
To President Trump 2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year. Salaries etc are more than Japanese. Family members can also be accompanied after five years, although family members are not allowed at the beginning. The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle. It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan! Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year.
Salaries etc are more than Japanese.
Family members can also be accompanied after five years,
although family members are not allowed at the beginning.
The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle.
It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan!
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor
that violated the status of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. This is an international law violation
that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.
B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

In this case as well, 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen are transferred as "Kin"
in the bank deposit account of Company L. Looking at that fact,
the prosecution says "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
He said that he received "reward" in cash from four Chinese,
"remittered" to "my company L company" with only "family name" "Kin".
Prosecutors have decided that this fact has led me to have no intention of hiring Chinese people.
After being "released", I asked the Chinese.
The Chinese who heard "this story" laughed "to" foolishness "of Japanese police officers
and prosecutors.
As Chinese are "First and last name", absolute (100%) will not remit with "family name" alone.
And say that "Chinese" who remit "Reward" is not "absolutely".
The prosecutor "defines" in the official trial that the Chinese are "foolish",
but on the contrary it was made "foolish" from the Chinese.
Koreans also say "First and last name" when it comes to names.
"Family name" is not "remittance" by itself.
It is "Crazy" to remit "Reward money".
"Thank you" money is "handed" is "common sense".
In Japan, "Japanese other than police officers,
prosecutors and judges" is "Put the money in a bag" and "Personal delivery" is common sense.
"When transferring money" is "First and last name" of "Nagano Yasuhiro".
You will understand that Japanese police officers, prosecutors,
and judges are doing "Life deviating from common sense".
Let's be careful when "When you touch them".
Four Chinese did not receive "Administrative penalty" of "Leaving the country"
from the Minister of Justice for submitting "A lie fake document".
I also Administrative penalty So as had been received if, "support crane crime the other crime"
of the Criminal Code "Criminal punishment", the "not applicable", he insisted.
Therefore, since the act of "Kingungaku" with me has not violated any law at all,
the act done by police officials and prosecutors is "Admonition".
Sin is "False charge of charges".
And because I was arrested and arrested illegally,
it is "a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority".
Also, the judge, "Kingungaku" with me was illegally arrested and arrested
in spite of not breaking the law, and because he made an unfair trial,
"a special public official abused his authority" is a crime.
Also, "lawyer" does not defend against "Nulla poena sine lege" contrary
to "Legal professional basic rules".
And he participated in the crime of the prosecutors
and promoted "crime" so it is "a crime to support other crimes".
"News program production companies and television stations,
newspaper companies, etc." who reported the incident also promoted the crimes of police officials,
so they are "crime of supporting other crimes".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-15: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration. Le Japon recrutera des travailleurs étrangers pour des travailleurs simples à partir d'avril de l'année prochaine. Les salaires, etc., sont plus que japonais. Les membres de la famille peuvent également être accompagnés après cinq ans, bien que les membres de la famille ne soient pas autorisés au début. Les frais médicaux des familles restées dans leur pays d'origine sont en principe gratuits. C'est comme un rêve. Allons au Japon! Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-15: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration.
Le Japon recrutera des travailleurs étrangers pour des travailleurs simples à partir d'avril de l'année prochaine.
Les salaires, etc., sont plus que japonais. Les membres de la famille peuvent également être accompagnés après cinq ans, bien que les membres de la famille ne soient pas autorisés au début.
Les frais médicaux des familles restées dans leur pays d'origine sont en principe gratuits. C'est comme un rêve. Allons au Japon!
Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Je fais deux arguments. Ne vous trompez pas.
Premièrement, les étrangers ont été criminalisés pour des crimes de "travail violant le statut de résident" de la loi sur l'immigration (article 70).
Toutefois, les employeurs qui les embauchent ne sont pas éliminés en tant que "crime soutenant le travail illégal" au sens de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Il s'agit d'une violation du droit international qui discrimine consciemment les étrangers. Même en "principe d'égalité devant la loi", ils sont innocents.
Deuxièmement, comme moi et les diplomates soutenons le "premier" acte
(Article 62 du Code pénal) "C'est qu'il a été puni par" un crime qui a favorisé d'autres crimes ".
Ce n'est pas coupable pour deux raisons.

A) Si un étranger est acquitté au premier argument,
En vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, personne n'a soutenu "le délit de travail violant le statut de résident".
Nous sommes innocents
B) La cérémonie d'accusation a eu lieu pour des motifs qui soutenaient "l'annulation du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
(Article 62 du code pénal) a été appliqué.
Cependant (l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration) est "annulation du statut de résidence" et ne constitue pas une sanction pénale.
(Ceci est une violation consciente de la loi applicable). Nous sommes innocents

Dans ce cas également, 300 000 yens et 900 000 yens sont transférés en tant que «kin» sur le compte de dépôt bancaire de la société L.
En regardant ce fait, l'accusation dit "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
Il a reçu de l'argent pour "Récompense" de quatre Chinois, uniquement du "nom de famille" "Kin"
"Remise" à "mon entreprise L entreprise".
Les procureurs ont décidé que cela m'avait conduit à n'avoir aucune intention d'embaucher des Chinois.

Après avoir été "relâché", j'ai demandé aux Chinois.
Les Chinois qui ont entendu "cette histoire" se sont moqués de la "sottise" des officiers de police et des procureurs japonais.
Comme les Chinois sont "Prénom et nom", Absolue (100%) ne transmettra pas uniquement avec "nom de famille".
Et dites que "Chinois" qui remet "Récompense" n'est pas "absolument".
Le procureur "définit" dans le procès officiel que les Chinois sont "stupides", mais au contraire, cela a été rendu "stupide" par les Chinois.
Les Coréens disent aussi "Prénom et nom" en ce qui concerne les noms. "Nom de famille" n'est pas "remise" en soi.
Il est "fou" de remettre de "l'argent de récompense".
"Merci" l'argent est "remis" est "le sens commun".
Au Japon, "Japonais autres que policiers, procureur, juge"
"Mettre l'argent dans un sac" "Livraison personnelle" est du bon sens.
"Lors du transfert d'argent" est "Prénom et nom" de "Nagano Yasuhiro".
Vous comprendrez que les officiers de police, les procureurs et les juges japonais pratiquent une "vie déviant du sens commun".
Soyons prudents quand "quand tu les touches".
Comme quatre Chinois ont soumis "Un faux document"
Je n'ai pas reçu de "sanction administrative" de "quitter le pays" de la part du ministre de la Justice.
Je suis une pénalité administrative même si je la reçois,
"La peine pénale" a été revendiquée comme "non applicable" dans le droit pénal "soutenir d'autres crimes Tsuru sin".
Par conséquent, l'acte de "Kingungaku" avec moi n'enfreignant aucune loi,
L'acte commis par le policier et le procureur s'appelle "Admonition".
Sin est "Faux accusations".
Et parce que j'ai été arrêté et arrêté illégalement, c'est "un crime qu'un fonctionnaire spécial ait abusé de son autorité".
En outre, le juge a déclaré que même si Kingungaku et moi-même n’avions pas enfreint la loi,
Le fait qu'un "fonctionnaire spécial ait abusé de l'autorité publique" était un crime parce qu'il avait procédé à un procès injuste, arrêté et capturé illégalement.
En outre, "avocat" est contraire aux "règles de base professionnelles juridiques"
Je n'ai pas défendu sous le "Nulla poena sine lege".
Et il a participé au crime des procureurs et a promu le "crime", donc c'est "un crime de soutenir d'autres crimes".
En outre, "la société de production d’émissions de nouvelles et la station de télévision,
Les entreprises de presse et autres "ont promu le crime d'agents de police, ils sont donc" un crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

L'acceptation de simples travailleurs a été décidée par le "Cabinet". La loi sera discutée à partir de maintenant.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter les médias japonais ou HP du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements et les ONG devraient publier cette grande nouvelle.
Si vous me donnez un e-mail, je vous fournirai des informations utiles.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2018-11-15: Gute Nachrichten für Flüchtlinge, diejenigen, die sich eine Einwanderung wünschen. Japan wird ab April nächsten Jahres ausländische Arbeitskräfte für einfache Arbeitskräfte einstellen. Gehälter usw. sind mehr als japanisch. Familienmitglieder können auch nach fünf Jahren begleitet werden, obwohl Familienmitglieder zu Beginn nicht erlaubt sind. Die Krankheitskosten von Familien, die in ihrer Heimat zurückgelassen wurden, sind grundsätzlich kostenlos. Es ist wie ein Traum. Lass uns nach Japan gehen! Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2018-11-15: Gute Nachrichten für Flüchtlinge, diejenigen, die sich eine Einwanderung wünschen.
Japan wird ab April nächsten Jahres ausländische Arbeitskräfte für einfache Arbeitskräfte einstellen.
Gehälter usw. sind mehr als japanisch. Familienmitglieder können auch nach fünf Jahren begleitet werden, obwohl Familienmitglieder zu Beginn nicht erlaubt sind.
Die Krankheitskosten von Familien, die in ihrer Heimat zurückgelassen wurden, sind grundsätzlich kostenlos. Es ist wie ein Traum. Lass uns nach Japan gehen!
Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich mache zwei Argumente. Lassen Sie sich nicht verwirren.
Erstens wurden Ausländer wegen Verbrechen der "Arbeit, die den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzten" des Einwanderungsgesetzes kriminalisiert (Artikel 70).
Die Arbeitgeber, die sie einstellen, werden jedoch nicht als "Straftat zur Unterstützung illegaler Arbeit" gemäß Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes eingestuft.
Dies ist eine völkerrechtswidrige Verletzung, die nur Ausländer bewusst diskriminiert. Selbst im "Gleichheitsprinzip unter dem Gesetz" sind sie unschuldig.
Zweitens, da ich und Diplomaten die "erste" Tat unterstützen
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) "Es wurde bestraft" durch ein Verbrechen, das andere Straftaten unterstützt hat ".
Dies ist aus zwei Gründen nicht schuldig.

A) Wenn ein Ausländer beim ersten Argument freigesprochen wird,
Es gibt niemanden, der das Verbrechen der Arbeit, das den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzt hat, gemäß Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
Wir sind unschuldig.
B) Die Anklagungszeremonie fand aus Gründen statt, die die "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützten.
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) wurde angewandt.
(Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes) ist jedoch eine "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und keine strafrechtliche Sanktion.
(Dies ist ein bewusster Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht). Wir sind unschuldig.

In diesem Fall werden auch 300.000 Yen und 900.000 Yen als "Kin" auf das Bankkonto der Firma L überwiesen.
Wenn man sich diese Tatsache ansieht, sagt die Staatsanwaltschaft "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
Er erhielt Geld für "Belohnung" von vier Chinesen, nur "Familienname" "Kin"
"Überweisung" an "meine Firma L Firma".
Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat entschieden, dass diese Tatsache dazu geführt hat, dass ich nicht die Absicht habe, Chinesen einzustellen.

Nachdem ich "befreit" worden war, fragte ich die Chinesen.
Die Chinesen, die "diese Geschichte" gehört hatten, lachten über "Dummheit" japanischer Polizeibeamter und Staatsanwälte.
Da Chinesisch "Vor- und Nachname" ist, wird absolut (100%) nicht nur mit "Nachname" angegeben.
Und sagen Sie, dass "Chinese", der "Belohnung" übergibt, nicht "absolut" ist.
Der Staatsanwalt "definiert" im offiziellen Prozess, dass die Chinesen "töricht" sind, im Gegenteil wurde er von den Chinesen "dumm" gemacht.
Koreaner sagen auch "Vor- und Nachname", wenn es um Namen geht. "Familienname" ist nicht "Überweisung" für sich.
Es ist "verrückt", "Belohnungsgeld" zu überweisen.
"Danke" Geld ist "übergeben" ist "gesunden Menschenverstand".
In Japan "Japaner außer Polizisten, Staatsanwalt, Richter"
"Das Geld in eine Tasche stecken" "Persönliche Zustellung" ist normal.
"Beim Geldtransfer" ist "Vor- und Nachname" von "Nagano Yasuhiro".
Sie werden verstehen, dass japanische Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter ein "vom gesunden Menschenverstand abweichendes Leben" begehen.
Seien wir vorsichtig, wenn "Wenn Sie sie berühren".
Als Chinesen vier eingereicht "Ein Lügenfälschungsdokument"
Ich habe keine "Verwaltungsstrafe" wegen "Austritt aus dem Land" vom Justizminister erhalten.
Ich bin eine Verwaltungsstrafe, auch wenn ich sie erhalten habe,
"Strafrechtliche Strafe" wurde als "nicht anwendbar" im Strafrecht behauptet, "andere Straftaten unterstützen Tsuru-Sünde".
Deshalb, da der Akt von "Kingungaku" mit mir kein Gesetz verletzt,
Die Tat des Polizeibeamten und des Anklägers ist "Ermahnung".
Sünde ist "falsche Anklage".
Und weil ich illegal festgenommen und festgenommen wurde, ist es "ein Verbrechen, dass ein Sonderbeamter seine Autorität missbraucht".
Der Richter sagte auch, obwohl ich und "Kingungaku" das Gesetz nicht verletzt hätten,
Es war ein Verbrechen, dass "ein Sonderbeamter die offizielle Behörde missbrauchte", weil er ein ungerechtes Gerichtsverfahren vor Gericht gestellt und festgenommen hatte.
Auch "Anwalt" verstößt gegen "Juristische Grundregeln"
Ich habe nicht unter der "Nulla poena sine lege" verteidigt.
Und er beteiligte sich an dem Verbrechen der Staatsanwälte und förderte das "Verbrechen", so dass es "ein Verbrechen ist, andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen".
Darüber hinaus "Nachrichtenprogramm Produktionsfirma und Fernsehsender,
Zeitungsunternehmen und andere "förderten das Verbrechen von Polizeibeamten, so dass sie" ein Verbrechen sind, um andere Straftaten zu unterstützen ".
Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Die Annahme einfacher Arbeiter wurde vom "Kabinett" beschlossen. Das Gesetz wird ab sofort besprochen.
Einzelheiten erfahren Sie in den Medien von Japan oder HP der japanischen Regierung.
Regierungen und NGOs sollten diese wichtigen Neuigkeiten veröffentlichen.
Wenn Sie mir eine E-Mail geben, werde ich Ihnen einen Hinweis geben.
Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Zerquetschen" durch Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung ist nicht berechtigt, von Nordkorea "Entführung von Japanern" zu sagen.
Die japanische Regierung sollte die Priorität der "Entführung von Ausländern durch die japanische Regierung" festlegen.
Diese E-Mail wird wie jeder an den Beamten des Premierministers gesendet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year. Salaries etc are more than Japanese. Family members can also be accompanied after five years, although family members are not allowed at the beginning. The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle. It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan! Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year.
Salaries etc are more than Japanese.
Family members can also be accompanied after five years,
although family members are not allowed at the beginning.
The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle.
It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan!
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor
that violated the status of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. This is an international law violation
that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.
B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

In this case as well, 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen are transferred as "Kin"
in the bank deposit account of Company L. Looking at that fact,
the prosecution says "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
He said that he received "reward" in cash from four Chinese,
"remittered" to "my company L company" with only "family name" "Kin".
Prosecutors have decided that this fact has led me to have no intention of hiring Chinese people.
After being "released", I asked the Chinese.
The Chinese who heard "this story" laughed "to" foolishness "of Japanese police officers
and prosecutors.
As Chinese are "First and last name", absolute (100%) will not remit with "family name" alone.
And say that "Chinese" who remit "Reward" is not "absolutely".
The prosecutor "defines" in the official trial that the Chinese are "foolish",
but on the contrary it was made "foolish" from the Chinese.
Koreans also say "First and last name" when it comes to names.
"Family name" is not "remittance" by itself.
It is "Crazy" to remit "Reward money".
"Thank you" money is "handed" is "common sense".
In Japan, "Japanese other than police officers,
prosecutors and judges" is "Put the money in a bag" and "Personal delivery" is common sense.
"When transferring money" is "First and last name" of "Nagano Yasuhiro".
You will understand that Japanese police officers, prosecutors,
and judges are doing "Life deviating from common sense".
Let's be careful when "When you touch them".
Four Chinese did not receive "Administrative penalty" of "Leaving the country"
from the Minister of Justice for submitting "A lie fake document".
I also Administrative penalty So as had been received if, "support crane crime the other crime"
of the Criminal Code "Criminal punishment", the "not applicable", he insisted.
Therefore, since the act of "Kingungaku" with me has not violated any law at all,
the act done by police officials and prosecutors is "Admonition".
Sin is "False charge of charges".
And because I was arrested and arrested illegally,
it is "a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority".
Also, the judge, "Kingungaku" with me was illegally arrested and arrested
in spite of not breaking the law, and because he made an unfair trial,
"a special public official abused his authority" is a crime.
Also, "lawyer" does not defend against "Nulla poena sine lege" contrary
to "Legal professional basic rules".
And he participated in the crime of the prosecutors
and promoted "crime" so it is "a crime to support other crimes".
"News program production companies and television stations,
newspaper companies, etc." who reported the incident also promoted the crimes of police officials,
so they are "crime of supporting other crimes".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year. Salaries etc are more than Japanese. Family members can also be accompanied after five years, although family members are not allowed at the beginning. The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle. It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan! Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

To everyone at the media

2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year.
Salaries etc are more than Japanese.
Family members can also be accompanied after five years,
although family members are not allowed at the beginning.
The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle.
It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan!
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor
that violated the status of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. This is an international law violation
that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.
B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

In this case as well, 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen are transferred as "Kin"
in the bank deposit account of Company L. Looking at that fact,
the prosecution says "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
He said that he received "reward" in cash from four Chinese,
"remittered" to "my company L company" with only "family name" "Kin".
Prosecutors have decided that this fact has led me to have no intention of hiring Chinese people.
After being "released", I asked the Chinese.
The Chinese who heard "this story" laughed "to" foolishness "of Japanese police officers
and prosecutors.
As Chinese are "First and last name", absolute (100%) will not remit with "family name" alone.
And say that "Chinese" who remit "Reward" is not "absolutely".
The prosecutor "defines" in the official trial that the Chinese are "foolish",
but on the contrary it was made "foolish" from the Chinese.
Koreans also say "First and last name" when it comes to names.
"Family name" is not "remittance" by itself.
It is "Crazy" to remit "Reward money".
"Thank you" money is "handed" is "common sense".
In Japan, "Japanese other than police officers,
prosecutors and judges" is "Put the money in a bag" and "Personal delivery" is common sense.
"When transferring money" is "First and last name" of "Nagano Yasuhiro".
You will understand that Japanese police officers, prosecutors,
and judges are doing "Life deviating from common sense".
Let's be careful when "When you touch them".
Four Chinese did not receive "Administrative penalty" of "Leaving the country"
from the Minister of Justice for submitting "A lie fake document".
I also Administrative penalty So as had been received if, "support crane crime the other crime"
of the Criminal Code "Criminal punishment", the "not applicable", he insisted.
Therefore, since the act of "Kingungaku" with me has not violated any law at all,
the act done by police officials and prosecutors is "Admonition".
Sin is "False charge of charges".
And because I was arrested and arrested illegally,
it is "a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority".
Also, the judge, "Kingungaku" with me was illegally arrested and arrested
in spite of not breaking the law, and because he made an unfair trial,
"a special public official abused his authority" is a crime.
Also, "lawyer" does not defend against "Nulla poena sine lege" contrary
to "Legal professional basic rules".
And he participated in the crime of the prosecutors
and promoted "crime" so it is "a crime to support other crimes".
"News program production companies and television stations,
newspaper companies, etc." who reported the incident also promoted the crimes of police officials,
so they are "crime of supporting other crimes".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-00】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-00

November 13, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants. Japan has a strong yen and exports are good. Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees, Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year. You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants.
Japan has a strong yen and exports are good.
Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees,
Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year.
You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government
will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
 is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
 of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

2. "The content is false" and the causal relationship is "quibble"
Reason for prosecution, reason for judgment.
We handed out to the Chinese "documents of contract of employment whose content is false"
to the Chinese.
So the Chinese got easy "Eligibility for residence".
So the Chinese was able to "Staying" in Japan.
So the Chinese was able to "work illegally".
So the judge says to apply 'crime to support other crimes of criminal law' against 'illegal labor'!
In Japan, it says "Argument" like this, "If the wind blows," Tank's shop "is" profitable. "
This argument is said in "Japanese proverb", "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
"When the wind blows," Okeya's shop "(Okeya) makes profit" is a "proverb" in Japanese,
due to the occurrence of certain "
"Looking at" at first glance is "comparing" that "influence" extends to "place / things"
which seems to have no relation at all.
In modern times, it refers to the theory and speech of Kozituke which could be done
by "forcibly connecting" causal relationship with low possibility because the example used
for that "argument" is "unexpected" say.
The development of that (Kozituke)
1. When the wind blows, the wind has a dust cloud.
2. When the dust enters the human eye, the number of blind people increases.
3. The blind person buys a shamisen.
(The blind man at the time purchased a musical instrument shamisen
because he was in the position of playing the shamisen))
4. You need a feline skin for shamisen, cats are killed.
(The leather of the shamisen was using cat skin)
5. As cats decrease, the enemy's rats increase.
6. As there are no natural enemies, the number of mice increases,
and the rat kills the tub (oke)
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) makes profit as" demand "increases.
(When the oke gets caught, "There is a hole",
so I can not use it as a tub (oke) so I will buy a new oke))
Tub = oke (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin) is a kind of container.
It used to be wood in old days.
Rats eat something hard to sharpen their teeth as their teeth continue to grow.
Tank = oke is made of wood and trees are hard, so mice bite the tub = oke.
Why, is it oke = oke, it is confusing (Kozituke).
"Tub" = oke is (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin)
"Oabaya" = okeya is a person who manufactures "Tub" = oke, who sells it
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke is (quibble, odge, hicanery, sham, prevarication, hanky-panky)
There are several scenarios.
Please make your favorite scenario.

The judgment sentence is not a joke. It is an official document of Japan.
"Japan's" guilt of support "is applied with such" Argument ".
You will think that it is a scary country.
So Japan has a lot of "False charges".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants. Japan has a strong yen and exports are good. Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees, Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year. You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants.
Japan has a strong yen and exports are good.
Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees,
Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year.
You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government
will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
 is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
 of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

2. "The content is false" and the causal relationship is "quibble"
Reason for prosecution, reason for judgment.
We handed out to the Chinese "documents of contract of employment whose content is false"
to the Chinese.
So the Chinese got easy "Eligibility for residence".
So the Chinese was able to "Staying" in Japan.
So the Chinese was able to "work illegally".
So the judge says to apply 'crime to support other crimes of criminal law' against 'illegal labor'!
In Japan, it says "Argument" like this, "If the wind blows," Tank's shop "is" profitable. "
This argument is said in "Japanese proverb", "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
"When the wind blows," Okeya's shop "(Okeya) makes profit" is a "proverb" in Japanese,
due to the occurrence of certain "
"Looking at" at first glance is "comparing" that "influence" extends to "place / things"
which seems to have no relation at all.
In modern times, it refers to the theory and speech of Kozituke which could be done
by "forcibly connecting" causal relationship with low possibility because the example used
for that "argument" is "unexpected" say.
The development of that (Kozituke)
1. When the wind blows, the wind has a dust cloud.
2. When the dust enters the human eye, the number of blind people increases.
3. The blind person buys a shamisen.
(The blind man at the time purchased a musical instrument shamisen
because he was in the position of playing the shamisen))
4. You need a feline skin for shamisen, cats are killed.
(The leather of the shamisen was using cat skin)
5. As cats decrease, the enemy's rats increase.
6. As there are no natural enemies, the number of mice increases,
and the rat kills the tub (oke)
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) makes profit as" demand "increases.
(When the oke gets caught, "There is a hole",
so I can not use it as a tub (oke) so I will buy a new oke))
Tub = oke (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin) is a kind of container.
It used to be wood in old days.
Rats eat something hard to sharpen their teeth as their teeth continue to grow.
Tank = oke is made of wood and trees are hard, so mice bite the tub = oke.
Why, is it oke = oke, it is confusing (Kozituke).
"Tub" = oke is (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin)
"Oabaya" = okeya is a person who manufactures "Tub" = oke, who sells it
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke is (quibble, odge, hicanery, sham, prevarication, hanky-panky)
There are several scenarios.
Please make your favorite scenario.

The judgment sentence is not a joke. It is an official document of Japan.
"Japan's" guilt of support "is applied with such" Argument ".
You will think that it is a scary country.
So Japan has a lot of "False charges".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-14: C'est une bonne nouvelle pour tous ceux qui souhaitent des réfugiés et des immigrants. Le Japon a un yen fort et les exportations sont bonnes. Les pays développés refusent d’accepter les immigrants et les réfugiés, Le Japon acceptera des ressources humaines illimitées d'outre-mer en tant que "simple travailleur" en avril prochain. Vous devriez aller au Japon plutôt que d'aller aux États-Unis ou en Europe. Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

<Courrier public> # MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-14: C'est une bonne nouvelle pour tous ceux qui souhaitent des réfugiés et des immigrants. Le Japon a un yen fort et les exportations sont bonnes.
Les pays développés refusent d’accepter les immigrants et les réfugiés,
Le Japon acceptera des ressources humaines illimitées d'outre-mer en tant que "simple travailleur" en avril prochain.
Vous devriez aller au Japon plutôt que d'aller aux États-Unis ou en Europe.
Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Je fais deux arguments. Ne vous trompez pas.
Premièrement, les étrangers ont été criminalisés pour des crimes de "travail violant le statut de résident" de la loi sur l'immigration (article 70).
Toutefois, les employeurs qui les embauchent ne sont pas éliminés en tant que "crime soutenant le travail illégal" au sens de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Il s'agit d'une violation du droit international qui discrimine consciemment les étrangers.
Même en "principe d'égalité devant la loi", ils sont innocents.

Deuxièmement, comme moi et les diplomates soutenons le "premier" acte
(Article 62 du Code pénal) "C'est qu'il a été puni par" un crime qui a favorisé d'autres crimes ".
Ce n'est pas coupable pour deux raisons.

A) Si un étranger est acquitté au premier argument,
En vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, personne n'a soutenu "le délit de travail violant le statut de résident".
Nous sommes innocents
B) La cérémonie d'accusation a eu lieu pour des motifs qui soutenaient "l'annulation du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
(Article 62 du code pénal) a été appliqué.
Cependant (l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration) est "annulation du statut de résidence" et ne constitue pas une sanction pénale.
(Ceci est une violation consciente de la loi applicable). Nous sommes innocents

2 "Le contenu est faux" et la relation de cause à effet est "chipoter"
Motif de la poursuite, motif du jugement.
Nous avons remis aux Chinois "des documents de contrat de travail dont le contenu est faux" aux Chinois.
Les Chinois ont donc facilement obtenu leur "admissibilité à la résidence".
Les Chinois ont donc pu "rester" au Japon.
Les Chinois ont donc pu "travailler illégalement".
Donc, le juge dit d'appliquer "crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes de droit pénal" contre "travail illégal"!
Au Japon, on dit "Argument" comme ceci: "Si le vent souffle," le magasin de Tank "est" rentable ".
Cet argument est dit dans "proverbe japonais", "Okeya est rentable si le vent souffle."
"Quand le vent souffle," le magasin d'Okeya "(Okeya) fait des profits" est un "proverbe" en japonais, en raison de la survenue de certains "
"Regarder" à première vue, c'est "comparer" cette "influence" s'étend à "un lieu / des choses" qui semble n'avoir aucun rapport.
Dans les temps modernes, l'exemple utilisé pour cette "démonstration" est "scandaleux"
Il est possible de lier de force une "relation de cause à effet" avec une faible possibilité,
La théorie et le discours de Kozituke ".

Le développement de cela (Kozituke)

1. Lorsque le vent souffle, le vent a un nuage de poussière.
2. Lorsque la poussière pénètre dans l'œil humain, le nombre d'aveugles augmente.
3. L'aveugle achète un shamisen.
(L'aveugle à l'époque a acheté un instrument de musique shamisen parce qu'il était dans la position de jouer du shamisen)
4. Vous avez besoin d'une peau de félin pour shamisen, les chats sont tués.
(Le cuir du shamisen utilisait de la peau de chat)
5. À mesure que les chats diminuent, les rats de l'ennemi augmentent.
6. Comme il n'y a pas d'ennemis naturels, le nombre de souris augmente et le rat tue la cuve (oke)
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) réalise des bénéfices lorsque la" demande "augmente.
(Quand l'oke se fait prendre, "il y a un trou", je ne peux donc pas l'utiliser comme une baignoire (donc je vais acheter un nouvel oke))

Tub = oke (baignoire, cuve, seau, conteneur, piggin) est un type de conteneur.
C'était du bois autrefois.
Les rats mangent quelque chose de difficile à aiguiser les dents pendant que leurs dents continuent à grandir.
Tank = oke est fait de bois et les arbres sont durs, alors les souris mordent la baignoire = oke.
Pourquoi, est-ce que c'est oke = oke, c'est déroutant (Kozituke).
"Tub" = oke est (baignoire, cuve, seau, conteneur, piggin)
"Oabaya" = okeya est une personne qui fabrique "Tub" = oke, qui le vend
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke est (galette, odge, hicanery, simulacre, prévarication, hanky-panky)
Il y a plusieurs scénarios.
S'il vous plaît faire votre scénario préféré.

La condamnation n'est pas une blague. C'est un document officiel du Japon.
La "culpabilité de soutien" du Japon est appliquée avec un tel "argument".
Vous penserez que c'est un pays effrayant.
Le Japon a donc beaucoup de "fausses accusations".
Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

L'acceptation de simples travailleurs a été décidée par le "Cabinet". La loi sera discutée à partir de maintenant.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter les médias japonais ou HP du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements et les ONG devraient publier cette grande nouvelle.
Si vous me donnez un e-mail, je vous fournirai des informations utiles.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2018-11-14: Es ist eine gute Nachricht für alle, die sich Flüchtlinge und Einwanderer wünschen. Japan hat einen starken Yen und der Export ist gut. Industrieländer weigern sich, Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen, Japan wird im kommenden April als "einfacher Arbeiter" unbegrenzte Humanressourcen aus dem Ausland annehmen. Sie sollten nach Japan gehen, anstatt in die USA oder nach Europa zu gehen. Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2018-11-14: Es ist eine gute Nachricht für alle, die sich Flüchtlinge und Einwanderer wünschen. Japan hat einen starken Yen und der Export ist gut.
Industrieländer weigern sich, Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen,
Japan wird im kommenden April als "einfacher Arbeiter" unbegrenzte Humanressourcen aus dem Ausland annehmen.
Sie sollten nach Japan gehen, anstatt in die USA oder nach Europa zu gehen.
Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich mache zwei Argumente. Lassen Sie sich nicht verwirren.
Erstens wurden Ausländer wegen Verbrechen der "Arbeit, die den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzten" des Einwanderungsgesetzes kriminalisiert (Artikel 70).
Die Arbeitgeber, die sie einstellen, werden jedoch nicht als "Straftat zur Unterstützung illegaler Arbeit" gemäß Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes eingestuft.
Dies ist eine völkerrechtswidrige Verletzung, die nur Ausländer bewusst diskriminiert.
Selbst im "Gleichheitsprinzip unter dem Gesetz" sind sie unschuldig.

Zweitens, da ich und Diplomaten die "erste" Tat unterstützen
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) "Es wurde bestraft" durch ein Verbrechen, das andere Straftaten unterstützt hat ".
Dies ist aus zwei Gründen nicht schuldig.

A) Wenn ein Ausländer beim ersten Argument freigesprochen wird,
Es gibt niemanden, der das Verbrechen der Arbeit, das den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzt hat, gemäß Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
Wir sind unschuldig.
B) Die Anklagungszeremonie fand aus Gründen statt, die die "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützten.
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) wurde angewandt.
(Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes) ist jedoch eine "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und keine strafrechtliche Sanktion.
(Dies ist ein bewusster Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht). Wir sind unschuldig.

2 "Der Inhalt ist falsch" und der Kausalzusammenhang ist "quibble"
Anklagegrund, Grund des Urteils.
Wir haben den Chinesen "Dokumente des Arbeitsvertrages mit falschem Inhalt" an die Chinesen ausgehändigt.
So bekamen die Chinesen leicht "Wahlberechtigung".
So konnten die Chinesen in Japan "bleiben".
So konnten die Chinesen "illegal arbeiten".
Der Richter sagt also, "Verbrechen anzuwenden, um andere strafrechtliche Verbrechen zu unterstützen" gegen "illegale Arbeit"!
In Japan heißt es "Argument" wie folgt: "Wenn der Wind weht, ist" Tank's Shop "" profitabel ".
Dieses Argument wird in "japanisches Sprichwort" gesagt: "Okeya ist rentabel, wenn der Wind weht."
"Wenn der Wind weht, macht" Okeyas Laden "(Okeya) Gewinn" ist auf japanisch ein "Sprichwort", weil bestimmte "
"Betrachten" auf den ersten Blick bedeutet "Vergleichen", dass "Einfluss" sich auf "Orte / Dinge" erstreckt, die scheinbar überhaupt keine Beziehung haben.
In der heutigen Zeit ist das Beispiel für diese "Demonstration" "unerhört"
Es ist möglich, "kausale Beziehung" mit geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit zwangsweise zu verbinden,
Kozitukes Theorie und Rede ".

Die Entwicklung davon (Kozituke)

1. Wenn der Wind weht, hat der Wind eine Staubwolke.
2. Wenn der Staub in das menschliche Auge eindringt, steigt die Anzahl der Blinden.
3. Der Blinde kauft ein Shamisen.
(Der Blinde kaufte damals ein Musikinstrument, weil er in der Lage war, Shamisen zu spielen.)
4. Sie benötigen eine Katzenhaut für Shamisen, Katzen werden getötet.
(Das Leder der Shamisen benutzte Katzenhaut)
5. Wenn die Katzen abnehmen, nehmen die Ratten des Feindes zu.
6. Da es keine natürlichen Feinde gibt, steigt die Anzahl der Mäuse und die Ratte tötet die Wanne (oke).
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) macht Gewinn, wenn" Nachfrage "steigt.
(Wenn das Oke erwischt wird, "Es gibt ein Loch", so kann ich es nicht als Wanne verwenden, also werde ich ein neues Oka kaufen)

Wanne = oke (Wanne, Bottich, Eimer, Behälter, Molch) ist eine Art Behälter.
Früher war es Holz.
Ratten essen etwas Hartes, um ihre Zähne zu schärfen, während ihre Zähne weiter wachsen.
Tank = oke besteht aus Holz und die Bäume sind hart, also beißen Mäuse die Wanne = oke.
Warum ist es oke = oke, es ist verwirrend (Kozituke).
"Wanne" = oke ist (Wanne, Bottich, Eimer, Behälter, Saugein)
"Oabaya" = okeya ist eine Person, die "Tub" = oke herstellt, der es verkauft
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke heißt
Es gibt mehrere Szenarien.
Bitte machen Sie Ihr Lieblingsszenario.

Der Urteilssatz ist kein Witz. Es ist ein offizielles Dokument von Japan.
"Japans" Schuld der Unterstützung "wird mit einem solchen" Argument "angewandt.
Sie werden denken, dass es ein unheimliches Land ist.
Japan hat also viele "falsche Anschuldigungen".
Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Die Annahme einfacher Arbeiter wurde vom "Kabinett" beschlossen. Das Gesetz wird ab sofort besprochen.
Einzelheiten erfahren Sie in den Medien von Japan oder HP der japanischen Regierung.
Regierungen und NGOs sollten diese wichtigen Neuigkeiten veröffentlichen.
Wenn Sie mir eine E-Mail geben, werde ich Ihnen einen Hinweis geben.
Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Zerquetschen" durch Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung ist nicht berechtigt, von Nordkorea "Entführung von Japanern" zu sagen.
Die japanische Regierung sollte die Priorität der "Entführung von Ausländern durch die japanische Regierung" festlegen.
Diese E-Mail wird wie jeder an den Beamten des Premierministers gesendet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants. Japan has a strong yen and exports are good. Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees, Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year. You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants.
Japan has a strong yen and exports are good.
Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees,
Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year.
You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government
will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
 is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
 of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

2. "The content is false" and the causal relationship is "quibble"
Reason for prosecution, reason for judgment.
We handed out to the Chinese "documents of contract of employment whose content is false"
to the Chinese.
So the Chinese got easy "Eligibility for residence".
So the Chinese was able to "Staying" in Japan.
So the Chinese was able to "work illegally".
So the judge says to apply 'crime to support other crimes of criminal law' against 'illegal labor'!
In Japan, it says "Argument" like this, "If the wind blows," Tank's shop "is" profitable. "
This argument is said in "Japanese proverb", "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
"When the wind blows," Okeya's shop "(Okeya) makes profit" is a "proverb" in Japanese,
due to the occurrence of certain "
"Looking at" at first glance is "comparing" that "influence" extends to "place / things"
which seems to have no relation at all.
In modern times, it refers to the theory and speech of Kozituke which could be done
by "forcibly connecting" causal relationship with low possibility because the example used
for that "argument" is "unexpected" say.
The development of that (Kozituke)
1. When the wind blows, the wind has a dust cloud.
2. When the dust enters the human eye, the number of blind people increases.
3. The blind person buys a shamisen.
(The blind man at the time purchased a musical instrument shamisen
because he was in the position of playing the shamisen))
4. You need a feline skin for shamisen, cats are killed.
(The leather of the shamisen was using cat skin)
5. As cats decrease, the enemy's rats increase.
6. As there are no natural enemies, the number of mice increases,
and the rat kills the tub (oke)
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) makes profit as" demand "increases.
(When the oke gets caught, "There is a hole",
so I can not use it as a tub (oke) so I will buy a new oke))
Tub = oke (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin) is a kind of container.
It used to be wood in old days.
Rats eat something hard to sharpen their teeth as their teeth continue to grow.
Tank = oke is made of wood and trees are hard, so mice bite the tub = oke.
Why, is it oke = oke, it is confusing (Kozituke).
"Tub" = oke is (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin)
"Oabaya" = okeya is a person who manufactures "Tub" = oke, who sells it
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke is (quibble, odge, hicanery, sham, prevarication, hanky-panky)
There are several scenarios.
Please make your favorite scenario.

The judgment sentence is not a joke. It is an official document of Japan.
"Japan's" guilt of support "is applied with such" Argument ".
You will think that it is a scary country.
So Japan has a lot of "False charges".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants. Japan has a strong yen and exports are good. Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees, Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year. You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-11-14: It is good news to all those who wish for refugees and immigrants.
Japan has a strong yen and exports are good.
Although developed countries refuse to accept immigrants and refugees,
Japan will accept unlimited human resources from overseas as "simple workers" from April next year.
You ought to go to Japan rather than going to the US or Europe.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government
will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
 is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
 of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

2. "The content is false" and the causal relationship is "quibble"
Reason for prosecution, reason for judgment.
We handed out to the Chinese "documents of contract of employment whose content is false"
to the Chinese.
So the Chinese got easy "Eligibility for residence".
So the Chinese was able to "Staying" in Japan.
So the Chinese was able to "work illegally".
So the judge says to apply 'crime to support other crimes of criminal law' against 'illegal labor'!
In Japan, it says "Argument" like this, "If the wind blows," Tank's shop "is" profitable. "
This argument is said in "Japanese proverb", "Okeya is profitable if the wind blows."
"When the wind blows," Okeya's shop "(Okeya) makes profit" is a "proverb" in Japanese,
due to the occurrence of certain "
"Looking at" at first glance is "comparing" that "influence" extends to "place / things"
which seems to have no relation at all.
In modern times, it refers to the theory and speech of Kozituke which could be done
by "forcibly connecting" causal relationship with low possibility because the example used
for that "argument" is "unexpected" say.
The development of that (Kozituke)
1. When the wind blows, the wind has a dust cloud.
2. When the dust enters the human eye, the number of blind people increases.
3. The blind person buys a shamisen.
(The blind man at the time purchased a musical instrument shamisen
because he was in the position of playing the shamisen))
4. You need a feline skin for shamisen, cats are killed.
(The leather of the shamisen was using cat skin)
5. As cats decrease, the enemy's rats increase.
6. As there are no natural enemies, the number of mice increases,
and the rat kills the tub (oke)
7. "Okeya (OkeYa) makes profit as" demand "increases.
(When the oke gets caught, "There is a hole",
so I can not use it as a tub (oke) so I will buy a new oke))
Tub = oke (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin) is a kind of container.
It used to be wood in old days.
Rats eat something hard to sharpen their teeth as their teeth continue to grow.
Tank = oke is made of wood and trees are hard, so mice bite the tub = oke.
Why, is it oke = oke, it is confusing (Kozituke).
"Tub" = oke is (tub, vat, bucket, container, piggin)
"Oabaya" = okeya is a person who manufactures "Tub" = oke, who sells it
"Kojitsu" = Kozituke is (quibble, odge, hicanery, sham, prevarication, hanky-panky)
There are several scenarios.
Please make your favorite scenario.

The judgment sentence is not a joke. It is an official document of Japan.
"Japan's" guilt of support "is applied with such" Argument ".
You will think that it is a scary country.
So Japan has a lot of "False charges".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human 【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-13】

November 12, 2018

On Veterans Day, we honor the brave men and women who have served in our Nation’s Armed Forces. These exceptional patriots took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. No words will ever be enough to convey our country’s admiration and respect. Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen represent the very best of America, and we owe them and their families a debt of gratitude for their honorable service and sacrifice in defense of our freedom.
This Veterans Day, I will join other world leaders in France to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice, which brought an end to World War I hostilities. Today, I ask you to join me in paying tribute to the American service members—from all generations—who have courageously protected our cherished freedoms.
May God bless the United States of America, and may He continue to watch over all of our men and women in the Armed Forces.

Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people). It is the same treatment as Japanese. The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge. Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people).
It is the same treatment as Japanese.
The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge.
Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

Prosecutor's lie! Violation of immigration law (activities outside the status of qualification)
The Chinese were arrested for violation of immigration
law (activity outside the status of qualification).
For this reason, L Company was suspected to support
the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of qualification)
in May 2010, and received "investigation of house".
The police arrested me in June 2010.
The police said criminal acts were that "the contract of employment that is false in content",
that is, (fake document lying) was handed over to the Chinese.
That is, support of (Immigration Law Article 22 4 - 4) is a crime! Police say.
And it is aid for violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
(activities outside the status of qualification)! Police say.
The police arrested me for criminal law's "crime aiding other crimes".

After that, officials and diplomats in the Philippine Embassy are "arrested"
with exactly the same logic.

I insisted that I am not committing a crime of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment."
But the police said, "No one said such a thing."
The police say that support of "Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act" is "crime
to support other crimes of criminal law."
Police officials say "Do not say theory!" "You should accept in the general theory!"
And I was sent to "Tokyo District Prosecutor".
The defense counsel seeks "release" to the public prosecutor.
However, the prosecutor "dismissed" "release" on the grounds that "the trial can not be done".
And the prosecutor "Indictment" me to the Tokyo district court.

I fought as not having violated any law in Japan. However,
in April 2011 I was imprisoned for a year and a half in the Tokyo district court,
a fine of 500,000 yen, and I was imprisoned.
In Japan 's trial, "those who do not admit" is "jail".
"Penalty" means to impose labor in prison.
I appealed to the Tokyo High Court, but it was dismissed.
The Supreme Court "appeal" but dismissed.
The reason is not a constitutional violation, it is merely "mistake of application law",
it is not "a matter of deliberation" of the Supreme Court by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
So I entered the prison on March 5, 2012 and left the prison on March 19, 2013.
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people). It is the same treatment as Japanese. The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge. Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-13: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
From April next year, the Japanese government accepts simple workers (unlimited number of people).
It is the same treatment as Japanese.
The medical expenses for families left in their homeland are almost free of charge.
Already Chinese and others have made Chinese parents expensive medical surgery in Japan.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).

However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

Prosecutor's lie! Violation of immigration law (activities outside the status of qualification)
The Chinese were arrested for violation of immigration
law (activity outside the status of qualification).
For this reason, L Company was suspected to support
the Immigration Control Act (activities outside the status of qualification)
in May 2010, and received "investigation of house".
The police arrested me in June 2010.
The police said criminal acts were that "the contract of employment that is false in content",
that is, (fake document lying) was handed over to the Chinese.
That is, support of (Immigration Law Article 22 4 - 4) is a crime! Police say.
And it is aid for violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
(activities outside the status of qualification)! Police say.
The police arrested me for criminal law's "crime aiding other crimes".

After that, officials and diplomats in the Philippine Embassy are "arrested"
with exactly the same logic.

I insisted that I am not committing a crime of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment."
But the police said, "No one said such a thing."
The police say that support of "Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act" is "crime
to support other crimes of criminal law."
Police officials say "Do not say theory!" "You should accept in the general theory!"
And I was sent to "Tokyo District Prosecutor".
The defense counsel seeks "release" to the public prosecutor.
However, the prosecutor "dismissed" "release" on the grounds that "the trial can not be done".
And the prosecutor "Indictment" me to the Tokyo district court.

I fought as not having violated any law in Japan. However,
in April 2011 I was imprisoned for a year and a half in the Tokyo district court,
a fine of 500,000 yen, and I was imprisoned.
In Japan 's trial, "those who do not admit" is "jail".
"Penalty" means to impose labor in prison.
I appealed to the Tokyo High Court, but it was dismissed.
The Supreme Court "appeal" but dismissed.
The reason is not a constitutional violation, it is merely "mistake of application law",
it is not "a matter of deliberation" of the Supreme Court by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
So I entered the prison on March 5, 2012 and left the prison on March 19, 2013.
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-13: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration. À partir d'avril de l'année prochaine, le gouvernement japonais accepte les travailleurs simples (nombre de personnes illimité). C'est le même traitement que le japonais. Les frais médicaux des familles restées dans leur pays d'origine sont presque gratuits. Les Chinois et d’autres font des parents chinois des chirurgies médicales coûteuses au Japon. Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-13: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration.
À partir d'avril de l'année prochaine, le gouvernement japonais accepte les travailleurs simples (nombre de personnes illimité). C'est le même traitement que le japonais.
Les frais médicaux des familles restées dans leur pays d'origine sont presque gratuits.
Les Chinois et d’autres font des parents chinois des chirurgies médicales coûteuses au Japon.
Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Je fais deux arguments. Ne vous trompez pas.
Premièrement, les étrangers ont été criminalisés pour des crimes de "travail violant le statut de résident" de la loi sur l'immigration (article 70).
Toutefois, les employeurs qui les embauchent ne sont pas éliminés en tant que "crime soutenant le travail illégal" au sens de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Il s'agit d'une violation du droit international qui discrimine consciemment les étrangers. Même en "principe d'égalité devant la loi", ils sont innocents.

Deuxièmement, comme moi et les diplomates soutenons le "premier" acte
(Article 62 du Code pénal) "C'est qu'il a été puni par" un crime qui a favorisé d'autres crimes ". Ce n'est pas coupable pour deux raisons.

A) Si un étranger est acquitté au premier argument,
En vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, personne n'a soutenu "le délit de travail violant le statut de résident".
Nous sommes innocents
B) La cérémonie d'accusation a eu lieu pour des motifs qui soutenaient "l'annulation du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
(Article 62 du code pénal) a été appliqué.
Cependant (l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration) est "annulation du statut de résidence" et ne constitue pas une sanction pénale.
(Ceci est une violation consciente de la loi applicable). Nous sommes innocents

Mensonge du procureur! Violation de la loi sur l'immigration (activités en dehors du statut de qualification)
Les Chinois ont été arrêtés pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration (activité en dehors du statut de qualification).
Pour cette raison, la société L était soupçonnée d’appuyer la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration (activités ne relevant pas du statut de qualification) en mai 2010 et a reçu une «enquête de domicile».
La police m'a arrêté en juin 2010.
La police a déclaré que les actes criminels impliquaient que "le contrat de travail dont le contenu est faux", c'est-à-dire (faux document couché) ait été remis aux Chinois.
C’est-à-dire que le soutien de (article 22 4 - 4 du droit de l’immigration) est un crime! La police dit.
Et c'est une aide en cas de violation de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration (activités ne relevant pas du statut de qualification)! La police dit.
La police m'a arrêté pour "infraction pénale d'aide au crime".

Après cela, les fonctionnaires et les diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines sont "arrêtés" avec exactement la même logique.

J'ai insisté sur le fait que je ne commettais pas un crime en vertu de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration "un crime qui favorise l'emploi illégal".
Mais la police a déclaré: "Personne n'a dit une telle chose."
La police affirme que le soutien de "l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration" constitue un "crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes de droit pénal".
Les fonctionnaires de police disent "Ne dites pas la théorie!" "Vous devriez accepter dans la théorie générale!"
Et j'ai été envoyé au "Procureur de district de Tokyo".
L'avocat de la défense demande la "libération" du procureur.
Cependant, le procureur a "rejeté" la "libération" au motif que "le procès ne peut pas être fait".
Et le procureur m'a "inculpé" devant le tribunal de district de Tokyo.

Je me suis battu pour n'avoir violé aucune loi au Japon.
Cependant, en avril 2011, j'ai été emprisonné pendant un an et demi devant le tribunal de district de Tokyo, avec une amende de 500 000 yens, et j'ai été emprisonné.
Dans le procès du Japon, "ceux qui n'admettent pas", c'est "prison".
"Peine" signifie imposer du travail en prison.
J'ai fait appel à la Haute Cour de Tokyo, mais l'affaire a été rejetée.
La Cour suprême "en appel" mais rejetée.
La raison en est qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une violation constitutionnelle, mais simplement d'une "erreur de droit d'application"
Ce n'est pas une "question de délibération" de la Cour suprême au sens du "Code de procédure pénale".
Je suis donc entré dans la prison le 5 mars 2012 et l'ai quittée le 19 mars 2013.
Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

L'acceptation de simples travailleurs a été décidée par le "Cabinet". La loi sera discutée à partir de maintenant.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter les médias japonais ou HP du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements et les ONG devraient publier cette grande nouvelle.
Si vous me donnez un e-mail, je vous fournirai des informations utiles.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

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