
Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-05-06:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Präsident Donald Trump sagt "Regierung unter dem Gesetz". Das ist großartig Das Problem der "illegalen Einwanderung" ist jedoch nicht nur die "Sünde" der "illegalen Einwanderer". Die Regierung sollte "Arbeitgeber" bestrafen, die "illegale Einwanderer" per Gesetz beschäftigen. Wenn es keine Beschäftigten gibt, die "illegale Einwanderer" beschäftigen, haben "illegale Einwanderer" keine Bedeutung für die Einreise in die Vereinigten Staaten. Wenn ja, brauchen die Vereinigten Staaten die mexikanische Mauer nicht.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-06:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Präsident Donald Trump sagt "Regierung unter dem Gesetz".
Das ist großartig
Das Problem der "illegalen Einwanderung" ist jedoch nicht nur die "Sünde" der "illegalen Einwanderer".
Die Regierung sollte "Arbeitgeber" bestrafen, die "illegale Einwanderer" per Gesetz beschäftigen.
Wenn es keine Beschäftigten gibt, die "illegale Einwanderer" beschäftigen, haben "illegale Einwanderer" keine Bedeutung für die Einreise in die Vereinigten Staaten.
Wenn ja, brauchen die Vereinigten Staaten die mexikanische Mauer nicht.

Teil 1 Ich bin japaner Ich bin mit "Einwanderungsfragen" besser vertraut als jeder andere.
Weil die japanische Regierung das Gleiche tut.
Es ist fast unmöglich, dass Japan illegal in die USA einreist.
Ich habe ein legales "Aufenthaltsvisum", mit dem ich ein Problem habe,
Es ist eine Strafe für Ausländer, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus gearbeitet haben.
Siehe "Teil 1 von 2" weiter unten.

Als ich auf dieses Problem aufmerksam machte, tat die japanische Regierung etwas Schlimmeres als die US-Regierung.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft machte mich durch falsche Anwendung des anwendbaren Rechts zum "Täter".
Ich reichte den Chinesen die "Arbeitsvertragsdokumente", um die Chinesen einzustellen.
Die Staatsanwälte sagen, dieses "Arbeitsvertragsdokument" sei "falsch".
Ich akzeptiere 100% der Ansprüche der Staatsanwälte. (Weil es kein Verbrechen ist).
Die "Tat", auf die "Anklageschrift" hinweist, ist eine Handlung, die Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "unterstützt".
Ein Chinese, der Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "verletzt", wird nur den "Aufenthaltsstatus" "aufheben".
Da der "Aufenthaltsstatus" aufgehoben wird, wird es "ins Ausland abgeschoben".

"Chinese" erhielt den Status eines Aufenthaltsstatus, als er die japanische Universität abschloss.
Es gab jedoch einen Lehman-Schock im Jahr 2008.
Ich habe aufgehört, Chinesen einzustellen.
Die Chinesen wurden verhaftet, weil sie in einem "Restaurant" arbeiteten, das zu "Studententagen" arbeitete.
Dies ist ein Verstoß gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes. Es ist "Arbeit anders als Status des Wohnsitzes".
Die "Arbeitgeber", die sie beschäftigten, wussten, dass sie "keine Anstellung" hätten.
Der "Arbeitgeber", der sie eingestellt hat, wird jedoch nicht wegen Verletzung des Artikels 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes festgenommen.

Dieses Problem ist in den Vereinigten Staaten dasselbe.
Amerikanische Arbeitgeber sind unschuldig, sagen sie: "Ich dachte, sie hätten die Qualifikation, um zu arbeiten".
In Japan werden Arbeitgeber freigesprochen, wenn sie sich für "Entschuldigung" entschuldigen.
Es ist jedoch schuld, wenn sich ein Ausländer für "Entschuldigung" entschuldigt.
Außerdem sind sie Ausländer mit "Aufenthaltsstatus", im Gegensatz zu amerikanischen "illegalen Einwanderern".
Alle bitte nicht mit amerikanischen "illegalen Einwanderern" zusammen sein.
Ich "appelliere" also daran, dass diese Korrespondenz das "Völkerrecht" verletzt.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die einen "Kausalzusammenhang" mit illegaler Arbeit haben (Artikel 73-2).
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" verweist, haben keinen kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "Internationalen Strafgerichtshof".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else. Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing. Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law".
It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone.
The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law.
Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants,"
"illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States.
If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

Part 1. I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else.
Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing.
Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.
What I am concerned with is a punishment for foreigners who have a legal "stay visa"
but have worked outside the "qualification of residence".
Please see "Part 1 of 2" below.

When I pointed out this problem,
the Japanese government did something worse than the US government.
The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law.
I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.
Prosecutors say that this "employment contract document" is "false."
I accept 100% of the prosecutors' claims. (Because it is not a crime).
The "act" that "indictment" points out is an act
that "supports" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
A Chinese who "violates" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act will
only "cancel" the "status of residence".
Since "status of residence" is canceled, it will be "deported abroad".

"Chinese" got "status of residence status" by graduating from Japanese university.
However, there was a Lehman shock in 2008.
I stopped hiring Chinese.
The Chinese were arrested because they were working at a "restaurant"
who was working in "student days".
It is a violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
It is "labor other than status of residence".
The "employers" who employed them knew that they could not "employ".
However, the "employer" who hired them is not arrested
for violation of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

This problem is the same in the United States.
American employers are innocent, they say, "I thought they had the qualification to work".
In Japan, employers are acquitted if they apologize for saying "I'm sorry".
However, it is guilty if a foreigner apologizes for saying "I'm sorry".
Moreover, they are foreigners with "status of residence", unlike American "illegal immigrants".
Everyone, please do not be with American "illegal immigrants".
So, I "appeal" that this correspondence violates "international law".

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum
and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case,
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law". It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone. The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law. Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants," "illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States. If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law".
It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone.
The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law.
Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants,"
"illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States.
If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

Part 1. I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else.
Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing.
Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.
What I am concerned with is a punishment for foreigners who have a legal "stay visa"
but have worked outside the "qualification of residence".
Please see "Part 1 of 2" below.

When I pointed out this problem,
the Japanese government did something worse than the US government.
The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law.
I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.
Prosecutors say that this "employment contract document" is "false."
I accept 100% of the prosecutors' claims. (Because it is not a crime).
The "act" that "indictment" points out is an act
that "supports" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
A Chinese who "violates" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act will
only "cancel" the "status of residence".
Since "status of residence" is canceled, it will be "deported abroad".

"Chinese" got "status of residence status" by graduating from Japanese university.
However, there was a Lehman shock in 2008.
I stopped hiring Chinese.
The Chinese were arrested because they were working at a "restaurant"
who was working in "student days".
It is a violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
It is "labor other than status of residence".
The "employers" who employed them knew that they could not "employ".
However, the "employer" who hired them is not arrested
for violation of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

This problem is the same in the United States.
American employers are innocent, they say, "I thought they had the qualification to work".
In Japan, employers are acquitted if they apologize for saying "I'm sorry".
However, it is guilty if a foreigner apologizes for saying "I'm sorry".
Moreover, they are foreigners with "status of residence", unlike American "illegal immigrants".
Everyone, please do not be with American "illegal immigrants".
So, I "appeal" that this correspondence violates "international law".

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To everyone in the world. May 05, 2019 European Special Zone Sunday Edition: Greetings. The Social Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Sanchez, won the Spanish General Election on Friday. However, it did not reach the majority, and the Far-Rights Box decided to enter the government and gained 24 seats. Now what is needed is politics to correct the inequality.

To everyone in the world.

May 05, 2019 European Special Zone Sunday Edition:
Greetings. The Social Labor Party, led by Prime Minister Sanchez, won the Spanish General Election on Friday. However, it did not reach the majority, and the Far-Rights Box decided to enter the government and gained 24 seats. Now what is needed is politics to correct the inequality.

Part 1. The rise of "Extreme right power" spread from Italy, France, etc. to Spain.
The “Social Labor Party” was supported by raising the minimum wage, etc., but it did not reach the majority, and “full-scale negotiations” of “political coalition” would be made.
On the other hand, sued a tough "immigration policy"
"Extreme right party" was "make rapid progress".
As a result of the election results, "European countries" become more "inwardly oriented" due to the "UK (EU) withdrawal problem" and so on.
Can we maintain the "centripetal force" of European integration towards the European Parliament elections in late May?
The EU's skeptics are expected to expand, and EU unity will be shaken.

In the Spanish general elections Sanchez has won by calling for a generous welfare policy.
Rather than deepening EU integration, what must be concentrated on domestic policy is a phenomenon common to major European countries.
French President Macron announced a massive tax cut to meet the anti-government demonstration "Yellow Best". He spent time in direct dialogue with the people and foreign policy stagnated.
Germany was forced to revise its tolerant immigration policy in order to curb the rise of the extreme right party that appeals to anti-immigration.
In the UK, where the exit from the EU is not visible, political parties calling for early withdrawal are gaining momentum.
Introverted intensification in European countries will further boost EU skeptics.

I think that "rise" of "Extreme right power" is because there is "a sense of inequality" among people rather than immigration issues.
France is directing this "rage" to the elite.
The people of the British withdrawal say.
"Why the EU president directs on the UK! He is not the president the British people have elected."
"Lepen leader" of France's extreme right party "National Union" says in Twitter:
"The nation needs a person who defends the country with strong enthusiasm."

European countries should not rush to "deepen up" EU integration.
In Europe, "nation" has "feeling of inequality" in every country.
I think in Europe, "removing" the "sense of unfairness" of the people is "the top priority."

In the article of "Washington Post", there is an anxious article.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/at-trump-golf-course-undocumented-employees-said-they-were-sometimes-told-to-work-extra-hours-without-pay/20019/4/ 30 / 17f6c9be-65eb-11e9-83df-04f4d124151f_story.html? Noredirect = on & utm_term = .9debdb858e0f

Europe needs immigration.
"Protecting the people of each country" and "Economic development in each country" requires "special zones in each country".

President Donald Trump said. "The United States needs to rule under the law."
The American people also have a sense of inequality.
I think Americans will make this "conclusion" next fall.

Part 2. We propose to build "special zones" in each country, including Europe.
Please read along with the proposal for the United States (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Please see.
April 28, 2019, supplementary matters.

The prosperity of each country is realized by the freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law" of the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law.
Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.

Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano "Nagano Hirohiro"

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday Edition, 5 May 2019: Greetings. I think it's great for President Emmanuel Macron's policy to abolish the National Academy of Education (ENA) for elite training schools. The President should make it mandatory by law to “fairly assess” not only employees of “higher education” but also employees based on their ability and achievements.

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday Edition, 5 May 2019:
Greetings. I think it's great
for President Emmanuel Macron's policy to abolish the National Academy
of Education (ENA) for elite training schools.
The President should make it mandatory by law to “fairly assess” not only employees
of “higher education” but also employees based on their ability and achievements.

Part 1. On the 25th, President Emmanuel Macron announced measures against
the anti-government demonstration "Yellow Best" which will continue from November 2018.
The president understood that the demonstration was angry at the French elite.
The president also said that he would abolish the National Administration Academy
(ENA) of elite training schools.
The ENA, an elite training school that the President has announced its abolition policy,
has been seen as a symbol of France's power at the place
where many politicians have learned, including Emmanuel McLon
and "President of Successive Generations" .

The French President, Macron, should seriously abolish the "ENA in elite training schools".
The reason is that the current French economy is a policy failure of those
from the “elite training school ENA”.
I lost the international competition on my desk skills.
I lost the "low education" method of human resource development in Japan and China.
It is important for the McLon administration to have French,
who have low academic backgrounds but have the ability and achievements,
at the center of the administration.
I think that they propose policy with an idea different
from the people of "elite training school ENA".
If the people's mind can be understood,
I do not think that the people will make a policy to cause "anti-government demonstrations".
Even in international politics,
France should not bear the costs of China's measures to combat global warming.
I do not say that first- principles are good,
but I do not think that France can afford to finance the military power.

And most important of all,
it is for private companies to carry out a policy that incorporates this system.
Mandatory to "equally assess" those
who have the ability and track record even with "low educational background".

For me, speaking of France, is Sylvie Vartan (August 15, 1944-).
She was born in Bulgaria and moved to Paris,
France, at the age of eight in December 1952.
In 1961, he first appeared in the Paris-Olympia theater at the age of 17 while attending Rise.
In 1964, "La plus belle pour aller danser" was a big hit around the world.
(Japanese song title is "Find an idol"). I like Japanese song names.
She also earned many foreign currencies in Japan's "TV commercial appearance".
She is not born in France. She did not earn "foreign currency" by "education."
"Ability" "talent" is not created by "education".
I hope the "Frenchman" will be "more,
more" better.

Part 2. The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has "crushed" the prosecutor's crime even
in cases of immigration law violations.
There are many foreigners (innumerable).
Save the victims of the Japanese government around you around the world!
The victims are foreigners who "worked illegally"
in activities other than "Certificate of residence" in Japan.

They are arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
and are subject to "criminal sanctions" such as "a prison term punishment"
and "a fine punishment".
And they are foreigners who have been forced to repatriate.
I wrote this yesterday.

The prosecution has arrested third parties
for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is "I," Kin Gungaku who is Chinese ".
Other victims are officials from the Embassy of the Philippines
and diplomats from the Philippines.
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.
It is a third party who has handed out the “contract documents
for employment” to foreigners who have “illegal labor”.
It has nothing to do with "illegal labor."
The prosecution says in Indictment:

I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the status of residence
by attaching “Employment Contract Documents with False Content”.
Foreigners came to live in Japan because they got “Certificate of residence”.
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
So, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal labor" of the immigration control law of foreigners,
"the crime that supported other crimes" of "Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins for Support"
against "illegal labor" is stipulated
in "Sins promoting illegal work" under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated
in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Status of Residence
by Filing False Documents".
There is no punishment for that. Only the status of residence is cancelled.
And "forced repatriation" will be.
Even if you get a status of residence with “false documents”,
if you work within the scope of status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 and Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
and the Philippine diplomat is an error of the "applicable law".
This is the perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "restoration of honor" and "reparations".
If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government,
request an investigation from the ICC.

There are many victims all over the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The documents are below.

The above translated document is incorrect,
please contact us by email.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


To everyone in the world May 04, 2019, Special Zone of the United States Saturday Edition: "America" ​​needs "investment" in the United States by "prepared" "risk" rather than "telling" complaining. What we need to strengthen America is "investment". Mr Stephen Benon, please scold Americans.

To everyone in the world

May 04, 2019, Special Zone of the United States Saturday Edition:
"America" ​​needs "investment" in the United States by "prepared" "risk" rather than "telling" complaining. What we need to strengthen America is "investment". Mr Stephen Benon, please scold Americans.

Part 1. From the April 27th article of The Epoch Times Japan.
The Foreign Policy Organization “Committee Responding to the Current Crisis: China” established in the US “for the first time in 20 years” held a seminar in New York on April 25.
The theme is "the super-war of the economy set in the United States by China".

Mr. Trump's "Former Strategic Chief of Staff" Mr. Stephen Bannon, who spoke, explained the "super battle" announced by a senior Chinese military official in 1999.
Mr Bannon said that the theory explains how the Chinese Communist Party "breaks down" the rules of democracy.
"I think Wall Street doesn't know the realities of China's economy," Steven Bennon criticized, "They just want to make money."
He also pointed out that, strangely, Wall Street people are acting as Chinese agents.
"The US business community is the lobby of the Chinese Communist Party, and Wall Street is the public relations department for investors."
I thought that Stephen Bannon's words symbolized the present America.

In the United States, there is no investment destination to invest in.
To that end, I have proposed making a "large industrial zone" where low-paid workers are employed, making the US side with the Mexico border "a special zone".
Products produced in this "special zone" are less expensive than products produced on consignment in China.
If good products can be manufactured at a lower cost than China, American companies invest in "special zones" and build factories.
This factory is equipped with the latest equipment, so it can be combined with low wages to make the cheapest product in the world.
It takes decades of years and a huge investment to complete this special zone.
And the "Rusted belt zone" also needs a "big deal" investment.
The existing industrial zone factories in the United States and the "special zone" factories are linked in the supply chain.
For example, suppose you build a car factory in the "special zone".
Naturally, automobile plants should be supplied with "steel products" manufactured at the "Rusted belt zone" ironworks.
The "Rusted belt zone" factory is an "old equipment", "museum-like" factory.
Steel mills in the United States should be equipped with the latest equipment by "Scrap & build".
Iron and steel in the United States has survived by "Lobby Activity".
Once again, they are extending the steel industry's life with additional tariffs. It's crazy.
The United States, for example, should study the Japanese steel industry.
Japan's steel industry, which has no steel resources in Japan, is far more "unfavorable" than the US steel industry.
But they have overcome countless difficulties.
(I know well because I worked at a steel trading company.)
The United States has not learned anything from the previous Japan-US steel war. It's crazy.

"America" ​​needs "investment" in "America" ​​by "Prepare" "risk" rather than "Lobby activity". What we need to strengthen America is "investment".

Part 2. To the United States, I "propose" to build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico.
See (Sunday) for suggestions for the UK and EU.
April 13, 2019, US Special Zone Saturday Edition: Please visit.
May 04, 2019 Supplementary items. This time, I omit it because there is no space.

The reality of Japan's immigration policy is worse than in the United States.
Japanese immigration law is similar to American immigration law.
The prosperity of America is realized by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law" in the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.
There are also many American victims.

Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday Edition, 4 May 2019: Greetings. There is a move due to the "arrest of the accused," former President of Nissan Motor Company, Carlos Ghosn. Hostage justice is torture to get confession. One thousand lawyers and legal scholars gave a "statement". You should do "Break out" from here. President Emmanuel Macron should "protest" Japan's judicial system.

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday Edition, 4 May 2019:
Greetings. There is a move due to the "arrest of the accused,"
former President of Nissan Motor Company, Carlos Ghosn.
Hostage justice is torture to get confession. One thousand lawyers
and legal scholars gave a "statement". You should do "Break out" from here.
President Emmanuel Macron should "protest" Japan's judicial system.

Part 1. Mr. Imamura, known as "Atonement Lawyer",
conducted "Interview" on April 10 at the Foreign Correspondent Association in Marunouchi, Tokyo.
He said, "I would like to lead to a reform of criminal justice,"
using voices of "criticism" against Japan's "Hostage justice"
which has risen abroad due to the arrest of Mr. Carlos Ghosn.
It also revealed that by April 8, 1010 lawyers and legal scholars "consent" the statement.
The statement that appeals for the "cancellation" of "Hostage justice" is the statement of a lawyer seeking "Break out" from "Hostage justice."
The statement calls for an improvement in the judicial system,
saying that Japanese interrogation and physical detention are "like torture to get confession".

I asked the "Japanese Bar Association" to support "Human Rights Relief".
However, in response to "the violation of applicable law" of "the prosecutor" and "the judge",
they answered that "the Japan Bar Association has no" power "to solve".
Because the legislators "scared their shins",
they do not claim crimes of the prosecutor or the judge.
They are silent. In other words, there is no justice.
To solve this problem, we need pressure from foreign governments.

This is a famous story in Japan.
In Japan, the judge and the prosecutor are "One body" (one piece).
This "tradition" continues even now.
The reporters who attended the Foreign Correspondent Association asked questions
about the court's ease of approving detention and the tendency to adopt a confession record.
Mr. Imamura introduced the practice that the Justice Department
before the war was doing “personnel evaluation” of both the judge and the prosecutor,
and even after the war, the prosecutors would go in
and out of the judge room to borrow trial records. .
In the courtroom, only lawyers are treated like customers.
(Judge and Prosecutor), this is the tradition of "One body".
In other words, the judge is not neutral.
The judge is on the side of the prosecutor.
This is a fact.
Japan is still a judicial system during the war.
So I am doing "Alarm bell" that Japan has become a "military state" by justice.

One prosecutors said that.
"News articles are written by reporters in line with the" prosecutors' scenario ".
The prosecutor's office is trying to make the media "public information magazine".
"So the responsibility of the media is heavy," he said.
I will testify. I was also made a criminal by the media.
Articles in the Japanese media are "written articles" by the prosecutors and the police.
So I can not trust Japanese "media articles".

Mr. Imamura also pointed out that it would be difficult
for him to be released after he was charged.
I was detained for 10 months until Judgment.
"Appeal" detained for another two months.
It was released after the handover to the High Court judge.
This keeps the judge detained to conceal his mistakes.
When "two thirds" of "Remaining prison term" has passed, "Temporary release" is issued,
but if "does not admit sin", "Temporary release" is not accepted.
This is for a system that allows you to admit "crime" to the end,
for fear of being "Retrial request".

Mr. Imamura says.
The actual investigations and physical restraints are "treated as a confession torture.
It is difficult to say that the right to a fair trial can be guaranteed,"
and the Japanese criminal justice system should be a constitution
or an international It points out the possibility of violating human rights rules
and appeals for the departure from "hostile justice".

To foreign media, please report more about Japan's judicial system.

Part 2. There are many Koreans who have been arrested
for immigration law violations in violation of international law.
 (I can not count).
Koreans, Chinese, "everyone in the world"!
Help the victims of the Japanese government around you!

The victims are foreigners who "worked illegally"
in activities other than "Certificate of residence" in Japan.
They are arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
and are subject to "criminal sanctions" such as "a prison term punishment"
and "a fine punishment".
And they are foreigners who have been forced to repatriate.
I wrote this yesterday.

We arrest a third party for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me or "Kin Gungaku who is Chinese".
Other victims are officials from the Embassy of the Philippines and diplomats
from the Philippines.
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.

It is a third party who has handed out the “contract documents for employment” to foreigners
who have “illegal labor”.
It has nothing to do with "illegal labor."
The prosecution says in Indictment:

I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the status of residence
by attaching “Employment Contract Documents with False Content”.
Foreigners came to live in Japan because they got “Certificate of residence”.
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
So, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal labor" of the immigration control law
of foreigners, "the crime that supported other crimes" of "Articles 60
and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins for Support"
against "illegal labor" is stipulated in "Sins promoting illegal work"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated
in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Status of Residence
by Filing False Documents".
There is no punishment for that. Only the status of residence is cancelled.
And "forced repatriation" will be.

Even if you get a status of residence with “false documents”,
if you work within the scope of status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 and Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
and the Philippine diplomat is an error of the "applicable law".
This is the perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "restoration of honor" and "reparations".

If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government,
request an investigation from the ICC.
There are many victims all over the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".


The documents are below.

The above translated document is incorrect,
 please contact us by email.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . Prosecutors should make "Gail suspect" "bail". He is detained and can not prepare for the trial. He should "receive a trial" under international rules.

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".
This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world.

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-05-03:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll, who contributed to the Washington Post, sued Gone's innocence.
The reader's reaction is cold.
Mrs. Carroll should issue "Opinion advertising"!

Part 1. Japan's prosecutors are already using the media to do impression operations.
That's why.
Some say that Japan's judicial system is like that of a dictatorship like Russia
or China, but it is a minority,
and many of the comments are "acrid" views of "Mr. Carroll and the" post ". "is.

"You were treated the same as a regular offender.
Because that's you guys, that is, a criminal
Why do the wealthy think that they are "being beyond the law"!

"Why post gives" article space "to rich people only"
We are not "subscribing" to Post in order to read the rich "excuse" articles.
There is "make sarcastic remarks" by reference to Trump president with many scandals.
"It's crazy to ask the most corrupt president in the United States for intervention."
"Unless Gorne donated a huge amount to Trump's campaign, that Trump won't help him with no profit."
Mrs. Carroll, the platform you should ask for was FOX News (of Trump Media).

I think it was wrong that she posted to Post.
I think FOX News has declined Mrs Carroll's post.
Looking at this comment, you can see the outcome
of President Donald Trump's next presidential election.

Mrs. Carroll said.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
in an effort to block the merger between Nissan and Renault, worked with Nissan executives,
and they "given unfair crimes" to Gone.
She asserted, "This is a conspiracy," and complained, "My husband is innocent."

In my case, it is an "incorrect law".
In the case of Gone, there is a law to apply.
It is doubtful about Gone's "deliberate".
Nissan executives should also be arrested. The reason is "collusion".

Prosecutors should make "Gail suspect" "bail".
He is detained and can not prepare for the trial.
He should "receive a trial" under international rules.

Gone and Mrs. are rich.
Mrs. Carroll should do "advertising" in the newspaper or TV.
Japanese companies have a theme such as “conduct” with “Japanese government” and “misconduct”.
The ad is a "theme" to "boycott" Japanese products in protest of "Hostage justice" in Japan.
This gives Abe a direct damage.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic", etc. will exert pressure on the "Abe administration".
I also support Gone and his wife.

For more details, I will write on another day.
Originally, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, etc. should "denouncement" the Japanese government's "unfair" "transactions"
and "judicial system".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump In my case, it is an "incorrect law". In the case of Gone, there is a law to apply. It is doubtful about Gone's "deliberate". Nissan executives should also be arrested. The reason is "collusion".

To President Trump

2019-05-03:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll, who contributed to the Washington Post, sued Gone's innocence.
The reader's reaction is cold.
Mrs. Carroll should issue "Opinion advertising"!

Part 1. Japan's prosecutors are already using the media to do impression operations.
That's why.
Some say that Japan's judicial system is like that of a dictatorship like Russia
or China, but it is a minority,
and many of the comments are "acrid" views of "Mr. Carroll and the" post ". "is.

"You were treated the same as a regular offender.
Because that's you guys, that is, a criminal
Why do the wealthy think that they are "being beyond the law"!

"Why post gives" article space "to rich people only"
We are not "subscribing" to Post in order to read the rich "excuse" articles.
There is "make sarcastic remarks" by reference to Trump president with many scandals.
"It's crazy to ask the most corrupt president in the United States for intervention."
"Unless Gorne donated a huge amount to Trump's campaign, that Trump won't help him with no profit."
Mrs. Carroll, the platform you should ask for was FOX News (of Trump Media).

I think it was wrong that she posted to Post.
I think FOX News has declined Mrs Carroll's post.
Looking at this comment, you can see the outcome
of President Donald Trump's next presidential election.

Mrs. Carroll said.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
in an effort to block the merger between Nissan and Renault, worked with Nissan executives,
and they "given unfair crimes" to Gone.
She asserted, "This is a conspiracy," and complained, "My husband is innocent."

In my case, it is an "incorrect law".
In the case of Gone, there is a law to apply.
It is doubtful about Gone's "deliberate".
Nissan executives should also be arrested. The reason is "collusion".

Prosecutors should make "Gail suspect" "bail".
He is detained and can not prepare for the trial.
He should "receive a trial" under international rules.

Gone and Mrs. are rich.
Mrs. Carroll should do "advertising" in the newspaper or TV.
Japanese companies have a theme such as “conduct” with “Japanese government” and “misconduct”.
The ad is a "theme" to "boycott" Japanese products in protest of "Hostage justice" in Japan.
This gives Abe a direct damage.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic", etc. will exert pressure on the "Abe administration".
I also support Gone and his wife.

For more details, I will write on another day.
Originally, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, etc. should "denouncement" the Japanese government's "unfair" "transactions"
and "judicial system".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

My information ***************************************************

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel Macron au président français  Dit Mme Carroll. Le ministère de l'Économie, du Commerce et de l'Industrie, dans le but de bloquer la fusion entre Nissan et Renault, s'est associé à des dirigeants de Nissan, Ils "ont commis des crimes injustes". Elle affirme: "Ceci est un complot" "Mon mari est innocent", se plaint-il.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-03:Chers Messieurs, c'est la continuation d'hier. Mme Carroll est une collaboratrice du "Washington Post",
Gone poursuit l'innocence du suspect. La réaction du lecteur est froide.
Mme Carroll devrait publier une "publicité d'opinion"!

Partie 1 Les procureurs japonais utilisent déjà les médias pour effectuer des opérations d'impression. C'est pour ça.
Certains disent que le système judiciaire japonais ressemble à celui d'une dictature comme la Russie ou la Chine.
C'est une minorité, et beaucoup de commentaires sont "acre", "cherche" pour "M. Carroll et le" post ".

"Vous avez été traité de la même manière qu'un délinquant ordinaire.
Parce que c'est vous les gars, c'est un criminel
Pourquoi les riches pensent-ils qu'ils sont "au-delà de la loi"!

"Pourquoi post donne" espace article "uniquement aux personnes riches"
Nous ne "souscrivons" pas à Post afin de lire les riches articles "d'excuses".
Il y a des "remarques sarcastiques" en faisant référence au président Trump qui a de nombreux scandales.
"C'est fou de demander l'intervention du président le plus corrompu des États-Unis".
"Sauf si Ghon a fait un don important à la campagne de Trump,
Ce Trump ne prête jamais la main à des choses qui ne sont pas rentables. "
Madame Carroll, la plate-forme que vous devriez demander était FOX News (de Trump Media).

Je pense que c'est faux qu'elle ait posté sur Post.
Je pense que FOX News a refusé le poste de Mme Carroll.
En regardant ce commentaire, vous pouvez voir le résultat de la prochaine élection présidentielle du président Donald Trump.

Dit Mme Carroll.
Le ministère de l'Économie, du Commerce et de l'Industrie, dans le but de bloquer la fusion entre Nissan et Renault, s'est associé à des dirigeants de Nissan,
Ils "ont commis des crimes injustes". Elle affirme: "Ceci est un complot"
"Mon mari est innocent", se plaint-il.

Dans mon cas, c'est une "loi incorrecte".
Dans le cas de Gone, il y a une loi à appliquer.
Il est douteux que Gone soit "délibéré".
Les dirigeants de Nissan devraient également être arrêtés. La raison est "collusion".

Les procureurs devraient faire "suspecter Gail" "caution".
Il est détenu et ne peut pas se préparer pour le procès.
Il devrait "subir un procès" selon les règles internationales.

Allés et madame sont riches.
Mme Carroll devrait faire de la "publicité" dans les journaux ou à la télévision.
Les entreprises japonaises ont un thème tel que «comportement» avec «gouvernement japonais» et «inconduite».
La publicité est un "thème" pour "boycotter" les produits japonais en signe de "justice pour les otages" au Japon.
Cela donne à Abe un dommage direct.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic", etc. exercera une pression sur "l'administration Abe".
Je soutiens également Gone et sa femme.

Pour plus de détails, j'écrirai un autre jour.
À l'origine, les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne, la France, etc.,
Vous devriez "dénoncer" les transactions et le système judiciaire "injustes" du gouvernement japonais.

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, en revanche, s'applique aux employeurs qui sont des "relations de causalité" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Des péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Nagano Yoshihiro

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, veuillez appuyer «l'appel» devant la «CPI».

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

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