bullet at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

Martin Luther King, Jr., understood that for people to see one another as equals, they had to feel the tugs of a bond stronger than race. For King, that bond was America. He knew that the struggle for civil rights was not about rejecting America’s Founding ideals. On the contrary, it was about living up to our shared values.
The Reverend’s devotion to fighting the injustice of segregation and discrimination ignited the American spirit of fraternity and reminded us of our higher purpose,” President Donald J. Trump wrote in his 2018 Proclamation celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr., Day earlier this year.
Read more about why Martin Luther King, Jr., is the true model of an American patriot.
More: President Trump proclaims the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination
A missed opportunity on immigration
President Trump made it clear this week that Congressional Democrats have been missing in action when it comes to striking an immigration deal on Capitol Hill. As a result, there is no fix in sight for the troubled DACA program.

That outcome is disappointing given clear public support for President Trump’s proposed immigration compromise. The President’s plan has four pillars, each endorsed by a majority of voters:
  • 63 percent of voters favor a deal that gives DACA immigrants a path to citizenship in exchange for comprehensive reforms to America’s immigration system and border security
  • 84 percent think immigration priority should be based on a person’s ability to contribute to the United States, not based on having relatives here
  • 70 percent oppose the Visa lottery system that randomly picks 50,000 people to enter the U.S. each year
  • 62 percent believe current border security is inadequate—including 55 percent of Hispanic voters
Learn more about why Democrats have missed a major opportunity on comprehensive immigration reform.

America’s Baltic friends
America’s Baltic allies are crucial strategic partners. Yesterday, President Trump welcomed leaders from NATO members Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to the White House, congratulating the three countries on the 100th anniversary of their declared independence from Russia.

From the very beginning of Baltic independence, President Trump noted, the United States never ceased to recognize the sovereignty of these three nations. That remained true even through decades of Soviet occupation in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
The United States continues to stand by its Baltic NATO allies under the Trump Administration. America has boosted defense and security cooperation in the region, helped advanced Baltic energy security, and enriched cultural ties through exchanges and other programs.
Read more about the 3 key ways President Trump is supporting our Baltic NATO allies.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and the Baltic States Heads of Government | April 3, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today. 2018-04-05: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir   Mr. Tramp President Excellent Mail today.

2018-04-05: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

I was criminalized punishment for the aid of "illegal work" committed
by four Chinese people.

It is said to have assisted illegal work.
I do not own a restaurant.
I have not done any acts prescribed
by Article 2 (provisional illegal employment promotion) prescribed
by Immigration Control Act.
This is admitted by police officers and prosecutors.

Everyone in the international community, is Japanese justice correct?

Before entering the main theme,
if four companies of illegal employment (illegal employment promotion) are not punished
for enterprises who illegally worked in accordance with Immigration Act 73,
four Chinese who were illegally employed (also illegally worked) also enter
the Immigration Act 73 It is equal under the law to not dispose of the illegal workers crime.

Because international law prohibits arbitrary discrimination against foreigners,
in the rules of international law,
the Chinese are innocent.
If four Chinese are innocent,
I will not have any help for my assistance.

There are countless foreigners working outside the status of residence permitted
by the Minister of Justice.

Every day, hundreds and thousands of people are arrested
in the state of the waiting office of the police station,
interrogation prosecutor's office, court, where I was arrested and detained.

Most are illegal work.
Illegal workers are those who have overstayed the expiration of their status of residence
and carried out activities under the status of residence.
It will be surprising from here. In case

Illegal entry is a matter of dimension before illegal work.
Each country should make walls at the border to prevent illegal entry!

President Trump, Gambare!

Please condemn humanitarian crimes against immigrants and refugees by Japanese staff.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.The material is below.


There is a limit to life!
Please help soon! Best regards.

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018.04.05: E-Mail-Inhalte auf die heutigen Trump President etc., sind die folgenden aufgeführt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018.04.05: E-Mail-Inhalte auf die heutigen Trump President etc., sind die folgenden aufgeführt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Ich habe eine kriminelle Strafe bei der Unterstützung der Verbrechen der chinesischen 4 Personen wurden „illegale Beschäftigung“ begangen erhalten.
Es soll illegale Arbeit unterstützt haben.
Ich besitze kein Restaurant.
I Immigration Control Act definiert ein Akt des Artikels 2 (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen) die Bestimmungen von 73 ist nicht getan.
Dies wird von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten zugelassen.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, ist japanische Justiz richtig?

Bevor ich in das Hauptfach komme,
Wenn Sie nicht bestrafen in Artikel 2 der Immigration Control Act 73 Unternehmen, die waren illegale Beschäftigung (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Kriminalität),
Illegale und Beschäftigung ist nicht von der illegalen Beschäftigung Sünde entsorgt (illegal durfte arbeiten) sind auch vier chinesische Immigration Control Act Artikel 73,
Es ist unter dem Gesetz gleich. Weil das Völkerrecht willkürliche Diskriminierung von Ausländern verbietet,
Unter den Regeln des internationalen Rechts sind die vier Chinesen unschuldig.

Wenn vier Chinesen unschuldig sind, habe ich keine Hilfe für meine Hilfe.

Ausländer in der Ausländereigenschaft arbeiten, die der Justizminister ermächtigt hat, wird eine unendliche Zahl haben.
Ich habe festgenommen festgenommen worden, Polizeistation, Verwahrung der Staatsanwaltschaft der Verhöre, in dem Zustand des Schutzes des Gerichts,
Jeden Tag werden mehrere hundert Menschen, Tausende verhaftet.
Die meisten sind illegale Arbeit.
Illegale Arbeiter ist, und die von Ubernachtungsart das Visum abgelaufen ist, wird es auf den Status des Wohnsitzes außerhalb Aktivitäten unterzogen wurde.
Es wird von hier aus überraschend sein.

Illegaler Zugang ist eine Frage der Dimension vor der illegalen Arbeit.
Jedes Land sollte Mauern an der Grenze machen, um illegale Einreise zu verhindern!

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel, Ganbare!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen gegen Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge durch japanische Mitarbeiter.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben!
Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel Exzellenz Ganbare, und helfen Sie uns bitte! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

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