
#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! This year as well, the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit! US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy! U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

This year as well, 
the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit!
 US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy!
U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. 
Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

2020-07-16: Dear Sir,
British Prime Minister Johnson accused China of enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Act on July 1, saying it was a "obvious and serious" breach of the China-UK Joint Statement. He announced to Hong Kong citizens that it would "open the way" for the UK's acquisition of citizenship. Australia also said it is considering accepting "Hong Kong residents". Political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify further, leading to a review of the trade agreement between the two countries. Assets may also be confiscated by the government. Singapore is the escape destination for the assets. Following the new Coronavirus, China is putting the international community into turmoil. The international community should completely "decouple" China and build a new international community.

Part 1. The British government announced on July 1 that it will allow approximately 3 million Hong Kong citizens to move to the UK.
There is a possibility that tensions between the UK and China will increase further over the Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Law enacted by China.
In his speech in the House of Representatives, Johnson declared that the National Security Law violated the joint declaration signed by the United Kingdom and China in 1984.
The Declaration promises a "one country, two system" that allows Hong Kong to have a high degree of autonomy when returning to China in 1997.
The plan opens the way for foreign citizens (BNO) passport holders issued by the British government to acquire citizenship, and there are 350,000 passport holders in Hong Kong. In addition, 2.5 million people are said to be eligible for BNO.
The UK launched the plan in May for the first time, and the Chinese government has accused it of British internal interference.
According to Mr. Raab, this measure will be a new "special immigration route".
The subject will be granted a residence permit for half a year, which has been limited to half a year, for five years, and will be allowed to work.
It will be possible to apply for permanent residence after 5 years and apply for citizenship 12 months after obtaining permanent residence. ――

With the passing and entry into force of the Hong Kong National Security Law, political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify, and there is a risk that it will develop into a review of the trade agreement between the two countries.
He believes that the assets may be confiscated by the government when the Hong Kong National Security Law comes into effect.
Singapore is the escape destination for the assets.
Private bank companies such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Julius Bear are planning to increase the number of offshore asset managers for customers in China and Hong Kong, following the move of assets to Singapore. The Reuters news agency reports. Many of them are posts based in Singapore.
In addition, hedge funds, private equity, etc.
According to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the assets are being moved to Singapore.

The "national security legislation" is said to be applicable to the whole world. Those who think the Chinese government is dangerous will be arrested and charged with felony when they land in China (including Hong Kong). President Trump is no exception.
China thinks the earth is "all owned by China."
The international community should completely "decouple" China.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


that's sad! The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th. It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty. Criticism is rising

that's sad!
The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th.
It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty.
Criticism is rising

2020-07-15: Dear Sir,
China has introduced "National Security Act" in Hong Kong. 
Next is Taiwan. Even foreigners can eavesdrop and monitor. 
Not only that, but recently China has become extremely warlike at the borders of Okinawa Prefecture, 
the Senkaku Islands, the South China Sea, and the Himalayas. 
Xi Jinping has provoked at abnormal levels. 
It also includes strengthening crackdowns and surveillance for foreigners and foreign organizations. 
Even with this, can we still “love” China as a “friend”?

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン 悲しいね! 米連邦政府は14日、17年ぶりとなる死刑を執行した。 死刑廃止に向かう国際社会や米国内の世論の潮流に逆行する動きだ。 批判の声が上がっている。





#長野オピニオン  内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-15:拝啓、 中国が香港に「国家安全維持法」を導入した。次は台湾が危ない。外国人でも盗聴・監視できる。それだけでなく最近、中国は沖縄県・尖閣諸島や南シナ海、ヒマラヤ山脈の国境などで極めて好戦的になっている。習近平は、異常なレベルで挑発している。外国人や外国組織に対しても取り締まりや監視の強化を盛り込んでいる。これでも、まだ、中国を「友人」として「愛すること」ができるだろうか。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様










「自画自賛=praise oneself 」が普通の中国では、異例の出来事である。





長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





#Nagano opinion  Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-15: Cher monsieur, La Chine a introduit le "National Security Act" à Hong Kong. Vient ensuite Taiwan. Même les «étrangers» peuvent «voler et écouter» et «surveiller» les étrangers. Non seulement cela, mais récemment, la Chine est devenue extrêmement belliqueuse aux frontières de la préfecture d'Okinawa, des îles Senkaku, de la mer de Chine méridionale et de l'Himalaya. Xi Jinping a provoqué des niveaux anormaux. Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères. Même avec cela, pouvons-nous encore «aimer» la Chine comme un «ami»?

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-15: Cher monsieur,
La Chine a introduit le "National Security Act" à Hong Kong. Vient ensuite Taiwan. Même les «étrangers» peuvent «voler et écouter» et «surveiller» les étrangers. Non seulement cela, mais récemment, la Chine est devenue extrêmement belliqueuse aux frontières de la préfecture d'Okinawa, des îles Senkaku, de la mer de Chine méridionale et de l'Himalaya. Xi Jinping a provoqué des niveaux anormaux. Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères. Même avec cela, pouvons-nous encore «aimer» la Chine comme un «ami»?

Partie 1. Il est naturel de leur point de vue de réprimer les tentatives de «division nationale» et le «vandalisme» contre Hong Kong et la Chine.
Mais le Yomiuri Shimbun a rapporté le 2 juillet que non seulement les Hongkongais,
Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères.

Par exemple, «collusion» avec «forces étrangères ou non continentales» et «crime portant atteinte à la sécurité nationale»
En plus de cela, il a "accordé" un puissant "droit d'enquête" aux autorités.
Plus précisément, «Le département de la sécurité nationale du gouvernement de Hong Kong peut demander aux organisations et autorités politiques étrangères de fournir des documents.
Avec la permission du «secrétaire d'État de Hong Kong», il est possible d'intercepter des communications et de mener des enquêtes secrètes sur des individus suspects. »
En d'autres termes, si les autorités en ont besoin, elles ne demandent pas seulement aux étrangers, aux entreprises et aux organisations de fournir des informations,
Il a déclaré publiquement qu'il intercepterait les communications et mènerait des enquêtes secrètes.
L'écoute des ambassades était un «fait bien connu»
A partir de maintenant, vous devriez penser que s'il est "marqué" par le gouvernement chinois, il sera "indiscret".
En outre, «Le Service national de sécurité travaille en collaboration avec des agences étrangères du ministère des Affaires étrangères, des organisations à l'étranger à Hong Kong, des ONG,
Il est également prévu de "renforcer la gestion et le service aux médias".
Le personnel des ONG, les journaux et les correspondants TV seront plus que jamais suivis.
Bien sûr, l'écoute.

Les entreprises générales et leurs employés ne peuvent jamais être relevés.
Il est inutile de demander aux autorités de Hong Kong: "Sommes-nous soumis à une surveillance?"

"Le Bureau de la sécurité nationale et ses employés ne sont pas sous la juridiction du gouvernement de Hong Kong."
"Si les lois et réglementations locales de Hong Kong ne correspondent pas à cette loi, les dispositions de la loi chinoise s'appliqueront."
Le type d'affaire et le type d'opération qui seront menés dépendent "de toutes les intentions de Pékin".

En raison de la propagation du nouveau coronavirus, la Chine a été lourdement responsable des dommages causés par l'Europe et les États-Unis, et une énorme quantité de dommages-intérêts a été déposée.
Ainsi que des critiques de l'étranger, étaient sortis un mouvement, comme secouer le pied du régime de Xi Jinping dans le pays.

Par exemple, le Premier ministre n ° 2 Li Keqiang a eu une conférence de presse après le Congrès national du peuple (APN).
"Il y a 600 millions de pauvres avec un revenu mensuel de 1 000 RMB (environ 15 000 yens) en Chine", a-t-il dit.
L'objectif de taux de croissance pour 2020 n'a pas pu non plus être énoncé.
C'est un événement inhabituel en Chine où «se louer» est courant.
M. "Xi Jinping" est entouré par l'ennemi, c'est l'absence d'isolement et d'assistance.
M. "Xi Jinping" fera une "percée" dans les "mesures radicales".
Et "Il a peut-être essayé de" retrouver "la" force politique centripète "."
Il existe également des matériaux qui renforcent une telle vision.
Hong Kong n'est pas la seule position forte.
Le détail est,

Les États-Unis continueront-ils de "donner" à la Chine un énorme déficit commercial?
Les pays du monde devraient "découpler" complètement la Chine.
Certains politiciens sont tombés dans le "piège à miel chinois".
La «compensation» était trop grande pour la nation.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison.
Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses.
Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" à "la chancelière allemande Merkel".
Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions par e-mail (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.
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# Nagano Meinung   Darüber hinaus ist China an den Grenzen der Präfektur Okinawa, der Senkaku-Inseln, des Südchinesischen Meeres und des Himalaya in letzter Zeit äußerst kriegerisch geworden.

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,
China hat in Hongkong das "National Security Act" eingeführt. Als nächstes kommt Taiwan. Ausländer können auch "stehlen und zuhören" und "überwachen". Darüber hinaus ist China an den Grenzen der Präfektur Okinawa, der Senkaku-Inseln, des Südchinesischen Meeres und des Himalaya in letzter Zeit äußerst kriegerisch geworden. Xi Jinping hat auf abnormalen Ebenen provoziert. Dazu gehört auch die Verschärfung des Vorgehens und der Überwachung von Ausländern und ausländischen Organisationen. Können wir China trotzdem als „Freund“ „lieben“?

Teil 1. Aus ihrer Sicht ist es selbstverständlich, gegen Versuche der "nationalen Teilung" und gegen "Vandalismus" gegen Hongkong und China vorzugehen.
Aber der Yomiuri Shimbun berichtete am 2. Juli, dass nicht nur Hongkonger,
Dazu gehört auch die Verschärfung des Vorgehens und der Überwachung von Ausländern und ausländischen Organisationen.

Zum Beispiel "Absprachen" mit "ausländischen oder nicht auf dem Festland gelegenen Streitkräften" und "Verbrechen, die die nationale Sicherheit schädigen".
Darüber hinaus "gewährte" er den Behörden ein mächtiges "Ermittlungsrecht".
Insbesondere: „Die nationale Sicherheitsabteilung der Regierung von Hongkong kann ausländische politische Organisationen und Behörden auffordern, Materialien bereitzustellen.
Mit der Erlaubnis des "Hong Kong Secretary of State" ist es möglich, Kommunikationen abzufangen und geheime Ermittlungen gegen verdächtige Personen durchzuführen. "
Mit anderen Worten, wenn die Behörden dies benötigen, bitten sie nicht nur Ausländer, Unternehmen und Organisationen, Informationen bereitzustellen.
Er erklärte öffentlich, dass er Kommunikationen abfangen und geheime Ermittlungen durchführen werde.
Das Abhören der Botschaften war eine "bekannte Tatsache".
Von nun an sollten Sie denken, wenn es von der chinesischen Regierung "markiert" wird, wird es "belauscht".
Darüber hinaus arbeitet der Nationale Sicherheitsdienst mit ausländischen Behörden des Außenministeriums, ausländischen Organisationen in Hongkong, NRO,
Es gibt auch eine Bestimmung zur "Verbesserung des Managements und des Dienstes für Medien".
NGO-Mitarbeiter, Zeitungen und Fernsehkorrespondenten werden mehr denn je überwacht.
Natürlich lauschen.

Allgemeine Unternehmen und ihre Mitarbeiter können niemals entlastet werden.
Es ist sinnlos, die Behörden von Hongkong zu fragen: "Werden wir überwacht?"

"Das Nationale Sicherheitsbüro und seine Mitarbeiter unterliegen nicht der Gerichtsbarkeit der Regierung von Hongkong."
"Wenn die lokalen Gesetze und Vorschriften von Hongkong nicht mit diesem Gesetz übereinstimmen, gelten die Bestimmungen des chinesischen Rechts."
Welche Art von Fall und welche Art von Operation durchgeführt wird, hängt von "allen Absichten Pekings" ab.

Aufgrund der Verbreitung des neuen Coronavirus haftete China schwer für Schäden aus Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten, und es wurde eine große Menge an Schäden eingereicht.
Neben Kritik aus dem Ausland hatte sich Bewegung herausgebildet, wie das Schütteln des Fußes des Xi Jinping-Regimes im Land.

Zum Beispiel hatte Premierminister Li Keqiang Nr. 2 nach dem Nationalen Volkskongress (NPC) eine Pressekonferenz.
"In China gibt es 600 Millionen arme Menschen mit einem monatlichen Einkommen von 1.000 RMB (ca. 15.000 Yen)", sagte er.
Das Wachstumsratenziel für 2020 konnte ebenfalls nicht angegeben werden.
Es ist ein ungewöhnliches Ereignis in China, bei dem "sich selbst loben" üblich ist.
Herr "Xi Jinping" ist vom Feind umgeben, es ist das Fehlen von Isolation und Hilfe.
Herr "Xi Jinping" wird in den "harten Maßnahmen" "durchbrechen".
Und "Er hat vielleicht versucht, die" politische zentripetale Kraft "wiederzugewinnen."
Es gibt auch Materialien, die eine solche Sichtweise verstärken.
Hongkong ist nicht die einzige starke Haltung.
Detail ist,

Werden die USA China immer noch ein riesiges Handelsdefizit "geben"?
Länder der Welt sollten China vollständig "entkoppeln".
Einige Politiker fielen in die "chinesische Honigfalle".
Die "Entschädigung" dafür war zu groß für die Nation.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund.
Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.
Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

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#Nagano Opinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister China has introduced "National Security Act" in Hong Kong. Next is Taiwan. Even foreigners can eavesdrop and monitor. Not only that, but recently China has become

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-15: Dear Sir,
China has introduced "National Security Act" in Hong Kong. Next is Taiwan. Even foreigners can eavesdrop and monitor. Not only that, but recently China has become extremely warlike at the borders of Okinawa Prefecture, the Senkaku Islands, the South China Sea, and the Himalayas. Xi Jinping has provoked at abnormal levels. It also includes strengthening crackdowns and surveillance for foreigners and foreign organizations. Even with this, can we still “love” China as a “friend”?

Part 1. It is natural from their standpoint to crack down on "national division" attempts 
and "vandalism" against Hong Kong and China.
However, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on July 2 that it has tightened crackdowns 
and surveillance not only for Hong Kong people, but also for foreigners and foreign organizations.

For example, he "collateralized" with "foreign or non-mainland forces" 
and stipulated "crime causing harm to national security," 
and then "granted" a powerful "investigation right" to the authorities.
Specifically, “The national security department 
of the Hong Kong government can request foreign political organizations and authorities to provide materials.
With the permission of the “Hong Kong Secretary of State,” 
it is possible to intercept communications and conduct secret investigations on suspicious individuals.”
In other words, the authorities not only asked foreigners, companies, 
and organizations to provide information when they needed it, 
but also publicly declared that they "intercept communication and conduct secret investigations."
Eavesdropping by embassies and others was a "well-known fact", but from now on, 
it is better to think that if "marked" by the Chinese government, it will be "eavesdropped."
There is also a provision that "the National Security Service will strengthen the management 
and services for overseas organizations, NGOs, and media stationed 
in Hong Kong together with the branch offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
NGO staff, newspapers and TV correspondents will be monitored more than ever.
Of course eavesdropping.

General companies and their employees can never be relieved.
It is useless to ask the Hong Kong authorities, "Is we subject to surveillance?"

"The National Security Office and its staff members are not under the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong government."
"If the local laws and regulations of Hong Kong are not consistent with this law, 
the provisions of Chinese law will apply."
What kind of case and what kind of operation will be carried out depends on "all Beijing's intentions".

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, China has been severely liable for damages 
from Europe and the United States, and a huge amount of damages lawsuits have been filed.
As well as criticism from abroad, had come out movement, 
such as shaking the foot of the Xi Jinping regime in the country.

For example, No. 2 Prime Minister Li Keqiang revealed 
in a press conference after the National People's Congress (all people's generation) 
that "there are 600 million poor people with a monthly income of 1,000 yuan (about 15,000 yen) in China."
The growth rate target for 2020 could not be stated either.
It is an unusual event in China where "praise oneself" is common.
Mr. "Xi Jinping" is surrounded by the enemy, it is the absence of isolated and assistance.
Mr. "Xi Jinping" will "breakthrough" in the "hard-line measures".
And "He may have tried to "regain" the "political centripetal force."
There are also materials that reinforce such a view.
Hong Kong is not the only strong stance.
Detail is,

Will the United States still "give" China a huge trade deficit?
Countries in the world should completely "decouple" China.
Some politicians fell into the "Chinese Honey Trap".
The "compensation" for it was too great for the nation.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!that's sad! The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th. It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty. Criticism is rising

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

that's sad!
The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th.
It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty.
Criticism is rising

2020-07-15: Dear Sir,
China has introduced "National Security Act" in Hong Kong. Next is Taiwan. Even foreigners can eavesdrop and monitor. Not only that, but recently China has become extremely warlike at the borders of Okinawa Prefecture, the Senkaku Islands, the South China Sea, and the Himalayas. Xi Jinping has provoked at abnormal levels. It also includes strengthening crackdowns and surveillance for foreigners and foreign organizations. Even with this, can we still “love” China as a “friend”?

Part 1. It is natural from their standpoint to crack down on "national division" attempts 
and "vandalism" against Hong Kong and China.
However, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on July 2 that it has tightened crackdowns 
and surveillance not only for Hong Kong people, but also for foreigners and foreign organizations.

For example, he "collateralized" with "foreign or non-mainland forces" 
and stipulated "crime causing harm to national security," 
and then "granted" a powerful "investigation right" to the authorities.
Specifically, “The national security department 
of the Hong Kong government can request foreign political organizations and authorities to provide materials.
With the permission of the “Hong Kong Secretary of State,” 
it is possible to intercept communications and conduct secret investigations on suspicious individuals.”
In other words, the authorities not only asked foreigners, companies, 
and organizations to provide information when they needed it, 
but also publicly declared that they "intercept communication and conduct secret investigations."
Eavesdropping by embassies and others was a "well-known fact", but from now on, 
it is better to think that if "marked" by the Chinese government, it will be "eavesdropped."
There is also a provision that "the National Security Service will strengthen the management 
and services for overseas organizations, NGOs, and media stationed 
in Hong Kong together with the branch offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
NGO staff, newspapers and TV correspondents will be monitored more than ever.
Of course eavesdropping.

General companies and their employees can never be relieved.
It is useless to ask the Hong Kong authorities, "Is we subject to surveillance?"

"The National Security Office and its staff members are not under the jurisdiction of the Hong Kong government."
"If the local laws and regulations of Hong Kong are not consistent with this law, 
the provisions of Chinese law will apply."
What kind of case and what kind of operation will be carried out depends on "all Beijing's intentions".

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, China has been severely liable for damages 
from Europe and the United States, and a huge amount of damages lawsuits have been filed.
As well as criticism from abroad, had come out movement, 
such as shaking the foot of the Xi Jinping regime in the country.

For example, No. 2 Prime Minister Li Keqiang revealed 
in a press conference after the National People's Congress (all people's generation) 
that "there are 600 million poor people with a monthly income of 1,000 yuan (about 15,000 yen) in China."
The growth rate target for 2020 could not be stated either.
It is an unusual event in China where "praise oneself" is common.
Mr. "Xi Jinping" is surrounded by the enemy, it is the absence of isolated and assistance.
Mr. "Xi Jinping" will "breakthrough" in the "hard-line measures".
And "He may have tried to "regain" the "political centripetal force."
There are also materials that reinforce such a view.
Hong Kong is not the only strong stance.
Detail is,

Will the United States still "give" China a huge trade deficit?
Countries in the world should completely "decouple" China.
Some politicians fell into the "Chinese Honey Trap".
The "compensation" for it was too great for the nation.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


「コロナ対策マスク」を「着用」して登場した、トランプ米大統領とジョンソン英首相.  「笑いたい、が、笑えない」アングロサクソンの凋落(NewsWeek) アングロ・サクソンは「黒人の遺伝子」が少し、入っている。 身長が高い「民族」です。 白人の世界では白と黒が争っています、そうしているうちに黄色が世界を侵略している! アングロサクソン、頑張れ!

アングロ・サクソンは「黒人の遺伝子」が少し、入っている。 身長が高い「民族」です。




U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared wearing the ``corona protection mask''. ”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week) Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”. White and black are competing in the white world, while yellow is invading the world! Anglo-Saxon, do your best!

U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared 
wearing the ``corona protection mask''.
”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week)
Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”.
White and black are competing in the white world, while yellow is invading the world! 
Anglo-Saxon, do your best!

2020-07-14: Dear Sir,
In Chongqing, China, some villages are “submerged” 
in which “floods” have occurred due to “concentrated heavy rain” 
that is said to occur once every 80 years. 
This "flood" is "concerned" about the "breakdown" of the Three Gorges Dam, 
the world's largest hydroelectric dam. 
It is also pointed out that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam will cause 
the Chinese economy to collapse, 
resulting in a “stock price crash” around the world. 
Each country should "decouple" China early.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン 内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-14:拝啓、 中国の重慶では80年に一度ともいわれる「集中した豪雨」で「洪水」が発生した、村ごと「水没」している所もある。この「洪水」で、世界最大の水力発電ダムである三峡ダムの「決壊」が「懸念」されている。三峡ダムが「崩壊」すると中国の経済が崩壊して、世界中で「株価の暴落」の可能性も指摘されています。それぞれの国は早期に中国を「デカップリング」べきです。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様













長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-14: Cher monsieur, À Chongqing, en Chine, certains villages sont «submergés» dans lesquels des «inondations» se sont produites en raison de «fortes pluies concentrées» qui se produiraient une fois tous les 80 ans. Cette «inondation» est «préoccupée» par la «panne» du barrage des Trois Gorges, le plus grand barrage hydroélectrique du monde. Il est également souligné que l'effondrement du barrage des Trois Gorges entraînera l'effondrement de l'économie chinoise, entraînant un «krach boursier» dans le monde entier. Chaque pays devrait "découpler" la Chine au plus tôt.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-14: Cher monsieur,
À Chongqing, en Chine, certains villages sont «submergés» dans lesquels des «inondations» se sont produites en raison de «fortes pluies concentrées» qui se produiraient une fois tous les 80 ans. Cette «inondation» est «préoccupée» par la «panne» du barrage des Trois Gorges, le plus grand barrage hydroélectrique du monde. Il est également souligné que l'effondrement du barrage des Trois Gorges entraînera l'effondrement de l'économie chinoise, entraînant un «krach boursier» dans le monde entier. Chaque pays devrait "découpler" la Chine au plus tôt.

Partie 1. Ce qui est inquiétant à propos de cette inondation, c'est l'effondrement du barrage des Trois Gorges, le plus grand barrage hydroélectrique du monde.
Le barrage des Trois Gorges en Chine serait le point le plus faible de la Chine.
Il a été dit que «la construction d'un barrage lui-même» était «dangereuse» avant «la construction d'un barrage».
La raison en est que si un «barrage tombait en panne», les villes en aval seraient gravement endommagées.

En aval se trouve une zone où environ 40% du PIB de la Chine est concentré, et il y a Wuhan, qui est devenu célèbre pour le «nouveau coronavirus».
On dit que même la zone côtière de Shanghai souffrira de "dégâts d'eau" en raison de l'effondrement du barrage.
Il est à craindre que des catastrophes ne se produisent sur une vaste zone.

En Chine, où les fortes pluies continuent, la «libération» du plus grand barrage de Sankyo au monde a été effectuée.
Le volume d'eau du barrage des Trois Gorges, situé dans le cours d'eau moyen du plus long fleuve de Chine, le «Nangjiang», a rapidement augmenté en raison des fortes pluies qui ont commencé le mois dernier.
Pour la première fois cette année, une partie de l'eau du barrage a été évacuée.
Les médias chinois ont rapporté que de fortes précipitations pourraient survenir dans le cours supérieur du fleuve Yangtze du début à la fin de ce mois,
Certaines personnes s'inquiètent de l'effondrement du barrage sur SNS.
En raison des "fortes pluies", plus de 13 millions de personnes ont été "sinistrées" dans "26 provinces" et ainsi de suite.
Le nombre de «maisons effondrées» est supérieur à 10 000.

De fortes pluies ont provoqué des inondations dans diverses parties du sud de la Chine, menaçant l'effondrement du barrage des Trois Gorges.
Expert du barrage des Trois Gorges, Ou Iraku,
"Il n'y a pas d'échappatoire, nulle part ailleurs. Le seul moyen qui reste est de démanteler le barrage", a-t-il déclaré.

En juillet dernier, certains experts ont souligné que le barrage était déformé.
Sur le SNS, les images satellites de 2009 et 2018 sont comparées, et des vidéos et images qui semblent déformées sont affichées.
Le gouvernement chinois dit que ça va.
Cependant, il est possible que le gouvernement chinois cache les faits tels qu'ils étaient dans la "nouvelle Corona".
Chaque pays devrait prendre des mesures dans le scénario "Si le barrage des Trois Gorges s'effondre".

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison.
Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses.
Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

# Nagano Meinung Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 14.07.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, In Chongqing, China, sind einige Dörfer „untergetaucht“, in denen „Überschwemmungen“ aufgrund von „konzentriertem Starkregen“ aufgetreten sind, der angeblich alle 80 Jahre auftritt. Diese "Flut" ist "besorgt" über den "Zusammenbruch" des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms, des größten Wasserkraftwerks der Welt. Es wird auch darauf hingewiesen, dass der Zusammenbruch des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms zum Zusammenbruch der chinesischen Wirtschaft führen wird, was weltweit zu einem „Aktienkurscrash“ führen wird. Jedes Land sollte China frühzeitig "entkoppeln".

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

14.07.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,
In Chongqing, China, sind einige Dörfer „untergetaucht“, in denen „Überschwemmungen“ aufgrund von „konzentriertem Starkregen“ aufgetreten sind, der angeblich alle 80 Jahre auftritt. Diese "Flut" ist "besorgt" über den "Zusammenbruch" des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms, des größten Wasserkraftwerks der Welt. Es wird auch darauf hingewiesen, dass der Zusammenbruch des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms zum Zusammenbruch der chinesischen Wirtschaft führen wird, was weltweit zu einem „Aktienkurscrash“ führen wird. Jedes Land sollte China frühzeitig "entkoppeln".

Teil 1. Was an dieser Flut besorgniserregend ist, ist der Einsturz des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms, des größten Wasserkraftwerks der Welt.
Der Drei-Schluchten-Damm in China soll der schwächste Punkt in China sein.
Es wurde gesagt, dass "ein Damm selbst bauen" "gefährlich" sei, "bevor ein Damm gebaut wird".
Der Grund dafür ist, dass bei einem "Dammbruch" die stromabwärts gelegenen Städte schwer beschädigt würden.

Downstream ist ein Gebiet, in dem etwa 40% des chinesischen BIP konzentriert sind, und es gibt Wuhan, das für das "neue Coronavirus" berühmt wurde.
Es wird gesagt, dass sogar die Küstenregion von Shanghai durch den Einsturz des Damms unter "Wasserschäden" leiden wird.
Es besteht die Sorge, dass Katastrophen in einem weiten Bereich auftreten werden.

In China, wo es weiterhin stark regnet, wurde der größte Sankyo-Staudamm der Welt "freigegeben".
Das Wasservolumen am Drei-Schluchten-Damm, der sich im mittleren Strom des längsten Flusses Chinas, dem „Nangjiang“, befindet, hat aufgrund des starken Regens, der letzten Monat begann, rapide zugenommen.
Zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr wurde ein Teil des Staudammwassers abgelassen.
Die chinesischen Medien berichteten, dass es Anfang bis Ende dieses Monats im Oberlauf des Jangtse zu starken Regenfällen kommen könnte.
Einige Menschen sind besorgt über den Einsturz des Staudamms bei SNS.
Aufgrund von "starkem Regen" wurden in "26 Provinzen" usw. mehr als 13 Millionen Menschen "katastrophal".
Die Zahl der „eingestürzten Häuser“ beträgt mehr als 10.000.

Starke Regenfälle haben in verschiedenen Teilen Südchinas Überschwemmungen verursacht und den Einsturz des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms bedroht.
Experte des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms, Ou Iraku,
"Nirgendwo sonst gibt es ein Entrinnen. Der einzige Weg ist, den Damm abzubauen", sagte er.

Im vergangenen Juli wiesen einige Experten darauf hin, dass der Damm deformiert war.
Auf dem SNS werden die Satellitenbilder von 2009 und 2018 verglichen und Videos und Bilder, die deformiert zu sein scheinen, veröffentlicht.
Die chinesische Regierung sagt, dass es in Ordnung ist.
Es ist jedoch möglich, dass die chinesische Regierung die Fakten wie in der "neuen Corona" versteckt.
Jedes Land sollte Maßnahmen im Szenario "Wenn der Drei-Schluchten-Damm einstürzt" ergreifen.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund.
Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.
Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

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★ "Das Elend anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"

#Nagano Opinion 2020-07-14: Dear Sir, In Chongqing, China, some villages are “submerged” in which “floods” have occurred due to “concentrated heavy rain” that is said to occur once every 80 years. This "flood" is "concerned" about the "breakdown" of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam. It is also pointed out that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam will cause the Chinese economy to collapse, resulting in a “stock price crash” around the world. Each country should "decouple" China early.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-14: Dear Sir,
In Chongqing, China, some villages are “submerged” in which “floods” have occurred due to “concentrated heavy rain” that is said to occur once every 80 years. This "flood" is "concerned" about the "breakdown" of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam. It is also pointed out that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam will cause the Chinese economy to collapse, resulting in a “stock price crash” around the world. Each country should "decouple" China early.

Part 1. What is worrisome about this flood is the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam.
The Three Gorges Dam in China is said to be the weakest point in China.
It was said that "building the dam itself" was dangerous from "before building the dam".
The reason for this is that if a "dam broke down," the cities downstream would be severely damaged.

Downstream is an area where about 40% of China's GDP is concentrated, and there is Wuhan, which became famous for the "new coronavirus."
It is said that even the coastal area of ​​Shanghai will suffer from "water damage" due to the dam collapse.
There is concern that disasters will occur over a wide area.

In China, where heavy rainfall continues, the "release" of the world's largest Sankyo Dam was carried out.
The Three Gorges Dam, which is located in the middle stream of the longest river in China, the Yangtze River, has been flooded due to the heavy rain that began last month, and some of the dam's water was released for the first time this year.
The Chinese media reported that heavy rain may occur in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from early to late this month, and some people are worried about the collapse of the dam on SNS.
Due to "heavy rain", more than 13 million people have been "disastered" in "26 provinces" and so on.
The number of “collapsed homes” is more than 10,000.

Heavy rains have caused floods in various parts of southern China, threatening the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam.
Expert of the Three Gorges Dam, Ou Iraku,
"There is no escape, nowhere else. The only way left is to dismantle the dam," he said.

Last July, some experts pointed out that the dam was deformed.
On the SNS, the satellite images of 2009 and 2018 are compared, and videos and images that appear to be deformed are posted.
The Chinese government says it's okay.
However, it is possible that the Chinese government is hiding the facts as it was in the "new Corona".
Each country should take measures in the scenario "If the Three Gorges Dam collapses."

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared wearing the ``corona protection mask''. ”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week) Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”. White and black are competing in the white world, while yellow is invading the world! Anglo-Saxon, do your best! https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/kimura/2020/07/post-81.php

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

U.S. President Trump and British Prime Minister Johnson appeared 
wearing the ``corona protection mask''.
”I want to laugh, but I can't laugh” Anglo-Saxon's downfall (News Week)
Anglo-Saxon contains a little "black genes". It is a tall “ethnic group”.
White and black are competing in the white world, 
while yellow is invading the world! Anglo-Saxon, do your best!

2020-07-14: Dear Sir,
In Chongqing, China, some villages are “submerged” in which “floods” have occurred due to “concentrated heavy rain” that is said to occur once every 80 years. This "flood" is "concerned" about the "breakdown" of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam. It is also pointed out that the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam will cause the Chinese economy to collapse, resulting in a “stock price crash” around the world. Each country should "decouple" China early.

Part 1. What is worrisome about this flood is the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric dam.
The Three Gorges Dam in China is said to be the weakest point in China.
It was said that "building the dam itself" was dangerous from "before building the dam".
The reason for this is that if a "dam broke down," the cities downstream would be severely damaged.

Downstream is an area where about 40% of China's GDP is concentrated, and there is Wuhan, which became famous for the "new coronavirus."
It is said that even the coastal area of ​​Shanghai will suffer from "water damage" due to the dam collapse.
There is concern that disasters will occur over a wide area.

In China, where heavy rainfall continues, the "release" of the world's largest Sankyo Dam was carried out.
The Three Gorges Dam, which is located in the middle stream of the longest river in China, the Yangtze River, has been flooded due to the heavy rain that began last month, and some of the dam's water was released for the first time this year.
The Chinese media reported that heavy rain may occur in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from early to late this month, and some people are worried about the collapse of the dam on SNS.
Due to "heavy rain", more than 13 million people have been "disastered" in "26 provinces" and so on.
The number of “collapsed homes” is more than 10,000.

Heavy rains have caused floods in various parts of southern China, threatening the collapse of the Three Gorges Dam.
Expert of the Three Gorges Dam, Ou Iraku,
"There is no escape, nowhere else. The only way left is to dismantle the dam," he said.

Last July, some experts pointed out that the dam was deformed.
On the SNS, the satellite images of 2009 and 2018 are compared, and videos and images that appear to be deformed are posted.
The Chinese government says it's okay.
However, it is possible that the Chinese government is hiding the facts as it was in the "new Corona".
Each country should take measures in the scenario "If the Three Gorges Dam collapses."

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#Nagano Opinion "Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over".

President Trump's roots, the German village was "frosty".
The president's paternal grandparents are all from this village.
America is a wonderful country where poor immigrant children can become presidents!
America should be a country without racism!

2020-07-13: Dear Sir,
"Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. 
Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan.
"Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". 
So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. 
However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". 
Please hurry!

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#Nagano Opinion 「カルロスゴーン」を日本から「救出」した「ピーター・テイラーとマイケルの親子」。 彼らを日本へ「引き渡すことを止める署名」に協力して、ください。 「カルロスゴーン」は「法の下での平等」の「論理」では、無罪です。


しかし日本政府は米国政府に正式に「引き渡し=handing over」の請求をしました。急いでください!



内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-13:拝啓、 「カルロスゴーン」を日本から「救出」した「ピーター・テイラーとマイケルの親子」。 彼らを日本へ「引き渡すことを止める署名」に協力して、ください。 「カルロスゴーン」は「法の下での平等」の「論理」では、無罪です。 従って「カルロスゴーンの逃亡を助けた」ことは「正義の救出」であって、彼らは無罪です。 しかし日本政府は米国政府に正式に「引き渡し=handing over」の請求をしました。急いでください!

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様




しかし日本政府は米国政府に正式に「引き渡し=handing over」の請求をしました。急いでください!

日本政府は米国政府に「その親子」の「引き渡し=handing over」を要求しています。
米司法省は日本政府から正式に「引き渡し=handing over」の「請求」を受けた。
東京地検特捜部は 7月1日 、
「引き渡し=handing over」は日米間の条約に基づいて行われます、



「Stop the extradition of Michael and Peter Taylor」ページで、署名をしてください。
「公の 人」でなくても「私の 人」として署名してください。

Stanley Jenkins - #Americafirst 





長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-13: Cher monsieur, "Le père et l'enfant de Peter Taylor et Michael" qui "ont sauvé" Carlos Ghosn du Japon. Veuillez coopérer avec la "signature" pour arrêter de "délivrer" leur personnalité au Japon. "Carlos Ghosn" n'est pas coupable dans la "logique" de "l'égalité devant la loi". "Aider Carlos Ghosn à s'échapper" est donc "le sauvetage de la justice" et ils ne sont pas coupables. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais a officiellement demandé au gouvernement américain de "remettre". Dépêche toi s'il te plaît!

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-13: Cher monsieur,
"Le père et l'enfant de Peter Taylor et Michael" qui "ont sauvé" Carlos Ghosn du Japon.
Veuillez coopérer avec la "signature" pour arrêter de "délivrer" leur personnalité au Japon.
"Carlos Ghosn" n'est pas coupable dans la "logique" de "l'égalité devant la loi".
"Aider Carlos Ghosn à s'échapper" est donc "le sauvetage de la justice" et ils ne sont pas coupables.
Cependant, le gouvernement japonais a officiellement demandé au gouvernement américain de "remettre". Dépêche toi s'il te plaît!

Partie 1. Avec des "soupçons" qui ont aidé l'évasion de Ghosn,
Le gouvernement japonais exige du gouvernement américain qu'il "remette" le "parent et l'enfant".
Dans cet incident, l'ancien président de Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosn (66 ans) a fui le pays.
Ce sont les deux "parents et enfants américains" qui auraient aidé à l'évasion.
Avec Michael Taylor (59 ans), qui faisait partie de l'unité spéciale militaire américaine "Green Berets",
Fils Peter Taylor (27 ans).
Le département américain de la Justice a officiellement reçu une "demande" pour "remise" du gouvernement japonais.
Le 2 juillet, le département américain de la Justice a déposé son «papier» auprès de la «East Massachusetts Court».
Le Département des enquêtes spéciales des relations publiques du district de Tokyo était le 1er juillet,
Des «mandats d'arrêt» «acquis» pour «2 personnes» et «George Zayek (60 ans)».
«Trois personnes» sont des soupçons de «crime d'avoir échappé au criminel» et d '«assistance» de «violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration» ».
"La remise" est basée sur un traité entre le Japon et les États-Unis,
Le gouvernement américain prend la décision finale après avoir été entendu par un tribunal américain.

Selon les archives judiciaires, les deux "avocats" ont déclaré: "Au Japon, il ne serait pas coupable d'aider à l'évasion pendant la mise en liberté sous caution,
Il était déraisonnable de les détenir ", a-t-il insisté pour qu'ils soient libérés.

J'ai une opinion différente de celle des avocats américains.
J'ai souvent écrit sur l'innocence de Carlos Ghosn.
Carlos Ghosn ne peut pas agir seul.
Ses actions sont devenues possibles parce que les dirigeants, les gestionnaires et les employés des syndicats de Nissan Motor Company ont violé les règlements de l'entreprise.
De plus, le service d'audit qui vérifie leur conduite "manque" la violation.
Les membres du Conseil d'Audit et de Surveillance manquent également aux audits des manquements des administrateurs.
De plus, les cabinets d'audit externe manquent d'audits depuis de nombreuses années.
Carlos Ghosn n'est coupable que s'il est puni.
C'est le principe de "l'égalité devant la loi".
Par conséquent, l'acte des deux qui ont aidé à "échapper" à l'innocent "Carlos Ghosn" du Japon est un "acte de justice",
Ils sont "innocents".

En outre, les représentants du gouvernement, les médias, les membres de la communauté internationale qui ont vu cet article,
Signez sur la page "Arrêtez l'extradition de Michael et Peter Taylor".
Si vous êtes les médias, veuillez présenter la «page de signature» à de nombreuses personnes.
Veuillez signer en tant que «ma personne» même si vous n'êtes pas une «personne publique».

Stanley Jenkins- # Americafirst
@ Sjr2611

Tout le monde, le procès du gouvernement japonais est un procès avec conclusion.
Si vous voulez "juger devant un tribunal", vous devriez le faire aux États-Unis.
Avant cela, permettez-moi de libérer les deux personnes qui ont été arrêtées et "détenues".
J'aimerais que tout le monde soutienne la «justice».
Signez s'il-vous-plaît".

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison.
Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses.
Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" à "la chancelière allemande Merkel".
Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions par e-mail (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.
Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

# Nagano Meinung Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-13: Sehr geehrter Herr, "Peter Taylor und Michaels Eltern und Kind", die Carlos Ghosn aus Japan "retteten". Bitte kooperieren Sie bei der "Unterzeichnung, um die Übergabe zu stoppen" an Japan. "Carlos Ghosn" ist in der "Logik" der "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz" nicht schuldig. "Carlos Ghosns Flucht zu helfen" ist also "die Rettung der Gerechtigkeit" und sie sind nicht schuldig. Die japanische Regierung hat die US-Regierung jedoch offiziell um "Übergabe" gebeten. Bitte beeilen!

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-13: Sehr geehrter Herr,
"Peter Taylor und Michaels Eltern und Kind", die Carlos Ghosn aus Japan "retteten".
Bitte kooperieren Sie bei der "Unterzeichnung, um die Übergabe zu stoppen" an Japan.
"Carlos Ghosn" ist in der "Logik" der "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz" nicht schuldig.
"Carlos Ghosns Flucht zu helfen" ist also "die Rettung der Gerechtigkeit" und sie sind nicht schuldig.
Die japanische Regierung hat die US-Regierung jedoch offiziell um "Übergabe" gebeten. Bitte beeilen!

Teil 1. Mit "Verdacht", der Ghosns Flucht half,
Die japanische Regierung verlangt von der US-Regierung, dass sie "Eltern und Kind" "übergibt".
Bei diesem Vorfall floh der frühere Präsident von Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosn (66), aus dem Land.
Sie sind die beiden "amerikanischen Eltern und Kinder", die angeblich bei der Flucht geholfen haben.
Mit Michael Taylor (59), der zur US-Militär-Spezialeinheit "Green Berets" gehörte,
Sohn Peter Taylor (27).
Das US-Justizministerium hat von der japanischen Regierung offiziell eine "Forderung" wegen "Übergabe" erhalten.
Am 2. Juli reichte das US-Justizministerium sein "Papier" beim "East Massachusetts Court" ein.
Die Sonderermittlungsabteilung für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Bezirks Tokio war am 1. Juli
"Erworbene" "Haftbefehle" für "2 Personen" und "George Zayek (60)".
"Drei Personen" sind der Verdacht "des Verbrechens, dem Verbrecher entkommen zu sein" und "Hilfe" bei "Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz".
"Übergabe" basiert auf einem Vertrag zwischen Japan und den USA,
Die US-Regierung trifft die endgültige Entscheidung nach Anhörung vor einem US-Gericht.

Laut Gerichtsakten sagten die beiden "Anwälte": "In Japan wäre es nicht schuldig, die Flucht während der Kaution zu unterstützen."
Es war unvernünftig, sie festzunehmen ", bestand er darauf, dass sie freigelassen werden sollten.

Ich sehe das anders als US-Anwälte.
Ich habe viele Male über die Unschuld von Carlos Ghosn geschrieben.
Carlos Ghosn kann nicht alleine handeln.
Seine Handlungen wurden möglich, weil die Führungskräfte, Manager und Gewerkschaftsmitarbeiter der Nissan Motor Company gegen die Unternehmensvorschriften verstießen.
Auch die Prüfungsabteilung, die ihr Verhalten prüft, "vermisst" den Verstoß.
Mitglieder des Prüfungs- und Aufsichtsrats "vermissen" auch Prüfungen von Verstößen der Direktoren.
Darüber hinaus haben externe Prüfungsgesellschaften seit vielen Jahren Prüfungen „vermisst“.
Carlos Ghosn ist nicht schuldig, wenn sie nicht bestraft werden.
Dies ist der Grundsatz der "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz".
Daher ist die Tat der beiden, die geholfen haben, dem unschuldigen "Carlos Ghosn" aus Japan zu "entkommen", "Akt der Gerechtigkeit".
Sie sind "unschuldig".

Darüber hinaus haben Regierungsbeamte, Medienleute, Leute der internationalen Gemeinschaft, die diesen Artikel gesehen haben,
Melden Sie sich auf der Seite "Stoppt die Auslieferung von Michael und Peter Taylor an".
Wenn Sie die Medien sind, stellen Sie bitte vielen Menschen die "Signaturseite" vor.
Bitte unterschreiben Sie als "meine Person", auch wenn Sie keine "öffentliche Person" sind.

Stanley Jenkins- # Americafirst
@ Sjr2611

Jeder, der Prozess der japanischen Regierung ist ein Prozess mit Abschluss.
Wenn Sie "vor Gericht verhandeln" möchten, sollten Sie dies in den USA tun.
Lassen Sie mich vorher die beiden Personen freigeben, die verhaftet und "inhaftiert" wurden.
Ich möchte, dass jeder "Gerechtigkeit" unterstützt.
Bitte unterschreiben".

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund.
Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.
Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundeskanzlerin Merkel" gesendet.
Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.
Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Hilf mir.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.

★ Bitte kaufen Sie ein Bento von einer Person mit einer Behinderung! Rufen Sie mich an. Bitte vorstellen.
★ "Das Elend anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"

#Nagano Opinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-13: Dear Sir, "Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan. "Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". Please hurry!

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-13: Dear Sir,
"Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. 
Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan.
"Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". 
So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. 
However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". 
Please hurry!

Part 1. In suspicion of helping Ghosn's escape,
 the Japanese government demands that the US government "handing over" the "parent and child."
In this incident, former Nissan Motors president Carlos Ghosn (66) fled the country.
They are the two "American parents and children" allegedly helped the escape.
Suspect Michael Taylor (59) and his son Peter Taylor (27), 
who belonged to the US military special forces "Green Berets".
The US Department of Justice has officially received a "claim" for "handing over" 
from the Japanese government.
On July 2, the US Department of Justice filed its "paper" with the "East Massachusetts Court."
On July 1, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office "acquired" "arrest warrants" for three persons,
 "2 persons" and "Suspect George Zayek (60)".
"Three people" are suspicions of "the crime of having escaped the criminal" 
and ""Assistance" of "Immigration Control Law Violation"".
"Handing over" is based on a treaty between Japan and the United States, 
and the US government finally makes a decision after a hearing in a US court.

According to court records, the two "lawyers" should release them, saying, 
"In Japan, it wouldn't be guilty to help them escape during bail,
 and their detention was unjustified." Insisted.

I have a different view than US lawyers.
I have written many times about the innocence of Carlos Ghosn.
Carlos Ghosn cannot act alone.
His actions became possible because Nissan Motor Company's executives, managers, 
and union employees violated company regulations. Also, 
the audit department that audits their conduct is "missing" the violation.
Audit & Supervisory Board Members are also "missing" audits of directors' violations.
In addition, external audit firms have been “missing” audits for many years.
Carlos Ghosn is not guilty unless they are punished.
This is the principle of "equality under the law".
Therefore, the acts of the two who helped "escape" an innocent "Carlos Ghosn" 
from Japan are "acts of justice," and they are "innocent."

In addition, government officials, media people, people of the international community who saw this article,
Sign on the "Stop the extradition of Michael and Peter Taylor" page.
If you are the media, please introduce "Signature page" to many people.
Please sign as "my person" even if you are not a "public person".

Stanley Jenkins-#Americafirst

Everyone, the Japanese government's trial is a trial with conclusion.
If you want to "trial in court," you should do it in the United States.
Before that, let's release the two people who have been arrested and "detained".
I would like everyone to support "justice."
Please "sign".

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 
for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump 2020-07-13: Dear Sir, "Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan. "Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". Please hurry!

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

President Trump's roots, the German village was "frosty".
The president's paternal grandparents are all from this village.
America is a wonderful country where poor immigrant children can become presidents!
America should be a country without racism!

2020-07-13: Dear Sir,
"Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. 
Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan.
"Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". 
So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. 
However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". 
Please hurry!

Part 1. In suspicion of helping Ghosn's escape,
 the Japanese government demands that the US government "handing over" the "parent and child."
In this incident, former Nissan Motors president Carlos Ghosn (66) fled the country.
They are the two "American parents and children" allegedly helped the escape.
Suspect Michael Taylor (59) and his son Peter Taylor (27), 
who belonged to the US military special forces "Green Berets".
The US Department of Justice has officially received a "claim" for "handing over" 
from the Japanese government.
On July 2, the US Department of Justice filed its "paper" with the "East Massachusetts Court."
On July 1, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office "acquired" "arrest warrants" for three persons,
 "2 persons" and "Suspect George Zayek (60)".
"Three people" are suspicions of "the crime of having escaped the criminal" 
and ""Assistance" of "Immigration Control Law Violation"".
"Handing over" is based on a treaty between Japan and the United States, 
and the US government finally makes a decision after a hearing in a US court.

According to court records, the two "lawyers" should release them, saying, 
"In Japan, it wouldn't be guilty to help them escape during bail,
 and their detention was unjustified." Insisted.

I have a different view than US lawyers.
I have written many times about the innocence of Carlos Ghosn.
Carlos Ghosn cannot act alone.
His actions became possible because Nissan Motor Company's executives, managers, 
and union employees violated company regulations. Also, 
the audit department that audits their conduct is "missing" the violation.
Audit & Supervisory Board Members are also "missing" audits of directors' violations.
In addition, external audit firms have been “missing” audits for many years.
Carlos Ghosn is not guilty unless they are punished.
This is the principle of "equality under the law".
Therefore, the acts of the two who helped "escape" an innocent "Carlos Ghosn" 
from Japan are "acts of justice," and they are "innocent."

In addition, government officials, media people, people of the international community who saw this article,
Sign on the "Stop the extradition of Michael and Peter Taylor" page.
If you are the media, please introduce "Signature page" to many people.
Please sign as "my person" even if you are not a "public person".

Stanley Jenkins-#Americafirst

Everyone, the Japanese government's trial is a trial with conclusion.
If you want to "trial in court," you should do it in the United States.
Before that, let's release the two people who have been arrested and "detained".
I would like everyone to support "justice."
Please "sign".

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 
for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! President Trump's roots, the German village was "frosty". The president's paternal grandparents are all from this village. America is a wonderful country where poor immigrant children can become presidents! America should be a country without racism!

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

President Trump's roots, the German village was "frosty".
The president's paternal grandparents are all from this village.
America is a wonderful country where poor immigrant children can become presidents!
America should be a country without racism!

2020-07-13: Dear Sir,
"Peter Taylor and Michael's parent and child" who "rescued" Carlos Ghosn from Japan. 
Please cooperate with the "Signature to stop handing over" to Japan.
"Carlos Ghosn" is not guilty in the "logic" of "equality under the law". 
So "helping Carlos Ghosn's escape" is "the rescue of justice" and they are not guilty. 
However, the Japanese government has formally requested the US government for "handing over". 
Please hurry!

Part 1. In suspicion of helping Ghosn's escape,
 the Japanese government demands that the US government "handing over" the "parent and child."
In this incident, former Nissan Motors president Carlos Ghosn (66) fled the country.
They are the two "American parents and children" allegedly helped the escape.
Suspect Michael Taylor (59) and his son Peter Taylor (27), 
who belonged to the US military special forces "Green Berets".
The US Department of Justice has officially received a "claim" for "handing over" 
from the Japanese government.
On July 2, the US Department of Justice filed its "paper" with the "East Massachusetts Court."
On July 1, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office "acquired" "arrest warrants" for three persons,
 "2 persons" and "Suspect George Zayek (60)".
"Three people" are suspicions of "the crime of having escaped the criminal" 
and ""Assistance" of "Immigration Control Law Violation"".
"Handing over" is based on a treaty between Japan and the United States, 
and the US government finally makes a decision after a hearing in a US court.

According to court records, the two "lawyers" should release them, saying, 
"In Japan, it wouldn't be guilty to help them escape during bail,
 and their detention was unjustified." Insisted.

I have a different view than US lawyers.
I have written many times about the innocence of Carlos Ghosn.
Carlos Ghosn cannot act alone.
His actions became possible because Nissan Motor Company's executives, managers, 
and union employees violated company regulations. Also, 
the audit department that audits their conduct is "missing" the violation.
Audit & Supervisory Board Members are also "missing" audits of directors' violations.
In addition, external audit firms have been “missing” audits for many years.
Carlos Ghosn is not guilty unless they are punished.
This is the principle of "equality under the law".
Therefore, the acts of the two who helped "escape" an innocent "Carlos Ghosn" 
from Japan are "acts of justice," and they are "innocent."

In addition, government officials, media people, people of the international community who saw this article,
Sign on the "Stop the extradition of Michael and Peter Taylor" page.
If you are the media, please introduce "Signature page" to many people.
Please sign as "my person" even if you are not a "public person".

Stanley Jenkins-#Americafirst

Everyone, the Japanese government's trial is a trial with conclusion.
If you want to "trial in court," you should do it in the United States.
Before that, let's release the two people who have been arrested and "detained".
I would like everyone to support "justice."
Please "sign".

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 
for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#Nagano Opinion Japan has discontinued deployment of the new Aegis Asshore interceptor missile system made in the United States. The decision was made confidentially. The Japanese government says "NO" to Trump. This happens because President Trump doesn't listen to my voice. Trump was fooled by Abe. Disqualified as US President. Next, "Remember Pearl Harbor" is required. President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

Trump has also become a dictator politician!
US President Trump exempts accused of alleged Stone 
from imprisonment Exceptional intervention immediately before imprisonment.
There has been strong criticism of the unusual intervention that protects "close friends."

July 12, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
Japan has discontinued deployment of the new Aegis Asshore interceptor missile system made 
in the United States. The decision was made confidentially. 
The Japanese government says "NO" to Trump. 
This happens because President Trump doesn't listen to my voice. 
Trump was fooled by Abe. Disqualified as US President. 
Next, "Remember Pearl Harbor" is required. 
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


2025-01-23:من المرجح أن يكون عام 2025 هو العام الذي سيتم فيه وضع المركبات الهيدروجينية بالكامل في الاستخدام العملي. وسوف تتحرر أوروبا أخيرًا من "تلوث الهواء" الناجم عن "المركبات الكهربائية".

 2025-01-23: إصدار الأسبوع. سيارات الهيدروجين الإيطالية "مذهلة". ستظهر "شركة سيارات هيدروجينية" ستتفوق على "تسلا...