
To President Trump 2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union". They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union".
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges say that foreigners were able to live in Japan, so "illegal labor" was made.
The "Minister of Justice" gives "permission to stay"
 (permission of residence) to foreigners by "discretion".
However, this alone can not "reside".

"Visa" is required.
"Foreign Minister" gives "Visa" to foreigners at "discretion".
There are many foreigners who can not receive "visa" even if "permission to stay" is obtained.
Policemen, prosecutors, and judges do not know this mechanism.
They think that "Visa" will be obtained automatically if "Residence Permit" is obtained.
This "insight" can only be described as "crazy".
If a foreigner can not obtain a "residence permit",
it will disclose the reason if you ask the Immigration Bureau.
If a foreigner can not obtain a "visa",
I will answer that I will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (consular office, embassy).
They only say that the "visa" review is "private." That's right "discretion".

The "status of residence" and "visa" that the Minister
of Japan gives at the discretion are given at the discretion of the Minister.
They do not have this "insight" either.

So they say "lie" that we have influenced "discretion" of "Minister of Justice"
and "Foreign Minister".

"Discretion" is not a law.
So even if we influence "discretion", we can not "punish".
According to the Constitution Article 31 of Japan, "everyone" is "punished" only by law.
Japanese political parties and parliamentarians do not understand this constitution 31.

Please everyone in the world "be amazed" this fact.

The interrogating police officer said, "President, Chinese people do" illegal work ",
you say" aiding and abetting "against" illegal labor "....
If the Chinese were murderers, it is "aiding and abetting" against murder charges!
"Please be careful!" Said the police officer.
They already applied the "aiding and abetting" of murder to the owner of the apartment.

The root of human rights violation is because arbitrary foreign exclusion habits are rooted.

Japanese parliament members hide "this fact".
In the near future Japan will "wage war" without fail.

Crimes of police officers and prosecutors are criminal laws "Crimes of False Complaints",
and "abuse of authority by special public officer".

Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges do "judicial" without understanding the "Immigration Control Act".
They do not know "the immigration mechanism" of "foreigners".
However, the Japanese government says "more"
and "accepting simple workers" from foreign countries.
What will happen to Japan?
The Japanese government says that "simple workers" are not "immigrants."
Do you want to say that there is no human rights because it is "slave"?

Let's all "denounce" the Japanese government.

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
In the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".
This problem is a bigger international problem than the "Japanese abduction issue" by North Korea.
Victims by "arrest and confinement" due to Japanese government's violation of international law are huge.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
(a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2019-02-19: J'envoie le même courrier électronique à "Nippon Keidanren" et "Honda Motor union". Ils ignorent la "règle de droit". Avez-vous des doutes sur l'achat d'une "voiture Honda"? Les voitures des entreprises qui ne respectent pas la loi l'ignoreront. Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est dangereux?

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2019-02-19: J'envoie le même courrier électronique à "Nippon Keidanren" et "Honda Motor union".
Ils ignorent la "règle de droit".
Avez-vous des doutes sur l'achat d'une "voiture Honda"?
Les voitures des entreprises qui ne respectent pas la loi l'ignoreront.
Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est dangereux?

Chers Messieurs. Les policiers, les procureurs et les juges ont eu un "travail illégal" parce que des étrangers leur ont permis de vivre au Japon,
Je dis.
Le "ministre de la Justice" donne "l'autorisation de séjour" ("autorisation de résidence") aux étrangers par "discrétion".
Cependant, cela seul ne peut pas "résider".

"Visa" est nécessaire.
"Ministre des Affaires étrangères" donne "Visa" aux étrangers à "discrétion".
Il y a beaucoup d'étrangers qui ne peuvent pas recevoir de "visa" même si "la permission de rester" est obtenue.
Les policiers, les procureurs et les juges ne connaissent pas ce mécanisme.
Ils pensent que "Visa" sera obtenu automatiquement si "Permis de résidence" est obtenu.
Cet "aperçu" ne peut être décrit que comme "fou".
Si un étranger ne peut pas obtenir un "permis de séjour", il en révélera la raison si vous le demandez au bureau de l'immigration.
Si un étranger ne peut pas obtenir un "visa", je répondrai que je contacterai le ministère des Affaires étrangères (bureau consulaire, ambassade).
Ils disent seulement que le "visa" est "privé". C'est vrai "discrétion".

Le "statut de résidence" et le "visa" que le ministre du Japon accorde à sa discrétion le sont à sa discrétion.
Ils n'ont pas cette "perspicacité" non plus.

Alors ils disent "mentent" que nous avons influencé le "pouvoir discrétionnaire" du "ministre de la Justice" et du "ministre des Affaires étrangères".

La "discrétion" n'est pas une loi.
Donc, même si nous influençons la "discrétion", nous ne pouvons pas "punir".
Selon l'article 31 de la Constitution japonaise, "tout le monde" n'est "puni" que par la loi.
Les partis politiques et les parlementaires japonais ne comprennent pas cette constitution 31.

S'il vous plaît tout le monde dans le monde "être surpris" ce fait.

Le policier interrogateur a déclaré: "Depuis le président, les Chinois ont fait un" travail illégal "
Vous dites "aider et encourager" le "travail illégal", mais ...
Si les Chinois étaient des meurtriers, c’est «aider et encourager» les accusations de meurtre!
"S'il vous plaît soyez prudent!", A déclaré le policier.
Ils ont déjà appliqué la "complicité" du meurtre au propriétaire de l'appartement.

La violation des droits de l'homme s'explique par le fait que des habitudes d'exclusion étrangères arbitraires sont enracinées.

Les membres du parlement japonais cachent "ce fait".
Dans un avenir proche, le Japon "fera la guerre" sans faute.

Les policiers et les procureurs sont punis par le code pénal "Crimes de fausses plaintes"
Et c’est un "abus de pouvoir de la part d’un officier public spécial".

Les policiers, les procureurs et les juges font "judiciaire" sans comprendre la "Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration".
Ils ne connaissent pas "le mécanisme d'immigration" des "étrangers".
Cependant, le gouvernement japonais dit "plus" et "accepter les simples travailleurs" des pays étrangers.
Que va-t-il arriver au Japon?
Le gouvernement japonais dit que les "simples travailleurs" ne sont pas des "immigrés".
Voulez-vous dire qu'il n'y a pas de droits de l'homme parce que c'est "esclave"?

Nous allons tous "dénoncer" le gouvernement japonais.

Au Japon, aucun Japonais ne peut comprendre la logique de cette loi.
Dans un avenir proche, le Japon fera la guerre à votre pays!

S'il vous plaît, dénoncez la "logique du droit" la plus folle du système judiciaire japonais, du monde entier.
Tout le monde, veuillez aborder ce problème au "G20" ou au "Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies".
Ce problème est un problème international plus important que le "problème d'enlèvement japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Les victimes "arrêtées et séquestrées" en raison de la violation du droit international par le gouvernement japonais sont énormes.

Ce courrier envoie également le même courrier à la "résidence officielle du Premier ministre" au Japon, "LDP" et "les politiciens".
Ils n'ont toujours pas "justice" pour gouverner le Japon en vertu de la loi.
"Personnes internationales"!
Veuillez vous lever pour faire du monde une société où la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme sont protégés.

Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Dieu soutiendra toujours la 'justice'.
Je crois certainement que la justice est "gagne".

Je "fais appel" des deux choses.
C'est une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien pour que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et compensation" soit effectué.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais un étranger est innocent.

L'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Péchés du travail illégal" était puni par les étrangers.
D'autre part, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration prévoit des employeurs qui sont des "relations de cause à effet" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
(Un crime qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, le pouvoir judiciaire japonais ne "jette" que des étrangers mais ne dispose pas des employeurs.
Cela viole évidemment le "principe d'égalité devant la loi"
Et nous violons le droit international interdisant l’élimination consciente des étrangers.

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement un étranger est innocent, un étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent.
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe personne «qui ait soutenu d’autres crimes de droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate dans le pays philippin, membre du personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La "cause du crime" à laquelle l'accusation applique "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien d'autres crimes)" est la suivante.
Les étrangers sont mandatés par la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4
(Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" contre cela.
La décision est "annulation du statut de résidence" du "ministre de la Justice" et "retrait obligatoire vers des pays étrangers".
Par conséquent, "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien à d'autres crimes)" ne peut pas être appliqué.

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
"Écraser" par le pouvoir de l'Etat est "l'arrêt" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.
S'il vous plaît "sauver" beaucoup de "victimes" avec "courage et justice".
Je demande au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer l'honneur" et "l'indemnisation de la victime" de la victime.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2019-02-19: Ich sende dieselbe E-Mail an "Nippon Keidanren" und "Honda Motor Union". Sie ignorieren die "Rechtsstaatlichkeit". Haben Sie keine Zweifel am Kauf eines "Honda-Autos"? Firmenwagen, die das Gesetz ignorieren, werden das Gesetz ignorieren. Findest du es nicht gefährlich?

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2019-02-19: Ich sende dieselbe E-Mail an "Nippon Keidanren" und "Honda Motor Union".
Sie ignorieren die "Rechtsstaatlichkeit".
Haben Sie keine Zweifel am Kauf eines "Honda-Autos"?
Firmenwagen, die das Gesetz ignorieren, werden das Gesetz ignorieren.
Findest du es nicht gefährlich?

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Polizisten, Staatsanwälte und Richter erhielten "illegale Arbeit", weil Ausländer ihnen erlaubten, in Japan zu leben.
Sage ich
Der "Justizminister" erteilt Ausländern nach "Ermessen" die "Aufenthaltserlaubnis".
Dies allein kann jedoch nicht "bleiben".

"Visa" ist erforderlich.
"Außenminister" erteilt Ausländern im "Ermessen" ein "Visum".
Es gibt viele Ausländer, die kein "Visum" erhalten können, auch wenn eine "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" vorliegt.
Polizisten, Staatsanwälte und Richter kennen diesen Mechanismus nicht.
Sie glauben, dass "Visa" automatisch erhalten wird, wenn "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" erhalten wird.
Diese "Einsicht" kann nur als "verrückt" bezeichnet werden.
Wenn ein Ausländer keine "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" erhalten kann, gibt er den Grund an, wenn Sie das Einwanderungsbüro fragen.
Wenn ein Ausländer kein "Visum" erhalten kann, werde ich antworten, dass ich das Außenministerium (Konsulat, Botschaft) kontaktieren werde.
Sie sagen nur, dass die Überprüfung "Visum" "privat" ist. Das ist richtig "Diskretion".

Der "Aufenthaltsstatus" und das "Visum", die der japanische Minister nach eigenem Ermessen erteilt, werden vom Minister nach freiem Ermessen festgelegt.
Sie haben auch diese "Einsicht" nicht.

Sie sagen "Lüge", dass wir die "Diskretion" von "Justizminister" und "Außenminister" beeinflusst haben.

"Diskretion" ist kein Gesetz.
Selbst wenn wir die "Diskretion" beeinflussen, können wir nicht "bestrafen".
Gemäß Artikel 31 der Verfassung von Japan wird "jeder" nur per Gesetz "bestraft".
Japanische politische Parteien und Parlamentarier verstehen diese Verfassung nicht 31.

Bitte alle auf der Welt diese Tatsache "staunen".

Der verhörende Polizist sagte: "Seit dem Präsidenten machen die Chinesen" illegale Arbeit "
Sie sagen "Beihilfe" für "illegale Arbeit", aber ....
Wenn die Chinesen Mörder waren, "hilft und unterstützt" sie die Mordanklage!
"Bitte sei vorsichtig!", Sagte der Polizist.
Sie haben die "Hilfe und Unterstützung" des Mordes bereits beim Eigentümer der Wohnung angewandt.

Die Wurzel von Menschenrechtsverletzungen liegt darin, dass willkürliche Ausländergewohnheiten verwurzelt sind.

Japanische Parlamentarier verbergen "diese Tatsache".
Japan wird in naher Zukunft "Krieg führen".

Die Straftat für Polizeibeamte und Staatsanwälte ist das Strafgesetzbuch "Verbrechen falscher Beschwerden"
Und es ist "Amtsmissbrauch durch einen besonderen Amtsträger".

Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter verhalten sich "justiziell", ohne das "Immigration Control Act" zu verstehen.
Sie kennen den "Einwanderungsmechanismus" von "Ausländern" nicht.
Die japanische Regierung sagt jedoch "mehr" und "einfache Arbeiter akzeptieren" aus dem Ausland.
Was wird mit Japan passieren?
Die japanische Regierung sagt, dass "einfache Arbeiter" keine "Einwanderer" sind.
Wollen Sie sagen, dass es keine Menschenrechte gibt, weil es "Sklave" ist?

Lassen Sie uns alle die japanische Regierung "denunzieren".

Es gibt keinen Japaner in Japan, der die Logik dieses Gesetzes verstehen kann.
In naher Zukunft wird Japan mit Ihrem Land Krieg führen!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die verrückteste "Logik des Gesetzes" der japanischen Justiz, jeden auf der Welt.
Alle, bitte nehmen Sie dieses Problem auf "G20" oder "UN Human Rights Council".
Dieses Problem ist ein größeres internationales Problem als das "japanische Entführungsproblem" von Nordkorea.
Opfer von "Festnahme und Gefängnis" aufgrund der Verletzung des Völkerrechts durch die japanische Regierung sind enorm.

Diese E-Mail sendet dieselbe E-Mail auch an die "Amtssitz des Premierministers" in Japan, an "LDP" und an "Politiker".
Sie haben immer noch keine "Gerechtigkeit", um Japan unter dem Gesetz zu regieren.
"Internationale Leute"!
Bitte stellen Sie sich auf, um die Welt zu einer Gesellschaft zu machen, in der Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte geschützt werden.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Gott wird immer 'Gerechtigkeit' unterstützen.
Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass Gerechtigkeit "gewinnt".

Ich "appelliere" an die beiden Dinge.
Es ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung durch die japanische Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Ehreerhebung und Entschädigung" erfolgt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" durch. Aber ein Ausländer ist unschuldig.

Nur Ausländer wurden durch Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Sünden illegaler Arbeit" bestraft.
Andererseits fordert das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber auf, die nach Artikel 73-2 "Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen" illegaler Arbeit sind
(Ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung förderte).

Die japanische Justiz "entsorgt" jedoch nur Ausländer, verfügt jedoch nicht über Arbeitgeber.
Dies verstößt offensichtlich gegen den "Grundsatz der Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz".
Und wir verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht, das die bewusste Beseitigung von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal beschäftigt hat, unschuldig ist, ist ein Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig.
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, "der andere strafrechtliche Verbrechen unterstützt hat" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat im philippinischen Land, ein Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft" ist unschuldig.

2 Der "Grund für ein Verbrechen", auf das die Staatsanwaltschaft Anwendung findet "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" lautet wie folgt.
Ausländer werden mit dem Immigration Act 22-4-4 betraut
(Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente).
Dagegen gibt es keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Disposition ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" durch "Justizminister" und "obligatorischer Rückzug in ein anderes Land".
Daher kann "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" nicht angewandt werden.

Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Crush" durch staatliche Gewalt ist "Stop" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Bitte "retten" Sie viele "Opfer" mit "Mut und Gerechtigkeit".
Ich fordere die japanische Regierung auf, "Ehre zu erlangen" und "Entschädigung für das Opfer" des Opfers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union". They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union".
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges say that foreigners were able to live in Japan, so "illegal labor" was made.
The "Minister of Justice" gives "permission to stay"
 (permission of residence) to foreigners by "discretion".
However, this alone can not "reside".

"Visa" is required.
"Foreign Minister" gives "Visa" to foreigners at "discretion".
There are many foreigners who can not receive "visa" even if "permission to stay" is obtained.
Policemen, prosecutors, and judges do not know this mechanism.
They think that "Visa" will be obtained automatically if "Residence Permit" is obtained.
This "insight" can only be described as "crazy".
If a foreigner can not obtain a "residence permit",
it will disclose the reason if you ask the Immigration Bureau.
If a foreigner can not obtain a "visa",
I will answer that I will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (consular office, embassy).
They only say that the "visa" review is "private." That's right "discretion".

The "status of residence" and "visa" that the Minister
of Japan gives at the discretion are given at the discretion of the Minister.
They do not have this "insight" either.

So they say "lie" that we have influenced "discretion" of "Minister of Justice"
and "Foreign Minister".

"Discretion" is not a law.
So even if we influence "discretion", we can not "punish".
According to the Constitution Article 31 of Japan, "everyone" is "punished" only by law.
Japanese political parties and parliamentarians do not understand this constitution 31.

Please everyone in the world "be amazed" this fact.

The interrogating police officer said, "President, Chinese people do" illegal work ",
you say" aiding and abetting "against" illegal labor "....
If the Chinese were murderers, it is "aiding and abetting" against murder charges!
"Please be careful!" Said the police officer.
They already applied the "aiding and abetting" of murder to the owner of the apartment.

The root of human rights violation is because arbitrary foreign exclusion habits are rooted.

Japanese parliament members hide "this fact".
In the near future Japan will "wage war" without fail.

Crimes of police officers and prosecutors are criminal laws "Crimes of False Complaints",
and "abuse of authority by special public officer".

Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges do "judicial" without understanding the "Immigration Control Act".
They do not know "the immigration mechanism" of "foreigners".
However, the Japanese government says "more"
and "accepting simple workers" from foreign countries.
What will happen to Japan?
The Japanese government says that "simple workers" are not "immigrants."
Do you want to say that there is no human rights because it is "slave"?

Let's all "denounce" the Japanese government.

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
In the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".
This problem is a bigger international problem than the "Japanese abduction issue" by North Korea.
Victims by "arrest and confinement" due to Japanese government's violation of international law are huge.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
(a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union". They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2019-02-19: I am sending the same e-mail to "Nippon Keidanren" and "Honda Motor union".
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Honda car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges say that foreigners were able to live in Japan, so "illegal labor" was made.
The "Minister of Justice" gives "permission to stay"
 (permission of residence) to foreigners by "discretion".
However, this alone can not "reside".

"Visa" is required.
"Foreign Minister" gives "Visa" to foreigners at "discretion".
There are many foreigners who can not receive "visa" even if "permission to stay" is obtained.
Policemen, prosecutors, and judges do not know this mechanism.
They think that "Visa" will be obtained automatically if "Residence Permit" is obtained.
This "insight" can only be described as "crazy".
If a foreigner can not obtain a "residence permit",
it will disclose the reason if you ask the Immigration Bureau.
If a foreigner can not obtain a "visa",
I will answer that I will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (consular office, embassy).
They only say that the "visa" review is "private." That's right "discretion".

The "status of residence" and "visa" that the Minister
of Japan gives at the discretion are given at the discretion of the Minister.
They do not have this "insight" either.

So they say "lie" that we have influenced "discretion" of "Minister of Justice"
and "Foreign Minister".

"Discretion" is not a law.
So even if we influence "discretion", we can not "punish".
According to the Constitution Article 31 of Japan, "everyone" is "punished" only by law.
Japanese political parties and parliamentarians do not understand this constitution 31.

Please everyone in the world "be amazed" this fact.

The interrogating police officer said, "President, Chinese people do" illegal work ",
you say" aiding and abetting "against" illegal labor "....
If the Chinese were murderers, it is "aiding and abetting" against murder charges!
"Please be careful!" Said the police officer.
They already applied the "aiding and abetting" of murder to the owner of the apartment.

The root of human rights violation is because arbitrary foreign exclusion habits are rooted.

Japanese parliament members hide "this fact".
In the near future Japan will "wage war" without fail.

Crimes of police officers and prosecutors are criminal laws "Crimes of False Complaints",
and "abuse of authority by special public officer".

Police officials, prosecutors,
and judges do "judicial" without understanding the "Immigration Control Act".
They do not know "the immigration mechanism" of "foreigners".
However, the Japanese government says "more"
and "accepting simple workers" from foreign countries.
What will happen to Japan?
The Japanese government says that "simple workers" are not "immigrants."
Do you want to say that there is no human rights because it is "slave"?

Let's all "denounce" the Japanese government.

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
In the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".
This problem is a bigger international problem than the "Japanese abduction issue" by North Korea.
Victims by "arrest and confinement" due to Japanese government's violation of international law are huge.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
(a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-18】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-18

February 17, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media,
the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union.
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law.
Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. We point out "contract of employment" as the reason
why we supported Chinese "illegal labor".
However, this "contract of employment" is not stipulated by law,
but the section chief of the Ministry of Justice "requested" by "official notice".
The prosecutor says the content of this "contract of employment" is a falsehood.
The judge said that we could "get" the status
of residence (in Japan) "easily" because we "provided" the Chinese with a "contract
of employment of falsehood" content .
And the judge said the Chinese were able to live in Japan,
as "status of residence" was obtained.
that's wrong. The Chinese was able to live in Japan because "entry visa" was obtained
from the foreign minister.
The judge does not know the mechanism of "entry visa".
And the judge said, "Because the Chinese were able to live in Japan,"
illegal labor "was made.

So the judge will link the Chinese immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor other than status
of residence" with the acquisition of status of residence
by submitting the immigration law Article 24-4 "document of falsehood."
It is said that it is "aiding and abetting" of Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
It is a crazy 'logic of law'.
So we apply Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code "Crime to support other crimes"
against the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act of the Chinese.

In Japan,
the "argument" of such distant "causal relationship" is called "any event can bring bring about
an effect in an unexpected way" theory.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

In other words, "causality" is "distortion" of the meaning ".

However, this judge does not understand Immigration Control Act.
Article 24-4 of the Immigration Control Act "Acquisition of" status
of residence "by submitting false documents is not a crime.
The disposition only rescinds "status of residence" granted by Minister of Justice.
It is not "criminal disposition".
Therefore, Article 60 of the Penal Code and Article 62
of the Penal Code can not be applied to "support"
under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, the Immigration Control Act was amended on July 1, 2010.
When a foreigner did "support" under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act,
"status of residence" of "that foreigner" was "canceled"
and became "administrative punishment" of "moving out of the country" .
What was stated in the indictment has already been prescribed by the Immigration Control Act.

I was arrested in June 2010. It was July 2010 that the prosecution was charged.
So, police officials, prosecutors and judges had known this amendment sufficiently.
So it is a vicious crime.

In Japan, the practice of applying "crime of support"
under Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code with "distant causal relation" is rooted.
It is a horrible Japanese society that ignored the logic of international law.
With this, anyone can be a criminal.
Such an insane "trial" is done today as well.

Please "relieve" the victim as soon as possible.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to His Excellency Lee Young Ho ***************************************** *

Please request from the Pyongyang government to the Japanese government.
"The Japanese government should" resolve "the incident of abduction of foreigners" incident.
There are many "victims" of "Koreans" who are "the same ethnic group".
On behalf of "people of Korea" please protest the Japanese government!

I also send the contents of the same to President Donald Trump of the White House.
President Donald Trump sometimes has encouragement reply.
For example, it is a reply like the following. The contents are different every time.

The White House, Washington
November 16, 2018
  In case

There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions.

"Babe" Ruth, Jr., Elvis Presley, Alan Page, Senator Orrin (Raber Staubach, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Herman) Hatch, and Miriam Adelson. Each of these extraordinary individuals has made an indelible mark on American history through their outstanding achievements and endeavors.

I encourage you to watch today's ceremony honoring these outstanding Americans.

My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure that your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.


Donald Trump

The White House, Washington
October 28, 2018
  In case

Thank you for your email. My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.

As my administration continues to fight the drug and opioid crisis on all fronts, I encourage Americans to participate in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, October 27, 2018. Take Back Day is in an opportunity for individuals to safely dispose of expired or unused prescription drugs at one of any of the thousands of drop-off sites.

Ninety percent of these accidental fatalities are due to drug overdose, and the majority of drug poisoning deaths are opioid-related -A problem that most frequently originates inside the family medicine cabinet.

During a hands of prescription drugs for disposal at more than 5,800 collection sites: sufficient pills to fill three Boeing 757 airplanes. We must continue to ensure that these drugs do not end up in the hands of our most vulnerable.

Together, we will defeat this epidemic as one people, one family, and one magnificent Nation under God.


Donald Trump

From the staff of the White House, I receive a reply every day

November 19, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence

I am waiting for a reply from the North Korean government.

My information *********************************************** ****

Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump 2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union. They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union.
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law.
Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. We point out "contract of employment" as the reason
why we supported Chinese "illegal labor".
However, this "contract of employment" is not stipulated by law,
but the section chief of the Ministry of Justice "requested" by "official notice".
The prosecutor says the content of this "contract of employment" is a falsehood.
The judge said that we could "get" the status
of residence (in Japan) "easily" because we "provided" the Chinese with a "contract
of employment of falsehood" content .
And the judge said the Chinese were able to live in Japan,
as "status of residence" was obtained.
that's wrong. The Chinese was able to live in Japan because "entry visa" was obtained
from the foreign minister.
The judge does not know the mechanism of "entry visa".
And the judge said, "Because the Chinese were able to live in Japan,"
illegal labor "was made.

So the judge will link the Chinese immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor other than status
of residence" with the acquisition of status of residence
by submitting the immigration law Article 24-4 "document of falsehood."
It is said that it is "aiding and abetting" of Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
It is a crazy 'logic of law'.
So we apply Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code "Crime to support other crimes"
against the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act of the Chinese.

In Japan,
the "argument" of such distant "causal relationship" is called "any event can bring bring about
an effect in an unexpected way" theory.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

In other words, "causality" is "distortion" of the meaning ".

However, this judge does not understand Immigration Control Act.
Article 24-4 of the Immigration Control Act "Acquisition of" status
of residence "by submitting false documents is not a crime.
The disposition only rescinds "status of residence" granted by Minister of Justice.
It is not "criminal disposition".
Therefore, Article 60 of the Penal Code and Article 62
of the Penal Code can not be applied to "support"
under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, the Immigration Control Act was amended on July 1, 2010.
When a foreigner did "support" under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act,
"status of residence" of "that foreigner" was "canceled"
and became "administrative punishment" of "moving out of the country" .
What was stated in the indictment has already been prescribed by the Immigration Control Act.

I was arrested in June 2010. It was July 2010 that the prosecution was charged.
So, police officials, prosecutors and judges had known this amendment sufficiently.
So it is a vicious crime.

In Japan, the practice of applying "crime of support"
under Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code with "distant causal relation" is rooted.
It is a horrible Japanese society that ignored the logic of international law.
With this, anyone can be a criminal.
Such an insane "trial" is done today as well.

Please "relieve" the victim as soon as possible.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2019-02-18: J'envoie le même courrier électronique à Nippon Keidanren et au syndicat de Toyota. Ils ignorent la "règle de droit". Avez-vous des doutes sur l'achat d'une "voiture Toyota"? Les voitures des entreprises qui ne respectent pas la loi l'ignoreront. Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est dangereux?

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2019-02-18: J'envoie le même courrier électronique à Nippon Keidanren et au syndicat de Toyota.
Ils ignorent la "règle de droit".
Avez-vous des doutes sur l'achat d'une "voiture Toyota"?
Les voitures des entreprises qui ne respectent pas la loi l'ignoreront. Ne pensez-vous pas que c'est dangereux?

Chers Messieurs. Nous soulignons le "contrat de travail" comme la raison pour laquelle nous avons soutenu le "travail illégal" chinois.
Cependant, ce "contrat de travail" n’est pas stipulé par la loi,
Le chef de section du ministère de la Justice "a demandé" par "mise en demeure".
Le procureur dit que le contenu de ce "contrat de travail" est un mensonge.
Le juge a déclaré que depuis que nous "avons fourni" à ce "contrat de mensonges chinois"
Les Chinois disent que "le statut de résidence (au Japon)" était "facilement" acquis ".
Et le juge a déclaré que les Chinois étaient en mesure de vivre au Japon, avec l'obtention du "statut de résidence".
Ce n'est pas le cas. Les Chinois ont pu vivre au Japon grâce à l'obtention du "visa d'entrée" du ministre des Affaires étrangères.
Le juge ne connaît pas le mécanisme du "visa d'entrée".
Et le juge a déclaré: "Parce que les Chinois ont pu vivre au Japon, un" travail illégal "a été créé.

Donc, le juge est entré loi chinoise d'entrée Article 70
"Travail illégal autre que le statut de résidence" et loi sur l'immigration, article 24-4
Nous combinerons "obtenir le statut de résidence en soumettant des documents de mensonge".
On dit qu'il "aide et encourage" l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
C'est une folle "logique de droit".
Nous appliquons donc les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal "Criminalité pour soutenir d'autres crimes" contre la violation de l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration des Chinois.

Au Japon, "l'argument" d'une relation de cause à effet aussi éloignée
"Tout événement peut provoquer un effet de manière inattendue" serait un raisonnement.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

En d'autres termes, "causalité" est "distorsion" du sens ".

Cependant, ce juge ne comprend pas la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Article 24-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "L'acquisition du" statut de résident "par la présentation de faux documents n'est pas un crime.
La décision annule uniquement le "statut de résident" accordé par le ministre de la Justice.
Ce n'est pas une "décision criminelle".
Par conséquent, l'article 60 du Code pénal et l'article 62 du Code pénal ne peuvent être appliqués à un "soutien" au sens de l'article 24-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Par conséquent, la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration a été modifiée le 1 er juillet 2010.
Lorsqu'un étranger a été "soutenu" en vertu de l'article 24-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration
Le "statut de résidence" de "cet étranger" a été "annulé" et est devenu une "sanction administrative" du "départ du pays".
Les dispositions de l'acte d'accusation ont déjà été prescrites par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

J'ai été arrêté en juin 2010. C'est en juillet 2010 que l'accusation a été accusée.
Les fonctionnaires de police, les procureurs et les juges connaissaient donc suffisamment cet amendement.
C'est donc un crime vicieux.

Au Japon, la pratique consistant à appliquer le "crime de soutien" en vertu des articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal avec un "lien de causalité distant" est enracinée.
C’est une société japonaise horrible qui a ignoré la logique du droit international.
Avec cela, n'importe qui peut être un criminel.
Un tel "procès" insensé est également fait aujourd'hui.

S'il vous plaît "soulager" la victime dès que possible.

Ce courrier envoie également le même courrier à la "résidence officielle du Premier ministre" au Japon, "LDP" et "les politiciens".
Ils n'ont toujours pas "justice" pour gouverner le Japon en vertu de la loi.
"Personnes internationales"!
Veuillez vous lever pour faire du monde une société où la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme sont protégés.

Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Dieu soutiendra toujours la 'justice'.
Je crois certainement que la justice est "gagne".

Je "fais appel" des deux choses.
C'est une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien pour que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et compensation" soit effectué.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais un étranger est innocent.

L'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Péchés du travail illégal" était puni par les étrangers.
D'autre part, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration prévoit des employeurs qui sont des "relations de cause à effet" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
(Un crime qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, le pouvoir judiciaire japonais ne "jette" que des étrangers mais ne dispose pas des employeurs.
Cela viole évidemment le "principe d'égalité devant la loi"
Et nous violons le droit international interdisant l’élimination consciente des étrangers.

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement un étranger est innocent, un étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent.
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe personne «qui ait soutenu d’autres crimes de droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate dans le pays philippin, membre du personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La "cause du crime" à laquelle l'accusation applique "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien d'autres crimes)" est la suivante.
Les étrangers sont mandatés par la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4
(Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" contre cela.
La décision est "annulation du statut de résidence" du "ministre de la Justice" et "retrait obligatoire vers des pays étrangers".
Par conséquent, "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien à d'autres crimes)" ne peut pas être appliqué.

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
"Écraser" par le pouvoir de l'Etat est "l'arrêt" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.
S'il vous plaît "sauver" beaucoup de "victimes" avec "courage et justice".
Je demande au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer l'honneur" et "l'indemnisation de la victime" de la victime.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2019-02-18: Ich sende dieselbe E-Mail an Nippon Keidanren und Toyotas Gewerkschaft. Sie ignorieren die "Rechtsstaatlichkeit". Haben Sie keine Zweifel am Kauf eines "Toyota-Autos"? Firmenwagen, die das Gesetz ignorieren, werden das Gesetz ignorieren. Findest du es nicht gefährlich?

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2019-02-18: Ich sende dieselbe E-Mail an Nippon Keidanren und Toyotas Gewerkschaft.
Sie ignorieren die "Rechtsstaatlichkeit".
Haben Sie keine Zweifel am Kauf eines "Toyota-Autos"?
Firmenwagen, die das Gesetz ignorieren, werden das Gesetz ignorieren. Findest du es nicht gefährlich?

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Wir weisen auf "Arbeitsvertrag" als Grund aus, warum wir chinesische "illegale Arbeit" unterstützt haben.
Dieser "Arbeitsvertrag" ist jedoch nicht gesetzlich festgelegt.
Der Abteilungsleiter des Justizministeriums "beantragte" durch "offizielle Mitteilung".
Der Ankläger sagt, der Inhalt dieses "Arbeitsvertrages" sei eine Lüge.
Der Richter sagte, da wir "diesen chinesischen" Arbeitsvertrag mit der Falschheit "
Chinesen sagen, dass "Aufenthaltsstatus (in Japan)" "leicht" erworben "wurde.
Der Richter sagte, die Chinesen könnten in Japan leben, da der "Status des Aufenthalts" erreicht wurde.
Das ist nicht der Fall. Die Chinesen konnten in Japan leben, weil vom Außenminister ein "Einreisevisum" erhalten wurde.
Der Richter kennt den Mechanismus des "Einreisevisums" nicht.
Der Richter sagte: "Weil die Chinesen in Japan leben konnten, wurde" illegale Arbeit "gemacht.

So hat der Richter Artikel 70 des chinesischen Einreisegesetzes eingetragen
"Illegale Arbeit außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus" und das Einwanderungsgesetz Artikel 24-4
Wir kombinieren "Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage von Falschscheindokumenten".
Es heißt, es unterstütze und unterstütze Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
Es ist eine verrückte "Logik des Gesetzes".
Wir wenden also Artikel 60 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" gegen die Verletzung von Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes der Chinesen an.

In Japan ist das "Argument" einer so weit entfernten "Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehung"
"Jedes Ereignis kann auf unerwartete Weise zu einem Effekt führen", heißt es als Begründung.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

Mit anderen Worten ist "Kausalität" "Verzerrung" der Bedeutung ".

Dieser Richter versteht jedoch nicht das Immigration Control Act.
Artikel 24-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Der Erwerb des" Aufenthaltsstatus "durch die Vorlage falscher Dokumente ist kein Verbrechen.
Die Verfügung widerruft nur den vom Justizminister gewährten Aufenthaltsstatus.
Es ist keine "kriminelle Verfügung".
Daher können Artikel 60 des Strafgesetzbuchs und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht auf die "Unterstützung" gemäß Artikel 24-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes angewendet werden.

Daher wurde das Immigration Control Act am 1. Juli 2010 geändert.
Wenn ein Ausländer nach Artikel 24-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "unterstützt" wurde
"Status des Wohnsitzes" von "diesem Ausländer" wurde "aufgehoben" und wurde "Verwaltungsstrafe" des "Umzugs aus dem Land".
Was in der Anklageschrift festgehalten wurde, wurde bereits durch das Immigration Control Act vorgeschrieben.

Ich wurde im Juni 2010 verhaftet. Im Juli 2010 wurde die Staatsanwaltschaft angeklagt.
Daher hatten Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter diese Änderung ausreichend gewusst.
Es ist also ein bösartiges Verbrechen.

In Japan ist die Praxis der Anwendung von "Verbrechen der Unterstützung" gemäß Artikel 60 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs mit "fernen Kausalzusammenhang" verwurzelt.
Es ist eine schreckliche japanische Gesellschaft, die die Logik des Völkerrechts ignoriert hat.
Damit kann jeder ein Verbrecher sein.
Eine solche verrückte "Prüfung" findet heute auch statt.

Bitte "entlasten" Sie das Opfer so schnell wie möglich.

Diese E-Mail sendet dieselbe E-Mail auch an die "Amtssitz des Premierministers" in Japan, an "LDP" und an "Politiker".
Sie haben immer noch keine "Gerechtigkeit", um Japan unter dem Gesetz zu regieren.
"Internationale Leute"!
Bitte stellen Sie sich auf, um die Welt zu einer Gesellschaft zu machen, in der Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte geschützt werden.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Gott wird immer 'Gerechtigkeit' unterstützen.
Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass Gerechtigkeit "gewinnt".

Ich "appelliere" an die beiden Dinge.
Es ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung durch die japanische Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Ehreerhebung und Entschädigung" erfolgt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" durch. Aber ein Ausländer ist unschuldig.

Nur Ausländer wurden durch Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Sünden illegaler Arbeit" bestraft.
Andererseits fordert das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber auf, die nach Artikel 73-2 "Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen" illegaler Arbeit sind
(Ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung förderte).

Die japanische Justiz "entsorgt" jedoch nur Ausländer, verfügt jedoch nicht über Arbeitgeber.
Dies verstößt offensichtlich gegen den "Grundsatz der Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz".
Und wir verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht, das die bewusste Beseitigung von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal beschäftigt hat, unschuldig ist, ist ein Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig.
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, "der andere strafrechtliche Verbrechen unterstützt hat" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat im philippinischen Land, ein Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft" ist unschuldig.

2 Der "Grund für ein Verbrechen", auf das die Staatsanwaltschaft Anwendung findet "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" lautet wie folgt.
Ausländer werden mit dem Immigration Act 22-4-4 betraut
(Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente).
Dagegen gibt es keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Disposition ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" durch "Justizminister" und "obligatorischer Rückzug in ein anderes Land".
Daher kann "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" nicht angewandt werden.

Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Crush" durch staatliche Gewalt ist "Stop" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Bitte "retten" Sie viele "Opfer" mit "Mut und Gerechtigkeit".
Ich fordere die japanische Regierung auf, "Ehre zu erlangen" und "Entschädigung für das Opfer" des Opfers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union. They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union.
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law.
Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. We point out "contract of employment" as the reason
why we supported Chinese "illegal labor".
However, this "contract of employment" is not stipulated by law,
but the section chief of the Ministry of Justice "requested" by "official notice".
The prosecutor says the content of this "contract of employment" is a falsehood.
The judge said that we could "get" the status
of residence (in Japan) "easily" because we "provided" the Chinese with a "contract
of employment of falsehood" content .
And the judge said the Chinese were able to live in Japan,
as "status of residence" was obtained.
that's wrong. The Chinese was able to live in Japan because "entry visa" was obtained
from the foreign minister.
The judge does not know the mechanism of "entry visa".
And the judge said, "Because the Chinese were able to live in Japan,"
illegal labor "was made.

So the judge will link the Chinese immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor other than status
of residence" with the acquisition of status of residence
by submitting the immigration law Article 24-4 "document of falsehood."
It is said that it is "aiding and abetting" of Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
It is a crazy 'logic of law'.
So we apply Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code "Crime to support other crimes"
against the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act of the Chinese.

In Japan,
the "argument" of such distant "causal relationship" is called "any event can bring bring about
an effect in an unexpected way" theory.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

In other words, "causality" is "distortion" of the meaning ".

However, this judge does not understand Immigration Control Act.
Article 24-4 of the Immigration Control Act "Acquisition of" status
of residence "by submitting false documents is not a crime.
The disposition only rescinds "status of residence" granted by Minister of Justice.
It is not "criminal disposition".
Therefore, Article 60 of the Penal Code and Article 62
of the Penal Code can not be applied to "support"
under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, the Immigration Control Act was amended on July 1, 2010.
When a foreigner did "support" under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act,
"status of residence" of "that foreigner" was "canceled"
and became "administrative punishment" of "moving out of the country" .
What was stated in the indictment has already been prescribed by the Immigration Control Act.

I was arrested in June 2010. It was July 2010 that the prosecution was charged.
So, police officials, prosecutors and judges had known this amendment sufficiently.
So it is a vicious crime.

In Japan, the practice of applying "crime of support"
under Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code with "distant causal relation" is rooted.
It is a horrible Japanese society that ignored the logic of international law.
With this, anyone can be a criminal.
Such an insane "trial" is done today as well.

Please "relieve" the victim as soon as possible.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union. They ignore the "rule of law". Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"? Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law. Do not you think it is dangerous?

To everyone at the media

2019-02-18: I am sending the same e-mail to Nippon Keidanren and Toyota's labor union.
They ignore the "rule of law".
Do not you have any doubt about buying a "Toyota car"?
Companies' cars ignoring the law will ignore the law.
Do not you think it is dangerous?

Dear sirs. We point out "contract of employment" as the reason
why we supported Chinese "illegal labor".
However, this "contract of employment" is not stipulated by law,
but the section chief of the Ministry of Justice "requested" by "official notice".
The prosecutor says the content of this "contract of employment" is a falsehood.
The judge said that we could "get" the status
of residence (in Japan) "easily" because we "provided" the Chinese with a "contract
of employment of falsehood" content .
And the judge said the Chinese were able to live in Japan,
as "status of residence" was obtained.
that's wrong. The Chinese was able to live in Japan because "entry visa" was obtained
from the foreign minister.
The judge does not know the mechanism of "entry visa".
And the judge said, "Because the Chinese were able to live in Japan,"
illegal labor "was made.

So the judge will link the Chinese immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor other than status
of residence" with the acquisition of status of residence
by submitting the immigration law Article 24-4 "document of falsehood."
It is said that it is "aiding and abetting" of Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
It is a crazy 'logic of law'.
So we apply Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code "Crime to support other crimes"
against the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act of the Chinese.

In Japan,
the "argument" of such distant "causal relationship" is called "any event can bring bring about
an effect in an unexpected way" theory.
(Kazega hukeba Okeyaga moukaru).

In other words, "causality" is "distortion" of the meaning ".

However, this judge does not understand Immigration Control Act.
Article 24-4 of the Immigration Control Act "Acquisition of" status
of residence "by submitting false documents is not a crime.
The disposition only rescinds "status of residence" granted by Minister of Justice.
It is not "criminal disposition".
Therefore, Article 60 of the Penal Code and Article 62
of the Penal Code can not be applied to "support"
under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, the Immigration Control Act was amended on July 1, 2010.
When a foreigner did "support" under Article 24-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act,
"status of residence" of "that foreigner" was "canceled"
and became "administrative punishment" of "moving out of the country" .
What was stated in the indictment has already been prescribed by the Immigration Control Act.

I was arrested in June 2010. It was July 2010 that the prosecution was charged.
So, police officials, prosecutors and judges had known this amendment sufficiently.
So it is a vicious crime.

In Japan, the practice of applying "crime of support"
under Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code with "distant causal relation" is rooted.
It is a horrible Japanese society that ignored the logic of international law.
With this, anyone can be a criminal.
Such an insane "trial" is done today as well.

Please "relieve" the victim as soon as possible.

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-17】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-17

February 16, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version, February 17, 2019: The Chinese government does not protect human rights of Chinese citizens. President Donald Trump! Please pursue the Japanese government as a police officer of the world. "Communism" should be expelled from the world.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version, February 17, 2019:
The Chinese government does not protect human rights of Chinese citizens.
President Donald Trump!
Please pursue the Japanese government as a police officer of the world.
"Communism" should be expelled from the world.

Dear sirs. Illegal labor can not be done alone.
If the Chinese who carried out "illegal labor" is "guilty",
"employer" who "hired illegally" is also "guilty".
"Employer" is "innocent".
That's why "Chinese people are also acquitted" by the rules of international law.
The Japanese government should do "recovery" and "compensation" of "honor" to Chinese.

It is 4 Chinese who was "punished illegally" for "violation of immigration law" in 2010.
Today, I will list two people in the continuation of yesterday.

3). written judgment contained in the trial protocol
2010, Toku, (wa), number 1173. In case
Declared date July 28, 2010. In case
Confirmed date August 12, 2010. In case
Lynn Horley "Rin Koritu"
Born August 10, 1983.
Tokyo District Court, detectives 13 copies.
August 12, 2010.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Article 70 (1) (4) of the Immigration Control Act Immigration Control Act,
Article 19 (1) (1),
Article 25 (1) of the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Act 181 (1).
1 year imprisonment, 3 years grace.

4). "Written judgment contained in the trial protoco" Not yet acquired. In case
2010, Toku, (wa), number 0000. In case
Declaration date 7th - 8th - 8th month of 2010. In case
Confirmation date 7 ~ 8 / Month / day of 2010. In case
Limon Li Wei "Ri Moe"
Birth date unknown.
Tokyo District Court, Criminal Division.
7th - 8th month 2010 - day of 2010.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Article 70 (1) (4) of the Immigration Control Act Immigration Control Act,
Article 19 (1) (1),
Article 25 (1) of the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Act 181 (1).
1 year imprisonment, 3 years grace.

I will continue with next week.

Please understand Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act.
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Full text is below.

This is the reason for the crime pointed out in the indictment
The prosecution says that we did "aiding and abetting"
of Article 22-4-4 "Revocation of Status of Residence" Immigration Act.
This punishment is the cancellation of "status of residence".

(Revocation of Status of Residence)
Article 22-4 A Minister of Justice may obtain a foreign national who resides
in Japan with the status of residence of the appended table 1 or the upper row
of appended table 2 under the recognition of a refugee under paragraph 1 of Article 61-2 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the applicant may revoke the status of residence that the alien actually has
under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.

1 omitted
2 omission
3 omitted
※ ※ ※ ※
"A bill of indictment" is "posting" 4 below. It's crazy.
Documents submitted to the "Tokyo Immigration Bureau" by the Chinese people fall
under the following 4.
The prosecution "points out" that we have "offered" this document "false document" to Chinese people.

4 In addition to what is listed in the preceding three items,
documents containing misrepresented documents (certificates
and misrepresentations stipulated in Article 7-2, paragraph 1,
which was issued by submission or presentation of documents with misstatements
or drawings Including a visa received by a passport by submitting
or presenting a certain document or drawing of the same) or a seal
or the like of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

5 omitted
(Forced deportation)
Article 24 For a foreign national who falls under any of the following items,
it is possible to force the eviction from Japan by the procedure prescribed in the next chapter.

* The following was added in 2010 July.
(3) Invalidly illegally giving a certificate under the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 illegally to another foreigner,
a seal of the landing permit
(including the record under the provisions of Article 9 paragraph 4) or permission,
Forgery or alteration of documents or drawings, creation of false documents or drawings,
forgery or forgery or creation of documents or drawings for the purpose
of allowing permission for landing pursuant to the provisions of the clause
or permission under the provisions of Section 1 or 3 of the next chapter A person
who exercises, possesses,
or provides for altered documents or drawings or false documents or drawings,
or suggests or helps these acts

There is no "good abduction" or "bad abduction" in abduction / confinement. Help me!

There are many victims around the world.
Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

In case
The above translation documents are inaccurate,
so please contact us by e-mail.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

2025-01-17: ستنتج "Tesla" "FCVs" وستنتج "Ford وNissan" "مركبات محرك الهيدروجين (HVs)". يجب على "TFN" تشكيل تحالف "للتصنيع والمبيعات". يجب أن يزودوا بعضهم البعض كـ "OEMs" والاستفادة من شبكة مبيعات كل شركة لتصبح المجموعة الأولى في العالم.

 2025-01-17: إصدار يوم الأسبوع. ربما يكون هذا "مرضًا في أمريكا الحديثة". في الأول من يناير، اشتعلت النيران في سيارة تسلا أمام فندق...