
# Nagano Meinung  Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-20: Sehr geehrter Herr, In Japan nimmt die Zahl der "neuen Corona-Infizierten" rapide zu. Der Grund ist, dass die Anzahl der Personen, die sich dem Test unterziehen, gestiegen ist, weil die PCR-Testfähigkeit zugenommen hat. Die Zahl der Menschen, die "freiwillig" und "inspiziert" werden, beispielsweise diejenigen, die in der Nachtstadt arbeiten, nimmt zu. Wenn Sie in Shinjuku City mit dem neuen Coronavirus infiziert sind, erhalten Sie 100.000 Yen "Geld für Geld". Sie können kostenlos im Hotel übernachten, die medizinische Gebühr ist kostenlos und die "Arbeit nach der Entlassung" wird vom Regierungsbüro "vorbereitet". Also, infizieren sie sich nicht bewusst gegenseitig? Es ist ein "seltsames Thema". Unter diesen Umständen startet die "Go To Travel Campaign" der Regierung am 22. Juli. Das ist "Overkill". Wenn Sie ein mutiger Ausländer sind, kommen Sie bitte zu "Infection Campaign Japan".

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-20: Sehr geehrter Herr,
In Japan nimmt die Zahl der "neuen Corona-Infizierten" rapide zu. Der Grund ist, dass die Anzahl der Personen, die sich dem Test unterziehen, gestiegen ist, weil die PCR-Testfähigkeit zugenommen hat. Die Zahl der Menschen, die "freiwillig" und "inspiziert" werden, beispielsweise diejenigen, die in der Nachtstadt arbeiten, nimmt zu. Wenn Sie in Shinjuku City mit dem neuen Coronavirus infiziert sind, erhalten Sie 100.000 Yen "Geld für Geld". Sie können kostenlos im Hotel übernachten, die medizinische Gebühr ist kostenlos und die "Arbeit nach der Entlassung" wird vom Regierungsbüro "vorbereitet". Also, infizieren sie sich nicht bewusst gegenseitig? Es ist ein "seltsames Thema". Unter diesen Umständen startet die "Go To Travel Campaign" der Regierung am 22. Juli. Das ist "Overkill". Wenn Sie ein mutiger Ausländer sind, kommen Sie bitte zu "Infection Campaign Japan".

Teil 1. Warum steigt die Zahl der Infizierten? ‥
Am 10. Juli betrug die Zahl der Neuinfektionen mit Coronaviren in Tokio 243 und übertraf damit die Zahl am 9. Juli und die höchste Zahl aller Zeiten.

"Ursache für die rasche Zunahme infizierter Menschen in Tokio" Die erhöhte Zahl infizierter Menschen in Shinjuku ist auf "Geldgeschenk" zurückzuführen!
Mit 100.000 Yen "Geldgeschenk" als "Ziel"
Die "Wirte" infizieren sich absichtlich gegenseitig mit Coronas! "
Der "radikale Moderator" ist Herr Shinbo Jiro.
"Mr. Shinbo" verurteilt weiterhin "100.000 Yen in Shinjuku Ward" in Radio und Fernsehen.

Jeder auf der Welt! Was denkst du darüber?
Bitte sprechen Sie darüber.

Nishimuras Minister für wirtschaftliche Wiederbelebung sagte, die "Go To Campaign" der Regierung, die am 22. Juli beginnen soll.
Er gab an, dass er fortfahren werde, während er auf die Zunahme infizierter Menschen in der Region Tokio achte.

Die "Go To Campaign" ist ein begrenzter Zeitraum nach dem Ende der Epidemie der neuen Coronavirus-Infektion.
Dies ist eine Kampagne, die darauf abzielt, die lokale Regierung wiederzubeleben und die Nachfrage anzukurbeln.
Die Hälfte des Reisepreises (bis zu 20.000 Yen pro Person und Nacht) wird subventioniert.

In Japan ist die Epidemie der neuen Infektionskrankheiten mit Coronaviren nicht beendet.
Die "Go To Campaign" wurde ursprünglich aufgrund fragwürdiger Befehle erwähnt.

Viele Japaner unternehmen keine "stark infizierten Reisen", selbst wenn sie frei sind.
Die Japaner schützen ihr eigenes Leben mit ihrem eigenen.

Die Anzahl der "infizierten Personen" erhöht sich, wenn "PCR-Tests" durchgeführt werden.
Dies ist genau der gleiche Standard wie in anderen Ländern.
Die Zahl der „Infizierten“ wird in Zukunft weiter zunehmen.

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund.
Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.
Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

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#Nagano Opinion  To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-20: Dear Sir, In Japan, the number of "new corona infected persons" is increasing rapidly. The reason is that the number of people who undergo the test has increased because the PCR test capability has increased. The number of people who receive "voluntary voluntarily" and "inspection," such as those who work in the night town, is increasing. In Shinjuku City, if you are infected with the new coronavirus, you will receive a 100,000 yen "money for money". You can stay at the hotel for free, the medical fee is free, and the "work after discharge" will be "prepared" by the government office. So, aren't they consciously "infecting each other"? It's a "strange topic". Under these circumstances, the government's "Go To Travel Campaign" will start on July 22nd. This is "overkill." If you are a courageous foreigner, please come to "Infection Campaign Japan".

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-20: Dear Sir,
In Japan, the number of "new corona infected persons" is increasing rapidly. The reason is that the number of people who undergo the test has increased because the PCR test capability has increased. The number of people who receive "voluntary voluntarily" and "inspection," such as those who work in the night town, is increasing. In Shinjuku City, if you are infected with the new coronavirus, you will receive a 100,000 yen "money for money". You can stay at the hotel for free, the medical fee is free, and the "work after discharge" will be "prepared" by the government office. So, aren't they consciously "infecting each other"? It's a "strange topic". Under these circumstances, the government's "Go To Travel Campaign" will start on July 22nd. This is "overkill." If you are a courageous foreigner, please come to "Infection Campaign Japan".

Part 1. Why is the number of infected people soaring? ‥
On July 10, the number of new coronavirus infections in Tokyo was 243, 
exceeding the number on July 9 and the highest number ever.

"Cause of rapid increase in infected people in Tokyo" The increased number of infected people 
in Shinjuku is due to "gift of money"!
With the aim of "gift of money" of 100,000 yen, "hosts" purposely infect each other with corona!
The "radical presenter" is Mr. Shinbo Jiro.
"Mr. Shinbo" continues to denounce "100,000 yen in Shinjuku Ward" on radio and television.

Everyone in the world! What do you think about this?
Please talk about it.

Nishimura's Minister for Economic Revitalization has indicated that he will proceed 
with the government's "Go To Campaign" scheduled to start on July 22, 
paying attention to the increase in the number of infected people in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The "Go To Campaign" is a limited period after the end of the epidemic of new coronavirus infection,
This is a campaign aimed at revitalizing the local government and stimulating demand.
Half the travel price (up to 20,000 yen per person per night) will be subsidized.

In Japan, the epidemic of new coronavirus infectious diseases has not ended.
The “Go To Campaign” was originally talked about due to questionable orders.

Many Japanese don't go on "highly infected trips" even if they are free.
The Japanese protect their own lives with their own.

The number of "infected persons" will increase if "PCR tests" are performed.
This is just the same standard as in other countries.
The number of “infected people” will continue to increase in the future.

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

#Nagano Opinion  To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Japanese government's "Go To! Infectious Diseases Expansion Campaign" forced to execute "Request for suspension" from the people! As the “Go To” campaign could spread virus infection and harm the lives and health of the people, On the 16th, residents of Tokyo and Tochigi Prefecture filed a temporary disposition with the Tokyo District Court requesting the suspension of business. If there are cases of death, national liability will occur! https://www.nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/news/276187 2020-07-20: Dear Sir, In Japan, the number of "new corona infected persons" is increasing rapidly. The reason is that the number of people who undergo the test has increased because the PCR test capability has increased. The number of people who receive "voluntary voluntarily" and "inspection," such as those who work in the night town, is increasing. In Shinjuku City, if you are infected with the new coronavirus, you will receive a 100,000 yen "money for money". You can stay at the hotel for free, the medical fee is free, and the "work after discharge" will be "prepared" by the government office. So, aren't they consciously "infecting each other"? It's a "strange topic". Under these circumstances, the government's "Go To Travel Campaign" will start on July 22nd. This is "overkill." If you are a courageous foreigner, please come to "Infection Campaign Japan".

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

Japanese government's "Go To! Infectious Diseases Expansion Campaign" forced to execute "Request for suspension" from the people!
As the “Go To” campaign could spread virus infection and harm the lives and health of the people,
On the 16th, residents of Tokyo and Tochigi Prefecture filed a temporary disposition with the Tokyo District Court requesting the suspension of business.
If there are cases of death, national liability will occur!

2020-07-20: Dear Sir,
In Japan, the number of "new corona infected persons" is increasing rapidly. The reason is that the number of people who undergo the test has increased because the PCR test capability has increased. The number of people who receive "voluntary voluntarily" and "inspection," such as those who work in the night town, is increasing. In Shinjuku City, if you are infected with the new coronavirus, you will receive a 100,000 yen "money for money". You can stay at the hotel for free, the medical fee is free, and the "work after discharge" will be "prepared" by the government office. So, aren't they consciously "infecting each other"? It's a "strange topic". Under these circumstances, the government's "Go To Travel Campaign" will start on July 22nd. This is "overkill." If you are a courageous foreigner, please come to "Infection Campaign Japan".

Part 1. Why is the number of infected people soaring? ‥
On July 10, the number of new coronavirus infections in Tokyo was 243, 
exceeding the number on July 9 and the highest number ever.

"Cause of rapid increase in infected people in Tokyo" The increased number of infected people 
in Shinjuku is due to "gift of money"!
With the aim of "gift of money" of 100,000 yen, "hosts" purposely infect each other with corona!
The "radical presenter" is Mr. Shinbo Jiro.
"Mr. Shinbo" continues to denounce "100,000 yen in Shinjuku Ward" on radio and television.

Everyone in the world! What do you think about this?
Please talk about it.

Nishimura's Minister for Economic Revitalization has indicated that he will proceed 
with the government's "Go To Campaign" scheduled to start on July 22, 
paying attention to the increase in the number of infected people in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The "Go To Campaign" is a limited period after the end of the epidemic of new coronavirus infection,
This is a campaign aimed at revitalizing the local government and stimulating demand.
Half the travel price (up to 20,000 yen per person per night) will be subsidized.

In Japan, the epidemic of new coronavirus infectious diseases has not ended.
The “Go To Campaign” was originally talked about due to questionable orders.

Many Japanese don't go on "highly infected trips" even if they are free.
The Japanese protect their own lives with their own.

The number of "infected persons" will increase if "PCR tests" are performed.
This is just the same standard as in other countries.
The number of “infected people” will continue to increase in the future.

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#Nagano Opinion July 19, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir, What the United States needs now is a "new US development policy" that is more than a "New Deal policy"! It develops a "special zone" on the border of Mexico and creates a "China-type industrial park" here in the United States! And the existing industrial zone is to "scrap & build" to make productivity more than China with the latest manufacturing equipment. A huge amount of money is needed to realize this concept. It “makes” a huge investment from its allies to the United States and the export of “modern equipment”.

Without saying such hate
If the US loses its trade deficit with China, it can reduce the burden of defense costs on South Korea, Japan and Germany to zero!
Trump "I hate to face President Moon"... "Koreans are really terrible."

July 19, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
What the United States needs now is a "new US development policy" that is more than a "New Deal policy"! It develops a "special zone" on the border of Mexico and creates a "China-type industrial park" here in the United States! And the existing industrial zone is to "scrap & build" to make productivity more than China with the latest manufacturing equipment. A huge amount of money is needed to realize this concept. It “makes” a huge investment from its allies to the United States and the export of “modern equipment”.

Part 1. Existing industrial zones will be "scrap and build", 
and the project to build "special zones" on the Mexican border will take place for decades.
Investments are being made in the United States from all over the world.
The “special zone” on the Mexican border benefits not only the United States, but allies as well.
American allies have felt the significance of their allies by exporting their products to the United States.
But the United States buys a large amount of products from China.
And the United States has given China a large amount of dollars.
With that money, China became a military nation equal to the United States.
The United States continues to hand over dollars to China.
When the US dollar is exhausted, the United States demands that the US forces stationed 
in the allies pay for the expenses.
US troops stationed in their allies are stationed to protect the United States.
In other words, the United States says that it should donate "dollars" to its allies 
in order to hand over the dollar to China.
I'm no longer attracted to the United States, where trade volume is low.
This should be noticed by the new president.

Begin the new American president's job by not giving China a dollar.
Americans have forgotten to "make things."
The United States is still spending huge amounts of money to develop products to hire "Chinese workers."
Even if an American develops a good product, if it is made in China, there is no point in developing it.

America is a country of immigrants.
President Trump wouldn't be Donald Trump today without his ancestors immigrating to the United States.
Ameri became a great power by accepting immigrants.

America should accept immigrants from all over the world.
A person is born with a "fortune". (Carl van)
Don't “crush” the dreams of those who dream of the American Dream.

America should accept the poor of Latin America.
It is also the prosperity of America.
The United States will not revive with a small “economic promotion policy”.
The United States should implement a "new American development policy" that is larger than the "New Deal policy."
This may be the "last chance" of the United States.

I will write next week as well.

Part 2. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the "rule under the law" of Japan.
There are many victims worldwide due to "illegal punishment" for "violation of the Immigration Control Act".
For more information, please see the emails on Saturdays and "Send on weekdays."
Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.
There are also many Chinese victims.
There are also many victims of many Philippine people.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

Past emails can be viewed below.

If you have any questions, please ask by email.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


#長野オピニオン  今、アメリカに必要なことは「ニューディール政策」以上の「新しいアメリカの開発政策」だ!それはメキシコ国境に「特別地帯」を開発して、ここをアメリカの国内に「中国型の工業団地」を作るのです!そして既存の工業地帯は「スクラップ&ビルド」をして最新の製造設備で生産性を中国以上にすることです。この構想の実現には巨額の資金が必要です。それは同盟国から米国へ巨額の投資と「最新の設備機器」の輸出で「実現」します。













敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  



#Nagano Opinion Without saying such hate If the US loses its trade deficit with China, it can reduce the burden of defense costs on South Korea, Japan and Germany to zero! Trump "I hate to face President Moon"... "Koreans are really terrible." https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/7fe642f59d51a5d7dc0d5e2da417315385722d82

Without saying such hate
If the US loses its trade deficit with China, it can reduce the burden of defense costs on South Korea, Japan and Germany to zero!
Trump "I hate to face President Moon"... "Koreans are really terrible."

July 19, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,
What the United States needs now is a "new US development policy" that is more than a "New Deal policy"!
It develops a "special zone" on the border of Mexico and creates a "China-type industrial park" here 
in the United States! And the existing industrial zone is to "scrap & build" to make productivity more 
than China with the latest manufacturing equipment. 
A huge amount of money is needed to realize this concept. 
It “makes” a huge investment from its allies to the United States and the export of “modern equipment”.
The United States will not revive with a small “economic promotion policy”.
The United States should implement a "new American development policy" that is larger than the "New Deal policy."
This may be the "last chance" of the United States.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン こんなヘイトを言わなくとも、 米国は、中国との貿易赤字を解消すれば、韓国、日本、ドイツの防衛費の負担をゼロに出来るぞ! トランプ「文大統領の相手をするのは嫌だ」…「韓国人も本当にひどい」=州知事の暴露。













敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  




コロナ後の世界を制覇するのはアメリカであってほしい。 それには「ニューディル政策」以上の大きなビッグプロジェクトが必要です。 2020年07月18日: 土曜版。拝啓、


2020年07月18日: 土曜版。拝啓、




I want the United States to conquer the post-corona world. To do so, a big project beyond the "New Deal Policy" is required. July 18, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,

I want the United States to conquer the post-corona world.
To do so, a big project beyond the "New Deal Policy" is required.

July 18, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,
The "New American Development Policy" creates jobs for over 100 million Americans.
And it requires over 100 million immigrants.
America's excess produce will be consumed by more than 100 million immigrants. 
It "creates" a region of GDP larger than Japan in the United States. 
Allies will get huge "trades" in dealings with the United States. 
The "New American Development Policy" is a policy that assumes coexistence with the "New Corona". 
The United States and its allies will have an economic system that does not rely on China.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.
See the indictment below. (Japanese)

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


Proposal from Japanese President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! I want the United States to conquer the post-corona world. To do so, a big project beyond the "New Deal Policy" is required. July 18, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,

Proposal from Japanese President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! I want the United States to conquer the post-corona world. To do so, a big project beyond the "New Deal Policy" is required. July 18, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, The "New American Development Policy" creates jobs for over 100 million Americans. And it requires over 100 million immigrants. America's excess produce will be consumed by more than 100 million immigrants. It "creates" a region of GDP larger than Japan in the United States. Allies will get huge "trades" in dealings with the United States. The "New American Development Policy" is a policy that assumes coexistence with the "New Corona". The United States and its allies will have an economic system that does not rely on China. Part 1. I have been proposing "New American Development Policy" for a long time. I hope that the new US President will take up this policy and realize it. For more information, please read my past suggestions. The US denounces China's human rights abuses as terrible. However, it is the United States and its allies that have financially supported human rights abuses in China. The "Hong Kong National Security Law (Safety Maintenance Law)" stipulates that foreigners will also be punished. However, only the United States and the United Kingdom are protesting this violation of human rights. At this rate, everything on earth is at the mercy of China. Those who love freedom, democracy and respect for human rights should stand up. China must be "decoupled" from our lives. The American president becomes the world president. The president who is silent about human rights abuses in Japan is disqualified. The world is waiting for the birth of a strong president. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E6%94%BF%E7%AD%96 I will write tomorrow Part 2. Western countries need “high economic growth”. Immigration is needed to increase GDP. The United States needs “immigrants” to increase consumption of “excess produce”. An "industrial park like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States. It is important for developed countries to constantly update their “factory equipment” to improve productivity compared to China. The world's factories should be reclaimed from China to increase the work of'workers in their own country'. Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China. It is important for the "developed and underdeveloped countries" to "collaborate" and "realize a peaceful earth" by solving the problems of the poor. In the "special zone", 1) I continue to make "suggestions" that the United States will build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico. 2) And I continue to propose to build "special zones" in each country including Europe. 3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies. 4) Accept poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone". 5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”. 6) A "company" of "American ally" will build a labor-intensive factory in a "special zone". 7) Most factory workers are "temporary immigrants." They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”. 8) “Temporary immigrants” work for a certain period of time in “special zones” and those who “certify” as safe immigrants are free to work in the country as “labor immigrants”. 9) Remittances of “provisional immigrants” enrich their “homeland”. 10) “Temporary immigrants” also contribute to the economy as consumers. Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government. A person who has issued a “fake employment contract” to a foreigner who has performed “unqualified activities” under the Immigration Control Act is “innocent”. The Japanese Diet has revised the Immigration Control Act of 2017 due to the indications of the international community. Since the above actions could not be punished in the past, we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of Immigration Control Act". Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent." However, the Japanese government has not restored the victim's honor or compensated. Japan's ruling and opposition parties have hidden this fact and continued to ignore it. In addition, many foreigners who have been punished by the Immigration Control Act Article 70 “Activities outside their qualifications” are “innocent”. The reason is that "the person who hired them illegally" was not punished under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act. Foreigners therefore violate Article 14 of the Japanese Constitution, "equality under the law" and international law, which prohibits arbitrary "punishment". There are many victims in the world. Please support them. The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law". For more information, please see the "Send on weekdays" email. Documents to be submitted to ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage) http://www.miraico.jp/Bridgetohumanrights/ If you have any questions, please ask by email. Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano http://www.miraico.jp/Bridgetohumanrights/


#長野オピニオン  内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様  私は、私および中国人、フィリッピン大使館関係者に対する、 「名誉の回復」と「賠償」を求めます。 2020-07-17:拝啓、 中国による「香港国家安全維持法」第38条には「香港特別行政区の永住者の資格を有しない者が、香港特別行政区の外で香港特別行政区に対してこの法律に基づく罪を犯した場合に適用される」とある。つまり、外国人が海外で行った行為も処罰の対象としており、これは他国の主権を侵すことになるのではないだろうか。そ

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様













長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-17: Chers Messieurs, L'article 38 de la «Hong Kong National Security Act» de la Chine dispose qu '«une personne qui ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour être résident permanent de la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong commet un crime en vertu de la loi contre la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong en dehors de la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong. Cela s'applique à. "

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-17: Chers Messieurs,
L'article 38 de la «Hong Kong National Security Act» de la Chine dispose qu '«une personne qui ne remplit pas les conditions requises pour être résident permanent de la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong commet un crime en vertu de la loi contre la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong en dehors de la région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong. Cela s'applique à. "
En d'autres termes, la punition est également applicable aux actes accomplis par des étrangers à l'étranger, ce qui peut violer la souveraineté d'autres pays.
En conséquence, le secrétaire d'État américain Mike Pompeo l'accuse "d'insulter toutes les nations".
Les extrémistes du Congrès américain ont imposé des exigences strictes à l'administration Trump.
M. Biden a mis en garde contre des sanctions économiques contre la Chine.

Partie 1. Les extrémistes parlementaires américains ont imposé des exigences strictes à l'administration Donald Trump:
"Annulation du" traitement de la nation la plus favorisée "sur le commerce accordé à Hong Kong"
"Suspension du système de la China International Interbank Communication Association (SWIFT)"
"Application de la loi sur la responsabilité des sociétés étrangères"
"Exclusion du marché financier américain"
"Interdiction de vente d'obligations garantie par le gouvernement chinois"
"Détruire le grand pare-feu en Chine"
"Coupure de communication avec l'Amérique et Internet"
"Liste des oppresseurs de Hong Kong et sanctions".
Si ceux-ci sont mis en œuvre, les États-Unis réussiront le «découplage» complet de la Chine.

L'ancien vice-président Biden, qui a confirmé la nomination démocrate pour l'élection présidentielle américaine en novembre,
Si la Chine menace les droits des Américains garantis par le premier amendement de la Constitution américaine, tels que la liberté d'expression,
Il a fait une déclaration "stricte" selon laquelle il imposerait des sanctions économiques à la Chine.
Remarques reçues après que le gouvernement chinois a appliqué la "Loi sur la sécurité parlementaire" à Hong Kong dans le but de "s'opposer à l'opposition au Parti communiste".

"M. Biden" a déclaré que la loi sur la sécurité nationale était un "coup fatal" à la liberté et à l'autonomie de Hong Kong.
Il a déclaré qu'il interdirait aux entreprises américaines de jouer un rôle dans le soutien du "système de surveillance" chinois.
Il a déclaré dans un communiqué: "Les entreprises américaines aident
Interdire le soutien du système d'État de surveillance du Parti communiste "
Le gouvernement chinois a déclaré: "Si vous essayez de faire taire les citoyens américains, les entreprises ou les institutions qui exercent les droits du premier amendement à la Constitution américaine,
Imposer immédiatement des sanctions économiques. "

Les États-Unis devraient mettre en œuvre d'urgence un «découplage» complet avec la Chine.

J'écrirai demain aussi.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison.
Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses.
Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" à "la chancelière allemande Merkel".
Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions par e-mail (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.
Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

# Nagano Meinung Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-17: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Artikel 38 des „Hong Kong National Security Act“ von China besagt, dass „eine Person, die nicht ihren ständigen Wohnsitz in der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong hat, ein Verbrechen nach diesem Gesetz gegen die Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong außerhalb der HKSAR begeht. Es gilt für. " Mit anderen Worten, die Bestrafung gilt auch für Handlunge 

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-17: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Artikel 38 des „Hong Kong National Security Act“ von China besagt, dass „eine Person, die nicht ihren ständigen Wohnsitz in der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong hat, ein Verbrechen nach diesem Gesetz gegen die Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong außerhalb der HKSAR begeht. Es gilt für. "
Mit anderen Worten, die Bestrafung gilt auch für Handlungen von Ausländern im Ausland, und dies kann die Souveränität anderer Länder verletzen.
Infolgedessen beschuldigt ihn US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo, "alle Nationen zu beleidigen".
Die Hardliner im US-Kongress haben strenge Anforderungen an die Trump-Administration gestellt.
Herr Biden warnte vor Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen China.

Teil 1. US-parlamentarische Hardliner haben strenge Anforderungen an die Donald Trump-Administration gestellt:
"Aufhebung der" Meistbegünstigungsbehandlung "für den Handel mit Hongkong"
"Aussetzung des SWIFT-Systems (International Interbank Communication Association) in China"
"Umsetzung des Foreign Company Accountability Act"
"Ausschluss vom amerikanischen Finanzmarkt"
"Verbot des Verkaufs von Anleihen, die von der chinesischen Regierung garantiert werden"
"Zerstörung der großen Firewall in China"
"Kommunikationsunterbrechung von Amerika und dem Internet"
"Hongkonger Unterdrückerliste und Sanktionen".
Wenn diese umgesetzt werden, wird es den Vereinigten Staaten gelingen, China vollständig zu "entkoppeln".

Der frühere Vizepräsident Biden, der die demokratische Nominierung für die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen im November bestätigte,
Wenn China die Rechte der Amerikaner bedroht, die durch die erste Änderung der US-Verfassung garantiert werden, wie z. B. die Meinungsfreiheit,
Er gab eine "strenge" Erklärung ab, dass er China Wirtschaftssanktionen auferlegen würde.
Bemerkungen, die nach der Durchsetzung des "Parliamentary Security Act" durch die chinesische Regierung in Hongkong eingegangen sind, um "die Opposition gegen die Kommunistische Partei zu unterdrücken".

"Mr. Biden" sagte, das nationale Sicherheitsgesetz sei ein "fataler Schlag" für die Freiheit und Autonomie Hongkongs.
Er sagte, er würde US-Unternehmen verbieten, eine Rolle bei der Unterstützung von Chinas "Überwachungssystem" zu spielen.
In einer Erklärung sagte er: "Amerikanische Unternehmen helfen
Verbot der Unterstützung des staatlichen Überwachungssystems der Kommunistischen Partei "
Die chinesische Regierung sagte: "Wenn Sie versuchen, US-Bürger, Unternehmen oder Institutionen zum Schweigen zu bringen, die die Rechte der ersten Änderung der US-Verfassung ausüben,
Sofort Wirtschaftssanktionen verhängen. "

Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten dringend eine vollständige "Entkopplung" mit China durchführen.

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund.
Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.
Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundeskanzlerin Merkel" gesendet.
Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.
Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Hilf mir.
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★ Bitte kaufen Sie ein Bento von einer Person mit einer Behinderung! Rufen Sie mich an. Bitte vorstellen.
★ "Das Elend anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"

#Nagano Opinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-17: Dear Sirs, Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime under this law against the Hong Kong SAR outside the HKSAR. It applies to." In other words, punishment is also applicable to the acts performed by foreigners abroad, and this may violate the sovereignty of other countries. As a result, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses him of "insulting all nations." The hard-liners in the US Congress have placed strict demands on the Trump administration. Mr Biden warned of economic sanctions on China.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-17: Dear Sirs,
Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime under this law against the Hong Kong SAR outside the HKSAR. It applies to." In other words, punishment is also applicable to the acts performed by foreigners abroad, and this may violate the sovereignty of other countries. As a result, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses him of "insulting all nations." The hard-liners in the US Congress have placed strict demands on the Trump administration. Mr Biden warned of economic sanctions on China.

Part 1. US parliamentary hardliners have placed strict demands on the Donald Trump administration:
"Cancellation of the "most favored nation treatment" on trade given to Hong Kong"
"Suspension of China's International Interbank Communication Association (SWIFT) System"
"Implementation of the Foreign Company Accountability Act"
"Exclusion from the American financial market"
"Prohibition of sale of bonds guaranteed by the Chinese government"
"Destroying the Great Firewall in China"
"Communication cutoff from America and the Internet"
"Hong Kong oppressors roster and sanctions".
If these are implemented, the United States will succeed in the complete "decoupling" of China.

Former Vice President Biden, 
who confirmed the Democratic nomination for the US presidential election in November,
If China threatens the rights of Americans guaranteed by the First Amendment 
of the US Constitution, such as freedom of expression,
He made a "strict" statement that he would impose economic sanctions on China.
Remarks received after the Chinese government enforced the "Parliamentary Security Act" 
in Hong Kong with the aim of "suppressing opposition to the Communist Party."

Mr. Biden said the National Security Law was a "fatal blow" to Hong Kong's freedom and autonomy, 
and said it would ban US companies from playing a role in supporting China's "oversight system". ..
In a statement, he said, 
"Prohibits US companies from helping repression 
or supporting the Communist Party's watchful state regime." 
If we try to silence the people, companies or institutions, 
we will immediately impose economic sanctions."

The United States should urgently implement complete "decoupling" with China.

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. 
Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!2020-07-17: Dear Sirs, Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime under this

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

All the cause is that the US continues to pass the dollar to China due to the US trade deficit with China.
China will weaken if US dollar gifts are lost.
US Congress should sternly say to the "Trump administration" to "decouple" China completely!
And the US Congress should denounce human rights abuses in Japan.

2020-07-17: Dear Sirs,
Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime under this law against the Hong Kong SAR outside the HKSAR. It applies to." In other words, punishment is also applicable to the acts performed by foreigners abroad, and this may violate the sovereignty of other countries. As a result, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses him of "insulting all nations." The hard-liners in the US Congress have placed strict demands on the Trump administration. Mr Biden warned of economic sanctions on China.

Part 1. US parliamentary hardliners have placed strict demands on the Donald Trump administration:
"Cancellation of the "most favored nation treatment" on trade given to Hong Kong"
"Suspension of China's International Interbank Communication Association (SWIFT) System"
"Implementation of the Foreign Company Accountability Act"
"Exclusion from the American financial market"
"Prohibition of sale of bonds guaranteed by the Chinese government"
"Destroying the Great Firewall in China"
"Communication cutoff from America and the Internet"
"Hong Kong oppressors roster and sanctions".
If these are implemented, the United States will succeed in the complete "decoupling" of China.

Former Vice President Biden, 
who confirmed the Democratic nomination for the US presidential election in November,
If China threatens the rights of Americans guaranteed by the First Amendment 
of the US Constitution, such as freedom of expression,
He made a "strict" statement that he would impose economic sanctions on China.
Remarks received after the Chinese government enforced the "Parliamentary Security Act" 
in Hong Kong with the aim of "suppressing opposition to the Communist Party."

Mr. Biden said the National Security Law was a "fatal blow" to Hong Kong's freedom and autonomy, 
and said it would ban US companies from playing a role in supporting China's "oversight system". ..
In a statement, he said, 
"Prohibits US companies from helping repression 
or supporting the Communist Party's watchful state regime." 
If we try to silence the people, companies or institutions, 
we will immediately impose economic sanctions."

The United States should urgently implement complete "decoupling" with China.

I will write tomorrow too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" for the reason. 
Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. 
However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

全ての元凶は米国の「対中国の貿易赤字」により、ドルを中国に渡し続けていることにある。 中国は米国からドルのプレゼントがなくなれば弱体化する。 米国の議会は、「トランプ政権」に対して、中国を完全に「デカップリング」することを厳しく言うべきだ! そして米国の議会は、日本の人権侵害についても糾弾をすべきだ。





All the cause is that the US continues to pass the dollar to China due to the US trade deficit with China. China will weaken if US dollar gifts are lost. US Congress should sternly say to the "Trump administration" to "decouple" China completely! And the US Congress should denounce human rights abuses in Japan.

All the cause is that the US continues to pass the dollar to China due to the US trade deficit with China.
China will weaken if US dollar gifts are lost.
US Congress should sternly say to the "Trump administration" to "decouple" China completely!
And the US Congress should denounce human rights abuses in Japan.

2020-07-17: Dear Sirs,
Article 38 of the “Hong Kong National Security Act” by China states 
that “a person who is not a permanent resident of the Hong Kong SAR commits a crime 
under this law against the Hong Kong SAR outside the HKSAR. It applies to." 
In other words, punishment is also applicable to the acts performed by foreigners abroad, 
and this may violate the sovereignty of other countries. 
As a result, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses him of "insulting all nations." 
The hard-liners in the US Congress have placed strict demands on the Trump administration. 
Mr Biden warned of economic sanctions on China.

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.



今年も、米国は巨額の貿易赤字で中国の軍備拡張を支援! 米国は巨額の貿易赤字で人権弾圧を支援する!クレイジー! 米、対決姿勢鮮明に 香港抑圧で強硬措置―。 トランプ氏「中国を叩く」ことで抜け出すしかない

米、対決姿勢鮮明に 香港抑圧で強硬措置―。




This year as well, the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit! US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy! U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

This year as well, 
the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit!
 US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy!
U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. 
Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

2020-07-16: Dear Sir,
British Prime Minister Johnson accused China of enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Act on July 1, saying it was a "obvious and serious" breach of the China-UK Joint Statement. He announced to Hong Kong citizens that it would "open the way" for the UK's acquisition of citizenship. Australia also said it is considering accepting "Hong Kong residents". Political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify further, leading to a review of the trade agreement between the two countries. Assets may also be confiscated by the government. Singapore is the escape destination for the assets. Following the new Coronavirus, China is putting the international community into turmoil. The international community should completely "decouple" China and build a new international community.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン 内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 私は、2つのことを「訴えて」います。 1)外国人が「在留の資格」以外の「違法な労働」を行った。しかし外国人は無罪です。 2)検察は「入管法22-4-4条の支援」を理由として、入管法70条に対して刑法の60条および62条の 「他の犯罪を支援する罪」を「適用」したが「適用する法律の誤り」です。 私は、私および中国人、フィリッピン大使館関係者に対する、 「名誉の回復」と「賠償」を求めます。 2020-07-16:拝啓、 英国のジョンソン首相は7月1日、中国による香港国家安全維持法の施行は1984年の中英共同声明の「明白で深刻な」違反と非難した。彼は香港市民に対して、英国の「市民権の取得」の「道を開く」と表明した。オーストラリアも「香港の住民」の受け入れ検討していると声明した。米中間での政治的な対立は一段と強まり、両国の貿易合意の見直しにまで発展する。資産が政府に没収されてしまう可能性もある。その資産の逃避先、受け皿となっているのがシンガポールである。中国は新型コロナウィルスに続いて国際社会を混乱に落とし込んでいる。国際社会は中国を完全に「デカップリング」して新しい国際社会を構築すべきである。 第1部。英政府は7月1日、約300万人の香港

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様











長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-16: Cher monsieur, Le Premier ministre britannique Johnson a accusé la Chine d'avoir appliqué la loi sur la sécurité nationale de Hong Kong le 1er juillet, affirmant qu'il s'agissait d'une violation "évidente et grave" de la déclaration commune Chine-Royaume-Uni. Il a annoncé aux citoyens de Hong Kong qu'il "ouvrirait la voie" à l'acquisition de la nationalité britannique. L'Australie a également déclaré qu'elle envisageait d'accepter les "résidents de Hong Kong". La confrontation politique entre les États-Unis et la Chine s'intensifiera encore, conduisant à une révision de l'accord commercial entre les deux pays. Les actifs peuvent également être confisqués par le gouvernement. Singapour est la destination d'évasion des actifs. Après le nouveau coronavirus, la Chine met la communauté internationale en ébullition. La communauté internationale devrait "découpler" complètement la Chine et construire une nouvelle communauté internationale.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-16: Cher monsieur,
Le Premier ministre britannique Johnson a accusé la Chine d'avoir appliqué la loi sur la sécurité nationale de Hong Kong le 1er juillet, affirmant qu'il s'agissait d'une violation "évidente et grave" de la déclaration commune Chine-Royaume-Uni. Il a annoncé aux citoyens de Hong Kong qu'il "ouvrirait la voie" à l'acquisition de la nationalité britannique. L'Australie a également déclaré qu'elle envisageait d'accepter les "résidents de Hong Kong". La confrontation politique entre les États-Unis et la Chine s'intensifiera encore, conduisant à une révision de l'accord commercial entre les deux pays. Les actifs peuvent également être confisqués par le gouvernement. Singapour est la destination d'évasion des actifs. Après le nouveau coronavirus, la Chine met la communauté internationale en ébullition. La communauté internationale devrait "découpler" complètement la Chine et construire une nouvelle communauté internationale.

Partie 1. Le gouvernement britannique a annoncé le 1er juillet qu'il autoriserait environ 3 millions de citoyens de Hong Kong à s'installer au Royaume-Uni.
Il est possible que les tensions entre le Royaume-Uni et la Chine augmentent encore avec la loi sur le maintien de la sécurité nationale de Hong Kong promulguée par la Chine.
Dans son discours à la Chambre des représentants, Johnson a déclaré que la loi sur la sécurité nationale violait la déclaration conjointe signée par le Royaume-Uni et la Chine en 1984.
La Déclaration promet un "système à un pays, deux" qui permettra à Hong Kong d'avoir un degré élevé d'autonomie lors de son retour en Chine en 1997.
Le plan ouvre la voie à l'acquisition par les détenteurs de passeports de citoyens étrangers (BNO) délivrés par le gouvernement britannique, et il y a 350 000 détenteurs de passeports à Hong Kong. En outre, 2,5 millions de personnes seraient qualifiées de BNO.
Le Royaume-Uni a lancé le plan en mai pour la première fois, et le gouvernement chinois l'a accusé d'ingérence interne britannique.
Selon M. Raab, cette mesure sera une nouvelle "voie spéciale d'immigration".
Le sujet recevra un permis de séjour de six mois, limité à six mois, pour cinq ans et sera autorisé à travailler.
Il sera possible de demander la résidence permanente après 5 ans et de demander la citoyenneté 12 mois après l'obtention de la résidence permanente. ――

Avec l'adoption et l'entrée en vigueur de la loi sur la sécurité nationale de Hong Kong, la confrontation politique entre les États-Unis et la Chine s'intensifiera davantage et il existe un risque que l'accord commercial entre les deux pays soit révisé.
Il pense que les actifs pourraient être confisqués par le gouvernement lors de l'entrée en vigueur de la loi de Hong Kong sur la sécurité nationale.
Singapour est la destination d'évasion des actifs.
Les sociétés de banque privée telles que UBS, Credit Suisse et Julius Bear prévoient d'augmenter le nombre de gestionnaires d'actifs offshore pour les clients en Chine et à Hong Kong, suite au transfert d'actifs à Singapour. L'agence de presse Reuters rapporte. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont basés à Singapour.
De plus, les hedge funds, le private equity, etc.
Selon la loi de Hong Kong sur la sécurité nationale, les actifs sont transférés à Singapour.

La "législation sur la sécurité nationale" serait applicable au monde entier. Ceux qui pensent que le gouvernement chinois est dangereux seront arrêtés et accusés de crime lorsqu'ils débarqueront en Chine (y compris à Hong Kong). Le président Trump ne fait pas exception.
La Chine pense que la terre "appartient à la Chine".
La communauté internationale devrait "découpler" complètement la Chine.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison. Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses. Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

# Nagano Meinung Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-16: Sehr geehrter Herr, Der britische Premierminister Johnson beschuldigte China, das Hong Kong National Security Act am 1. Juli durchgesetzt zu haben, und sagte, dies sei ein "offensichtlicher und schwerwiegender" Verstoß gegen die gemeinsame Erklärung zwischen China und Großbritannien. Er kündigte den Bürgern von Hongkong an, dass dies den Weg für den Erwerb der Staatsbürgerschaft durch Großbritannien "ebnen" werde. Australien sagte auch, es erwäge, "Einwohner von Hongkong" aufzunehmen. Die politische Konfrontation zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und China wird sich weiter verschärfen und zu einer Überprüfung des Handelsabkommens zwischen den beiden Ländern führen. Vermögenswerte können auch von der Regierung beschlagnahmt werden. Singapur ist das Fluchtziel für die Vermögenswerte. Nach dem neuen Coronavirus bringt China die internationale Gemeinschaft in Aufruhr. Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte China vollständig "entkoppeln" und eine neue internationale Gemeinschaft aufbauen.

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-16: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Der britische Premierminister Johnson beschuldigte China, das Hong Kong National Security Act am 1. Juli durchgesetzt zu haben, und sagte, dies sei ein "offensichtlicher und schwerwiegender" Verstoß gegen die gemeinsame Erklärung zwischen China und Großbritannien. Er kündigte den Bürgern von Hongkong an, dass dies den Weg für den Erwerb der Staatsbürgerschaft durch Großbritannien "ebnen" werde. Australien sagte auch, es erwäge, "Einwohner von Hongkong" aufzunehmen. Die politische Konfrontation zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und China wird sich weiter verschärfen und zu einer Überprüfung des Handelsabkommens zwischen den beiden Ländern führen. Vermögenswerte können auch von der Regierung beschlagnahmt werden. Singapur ist das Fluchtziel für die Vermögenswerte. Nach dem neuen Coronavirus bringt China die internationale Gemeinschaft in Aufruhr. Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte China vollständig "entkoppeln" und eine neue internationale Gemeinschaft aufbauen.

Teil 1. Die britische Regierung kündigte am 1. Juli an, dass rund 3 Millionen Hongkonger Bürger nach Großbritannien ziehen dürfen.
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die Spannungen zwischen Großbritannien und China aufgrund des von China erlassenen Gesetzes zur Aufrechterhaltung der nationalen Sicherheit in Hongkong weiter zunehmen.
In seiner Rede im Repräsentantenhaus erklärte Johnson, dass das nationale Sicherheitsgesetz gegen die 1984 vom Vereinigten Königreich und China unterzeichnete gemeinsame Erklärung verstoße.
Die Erklärung verspricht ein "Ein-Land-Zwei-System", das Hongkong ein hohes Maß an Autonomie bei seiner Rückkehr nach China im Jahr 1997 ermöglicht.
Der Plan eröffnet den von der britischen Regierung ausgestellten Passinhabern ausländischer Staatsbürger (BNO) den Weg zum Erwerb der Staatsbürgerschaft. In Hongkong gibt es 350.000 Passinhaber. Darüber hinaus sollen 2,5 Millionen Menschen für BNO in Frage kommen.
Großbritannien hat den Plan zum ersten Mal im Mai auf den Weg gebracht, und die chinesische Regierung hat ihn der britischen internen Einmischung beschuldigt.
Laut Herrn Raab wird diese Maßnahme eine neue "spezielle Einwanderungsroute" sein.
Das Subjekt erhält eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis für ein halbes Jahr, die auf ein halbes Jahr begrenzt ist, für fünf Jahre und darf arbeiten.
Es ist möglich, nach 5 Jahren einen ständigen Wohnsitz zu beantragen und 12 Monate nach Erhalt des ständigen Wohnsitzes die Staatsbürgerschaft zu beantragen. ――

Mit der Verabschiedung und dem Inkrafttreten des nationalen Sicherheitsgesetzes von Hongkong wird sich die politische Konfrontation zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und China weiter verschärfen, und es besteht die Gefahr, dass das Handelsabkommen zwischen den beiden Ländern überarbeitet wird.
Er glaubt, dass das Vermögen von der Regierung beschlagnahmt werden könnte, wenn das nationale Sicherheitsgesetz von Hongkong in Kraft tritt.
Singapur ist das Fluchtziel für die Vermögenswerte.
Privatbankunternehmen wie UBS, Credit Suisse und Julius Bear planen, die Anzahl der Offshore-Vermögensverwalter für Kunden in China und Hongkong nach dem Umzug von Vermögenswerten nach Singapur zu erhöhen. Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet. Viele von ihnen sind in Singapur ansässig.
Darüber hinaus Hedge-Fonds, Private Equity usw.
Gemäß dem Hong Kong National Security Law werden die Vermögenswerte nach Singapur verlagert.

Die "nationale Sicherheitsgesetzgebung" soll auf die ganze Welt anwendbar sein. Diejenigen, die die chinesische Regierung für gefährlich halten, werden festgenommen und wegen Verbrechens angeklagt, wenn sie in China (einschließlich Hongkong) landen. Präsident Trump ist keine Ausnahme.
China glaubt, die Erde sei "alles im Besitz Chinas".
Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte China vollständig "entkoppeln".

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "ich nicht schuldig bin" aus dem Grund. Grund: Überarbeitung von "nicht strafbar" zu "kann bestraft werden".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Teil 2. Bitte sehen Sie unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

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#Nagano Opinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-16: Dear Sir, British Prime Minister Johnson accused China of enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Act on July 1, saying it was a "obvious and serious" breach of the China-UK Joint Statement. He announced to Hong Kong citizens that it would "open the way" for the UK's acquisition of citizenship. Australia also said it is considering accepting "Hong Kong residents". Political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify further, leading to a review of the trade agreement between the two countries. Assets may also be confiscated by the government. Singapore is the escape destination for the assets. Following the new Coronavirus, China is putting the international community into turmoil. The international community should completely "decouple" China and build a new international community.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-16: Dear Sir,
British Prime Minister Johnson accused China of enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Act on July 1, saying it was a "obvious and serious" breach of the China-UK Joint Statement. He announced to Hong Kong citizens that it would "open the way" for the UK's acquisition of citizenship. Australia also said it is considering accepting "Hong Kong residents". Political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify further, leading to a review of the trade agreement between the two countries. Assets may also be confiscated by the government. Singapore is the escape destination for the assets. Following the new Coronavirus, China is putting the international community into turmoil. The international community should completely "decouple" China and build a new international community.

Part 1. The British government announced on July 1 that it will allow approximately 3 million Hong Kong citizens to move to the UK.
There is a possibility that tensions between the UK and China will increase further over the Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Law enacted by China.
In his speech in the House of Representatives, Johnson declared that the National Security Law violated the joint declaration signed by the United Kingdom and China in 1984.
The Declaration promises a "one country, two system" that allows Hong Kong to have a high degree of autonomy when returning to China in 1997.
The plan opens the way for foreign citizens (BNO) passport holders issued by the British government to acquire citizenship, and there are 350,000 passport holders in Hong Kong. In addition, 2.5 million people are said to be eligible for BNO.
The UK launched the plan in May for the first time, and the Chinese government has accused it of British internal interference.
According to Mr. Raab, this measure will be a new "special immigration route".
The subject will be granted a residence permit for half a year, which has been limited to half a year, for five years, and will be allowed to work.
It will be possible to apply for permanent residence after 5 years and apply for citizenship 12 months after obtaining permanent residence. ――

With the passing and entry into force of the Hong Kong National Security Law, political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify, and there is a risk that it will develop into a review of the trade agreement between the two countries.
He believes that the assets may be confiscated by the government when the Hong Kong National Security Law comes into effect.
Singapore is the escape destination for the assets.
Private bank companies such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Julius Bear are planning to increase the number of offshore asset managers for customers in China and Hong Kong, following the move of assets to Singapore. The Reuters news agency reports. Many of them are posts based in Singapore.
In addition, hedge funds, private equity, etc.
According to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the assets are being moved to Singapore.

The "national security legislation" is said to be applicable to the whole world. Those who think the Chinese government is dangerous will be arrested and charged with felony when they land in China (including Hong Kong). President Trump is no exception.
China thinks the earth is "all owned by China."
The international community should completely "decouple" China.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

#Nagano Opinion To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! This year as well, the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit! US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy! U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

To President Trump
President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

This year as well, 
the United States will support China's military expansion with a huge trade deficit!
 US Helps Repress Human Rights With Huge Trade Deficit! crazy!
U.S., confrontation attitude clearly. 
Mr. Trump can only escape by hitting "China"

2020-07-16: Dear Sir,
British Prime Minister Johnson accused China of enforcing the Hong Kong National Security Act on July 1, saying it was a "obvious and serious" breach of the China-UK Joint Statement. He announced to Hong Kong citizens that it would "open the way" for the UK's acquisition of citizenship. Australia also said it is considering accepting "Hong Kong residents". Political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify further, leading to a review of the trade agreement between the two countries. Assets may also be confiscated by the government. Singapore is the escape destination for the assets. Following the new Coronavirus, China is putting the international community into turmoil. The international community should completely "decouple" China and build a new international community.

Part 1. The British government announced on July 1 that it will allow approximately 3 million Hong Kong citizens to move to the UK.
There is a possibility that tensions between the UK and China will increase further over the Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Law enacted by China.
In his speech in the House of Representatives, Johnson declared that the National Security Law violated the joint declaration signed by the United Kingdom and China in 1984.
The Declaration promises a "one country, two system" that allows Hong Kong to have a high degree of autonomy when returning to China in 1997.
The plan opens the way for foreign citizens (BNO) passport holders issued by the British government to acquire citizenship, and there are 350,000 passport holders in Hong Kong. In addition, 2.5 million people are said to be eligible for BNO.
The UK launched the plan in May for the first time, and the Chinese government has accused it of British internal interference.
According to Mr. Raab, this measure will be a new "special immigration route".
The subject will be granted a residence permit for half a year, which has been limited to half a year, for five years, and will be allowed to work.
It will be possible to apply for permanent residence after 5 years and apply for citizenship 12 months after obtaining permanent residence. ――

With the passing and entry into force of the Hong Kong National Security Law, political confrontation between the United States and China will intensify, and there is a risk that it will develop into a review of the trade agreement between the two countries.
He believes that the assets may be confiscated by the government when the Hong Kong National Security Law comes into effect.
Singapore is the escape destination for the assets.
Private bank companies such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Julius Bear are planning to increase the number of offshore asset managers for customers in China and Hong Kong, following the move of assets to Singapore. The Reuters news agency reports. Many of them are posts based in Singapore.
In addition, hedge funds, private equity, etc.
According to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the assets are being moved to Singapore.

The "national security legislation" is said to be applicable to the whole world. Those who think the Chinese government is dangerous will be arrested and charged with felony when they land in China (including Hong Kong). President Trump is no exception.
China thinks the earth is "all owned by China."
The international community should completely "decouple" China.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" for the reason. Reason: Revise from "not punishable" to "can be punished".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Part 2. Please see below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


that's sad! The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th. It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty. Criticism is rising

that's sad!
The US federal government executed the death penalty for the first time in 17 years on the 14th.
It is a movement that goes against the trend of the international community and the US public opinion toward the abolition of the death penalty.
Criticism is rising

2020-07-15: Dear Sir,
China has introduced "National Security Act" in Hong Kong. 
Next is Taiwan. Even foreigners can eavesdrop and monitor. 
Not only that, but recently China has become extremely warlike at the borders of Okinawa Prefecture, 
the Senkaku Islands, the South China Sea, and the Himalayas. 
Xi Jinping has provoked at abnormal levels. 
It also includes strengthening crackdowns and surveillance for foreigners and foreign organizations. 
Even with this, can we still “love” China as a “friend”?

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン 悲しいね! 米連邦政府は14日、17年ぶりとなる死刑を執行した。 死刑廃止に向かう国際社会や米国内の世論の潮流に逆行する動きだ。 批判の声が上がっている。





#長野オピニオン  内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-15:拝啓、 中国が香港に「国家安全維持法」を導入した。次は台湾が危ない。外国人でも盗聴・監視できる。それだけでなく最近、中国は沖縄県・尖閣諸島や南シナ海、ヒマラヤ山脈の国境などで極めて好戦的になっている。習近平は、異常なレベルで挑発している。外国人や外国組織に対しても取り締まりや監視の強化を盛り込んでいる。これでも、まだ、中国を「友人」として「愛すること」ができるだろうか。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様










「自画自賛=praise oneself 」が普通の中国では、異例の出来事である。





長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





#Nagano opinion  Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-15: Cher monsieur, La Chine a introduit le "National Security Act" à Hong Kong. Vient ensuite Taiwan. Même les «étrangers» peuvent «voler et écouter» et «surveiller» les étrangers. Non seulement cela, mais récemment, la Chine est devenue extrêmement belliqueuse aux frontières de la préfecture d'Okinawa, des îles Senkaku, de la mer de Chine méridionale et de l'Himalaya. Xi Jinping a provoqué des niveaux anormaux. Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères. Même avec cela, pouvons-nous encore «aimer» la Chine comme un «ami»?

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-15: Cher monsieur,
La Chine a introduit le "National Security Act" à Hong Kong. Vient ensuite Taiwan. Même les «étrangers» peuvent «voler et écouter» et «surveiller» les étrangers. Non seulement cela, mais récemment, la Chine est devenue extrêmement belliqueuse aux frontières de la préfecture d'Okinawa, des îles Senkaku, de la mer de Chine méridionale et de l'Himalaya. Xi Jinping a provoqué des niveaux anormaux. Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères. Même avec cela, pouvons-nous encore «aimer» la Chine comme un «ami»?

Partie 1. Il est naturel de leur point de vue de réprimer les tentatives de «division nationale» et le «vandalisme» contre Hong Kong et la Chine.
Mais le Yomiuri Shimbun a rapporté le 2 juillet que non seulement les Hongkongais,
Cela comprend également le renforcement de la répression et de la surveillance des étrangers et des organisations étrangères.

Par exemple, «collusion» avec «forces étrangères ou non continentales» et «crime portant atteinte à la sécurité nationale»
En plus de cela, il a "accordé" un puissant "droit d'enquête" aux autorités.
Plus précisément, «Le département de la sécurité nationale du gouvernement de Hong Kong peut demander aux organisations et autorités politiques étrangères de fournir des documents.
Avec la permission du «secrétaire d'État de Hong Kong», il est possible d'intercepter des communications et de mener des enquêtes secrètes sur des individus suspects. »
En d'autres termes, si les autorités en ont besoin, elles ne demandent pas seulement aux étrangers, aux entreprises et aux organisations de fournir des informations,
Il a déclaré publiquement qu'il intercepterait les communications et mènerait des enquêtes secrètes.
L'écoute des ambassades était un «fait bien connu»
A partir de maintenant, vous devriez penser que s'il est "marqué" par le gouvernement chinois, il sera "indiscret".
En outre, «Le Service national de sécurité travaille en collaboration avec des agences étrangères du ministère des Affaires étrangères, des organisations à l'étranger à Hong Kong, des ONG,
Il est également prévu de "renforcer la gestion et le service aux médias".
Le personnel des ONG, les journaux et les correspondants TV seront plus que jamais suivis.
Bien sûr, l'écoute.

Les entreprises générales et leurs employés ne peuvent jamais être relevés.
Il est inutile de demander aux autorités de Hong Kong: "Sommes-nous soumis à une surveillance?"

"Le Bureau de la sécurité nationale et ses employés ne sont pas sous la juridiction du gouvernement de Hong Kong."
"Si les lois et réglementations locales de Hong Kong ne correspondent pas à cette loi, les dispositions de la loi chinoise s'appliqueront."
Le type d'affaire et le type d'opération qui seront menés dépendent "de toutes les intentions de Pékin".

En raison de la propagation du nouveau coronavirus, la Chine a été lourdement responsable des dommages causés par l'Europe et les États-Unis, et une énorme quantité de dommages-intérêts a été déposée.
Ainsi que des critiques de l'étranger, étaient sortis un mouvement, comme secouer le pied du régime de Xi Jinping dans le pays.

Par exemple, le Premier ministre n ° 2 Li Keqiang a eu une conférence de presse après le Congrès national du peuple (APN).
"Il y a 600 millions de pauvres avec un revenu mensuel de 1 000 RMB (environ 15 000 yens) en Chine", a-t-il dit.
L'objectif de taux de croissance pour 2020 n'a pas pu non plus être énoncé.
C'est un événement inhabituel en Chine où «se louer» est courant.
M. "Xi Jinping" est entouré par l'ennemi, c'est l'absence d'isolement et d'assistance.
M. "Xi Jinping" fera une "percée" dans les "mesures radicales".
Et "Il a peut-être essayé de" retrouver "la" force politique centripète "."
Il existe également des matériaux qui renforcent une telle vision.
Hong Kong n'est pas la seule position forte.
Le détail est,

Les États-Unis continueront-ils de "donner" à la Chine un énorme déficit commercial?
Les pays du monde devraient "découpler" complètement la Chine.
Certains politiciens sont tombés dans le "piège à miel chinois".
La «compensation» était trop grande pour la nation.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" pour la raison.
Motif: passer de "non punissable" à "peut être puni".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses.
Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Partie 2. Veuillez voir ci-dessous les éléments suivants.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mon information ***************

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