
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-08-08:Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people from the Japanese government? It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

<Public mail>  President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am complaining to the international community "crimes of police officials and others".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is a "violation of Immigration Control Act" related to the Philippine Embassy
that occurred in 2014 and 2015.

The Philippine driver was sentenced to imprisonment (execution suspension)
on charges of conducting activities outside the status of residence,
and was forcibly withdrawn outside the country.

In addition, staff and diplomats at the Philippine Embassy are asking the Philippine drivers
for the crime of assisting that action in Article 4 (4)
of the Immigration Act 22 (withdrawal of status of residence
by submitting false documents) ,
Assistance crime was applied, they received a sentence of imprisonment (execution suspension).

This is not a crime.
This is an administrative penalty forced to leave the country.

Prosecutors and others are making a fool of the incompetence of the Philippine government.

It seems that the Philippine government is hit by a Japanese government's honey trap.

This incident is the same as the case where four Chinese people
in 2010 were in violation of Immigration Act (activities outside the status of residence).

It is exactly the same as the mistake
that I and the "Kin Gungaku" received imprisonment for assisting the Article 4 4 ​​
of Immigration Act 22 (cancellation of the status of residence by submitting false documents).

Landscaping business operators who employed Philippine drivers have not been arrested,
so all the Filipinos are innocent. And officials and diplomats are innocent.
It only becomes a deportation.

Punishment for diplomats and officials is "violation of applicable law" as we do.

Due to malicious abuse of official abuse of police officers and prosecutors' international rules,
four Filipino people, diplomats and officials lost physical suffering,
mental suffering, social trust.

By arrest, confinement and trial,
they were forcibly removed from Japan as criminals and they lost all the credit
and the foundation of their lives.

Four Filipino people and "imprisonment punishment" received by diplomats
and officials will be a heavy burden on life in the Philippines.

Urgently, the prosecution should restore honor and compensate them. In case

In case
Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore
our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-08-08: Warum schützen die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung ihr Volk nicht vor der japanischen Regierung? Es scheint, dass es in der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festsitzt.

<Öffentliche Post>Präsident Donald Trump stellt die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Frage.
Da ich kein Politiker bin, beklage ich mich bei der internationalen Gemeinschaft "Verbrechen von Polizeibeamten und anderen".

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die internationale Gemeinschaft scheint mit der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festgefahren zu sein.

Es ist ein "Verstoß gegen Einwanderungsgesetz" im Zusammenhang mit der philippinischen Botschaft, die in 2014 und 2015 aufgetreten ist.

Philippinische Fahrer wurden wegen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus zu Haftstrafen verurteilt
Es wurde gewaltsam außerhalb des Landes zurückgezogen.
Auch Mitarbeiter und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft,
In Übereinstimmung mit Artikel 4 (4) des Zuwanderungsgesetzes 22 (Entzug des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) an den Fahrer des philippinischen Volkes,
Sie wurden angeklagt, die Tat zu unterstützen, und sie wurden zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt (Aussetzung), nachdem die Unterstützungsgebühren erhoben worden waren.

Das ist kein Verbrechen. Dies ist eine Verwaltungsstrafe, die gezwungen ist, das Land zu verlassen.

Staatsanwälte und andere machen sich die Inkompetenz der philippinischen Regierung zunutze.

Es scheint, dass die philippinische Regierung von einer Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung getroffen wird.

Dieser Vorfall ist der gleiche wie in dem Fall, in dem vier Chinesen im Jahr 2010 gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz (Aktivitäten außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus) verstoßen haben.

Ich und "KinGungaku" erhalten,
Unter der Annahme, dass er sich an den Artikeln 4 bis 4 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes 22 beteiligt hat (Entzug des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente)
Es ist genau das gleiche wie der Fehler, der eine Haftstrafe erhalten hat.

Seit Landschaftsgestaltung Unternehmen, die philippinische Fahrer anstellen, wurden nicht verhaftet,
Alle Filipinos sind unschuldig.
Und Beamte und Diplomaten sind unschuldig. Es wird nur eine Abschiebung.

Die Bestrafung für Diplomaten und Beamte ist "Verletzung des geltenden Rechts", wie wir es tun.

Beleidigung internationaler Regeln von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten wegen böswilligen Amtsmissbrauchs,
Vier Filipinos, Diplomaten und Beamte verloren physisches Leid, psychische Not und soziales Vertrauen.

Durch Festnahme, Inhaftierung und Gerichtsverfahren,
Sie waren gezwungen, Japan als Verbrecher zu verlassen,
Wir haben all das Vertrauen und die Grundlage unseres Lebens verloren.

Vier philippinische Leute und "Haftstrafen", die von Diplomaten und Beamten erhalten wurden,
Es wird eine große Belastung für das Leben im philippinischen Land sein.
Dringend sollte die Anklage die Ehre wiederherstellen und sie entschädigen.

Da illegale Handlungen, die gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz im Jahr 2010 verstoßen, nicht korrigiert werden, treten diese illegalen Handlungen jeden Tag auf.

Die Staatsanwälte haben willkürlich zwei Kriterien gegen die "illegale Arbeit" von Ausländern.

1. Ausländer wie "Overstay" machen keine "kriminelle Disposition" mit "Verbrechen illegaler Arbeit"
In Übereinstimmung mit dem Immigration Control Act, "gezwungen, aus dem Land zu ziehen".

2. Diejenigen, die "legal bleiben", tun "kriminelle Verfügung" mit "Verbrechen der illegalen Arbeit".
Sie werden Kriminelle. Und sie vertreiben sich gewaltsam als "Verbrecher" aus dem Land.

Es ist die gleiche "illegale Arbeit". Dies ist eine "ungerechte" Disposition.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte sorgen Sie sich über die Situation in Japan.

Die japanische Regierung hat die Pflicht, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie den Schaden so schnell wie möglich zu ersetzen.

Allerdings hat die japanische Regierung diesen Fall heute ebenfalls niedergeschlagen.
Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.

Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

#MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-08: Pourquoi le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ne protègent-ils pas leur peuple du gouvernement japonais? Il semble qu'il soit coincé dans le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

<Public mail>Le président Donald Trump conteste la primauté du droit.
Comme je ne suis pas un politicien, je me plains auprès de la communauté internationale de «crimes de fonctionnaires de police et autres».

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. La communauté internationale semble être bloquée par le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

C'est une "violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration" liée à l'ambassade des Philippines qui s'est produite en 2014 et 2015.

Conducteurs philippins ont été condamnés à l'emprisonnement (suspension d'exécution) sur des charges d'activités en dehors du statut de résidence,
Il a été retiré de force à l'extérieur du pays.
En outre, le personnel et les diplomates à l'ambassade des Philippines,
Conformément à l'article 4, paragraphe 4, de la loi sur l'immigration 22 (retrait du statut de résident en soumettant de faux documents) au conducteur du peuple philippin,
Ils ont été accusés d'avoir assisté les actes, et ils ont été condamnés à une peine d'emprisonnement (exécution suspendue) après l'application des frais d'assistance.

Ce n'est pas un crime. C'est une pénalité administrative forcée de quitter le pays.

Les procureurs et d'autres font un imbécile de l'incompétence du gouvernement philippin.

Il semble que le gouvernement philippin soit frappé par le piège du miel d'un gouvernement japonais.

Cet incident est le même que celui où quatre Chinois en 2010 avaient enfreint la Loi sur l'immigration (activités en dehors du statut de résident).

Moi et "KinGungaku" reçu,
En supposant qu'il a assisté aux articles 4 à 4 de la loi sur l'immigration 22 (retrait du statut de résident en soumettant de faux documents)
C'est exactement la même chose que l'erreur qui a été condamnée à une peine d'emprisonnement.

Depuis l'aménagement paysager des opérateurs d'embauche de chauffeurs philippins n'ont pas été arrêtés,
Tous les Philippins sont innocents.
Et les fonctionnaires et les diplomates sont innocents. Cela ne devient qu'une déportation.

La punition pour les diplomates et les fonctionnaires est une "violation de la loi applicable" comme nous le faisons.

Insulter les règles internationales des officiers de police et des procureurs, en raison d'abus abusifs de l'autorité publique,
Quatre Philippins, des diplomates et des fonctionnaires ont perdu la souffrance physique, la détresse psychologique et la confiance sociale.

Par arrestation, détention et procès,
Ils ont été forcés de quitter le Japon en tant que criminels,
Nous avons perdu toute la confiance et le fondement de nos vies.

Quatre personnes philippines et "peines d'emprisonnement" reçues par des diplomates et des fonctionnaires,
Ce sera un lourd fardeau pour la vie dans le pays philippin.
D'urgence, l'accusation devrait rétablir l'honneur et les indemniser.

Parce que les actes illégaux en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en 2010 ne seront pas corrigés, ces actes illégaux se produisent tous les jours.

Les procureurs ont deux critères arbitrairement contre le «travail illégal» des étrangers.

1. Les étrangers tels que «séjour prolongé» ne «disposition criminelle» avec «crime de faire un travail illégal»
Conformément à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, "contraints de quitter le pays".

2. Ceux qui "séjournent légalement" font des "dispositions criminelles" avec "crime de faire un travail illégal".
Ils deviennent des criminels. Et ils s'expulsent de force hors du pays en tant que «criminels».

C'est le même "travail illégal". C'est une disposition "injuste".

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît s'inquiéter de la situation au Japon.

Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de restaurer notre honneur et d'indemniser les dommages le plus rapidement possible.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais a également écrasé cette affaire aujourd'hui.
Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il te plaît, aide-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.

Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays réside
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et leur volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim!To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-08: Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people from the Japanese government? It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

<Public mail>

President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am complaining to the international community "crimes of police officials and others".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is a "violation of Immigration Control Act" related to the Philippine Embassy
that occurred in 2014 and 2015.

The Philippine driver was sentenced to imprisonment (execution suspension)
on charges of conducting activities outside the status of residence,
and was forcibly withdrawn outside the country.

In addition, staff and diplomats at the Philippine Embassy are asking the Philippine drivers
for the crime of assisting that action in Article 4 (4)
of the Immigration Act 22 (withdrawal of status of residence
by submitting false documents) ,
Assistance crime was applied, they received a sentence of imprisonment (execution suspension).

This is not a crime.
This is an administrative penalty forced to leave the country.

Prosecutors and others are making a fool of the incompetence of the Philippine government.

It seems that the Philippine government is hit by a Japanese government's honey trap.

This incident is the same as the case where four Chinese people
in 2010 were in violation of Immigration Act (activities outside the status of residence).

It is exactly the same as the mistake
that I and the "Kin Gungaku" received imprisonment for assisting the Article 4 4 ​​
of Immigration Act 22 (cancellation of the status of residence by submitting false documents).

Landscaping business operators who employed Philippine drivers have not been arrested,
so all the Filipinos are innocent. And officials and diplomats are innocent.
It only becomes a deportation.

Punishment for diplomats and officials is "violation of applicable law" as we do.

Due to malicious abuse of official abuse of police officers and prosecutors' international rules,
four Filipino people, diplomats and officials lost physical suffering,
mental suffering, social trust.

By arrest, confinement and trial,
they were forcibly removed from Japan as criminals and they lost all the credit
and the foundation of their lives.

Four Filipino people and "imprisonment punishment" received by diplomats
and officials will be a heavy burden on life in the Philippines.

Urgently, the prosecution should restore honor and compensate them. In case

In case
Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore
our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim!To Everyone in the world 2018-08-08:Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people from the Japanese government? It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

<Public mail>

 President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am complaining to the international community "crimes of police officials and others".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is a "violation of Immigration Control Act" related to the Philippine Embassy
that occurred in 2014 and 2015.

The Philippine driver was sentenced to imprisonment (execution suspension)
on charges of conducting activities outside the status of residence,
and was forcibly withdrawn outside the country.

In addition, staff and diplomats at the Philippine Embassy are asking the Philippine drivers
for the crime of assisting that action in Article 4 (4)
of the Immigration Act 22 (withdrawal of status of residence
by submitting false documents) ,
Assistance crime was applied, they received a sentence of imprisonment (execution suspension).

This is not a crime.
This is an administrative penalty forced to leave the country.

Prosecutors and others are making a fool of the incompetence of the Philippine government.

It seems that the Philippine government is hit by a Japanese government's honey trap.

This incident is the same as the case where four Chinese people
in 2010 were in violation of Immigration Act (activities outside the status of residence).

It is exactly the same as the mistake
that I and the "Kin Gungaku" received imprisonment for assisting the Article 4 4 ​​
of Immigration Act 22 (cancellation of the status of residence by submitting false documents).

Landscaping business operators who employed Philippine drivers have not been arrested,
so all the Filipinos are innocent. And officials and diplomats are innocent.
It only becomes a deportation.

Punishment for diplomats and officials is "violation of applicable law" as we do.

Due to malicious abuse of official abuse of police officers and prosecutors' international rules,
four Filipino people, diplomats and officials lost physical suffering,
mental suffering, social trust.

By arrest, confinement and trial,
they were forcibly removed from Japan as criminals and they lost all the credit
and the foundation of their lives.

Four Filipino people and "imprisonment punishment" received by diplomats
and officials will be a heavy burden on life in the Philippines.

Urgently, the prosecution should restore honor and compensate them. In case

In case
Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore
our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights The White House • August 6, 2018 This morning’s announcement on Iran

【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2018-08-07
毎日1600 ホワイトハウス•201886日 今朝のイラン発表











Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真

ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、ニュージャージー州ベッドミンスターで「イランに対する一定の制裁を再開する」と題するエグゼクティブ・オーダーに署名する。 | 201885

こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo  被害者です。

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-07

The White House • August 6, 2018

This morning’s announcement on Iran

In May, President Donald J. Trump withdrew America from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. “Our policy is based on a clear-eyed assessment of the Iranian dictatorship, its sponsorship of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world,” the President said.
In making that announcement, President Trump laid out two “wind-down periods” of 90 days and 180 days for business activities in or involving Iran. Today marks the final day of that initial wind-down period. Tomorrow, August 7, sanctions will be reimposed on the purchase of U.S. bank notes by the Government of Iran, Iran’s trade in gold and other precious metals, and a range of other financial and industrial transactions. 
Remaining sanctions will be reimposed on November 5.
The Iranian regime has exploited the global financial system to fund its malign activities, including supporting terrorism, promoting ruthless regimes, and abusing the human rights of its own people. Since the President announced his decision to withdraw from the deal, the Administration has sanctioned 38 Iran-related targets.

The opioid crisis: Telling your story

Earlier this year, President Trump laid out a bold vision for stopping America’s opioid epidemic. Since then, the entire Administration has mobilized to combat the crisis.
The first step of the President’s plan is to address the driving forces behind the epidemic. That starts with reducing excess demand for drugs—including legal medications that can be misused—through education, awareness, and prevention of over-prescription.
To help achieve this goal, President Trump is asking all Americans to share personal stories of how opioid abuse and misuse has affected their lives. Visit crisisnextdoor.gov to share your experience or that of a loved one, and watch the moving stories of those whose lives have changed because of this deadly epidemic.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

President Donald J. Trump signs an Executive Order in Bedminster, New Jersey, entitled "Reimposing Certain Sanctions with Respect to Iran." | August 5, 2018
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-08-07: President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.

<Public mail>
Since I am not a politician, I am complaining to the international community "crimes
of police officials and others".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The international community seems to be stuck with the Japanese government's honey trap.
It is a case of four Chinese people in violation of immigration laws in 2010.
They received a status of residence under the assistance of Article 22-4 (4)
(revocation of status of residence by submitting false documents) of Immigration Control Act.
And it was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving imprisonment
(suspended execution) due to the crime of Article 70 of the Immigration Act
"Labor outside the status of residence".

Four Chinese worked in different restaurants, respectively.

Each of the four employers who caused illegal work has not been punished
by Article 2 of Article 73 prescribed by Immigration Control Act.

This is a violation of international law forbidding the disposal of foreigners arbitrarily.
If the employer is not criminalized, the four Chinese who were worked are also innocent.
Foreigners alone can not do "illegal work" prescribed by Immigration Control Act.
Because there are "managers" to employ illegally,
it becomes "illegal labor".

Immigration law punishes both. It is a "lawless state" to forgive t
he acts of police officers and prosecutors ignoring this.

Four Chinese lost physical suffering, psychological distress
and social trust due to malicious abuse of official abuse
that insults international rules of police officers and prosecutors.

Four Chinese were forcibly repatriated from Japan to China as a criminal by arrest,
confinement and trial.
By doing so, the four Chinese lost all the credit,
such as security deposit and household goods, income and so on.

The "imprisonment punishment" received by four Chinese people is also burdensome to "life in China".
As soon as possible, the prosecution 's side should recover honor and compensate.

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move outof the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community,
please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize
and restore our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-08-07: Es ist die gleiche "illegale Arbeit". Dies ist eine "ungerechte" Disposition.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-08-07: Präsident Donald Trump stellt die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Frage.
Da ich kein Politiker bin, beklage ich mich bei der internationalen Gemeinschaft "Verbrechen von Polizeibeamten und anderen".
Warum schützen die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung ihr Volk nicht vor der japanischen Regierung?
Es scheint, dass es in der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festsitzt.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die internationale Gemeinschaft scheint mit der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festgefahren zu sein.

Es ist ein Fall von vier Chinesen, die 2010 gegen Einwanderungsgesetze verstoßen.
Sie erhielten unter Zuhilfenahme von Artikel 22-4 Absatz 4 (Widerruf des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes einen Aufenthaltsstatus.
Und es wurde gewaltsam nach China zurückgefördert, nachdem er wegen des Verbrechens des Artikels 70 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes "Arbeit außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus" eine Gefängnisstrafe erhalten hatte (Aussetzung).

Vier Chinesen arbeiteten jeweils in verschiedenen Restaurants.

Jeder der vier Arbeitgeber, die illegale Arbeit verursacht haben, wurde nicht durch Art. 73 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes bestraft.
Dies verstößt gegen internationales Recht und verbietet die willkürliche Veräußerung von Ausländern.

Wenn der Arbeitgeber nicht kriminalisiert wird, sind die vier Chinesen, die gearbeitet haben, auch unschuldig.

Ausländer allein können nicht "illegale Arbeit" nach dem Immigrationskontrollgesetz tun.
Da es "Manager" gibt, die illegal beschäftigen, wird es "illegale Arbeit".

Das Zuwanderungsgesetz bestraft beide.
Es ist ein "gesetzloser Staat", die Taten von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten zu vergeben, die dies ignorieren.

Vier Chinesen, wegen böswilligen Missbrauchs des offiziellen Missbrauchs von beleidigenden internationalen Regeln von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten,
Ich habe körperliches Leid, psychische Not und soziales Vertrauen verloren.
Vier Chinesen wurden durch Festnahme, Gefangenschaft und Gerichtsverfahren zwangsweise aus Japan nach China zurückgebracht.
Auf diese Weise verloren die vier Chinesen den gesamten Kredit, wie zum Beispiel Kaution und Haushaltswaren, Einkommen und so weiter.

Die "Haftstrafe", die vier Chinesen erhalten, belastet auch das "Leben in China".
So bald wie möglich sollte die Seite der Anklagebehörde ihre Ehre und Entschädigung wiedererlangen.

Da illegale Handlungen, die gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz im Jahr 2010 verstoßen, nicht korrigiert werden, treten diese illegalen Handlungen jeden Tag auf.
Die Staatsanwälte haben willkürlich zwei Kriterien gegen die "illegale Arbeit" von Ausländern.
1. Ausländer wie "Overstay" machen keine "kriminelle Disposition" mit "Verbrechen illegaler Arbeit"
In Übereinstimmung mit dem Immigration Control Act, "gezwungen, aus dem Land zu ziehen".

2. Diejenigen, die "legal bleiben", tun "kriminelle Verfügung" mit "Verbrechen der illegalen Arbeit".
Sie werden Kriminelle. Und sie vertreiben sich gewaltsam als "Verbrecher" aus dem Land.

Es ist die gleiche "illegale Arbeit". Dies ist eine "ungerechte" Disposition.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte sorgen Sie sich über die Situation in Japan.
Die japanische Regierung hat die Pflicht, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie den Schaden so schnell wie möglich zu ersetzen.

Allerdings hat die japanische Regierung diesen Fall heute ebenfalls niedergeschlagen.

Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-07:C'est le même "travail illégal". C'est une disposition "injuste".

<Public mail> #MeToo victime des droits de l'homme!

 Le président Donald Trump conteste la primauté du droit.
Comme je ne suis pas un politicien, je me plains auprès de la communauté internationale de «crimes de fonctionnaires de police et autres».
Pourquoi le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ne protègent-ils pas leur peuple du gouvernement japonais?
Il semble qu'il soit coincé dans le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. La communauté internationale semble être bloquée par le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

C'est un cas de quatre Chinois en violation des lois sur l'immigration en 2010.
Ils ont obtenu le statut de résidence au titre de l'article 22-4 (4) (révocation du statut de résident en soumettant de faux documents) de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Et il a été rapatrié de force en Chine après avoir été emprisonné (exécution suspendue) en raison du crime de l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration "Travail en dehors du statut de résidence".

Quatre Chinois ont travaillé dans différents restaurants, respectivement.

Chacun des quatre employeurs qui ont causé un travail illégal n'a pas été sanctionné par l'article 2 de l'article 73 prescrit par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
C'est une violation du droit international interdisant arbitrairement la disposition des étrangers.

Si l'employeur n'est pas criminalisé, les quatre Chinois qui ont travaillé sont également innocents.

Les étrangers ne peuvent à eux seuls faire un «travail illégal» prescrit par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Parce qu'il y a des «managers» à employer illégalement, cela devient un «travail illégal».

La loi sur l'immigration punit les deux.
C'est un «état anarchique» de pardonner les actes des policiers et des procureurs qui ignorent cela.

Quatre Chinois, en raison de l'abus malveillant de l'abus officiel des règles internationales insultantes des policiers et des procureurs,
J'ai perdu la souffrance physique, la détresse psychologique et la confiance sociale.
Quatre Chinois ont été rapatriés de force du Japon vers la Chine en tant que criminels par arrestation, détention et procès.
Ce faisant, les quatre Chinois ont perdu tout le crédit, comme le dépôt de garantie et les biens ménagers, les revenus et ainsi de suite.

La "punition d'emprisonnement" reçue par quatre Chinois est également lourde pour "la vie en Chine".
Dès que possible, le côté de la poursuite devrait récupérer l'honneur et compenser.

Parce que les actes illégaux en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en 2010 ne seront pas corrigés, ces actes illégaux se produisent tous les jours.
Les procureurs ont deux critères arbitrairement contre le «travail illégal» des étrangers.
1. Les étrangers tels que «séjour prolongé» ne «disposition criminelle» avec «crime de faire un travail illégal»
Conformément à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, "contraints de quitter le pays".

2. Ceux qui "séjournent légalement" font des "dispositions criminelles" avec "crime de faire un travail illégal".
Ils deviennent des criminels. Et ils s'expulsent de force hors du pays en tant que «criminels».

C'est le même "travail illégal". C'est une disposition "injuste".

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît s'inquiéter de la situation au Japon.
Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de restaurer notre honneur et d'indemniser les dommages le plus rapidement possible.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais a également écrasé cette affaire aujourd'hui.

Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il te plaît, aide-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays réside
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et leur volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-07:The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

 President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician, I am complaining to the international community "crimes
of police officials and others".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The international community seems to be stuck with the Japanese government's honey trap.
It is a case of four Chinese people in violation of immigration laws in 2010.
They received a status of residence under the assistance of Article 22-4 (4)
(revocation of status of residence by submitting false documents) of Immigration Control Act.
And it was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving imprisonment
(suspended execution) due to the crime of Article 70 of the Immigration Act
"Labor outside the status of residence".

Four Chinese worked in different restaurants, respectively.

Each of the four employers who caused illegal work has not been punished
by Article 2 of Article 73 prescribed by Immigration Control Act.

This is a violation of international law forbidding the disposal of foreigners arbitrarily.
If the employer is not criminalized, the four Chinese who were worked are also innocent.
Foreigners alone can not do "illegal work" prescribed by Immigration Control Act.
Because there are "managers" to employ illegally,
it becomes "illegal labor".

Immigration law punishes both. It is a "lawless state" to forgive t
he acts of police officers and prosecutors ignoring this.

Four Chinese lost physical suffering, psychological distress
and social trust due to malicious abuse of official abuse
that insults international rules of police officers and prosecutors.

Four Chinese were forcibly repatriated from Japan to China as a criminal by arrest,
confinement and trial.
By doing so, the four Chinese lost all the credit,
such as security deposit and household goods, income and so on.

The "imprisonment punishment" received by four Chinese people is also burdensome to "life in China".
As soon as possible, the prosecution 's side should recover honor and compensate.

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move outof the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community,
please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize
and restore our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-08-07:, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today. There is a limit to life. Please help me.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

 President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician, I am complaining to the international community "crimes
of police officials and others".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The international community seems to be stuck with the Japanese government's honey trap.
It is a case of four Chinese people in violation of immigration laws in 2010.
They received a status of residence under the assistance of Article 22-4 (4)
(revocation of status of residence by submitting false documents) of Immigration Control Act.
And it was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving imprisonment
(suspended execution) due to the crime of Article 70 of the Immigration Act
"Labor outside the status of residence".

Four Chinese worked in different restaurants, respectively.

Each of the four employers who caused illegal work has not been punished
by Article 2 of Article 73 prescribed by Immigration Control Act.

This is a violation of international law forbidding the disposal of foreigners arbitrarily.
If the employer is not criminalized, the four Chinese who were worked are also innocent.
Foreigners alone can not do "illegal work" prescribed by Immigration Control Act.
Because there are "managers" to employ illegally,
it becomes "illegal labor".

Immigration law punishes both. It is a "lawless state" to forgive t
he acts of police officers and prosecutors ignoring this.

Four Chinese lost physical suffering, psychological distress
and social trust due to malicious abuse of official abuse
that insults international rules of police officers and prosecutors.

Four Chinese were forcibly repatriated from Japan to China as a criminal by arrest,
confinement and trial.
By doing so, the four Chinese lost all the credit,
such as security deposit and household goods, income and so on.

The "imprisonment punishment" received by four Chinese people is also burdensome to "life in China".
As soon as possible, the prosecution 's side should recover honor and compensate.

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.

1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers" and make them "forced to move outof the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community,
please worry about the situation in Japan.

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize
and restore our honor and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.


Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions. My Administration continues to remain focused on the issues that matter to the American people. Today, I want to share with you some of the latest numbers regarding our Nation’s resurgent economy. During the second quarter of 2018, United States GDP hit 4.1 percent. Over the past four quarters, the average annual growth rate has been a strong 2.8 percent, which is a full point higher than the average GDP growth during the Obama Administration of 1.9 percent, and we are currently on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over 13 years. The American economy is achieving the kind of growth critics once derided as unrealistic. Our historic tax cuts and slashing of burdensome Government regulations have played an integral part in unleashing our Nation’s resurgent economy. My Administration’s pro-America, pro-growth agenda is resulting in jobs for the American people, with over 3.7 million jobs added to our Nation’s economy since November of 2016. Thank you again for your email. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy. Sincerely, Donald Trump

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-06

August 5, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions. My Administration continues to remain focused on the issues that matter to the American people. Today, I want to share with you some of the latest numbers regarding our Nation’s resurgent economy.
During the second quarter of 2018, United States GDP hit 4.1 percent. Over the past four quarters, the average annual growth rate has been a strong 2.8 percent, which is a full point higher than the average GDP growth during the Obama Administration of 1.9 percent, and we are currently on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over 13 years.
The American economy is achieving the kind of growth critics once derided as unrealistic. Our historic tax cuts and slashing of burdensome Government regulations have played an integral part in unleashing our Nation’s resurgent economy. My Administration’s pro-America, pro-growth agenda is resulting in jobs for the American people, with over 3.7 million jobs added to our Nation’s economy since November of 2016.
Thank you again for your email. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2018-08-06: They become criminals. And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals". It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition. Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-08-06: President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am accusing the international community "crime of police officials etc everyday".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is the damage of "Kin Gungaku".
He, like me, was made a criminal for the aid of his assistance to the "crime of labor other than
the status of residence" by four Chinese,
in the case of a violation of the Immigration Act of 2010.

The reason was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving "imprisonment sentence
(execution suspension time)" as having done "assistance act"
of immigration law 22-4-4 (cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents).

"KInGungaku" received a prison sentence of one and a half years (three years suspended execution)
and a fine of one million yen. The reason is due to malicious false complaint insulting
the Japanese law of police officers and prosecutors and abuse of official abilities.

He lost physical suffering, mental suffering and social trust.
I also lost the Chinese restaurant I got at the 10 million yen we saved for the brokerage reward.

And he was arrested,
detained and tried, he was forced to return to China from Japan,
he lost all credit, property and income etc.

"Branding of criminals" that he received is a heavy burden to the life in China.
Urgently, the prosecution should recover his honor and compensate.

If it was only a Japanese, the prosecutor said (I am great)
and can crush. However, since Japanese law is "Explicit Law",
it can not be "crushed" internationally.

The Japanese government took the innocent Chinese as a sinner,
deprived money (fine) and repatriated to China.

The international community should also tell the Chinese government!

What is the Chinese government doing!
The Chinese government should protect the people from the Japanese government!

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.
1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers"
and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals.
And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-08-06: 1. Ausländer wie "Overstay" machen keine "kriminelle Disposition" mit "Verbrechen illegaler Arbeit" In Übereinstimmung mit dem Immigration Control Act, "gezwungen, aus dem Land zu ziehen".

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Präsident Donald Trump stellt die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Frage.
Da ich kein Politiker bin, beschuldige ich die internationale Gemeinschaft "Verbrechen der Polizeibeamten usw. jeden Tag".
Warum schützen die chinesische Regierung und die philippinische Regierung ihr Volk nicht vor der japanischen Regierung?
Es scheint, dass es in der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festsitzt.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die internationale Gemeinschaft scheint mit der Honigfalle der japanischen Regierung festgefahren zu sein.

Es ist der Schaden von "KinGungaku".
Er, wie ich, erzählte den vier Straffällen des Immigration Control Act von 2010, dass vier Chinesen "schuldig waren für eine andere Arbeit als den Aufenthaltsstatus".
Ich wurde wegen dieser Hilfe zum Kriminellen gemacht.
Die Gründe lauten wie folgt: "Assistance Act" von Artikel 22-4-4 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes (Widerruf des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente)
Es wurde nach Erhalt einer "Haftstrafe (Aussetzung der Hinrichtung)" nach China deportiert.

"KInGungaku" erhielt eine Haftstrafe von eineinhalb Jahren (drei Jahre ausgesetzte Hinrichtung) und eine Geldstrafe von einer Million Yen.
Der Grund ist auf böswillige falsche Klagen zurückzuführen, die das japanische Gesetz der Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälte sowie den Missbrauch offizieller Fähigkeiten beleidigen.
Er verlor körperliches Leid, seelisches Leid und soziales Vertrauen.
Ich habe auch das chinesische Restaurant verloren, das ich bei den 10 Millionen Yen bekommen habe, die wir für die Maklerprämie gespart haben.
Und durch Festnahme, Haft, Prozess wurde er von Japan nach China zurückgeschickt,
Er verlor all seinen Kredit, sein Eigentum und sein Einkommen.

Das "Branding von Kriminellen", das er erhielt, ist eine schwere Belastung für das Leben in China.
Dringlich sollte die Anklage seine Ehre wiedererlangen und kompensieren.

Wenn es nur ein Japaner wäre, sagte der Staatsanwalt (ich bin großartig) und kann verkneifen.
Da das japanische Gesetz jedoch "ausdrückliches Recht" ist, kann es international nicht "zerschlagen" werden.
Die japanische Regierung nahm die unschuldigen Chinesen als Sünder, beraubte Geld (gut) und kehrte nach China zurück.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte es auch der chinesischen Regierung sagen!
Was macht die chinesische Regierung? Die chinesische Regierung sollte die Menschen vor der japanischen Regierung schützen!

Da illegale Handlungen, die gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz im Jahr 2010 verstoßen, nicht korrigiert werden, treten diese illegalen Handlungen jeden Tag auf.
Die Staatsanwälte haben willkürlich zwei Kriterien gegen die "illegale Arbeit" von Ausländern.
1. Ausländer wie "Overstay" machen keine "kriminelle Disposition" mit "Verbrechen illegaler Arbeit"
In Übereinstimmung mit dem Immigration Control Act, "gezwungen, aus dem Land zu ziehen".
2. Diejenigen, die "legal bleiben", tun "kriminelle Verfügung" mit "Verbrechen der illegalen Arbeit".
Sie werden Kriminelle. Und sie vertreiben sich gewaltsam als "Verbrecher" aus dem Land.
Es ist die gleiche "illegale Arbeit". Dies ist eine "ungerechte" Disposition.
Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte sorgen Sie sich über die Situation in Japan.
Die japanische Regierung hat die Pflicht, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie den Schaden so schnell wie möglich zu ersetzen.
Allerdings hat die japanische Regierung diesen Fall heute ebenfalls niedergeschlagen.
Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes im Geist liegt
des amerikanischen Volkes und ihre Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-06:Parce que les actes illégaux en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en 2010 ne seront pas corrigés, ces actes illégaux se produisent tous les jours. Les procureurs ont deux critères arbitrairement contre le «travail illégal» des étrangers.

<Public mail> #MeToo victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français

2018-08-06: Le président Donald Trump conteste la primauté du droit.
Comme je ne suis pas un politicien, j'accuse la communauté internationale de «crime de fonctionnaires de police, etc., tous les jours».
Pourquoi le gouvernement chinois et le gouvernement philippin ne protègent-ils pas leur peuple du gouvernement japonais?
Il semble qu'il soit coincé dans le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. La communauté internationale semble être bloquée par le piège du miel du gouvernement japonais.

C'est le dommage de "KinGungaku".
Comme moi, il a déclaré aux quatre affaires criminelles de la loi de 2010 sur le contrôle de l'immigration que quatre Chinois étaient «coupables de travail autre que le statut de résidence».
J'ai été fait un criminel pour l'aide de cette aide.
Les raisons en sont les suivantes: "acte d'assistance" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration (révocation du statut de résident par la présentation de faux documents)
Il a été expulsé vers la Chine après avoir reçu "une peine d'emprisonnement (suspension de l'exécution)".

"KInGungaku" a été condamné à une peine d'emprisonnement d'un an et demi (trois ans d'exécution avec sursis) et à une amende d'un million de yen.
La raison est due à une fausse plainte malveillante insultant la loi japonaise des policiers et des procureurs et l'abus des capacités officielles.
Il a perdu la souffrance physique, la souffrance mentale et la confiance sociale.
J'ai aussi perdu le restaurant chinois que j'ai acheté pour les 10 millions de yens que nous avons économisés pour la récompense de courtage.
Et par l'arrestation, la détention, le procès, il a été renvoyé du Japon en Chine,
Il a perdu tout son crédit, ses biens et ses revenus.

"Branding des criminels" qu'il a reçu est un lourd fardeau pour la vie en Chine.
D'urgence, l'accusation devrait recouvrer son honneur et indemniser.

Si c'était seulement un japonais, le procureur a dit (je suis génial) et peut écraser.
Cependant, puisque la loi japonaise est «loi explicite», elle ne peut pas être «écrasée» au niveau international.
Le gouvernement japonais a pris les Chinois innocents comme un pécheur, a privé l'argent (amende) et a rapatrié en Chine.

La communauté internationale devrait également dire au gouvernement chinois!
Que fait le gouvernement chinois! Le gouvernement chinois devrait protéger le peuple du gouvernement japonais!

Parce que les actes illégaux en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en 2010 ne seront pas corrigés, ces actes illégaux se produisent tous les jours.
Les procureurs ont deux critères arbitrairement contre le «travail illégal» des étrangers.
1. Les étrangers tels que «séjour prolongé» ne «disposition criminelle» avec «crime de faire un travail illégal»
Conformément à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, "contraints de quitter le pays".
2. Ceux qui "séjournent légalement" font des "dispositions criminelles" avec "crime de faire un travail illégal".
Ils deviennent des criminels. Et ils s'expulsent de force hors du pays en tant que «criminels».
C'est le même "travail illégal". C'est une disposition "injuste".
Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît s'inquiéter de la situation au Japon.
Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de restaurer notre honneur et d'indemniser les dommages le plus rapidement possible.
Cependant, le gouvernement japonais a également écrasé cette affaire aujourd'hui.
Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il te plaît, aide-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays réside dans l'esprit
du peuple américain et leur volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-06: It is the damage of "Kin Gungaku". He, like me, was made a criminal for the aid of his assistance to the "crime of labor other than the status of residence" by four Chinese, in the case of a violation of the Immigration Act of 2010.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am accusing the international community "crime of police officials etc everyday".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is the damage of "Kin Gungaku".
He, like me, was made a criminal for the aid of his assistance to the "crime of labor other than
the status of residence" by four Chinese,
in the case of a violation of the Immigration Act of 2010.

The reason was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving "imprisonment sentence
(execution suspension time)" as having done "assistance act"
of immigration law 22-4-4 (cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents).

"KInGungaku" received a prison sentence of one and a half years (three years suspended execution)
and a fine of one million yen. The reason is due to malicious false complaint insulting
the Japanese law of police officers and prosecutors and abuse of official abilities.

He lost physical suffering, mental suffering and social trust.
I also lost the Chinese restaurant I got at the 10 million yen we saved for the brokerage reward.

And he was arrested,
detained and tried, he was forced to return to China from Japan,
he lost all credit, property and income etc.

"Branding of criminals" that he received is a heavy burden to the life in China.
Urgently, the prosecution should recover his honor and compensate.

If it was only a Japanese, the prosecutor said (I am great)
and can crush. However, since Japanese law is "Explicit Law",
it can not be "crushed" internationally.

The Japanese government took the innocent Chinese as a sinner,
deprived money (fine) and repatriated to China.

The international community should also tell the Chinese government!

What is the Chinese government doing!
The Chinese government should protect the people from the Japanese government!

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.
1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers"
and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals.
And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-08-06: It is the damage of "Kin Gungaku". He, like me, was made a criminal for the aid of his assistance to the "crime of labor other than the status of residence" by four Chinese, in the case of a violation of the Immigration Act of 2010.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.
Since I am not a politician,
I am accusing the international community "crime of police officials etc everyday".
Why does the Chinese government and the Philippine government do not protect their people
from the Japanese government?
It seems that it is stuck in the Japanese government's honey trap.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The international community seems to be stuck
with the Japanese government's honey trap.

It is the damage of "Kin Gungaku".
He, like me, was made a criminal for the aid of his assistance to the "crime of labor other than
the status of residence" by four Chinese,
in the case of a violation of the Immigration Act of 2010.

The reason was forcibly repatriated to China after receiving "imprisonment sentence
(execution suspension time)" as having done "assistance act"
of immigration law 22-4-4 (cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents).

"KInGungaku" received a prison sentence of one and a half years (three years suspended execution)
and a fine of one million yen. The reason is due to malicious false complaint insulting
the Japanese law of police officers and prosecutors and abuse of official abilities.

He lost physical suffering, mental suffering and social trust.
I also lost the Chinese restaurant I got at the 10 million yen we saved for the brokerage reward.

And he was arrested,
detained and tried, he was forced to return to China from Japan,
he lost all credit, property and income etc.

"Branding of criminals" that he received is a heavy burden to the life in China.
Urgently, the prosecution should recover his honor and compensate.

If it was only a Japanese, the prosecutor said (I am great)
and can crush. However, since Japanese law is "Explicit Law",
it can not be "crushed" internationally.

The Japanese government took the innocent Chinese as a sinner,
deprived money (fine) and repatriated to China.

The international community should also tell the Chinese government!

What is the Chinese government doing!
The Chinese government should protect the people from the Japanese government!

Since illegal acts in violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010 will not be corrected,
these illegal acts are occurring every day.

The prosecutors have two criteria arbitrarily against the "illegal labor" of foreigners.
1. Foreigners such as "overstay" do not do "criminal disposition" in "illegal workers"
and make them "forced to move out of the country" according to the Immigration Control Act.

2. Those who "legally stay" do "criminal disposition" with "crime of doing illegal work".
They become criminals.
And they forcibly expel themselves out of the country as "criminals".

It is the same "illegal labor". This is "unfair" disposition.

Everyone in the international community, please worry about the situation in Japan.
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to compensate damages as soon as possible.

However, the Japanese government has also crushed this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-05】 August 4, 2018 I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions. My Administration continues to remain focused on the issues that matter to the American people. Today, I want to share with you some of the latest numbers regarding our Nation’s resurgent economy.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-05

August 4, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions. My Administration continues to remain focused on the issues that matter to the American people. Today, I want to share with you some of the latest numbers regarding our Nation’s resurgent economy.
During the second quarter of 2018, United States GDP hit 4.1 percent. Over the past four quarters, the average annual growth rate has been a strong 2.8 percent, which is a full point higher than the average GDP growth during the Obama Administration of 1.9 percent, and we are currently on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in over 13 years.
The American economy is achieving the kind of growth critics once derided as unrealistic. Our historic tax cuts and slashing of burdensome Government regulations have played an integral part in unleashing our Nation’s resurgent economy. My Administration’s pro-America, pro-growth agenda is resulting in jobs for the American people, with over 3.7 million jobs added to our Nation’s economy since November of 2016.
Thank you again for your email. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy.
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

2025-01-24: ستجتاح السيارات ذات المحرك الهيدروجيني المنخفض التكلفة من الجزائر العالم. رينو وهوندا، اللتان تخلتا عن سيارات محرك الاحتراق الداخلي، ليس لديهما مستقبل. يجب على نيسان التخلي عن الاندماج.

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