
To President Trump 2020-10-20: Dear Sir, Japan and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding on "carbon recycling technology."

 Sichuan Province recommends citizens to store food

Many consider this a sign of a serious food shortage


To President Trump

2020-10-20: Dear Sir,

Japan and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding on "carbon recycling technology." 

Japan and the United States are heading toward accelerating "research on CO2 utilization"! 

Europe should also participate in this development! The United States, 

Europe and Japan should spend R & D expenses to realize "carbon recycling" at an early stage.

The United States should "jointly" promote "hydrogen engine vehicles" 

that do not depend on China's "rare metals" in collaboration with "Europe" and "Japan."

Part 1 Japan and the United States have exchanged "memorandums" such as "mutually dispatching" "experts" 

on a technology called "carbon recycling" that captures carbon dioxide 

in the atmosphere and utilizes it for fuels and chemicals. 

Japan and the United States have decided to "accelerate" R & D.

As the momentum for decarbonization increases, 

Japan and the United States want to lead the world in this field by paving the way for industrialization.

Regarding "carbon recycling," 

research and development is underway in various fields such as "biofuel" made 

from "algae" that absorbs carbon dioxide. However, there are issues such as high production costs.

Under these circumstances, 

Japan and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding on carbon recycling 

and have decided to accelerate research and development.


Carbon recycling technology is expected to be put to practical use 

in a wide range of fields such as jet fuel made from algae grown by absorbing CO2 

and "block products for roads" using "carbonate" derived from CO2. 

However, many of them are in the research and development stage, 

and high cost is a barrier to their widespread use.


Are you serious? California exhaust gas 2035 regulation! After all hydrogen engine is the best!

According to the 2035 emission regulations, new vehicles 

that can be sold in California are restricted to "Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs)", 

including pure electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel cell vehicles (FCVs),

and hydrogen engine vehicles. It will be limited.

Among them, FCVs (fuel cell vehicles) and hydrogen engine vehicles, 

which are not related to the progress of renewable energy conversion of power generation facilities, 

are expected to actually reduce CO2 emissions.

Europe seems to be rapidly considering hydrogen engine vehicles.

California, USA, is not denying hydrogen-engined vehicles, but it may be overwhelmed by the BEV boom.

It seems more efficient to aim for a hydrogen-based society to escape from the world of oil dependence.

In particular, Japan should aim for a hydrogen-based society rather than oil, 

which is nearly 100% imported.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


Sichuan Province recommends citizens to store food Many consider this a sign of a serious food shortage

 Sichuan Province recommends citizens to store food

Many consider this a sign of a serious food shortage


2020-10-20: Dear Sir,

Japan and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding on "carbon recycling technology." 

Japan and the United States are heading toward accelerating "research on CO2 utilization"! 

Europe should also participate in this development! The United States, 

Europe and Japan should spend R & D expenses to realize "carbon recycling" at an early stage.

The United States should "jointly" promote "hydrogen engine vehicles" 

that do not depend on China's "rare metals" in collaboration with "Europe" and "Japan."


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-10-19: Cher Monsieur, Les Alliés devraient «découpler» complètement la Chine et «reconstruire» un nouveau commerce mondial libre et démocratique. À cette fin, les États-Unis devraient offrir un marché énorme à leurs alliés.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-10-19: Cher Monsieur,

Il a été trouvé dans un sondage de presse de Reuters publié le 4 octobre.

65% des Américains ont déclaré: "Si M. Trump avait pris au sérieux son affaire avec Corona, il n'aurait pas été infecté."

Dans une enquête de "cote de soutien" de l'élection présidentielle américaine, l'ancien vice-président Byden, candidat démocrate, était de 51%, contre 41% pour M. Trump.

Je pense que la seule façon pour M. Trump de faire un grand revirement est de s'excuser auprès des Américains pour avoir causé la division raciale et de déclarer l'idée que tous les Américains peuvent avoir un «rêve américain».

Nous devrions annoncer des plans pour transformer la «zone de ceinture rouillée» au nord en «zone de ceinture dorée».

Et faire de la frontière sud du Mexique une «zone spéciale» et offrir un lieu pour déplacer les usines de la Chine vers les États-Unis.

La réalisation de ce concept nécessite un investissement énorme.

Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter «Publié» les 17 et 18 octobre.

Cette "dépression causée par Corona" est causée par la Chine.

Les Alliés devraient «découpler» complètement la Chine et «reconstruire» un nouveau commerce mondial libre et démocratique.

À cette fin, les États-Unis devraient offrir un marché énorme à leurs alliés.

Partie 1 Le président américain Trump infecté par le nouveau virus corona

Sur la question de l'hospitalisation, 65% des Américains ont déclaré: «Si M. Trump prend plus au sérieux la question de la nouvelle Corona,

"Je n'ai pas été infecté", a révélé un sondage Reuters publié hier.

Cinquante-sept pour cent ont déclaré que le «nouveau support corona» de Trump n'était «pas évalué».


Ce n'est que peu de temps avant l'élection présidentielle du 3 novembre.

Les États-Unis sont devenus une agitation "sans précédent" en raison de la nouvelle infection à coronavirus du personnel clé de Trump et de la Maison Blanche.

Le moment où l'infection Trump a été annoncée

Tout le monde a dit: "Dans le cas peu probable où quelque chose arriverait au président,

De quel genre d'arrangement s'agit-il? Chacun avait deux questions: "Que va-t-il advenir de l'élection présidentielle?"

Malgré les «inquiétudes» des citoyens américains et du monde

Même si Trump lui-même est malade, il répète une «folie» intacte.


M. Byden propose une augmentation des dépenses qui dépasse l'augmentation des impôts.

Investissements d'infrastructure dans les autoroutes et les chemins de fer, soutien financier à la diffusion des énergies renouvelables et des véhicules électriques,

En outre, l'augmentation des dépenses en 10 ans dépassera les 7 billions de dollars, y compris l'expansion de l'assurance médicale publique et le soutien aux services publics d'éducation et de garde d'enfants.

Par rapport à la proposition de M. Clinton en 2016, elle est plus de quatre fois plus importante.


Je pense qu'un investissement énorme est nécessaire pour réaliser le "rêve américain".

Il nécessite un «investissement du gouvernement américain» qui est plusieurs fois plus élevé que le «New Deal Plan».

Et de partout dans le monde, cet investissement doit souvent être investi aux États-Unis.

L'Amérique n'est pas le cas lorsqu'elle est divisée par des questions raciales.

Maintenant, dans la tourmente corona, je pense que les États-Unis ont besoin d'un président qui rassemble les États-Unis et leur donne un «grand rêve».

J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Naganno

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-10-19: Sehr geehrter Herr, Ich denke, der einzige Weg für Mr. Trump, eine große Wende zu erreichen, besteht darin, sich bei den Amerikanern für die Verursachung der Rassentrennung zu entschuldigen und die Idee zu erklären, dass alle Amerikaner einen "amerikanischen Traum" haben können.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2020-10-19: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Es wurde in einer am 4. Oktober veröffentlichten Reuters-Umfrage gefunden.

65% der Amerikaner sagten: "Wenn Mr. Trump es ernst meinte mit Corona, wäre er nicht infiziert worden."

In einer Umfrage zur "Unterstützungsbewertung" der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen lag der demokratische Kandidat Byden bei 51%, verglichen mit 41% für Herrn Trump.

Ich denke, der einzige Weg für Mr. Trump, eine große Wende zu erreichen, besteht darin, sich bei den Amerikanern für die Verursachung der Rassentrennung zu entschuldigen und die Idee zu erklären, dass alle Amerikaner einen "amerikanischen Traum" haben können.

Es sollten Pläne angekündigt werden, die "rostige Gürtelzone" im Norden in eine "goldene Gürtelzone" umzuwandeln.

Und um die südmexikanische Grenze zu einer "Sonderzone" zu machen und einen Ort für den Umzug von Fabriken von China in die USA zu schaffen.

Die Umsetzung dieses Konzepts erfordert eine enorme Investition.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "Veröffentlicht" am 17. und 18. Oktober.

Diese "durch Corona verursachte Depression" wird von China verursacht.

Die Verbündeten sollten China vollständig "entkoppeln" und einen neuen freien und demokratischen Welthandel "wieder aufbauen".

Zu diesem Zweck sollten die Vereinigten Staaten ihren Verbündeten einen riesigen Markt anbieten.

Teil 1 US-Präsident Trump infizierte sich mit dem neuen Corona-Virus

Zum Thema Krankenhausaufenthalt sagten 65% der Amerikaner: "Wenn Mr. Trump das Problem der neuen Corona ernster nimmt,

"Ich war nicht infiziert", ergab eine gestern veröffentlichte Reuters-Umfrage.

Siebenundfünfzig Prozent sagten, Trumps "neue Korona-Unterstützung" sei "nicht bewertet" worden.


Es ist nur eine kurze Zeit bis zu den Präsidentschaftswahlen am 3. November.

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind aufgrund der neuen Coronavirus-Infektion der wichtigsten Mitarbeiter von Trump und dem Weißen Haus zu einem "beispiellosen" Aufruhr geworden.

In dem Moment, als die Trump-Infektion angekündigt wurde

Alle sagten: "In dem unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass dem Präsidenten etwas passiert,

Was ist das für ein Arrangement? Jeder hatte zwei Fragen: "Was wird mit den Präsidentschaftswahlen passieren?"

Trotz der "Sorgen" der amerikanischen Bürger und der Welt

Obwohl Trump selbst krank ist, wiederholt er unberührte "Dummheit".


Herr Byden schlägt eine Erhöhung der Ausgaben vor, die die Steuererhöhung übersteigt.

Infrastrukturinvestitionen in Autobahnen und Eisenbahnen, finanzielle Unterstützung für die Verbreitung erneuerbarer Energien und Elektrofahrzeuge,

Darüber hinaus wird die Erhöhung der öffentlichen Krankenversicherung und der Unterstützung für öffentliche Bildungs- und Kinderbetreuungsdienste in 10 Jahren 7 Billionen USD übersteigen.

Verglichen mit dem Vorschlag von Herrn Clinton im Jahr 2016 ist er mehr als viermal so groß.


Ich denke, dass eine enorme Investition erforderlich ist, um den "amerikanischen Traum" zu verwirklichen.

Es erfordert "Investitionen der US-Regierung", die um ein Vielfaches höher sind als der "New Deal Plan".

Und aus der ganzen Welt muss diese Investition oft in den Vereinigten Staaten investiert werden.

Amerika ist nicht der Fall, wenn es durch Rassenprobleme geteilt wird.

Jetzt, in den Turbulenzen der Korona, denke ich, dass die Vereinigten Staaten einen Präsidenten brauchen, der die Vereinigten Staaten zusammenbringt und ihr einen "großen Traum" gibt.

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Naganno

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To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-10-19: Dear Sir, I think the only way for Mr. Trump to make a big turnaround is to apologize to the American people

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-10-19: Dear Sir,

It was revealed in a Reuters poll released on October 4. 65% of Americans said, 

"If Mr. Trump was serious about dealing with corona, he wouldn't have been infected." 

In a "support rating" survey of the US presidential election, Democratic candidate Joe Biden was 51%, 

compared to 41% for Mr. Trump.

I think the only way for Mr. Trump to make a big turnaround is to apologize to the American people 

for causing racial division and declare the idea that all Americans can have an "American dream."

The plan is to transform the "rusty belt zone" in the north into a "golden belt zone". 

And to make the southern Mexican border a "special zone" and provide a place to move factories 

from China to the United States.

Realization of this concept requires a huge investment. 

For details, please see the content "Published" sent on October 17th and 18th.

This "corona recession" is caused by China. Allies should "decouple" China completely and "rebuild" a new free 

and democratic world trade. 

To that end, the United States should offer a huge market to its allies.

Part 1 65% of Americans think that if US President Trump was infected with the new coronavirus and was hospitalized, 

"if Mr. Trump took the problem of the new corona more seriously, he would not have been infected." 

It was revealed in a poll of Reuters news agency released on the 4th.

Fifty-seven percent said Trump's "new corona support" was "not evaluated."


It's only a short time before the presidential election on November 3rd.

The United States has become an "unprecedented" turmoil due to the infection of Trump 

and the White House's key staff with the new coronavirus.

The moment the Trump infection was announced

Everyone asked, "What kind of arrangement would it be if something happened to the president? 

Everyone had two questions: "What will happen to the presidential election?"

Despite the "worries" of American citizens and the world, Trump himself is sick, 

but he repeats untouched "foolishness."


Mr Biden is proposing spending increases that exceed the tax increase.

Over 10 years of spending of $ 7 trillion, including infrastructure investment in highways and railroads, 

financial support for the spread of renewable energy 

and electric vehicles, expansion of public health insurance and support for public education 

and childcare services Exceed.

Compared to Mr. Clinton's proposal in 2016, it is more than four times as large.


I think the realization of the "American Dream" requires even greater investment.

It requires "US government investment" that is many times higher than the "New Deal Plan".

And from all over the world, many times this investment must be invested in the United States.

America is not the case when it is divided by racial issues.

Now in the corona turmoil, I think the United States needs a president 

who brings the United States together and gives it a "big dream."

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To President Trump 2020-10-19: Dear Sir, It was revealed in a Reuters poll released on October 4. 65% of Americans said, "If Mr. Trump was serious about dealing with corona, he wouldn't have been infected."


To President Trump

[AFP] US Presidential Election 2020! "Approval rate" and "transitive graph" until October 16th)


2020-10-19: Dear Sir,

It was revealed in a Reuters poll released on October 4. 65% of Americans said, 

"If Mr. Trump was serious about dealing with corona, he wouldn't have been infected." 

In a "support rating" survey of the US presidential election, Democratic candidate Joe Biden was 51%, 

compared to 41% for Mr. Trump.

I think the only way for Mr. Trump to make a big turnaround is to apologize to the American people 

for causing racial division and declare the idea that all Americans can have an "American dream."

The plan is to transform the "rusty belt zone" in the north into a "golden belt zone". 

And to make the southern Mexican border a "special zone" and provide a place to move factories 

from China to the United States.

Realization of this concept requires a huge investment. 

For details, please see the content "Published" sent on October 17th and 18th.

This "corona recession" is caused by China. Allies should "decouple" China completely and "rebuild" a new free 

and democratic world trade. 

To that end, the United States should offer a huge market to its allies.

Part 1 65% of Americans think that if US President Trump was infected with the new coronavirus and was hospitalized, 

"if Mr. Trump took the problem of the new corona more seriously, he would not have been infected." 

It was revealed in a poll of Reuters news agency released on the 4th.

Fifty-seven percent said Trump's "new corona support" was "not evaluated."


It's only a short time before the presidential election on November 3rd.

The United States has become an "unprecedented" turmoil due to the infection of Trump 

and the White House's key staff with the new coronavirus.

The moment the Trump infection was announced

Everyone asked, "What kind of arrangement would it be if something happened to the president? 

Everyone had two questions: "What will happen to the presidential election?"

Despite the "worries" of American citizens and the world, Trump himself is sick, 

but he repeats untouched "foolishness."


Mr Biden is proposing spending increases that exceed the tax increase.

Over 10 years of spending of $ 7 trillion, including infrastructure investment in highways and railroads, 

financial support for the spread of renewable energy 

and electric vehicles, expansion of public health insurance and support for public education 

and childcare services Exceed.

Compared to Mr. Clinton's proposal in 2016, it is more than four times as large.


I think the realization of the "American Dream" requires even greater investment.

It requires "US government investment" that is many times higher than the "New Deal Plan".

And from all over the world, many times this investment must be invested in the United States.

America is not the case when it is divided by racial issues.

Now in the corona turmoil, I think the United States needs a president 

who brings the United States together and gives it a "big dream."

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


[AFP] US Presidential Election 2020! "Approval rate" and "transitive graph" until October 16th)

 [AFP] US Presidential Election 2020! "Approval rate" and "transitive graph" until October 16th)


2020-10-19: Dear Sir,

It was revealed in a Reuters poll released on October 4. 65% of Americans said, 

"If Mr. Trump was serious about dealing with corona, he wouldn't have been infected." 

In a "support rating" survey of the US presidential election, Democratic candidate Joe Biden was 51%, 

compared to 41% for Mr. Trump.

I think the only way for Mr. Trump to make a big turnaround is to apologize to the American people 

for causing racial division and declare the idea that all Americans can have an "American dream."

The plan is to transform the "rusty belt zone" in the north into a "golden belt zone". 

And to make the southern Mexican border a "special zone" and provide a place to move factories 

from China to the United States.

Realization of this concept requires a huge investment. 

For details, please see the content "Published" sent on October 17th and 18th.

This "corona recession" is caused by China. Allies should "decouple" China completely and "rebuild" a new free 

and democratic world trade. 

To that end, the United States should offer a huge market to its allies.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

 The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

October 18, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. Americans should have an "American Dream"! Lincoln said, 

"Because I was born into a human being, 

I must have an obligation to live until we feel something worth living." ..

The wishes of allies! Part 2! Americans should take good care of "immigrants and allies"!

I wrote yesterday about the "American Dream" that transforms a "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

Today we propose to create a special zone on the Mexican border and accept "provisional immigrants" 

from "Latin America, etc." in the special zone.

The US government says it will "return" the factory from China, 

but there is no "industrial complex" in the United States that can beat the "industrial complex in China."

The United States should build an "industrial park" like China on the US border with Mexico.

Workers replacing Chinese workers should accept poor people from Latin America, 

South America, Africa, etc. as "provisional immigrants." 

"Temporary immigrants" are accepted for a fixed period under "agreements" with each country.

Remittances from "provisional immigrants" will enrich their "homeland".

US agricultural products will be stably consumed by "provisional immigrants" in the United States.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

Part 1 See below to make the Mexican border a "special zone".





Lincoln's "Famous Words" [with English]

Abraham Lincoln is a great man who declared the Emancipation Proclamation of the United States, 

won the Civil War that bisected the country, and liberated black slaves.


US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor


President Trump intends to deduct taxes on companies moving jobs from China to the United States


Mr. Trump's "appeal" is "empty" -only 4% of plans to move business from China to the United States


US Senate Democracy Announces $ 350 Million Policy Bill for China Focusing on Strengthening Competitiveness


You can't do anything with $ 350 million! Even $ 350 billion isn't enough!

The United States should raise a lot of investment from all over the world.

Investing in the United States not only boosts the United States, but also booms its allies.

From now on, investment in China should be directed to the United States.

These investment funds will give the people of the world, not just the United States, an "American dream"!

I will write again next week.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

In the crisis of coronavirus. Americans should have an "American Dream"! Lincoln said, "Because I was born into a human being, I must have an obligation to live until we feel something worth living." ..

 The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

October 18, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. Americans should have an "American Dream"! Lincoln said, 

"Because I was born into a human being, 

I must have an obligation to live until we feel something worth living." ..

The wishes of allies! Part 2! Americans should take good care of "immigrants and allies"!

I wrote yesterday about the "American Dream" that transforms a "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

Today we propose to create a special zone on the Mexican border and accept "provisional immigrants" 

from "Latin America, etc." in the special zone.

The US government says it will "return" the factory from China, 

but there is no "industrial complex" in the United States that can beat the "industrial complex in China."

The United States should build an "industrial park" like China on the US border with Mexico.

Workers replacing Chinese workers should accept poor people from Latin America, 

South America, Africa, etc. as "provisional immigrants." 

"Temporary immigrants" are accepted for a fixed period under "agreements" with each country.

Remittances from "provisional immigrants" will enrich their "homeland".

US agricultural products will be stably consumed by "provisional immigrants" in the United States.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

Part 1 See below to make the Mexican border a "special zone".





Lincoln's "Famous Words" [with English]

Abraham Lincoln is a great man who declared the Emancipation Proclamation of the United States, 

won the Civil War that bisected the country, and liberated black slaves.


US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor


President Trump intends to deduct taxes on companies moving jobs from China to the United States


Mr. Trump's "appeal" is "empty" -only 4% of plans to move business from China to the United States


US Senate Democracy Announces $ 350 Million Policy Bill for China Focusing on Strengthening Competitiveness


You can't do anything with $ 350 million! Even $ 350 billion isn't enough!

The United States should raise a lot of investment from all over the world.

Investing in the United States not only boosts the United States, but also booms its allies.

From now on, investment in China should be directed to the United States.

These investment funds will give the people of the world, not just the United States, an "American dream"!

I will write again next week.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

 The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

October 18, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. Americans should have an "American Dream"! Lincoln said, 

"Because I was born into a human being, 

I must have an obligation to live until we feel something worth living." ..

The wishes of allies! Part 2! Americans should take good care of "immigrants and allies"!

I wrote yesterday about the "American Dream" that transforms a "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

Today we propose to create a special zone on the Mexican border and accept "provisional immigrants" 

from "Latin America, etc." in the special zone.

The US government says it will "return" the factory from China, 

but there is no "industrial complex" in the United States that can beat the "industrial complex in China."

The United States should build an "industrial park" like China on the US border with Mexico.

Workers replacing Chinese workers should accept poor people from Latin America, 

South America, Africa, etc. as "provisional immigrants." 

"Temporary immigrants" are accepted for a fixed period under "agreements" with each country.

Remittances from "provisional immigrants" will enrich their "homeland".

US agricultural products will be stably consumed by "provisional immigrants" in the United States.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




The wishes of allies! Part 1! Americans should once again have an "American Dream"!

 Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles


October 17, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. America should not fight between races! Lincoln said, 

"Most people can survive disasters."

The wishes of allies! Part 1! Americans should once again have an "American Dream"!

You should change the "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

You should "scrap and build" the "rusted belt zone" with the latest technology. 

Let's do our best together!

Promotion of coal-fired power generation that recovers 100% of "CO2". 

The recovered co2 is recycled into "carbon fiber".

Construction of a state-of-the-art steelworks such as "steelmaking by MOE"! 

We should create a country that is competitive with China 

by setting up inexpensive hydrogen production stations throughout the United States 

and manufacturing hydrogen-fueled automobiles instead of gasoline, 

using a method that produces hydrogen from water in large quantities at low cost.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

Part 1 Lincoln's "Famous Words" [with English]

Abraham Lincoln is a great man who declared the Emancipation Proclamation of the United States, 

won the Civil War that bisected the country, and liberated black slaves.


CO2 emissions and reduction potential from coal-fired power generation


CO2 will be useful in the future! Using CO2 as a resource with "carbon recycling"


Zero CO2 emissions! What is the innovation of "Boston Metal" that overturns the common sense of steelmaking?

MOE technology is the first technology that enables zero CO2 emissions in the steelmaking process, 

and it is said that if it becomes widespread, 

it will be possible to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 2 billion tons.


A method for producing a large amount of hydrogen from water at a low cost, 

with a carbon sheet with a three-dimensional structure!

If an inexpensive hydrogen production method that does not use platinum can be established, 

it will be applied to hydrogen stations, which are indispensable for fuel cell vehicles, 

and a large amount of hydrogen can be produced locally at low cost from water.

Furthermore, it will lead to a reduction in the cost of "Power to Gas," 

which produces hydrogen using renewable energy such as sunlight.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Construction of special zones.

See below.





Part 3 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "issues a false employment contract" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

The Diet of Japan revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act as pointed out by the international community.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act".

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

In addition, many foreigners who have been punished for "activities outside the status 

of qualification" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act are "innocent."

The reason is that "those who hired them illegally" are not punished 

under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 

"equality under the law" and international law prohibiting arbitrary "punishment".

There are many victims in the world.

Please support them, everyone.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


October 17, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, In the crisis of coronavirus. America should not fight between races! Lincoln said, "Most people can survive disasters."

 Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles


October 17, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. America should not fight between races! Lincoln said, 

"Most people can survive disasters."

The wishes of allies! Part 1! Americans should once again have an "American Dream"!

You should change the "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

You should "scrap and build" the "rusted belt zone" with the latest technology. 

Let's do our best together!

Promotion of coal-fired power generation that recovers 100% of "CO2". 

The recovered co2 is recycled into "carbon fiber".

Construction of a state-of-the-art steelworks such as "steelmaking by MOE"! 

We should create a country that is competitive with China 

by setting up inexpensive hydrogen production stations throughout the United States 

and manufacturing hydrogen-fueled automobiles instead of gasoline, 

using a method that produces hydrogen from water in large quantities at low cost.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!

Part 1 Lincoln's "Famous Words" [with English]

Abraham Lincoln is a great man who declared the Emancipation Proclamation of the United States, 

won the Civil War that bisected the country, and liberated black slaves.


CO2 emissions and reduction potential from coal-fired power generation


CO2 will be useful in the future! Using CO2 as a resource with "carbon recycling"


Zero CO2 emissions! What is the innovation of "Boston Metal" that overturns the common sense of steelmaking?

MOE technology is the first technology that enables zero CO2 emissions in the steelmaking process, 

and it is said that if it becomes widespread, 

it will be possible to reduce annual CO2 emissions by 2 billion tons.


A method for producing a large amount of hydrogen from water at a low cost, 

with a carbon sheet with a three-dimensional structure!

If an inexpensive hydrogen production method that does not use platinum can be established, 

it will be applied to hydrogen stations, which are indispensable for fuel cell vehicles, 

and a large amount of hydrogen can be produced locally at low cost from water.

Furthermore, it will lead to a reduction in the cost of "Power to Gas," 

which produces hydrogen using renewable energy such as sunlight.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Construction of special zones.

See below.





Part 3 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "issues a false employment contract" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

The Diet of Japan revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act as pointed out by the international community.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act".

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

In addition, many foreigners who have been punished for "activities outside the status 

of qualification" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act are "innocent."

The reason is that "those who hired them illegally" are not punished 

under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 

"equality under the law" and international law prohibiting arbitrary "punishment".

There are many victims in the world.

Please support them, everyone.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles

 Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln | Japanese Subtitles | English Subtitles


October 17, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

In the crisis of coronavirus. America should not fight between races! Lincoln said, 

"Most people can survive disasters."

The wishes of allies! Part 1! Americans should once again have an "American Dream"!

You should change the "rusty belt zone" into a "golden belt zone"! 

You should "scrap and build" the "rusted belt zone" with the latest technology. 

Let's do our best together!

Promotion of coal-fired power generation that recovers 100% of "CO2". 

The recovered co2 is recycled into "carbon fiber".

Construction of a state-of-the-art steelworks such as "steelmaking by MOE"! 

We should create a country that is competitive with China 

by setting up inexpensive hydrogen production stations throughout the United States 

and manufacturing hydrogen-fueled automobiles instead of gasoline, 

using a method that produces hydrogen from water in large quantities at low cost.

The prosperity of America leads to the prosperity of allies. 

Many people believe! Americans choose the "wise president"! !!



For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Au président français Emmanuel Macron Si les bureaucrates et le secteur privé éliminent la «bureaucratie», le Japon redeviendra un «pays où le soleil se lève».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

16/10/2020: Cher Monsieur,

A «l'ère de l'IA», «les êtres humains qui savent mémoriser» du «type Todai» ne sont «aucun endroit à utiliser» et «l'incompétence»!

Le taux d'écoute global du dernier épisode de la série télévisée japonaise "Naoki Hanzawa" est de 44,1%! C'était un exploit.

La vraie raison pour laquelle les gens sont "enthousiastes" à propos de l'histoire "à l'ancienne" de "Naoki Hanzawa" est

C'est une véritable collection du courant japonais "sans valeur, incompétent"!

De nombreux chercheurs ont commencé à dire. "Le Japon deviendra un pays en déclin à l'avenir", a-t-il déclaré.

Cela ne semble pas signifier un "pays en développement" mais une nation qui se développe et qui tombe ensuite dans un pays en développement.

La cause réside dans la bureaucratie. Dans la culture confucéenne, la bureaucratie est l'idée d '«Akushigaku».

«Akikogaku» apprend la théorie, mais tolère «l'injustice» qui va à l'encontre de la théorie.

En d'autres termes, «conservateur» est la croyance. La raison en est que «protéger le système actuel» est justice.

Mais "Yomeigaku" associe la théorie à l'action. C'est une «rébellion» contre le «système».

Par conséquent, "celui qui pratique la justice" est "exclu" tant en Chine qu'au Japon.

Beaucoup de Japonais ont l'idée de "conservateur" = "Akikogaku".

Cependant, il y a un «conflit» dans l'esprit japonais. Cela se reflète dans le taux d'audience de "Naoki Hanzawa".

Si les bureaucrates et le secteur privé éliminent la «bureaucratie», le Japon redeviendra un «pays où le soleil se lève».

Partie 1 "Le Japon deviendra un pays en déclin à l'avenir", a-t-il déclaré.

La cause est la «bureaucratie».

En fait, le Japon n'a ni droite ni gauche. Tant que c'est bureaucratique, il n'y a pas de croyance idéologique.

Je pense que je dis souvent «avec précision» la situation réelle au Japon.

En conséquence, le Japon d'après-guerre est un "principe de paiement". Identique à la Chine.

Il n'y a pas de «croyance idéale» dans le «principe du culte», mais l'idée que «l'argent est tout».

C'est un principe bureaucratique qui est passé à «se faufiler» comme un «ensemble» avec un «principe de paiement».

Aucun des deux n’a de croyance idéologique.

«Frustrer» la procédure lourde et reporter le travail «essentiel» principal. C'est la «bureaucratie» japonaise.

Certains membres du LDP ont également déclaré que "le Japon n'a pas besoin" d'individus "." C'est effrayant!


Je pense à la bureaucratie.

https://blog.goo.ne.jp/equinedoc/e/ed7a3d8e9f7bad76e3f9ad7d7146c0a0#:~:text=Wikipedi,%E3%81%A8...%E5%AE%98%E5%83%9A%E4%B8 % BB% E7% BE% A9

Est-il exact que l'examen d'entrée à l'Université de Tokyo est uniquement "Mémoriser" et est différent de la capacité requise pour les chercheurs?


"Je ne serai pas un bureaucrate" est en cours à l'Université de Tokyo! ?? Localisation de la "marque Todai" ...


Quelle est la différence entre les études Akiko et Yomei, et qu'est-ce que les études Japon Yomei?


Cette œuvre, qui est diffusée au Sunday Theatre de TBS (9 heures le dimanche soir),

C'est une histoire sur la lutte au sein de la faction de Naoki Hanzawa (Masato Sakai) qui travaille comme banquier (employé de banque) de la Banque centrale de Tokyo.

Les vrais détails sur la guerre des factions dans les banques et les grandes entreprises, ou sur la technologie brevetée des usines urbaines ne sont que superficiels.

Au centre se trouve un drame de retournement des faibles acculés par une puissance énorme.

Cette attitude claire de punition et de punition est vraiment un drame historique moderne.


La transition du taux d'écoute moyen des ménages de «Naoki Hanzawa» est la suivante.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagan

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Viele Gelehrte haben angefangen zu sagen. "Japan wird in Zukunft ein fallendes Land", sagte er. Wenn Sie Es scheint kein "Entwicklungsland" zu sein, sondern eine Nation, die sich entwickelt und dann in ein Entwicklungsland fällt.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2020-10-16: Sehr geehrter Herr,

In der "KI-Ära" sind "Menschen, die sich gut auswendig lernen können" vom "Todai-Typ" "kein Ort zum Nutzen" und "Inkompetenz"!

Die Gesamtbetrachtungsrate der letzten Folge des japanischen TV-Dramas "Naoki Hanzawa" beträgt 44,1%! Es war eine Leistung.

Der wahre Grund, warum die Leute von der "altmodischen" Geschichte von "Naoki Hanzawa" "begeistert" sind, ist

Es ist eine echte Sammlung der aktuellen japanischen "wertlos, inkompetent"!

Viele Gelehrte haben angefangen zu sagen. "Japan wird in Zukunft ein fallendes Land", sagte er. Wenn Sie

Es scheint kein "Entwicklungsland" zu sein, sondern eine Nation, die sich entwickelt und dann in ein Entwicklungsland fällt.

Die Ursache liegt in der Bürokratie. In der konfuzianischen Kultur ist Bürokratie die Idee von "Akushigaku".

"Akikogaku" lernt Theorie, toleriert aber "Ungerechtigkeit", die gegen die Theorie verstößt.

Mit anderen Worten, "konservativ" ist der Glaube. Der Grund ist, dass "Schutz des gegenwärtigen Systems" Gerechtigkeit ist.

Aber "Yomeigaku" verbindet Theorie mit Aktion. Es ist eine "Rebellion" gegen das "System".

Daher ist "derjenige, der Gerechtigkeit praktiziert" sowohl in China als auch in Japan "ausgeschlossen".

Viele Japaner haben die Idee von "konservativ" = "Akikogaku".

Es gibt jedoch einen "Konflikt" im japanischen Geist. Das spiegelt sich in der Zuschauerzahl von "Naoki Hanzawa" wider.

Wenn sowohl Bürokraten als auch der Privatsektor die "Bürokratie" beseitigen, wird Japan wieder zu einem "Land, in dem die Sonne aufgeht".

Teil 1 "Japan wird in Zukunft ein fallendes Land", sagte er.

Die Ursache ist "Bürokratie".

Tatsächlich hat Japan weder rechts noch links. Solange es bürokratisch ist, gibt es dort keinen ideologischen Glauben.

Ich denke, dass ich oft "genau" über die aktuelle Situation in Japan sage.

Infolgedessen ist das Nachkriegsjapan ein "Zahlungsprinzip". Gleich wie China.

Es gibt keinen "idealen Glauben" an das "Prinzip der Anbetung", sondern die Idee, dass "Geld alles ist".

Es ist ein bürokratisches Prinzip, das sich zum "Schleichen" als "Set" mit "Zahlungsprinzip" bewegt hat.

Weder hat einen ideologischen Glauben.

"Frustrieren" Sie die umständliche Prozedur und verschieben Sie die wichtigsten "wesentlichen" Arbeiten. Dies ist Japans "Bürokratie".

Einige Mitglieder der LDP haben auch erklärt, dass "Japan keine" Individuen "braucht." Es ist gruselig!


Ich denke an Bürokratie.

https://blog.goo.ne.jp/equinedoc/e/ed7a3d8e9f7bad76e3f9ad7d7146c0a0#:~:text=Wikipedi,%E3%81%A8...%E5%AE%98%E5%83%9A%E4%B8 % BB% E7% BE% A9

Ist es richtig, dass die Aufnahmeprüfung für die Universität Tokio nur "Auswendiglernen" ist und sich von den für Forscher erforderlichen Fähigkeiten unterscheidet?


"Ich werde kein Bürokrat sein" ist an der Universität von Tokio im Gange! ?? Verbleib der Marke "Todai" ...


Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Akiko- und Yomei-Studien und was sind Japan-Yomei-Studien?


Diese Arbeit, die im Sunday Theatre in TBS ausgestrahlt wird (Sonntagabend um 9 Uhr),

Es ist eine Geschichte über den Kampf innerhalb der Fraktion von Naoki Hanzawa (Masato Sakai), der als Bankier (Bankangestellter) der Zentralbank von Tokio arbeitet.

Die wirklichen Details über den Fraktionskrieg in Banken und großen Unternehmen oder die patentierte Technologie von Stadtfabriken sind nur oberflächlich.

Im Zentrum steht ein Umkehrdrama der Schwachen, die von großer Macht in die Enge getrieben wurden.

Diese klare Haltung der Bestrafung und Bestrafung ist wirklich ein modernes historisches Drama.


Der Übergang der durchschnittlichen Haushaltsbetrachtungsrate von "Naoki Hanzawa" ist wie folgt.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

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★ "Das Unglück anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"


To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister It was a feat. The real reason why people are "enthusiastic" about the "old-fashioned" story of "Hanzawa Naoki" is the reality of Japan's current "valueless, incompetent"! Many scholars have begun to say.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-10-16: Dear Sir,

In the "AI era", "human beings who are good at memorizing" 

of "University of Tokyo type" are "no place to utilize" and "incompetence"! 

The overall audience rating of the final episode of the Japanese TV drama "Naoki Hanzawa" is 44.1%! 

It was a feat. The real reason why people are "enthusiastic" 

about the "old-fashioned" story of "Hanzawa Naoki" is the reality of Japan's current "valueless, incompetent"!

Many scholars have begun to say. 

"Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said. 

It seems that it does not mean a "developing country" but a country 

that will fall into a developing country after it develops. The cause lies in bureaucracy. 

Bureaucracy is the idea of ​​"Cheng-Zhu" in Confucian culture. "Cheng-Zhu" learns the theory, 

but tolerates "injustice" that goes against the theory. 

In other words, "conservatism" is the creed. 

The reason is that "protecting the current system" is justice. 

But "Yangmingism" aligns theory with action. 

It is a "rebellion" against the "system." Therefore, "the one who practices justice" is "excluded" 

in both China and Japan. 

Most Japanese people have the idea of ​​"conservatism" = "Cheng-Zhu school".

However, there is a "conflict" in the Japanese mind. 

That is reflected in the audience rating of "Naoki Hanzawa".

If both bureaucrats and the private sector eliminate "bureaucracy," 

Japan will once again become a "country where the sun rises."

Part 1 "Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said.

The cause lies in "bureaucracy".

In fact, Japan has neither right nor left. As long as it is bureaucracy, there is no ideological belief there.

I think that I often say "accurately" about the actual situation in Japan.

As a result, postwar Japan is a "money worship principle." Same as China.

The idea of ​​"money worship" does not have "ideal beliefs" but "money is everything".

It is bureaucracy that has moved as a "money worship" and a "set".

Neither has a ideological belief.

"Frustrate" the cumbersome procedure and put off the main "essential" work. This is Japan's "bureaucracy."

Some members of the Liberal Democratic Party have also stated that "Japan does not need'individuals'." 

It's scary!


I'm thinking about bureaucracy.


Is it correct that the University of Tokyo entrance examination is only "Memorize" 

and is different from the ability required for researchers?


"I will not be a bureaucrat" is underway at the University of Tokyo! ?? 

Whereabouts of the "University of Tokyo brand" ...


The difference between Cheng-Zhu and Yangmingism, what is Japan Yangmingism?


Broadcast at the TBS Sunday Theater (9 pm on Sunday night), 

this work is a story about the struggle within the faction of Naoki Hanzawa (Masato Sakai), 

who works as a banker (bank clerk) at the Tokyo Central Bank.

The real details of the faction wars in banks and large corporations, 

or the patented technology of town factories, are only on the surface, 

and at the center is a reversal of the weak who have been cornered by huge power.

This clear attitude of poetic justice is truly a modern historical drama.


The transition of the average household audience rating of "Hanzawa Naoki" is as follows.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

To President Trump In the "AI era", "human beings who are good at memorizing" of "University of Tokyo type" are "no place to utilize" and "incompetence"!

 To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

Talking with Professor of the University of Tokyo [Prime Minister Suga's destruction of Japan] Prime Minister Suga will dream of high economic growth and cause Japan to decline.

The Science Council of Japan issue is just one example. Professor Ayumi Yasutomi's intelligence explodes


2020-10-16: Dear Sir,

In the "AI era", "human beings who are good at memorizing" 

of "University of Tokyo type" are "no place to utilize" and "incompetence"! 

The overall audience rating of the final episode of the Japanese TV drama "Naoki Hanzawa" is 44.1%! 

It was a feat. The real reason why people are "enthusiastic" 

about the "old-fashioned" story of "Hanzawa Naoki" is the reality of Japan's current "valueless, incompetent"!

Many scholars have begun to say. 

"Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said. 

It seems that it does not mean a "developing country" but a country 

that will fall into a developing country after it develops. The cause lies in bureaucracy. 

Bureaucracy is the idea of ​​"Cheng-Zhu" in Confucian culture. "Cheng-Zhu" learns the theory, 

but tolerates "injustice" that goes against the theory. 

In other words, "conservatism" is the creed. 

The reason is that "protecting the current system" is justice. 

But "Yangmingism" aligns theory with action. 

It is a "rebellion" against the "system." Therefore, "the one who practices justice" is "excluded" 

in both China and Japan. 

Most Japanese people have the idea of ​​"conservatism" = "Cheng-Zhu school".

However, there is a "conflict" in the Japanese mind. 

That is reflected in the audience rating of "Naoki Hanzawa".

If both bureaucrats and the private sector eliminate "bureaucracy," 

Japan will once again become a "country where the sun rises."

Part 1 "Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said.

The cause lies in "bureaucracy".

In fact, Japan has neither right nor left. As long as it is bureaucracy, there is no ideological belief there.

I think that I often say "accurately" about the actual situation in Japan.

As a result, postwar Japan is a "money worship principle." Same as China.

The idea of ​​"money worship" does not have "ideal beliefs" but "money is everything".

It is bureaucracy that has moved as a "money worship" and a "set".

Neither has a ideological belief.

"Frustrate" the cumbersome procedure and put off the main "essential" work. This is Japan's "bureaucracy."

Some members of the Liberal Democratic Party have also stated that "Japan does not need'individuals'." 

It's scary!


I'm thinking about bureaucracy.


Is it correct that the University of Tokyo entrance examination is only "Memorize" 

and is different from the ability required for researchers?


"I will not be a bureaucrat" is underway at the University of Tokyo! ?? 

Whereabouts of the "University of Tokyo brand" ...


The difference between Cheng-Zhu and Yangmingism, what is Japan Yangmingism?


Broadcast at the TBS Sunday Theater (9 pm on Sunday night), 

this work is a story about the struggle within the faction of Naoki Hanzawa (Masato Sakai), 

who works as a banker (bank clerk) at the Tokyo Central Bank.

The real details of the faction wars in banks and large corporations, 

or the patented technology of town factories, are only on the surface, 

and at the center is a reversal of the weak who have been cornered by huge power.

This clear attitude of poetic justice is truly a modern historical drama.


The transition of the average household audience rating of "Hanzawa Naoki" is as follows.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan


For uncertainties, please contact us!


The Science Council of Japan issue is just one example. Professor Ayumi Yasutomi's intelligence explodes

 Talking with Professor of the University of Tokyo [Prime Minister Suga's destruction of Japan] Prime Minister Suga will dream of high economic growth and cause Japan to decline.

The Science Council of Japan issue is just one example. Professor Ayumi Yasutomi's intelligence explodes


2020-10-16: Dear Sir,

In the "AI era", "human beings who are good at memorizing" 

of "University of Tokyo type" are "no place to utilize" and "incompetence"! 

The overall audience rating of the final episode of the Japanese TV drama "Naoki Hanzawa" is 44.1%! 

It was a feat. The real reason why people are "enthusiastic" 

about the "old-fashioned" story of "Hanzawa Naoki" is the reality of Japan's current "valueless, incompetent"!

Many scholars have begun to say. 

"Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said. 

It seems that it does not mean a "developing country" but a country 

that will fall into a developing country after it develops. The cause lies in bureaucracy. 

Bureaucracy is the idea of ​​"Cheng-Zhu" in Confucian culture. "Cheng-Zhu" learns the theory, 

but tolerates "injustice" that goes against the theory. 

In other words, "conservatism" is the creed. 

The reason is that "protecting the current system" is justice. 

But "Yangmingism" aligns theory with action. 

It is a "rebellion" against the "system." Therefore, "the one who practices justice" is "excluded" 

in both China and Japan. 

Most Japanese people have the idea of ​​"conservatism" = "Cheng-Zhu school".

However, there is a "conflict" in the Japanese mind. 

That is reflected in the audience rating of "Naoki Hanzawa".

If both bureaucrats and the private sector eliminate "bureaucracy," 

Japan will once again become a "country where the sun rises."


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



Talking with Professor of the University of Tokyo [Prime Minister Suga's destruction of Japan] Prime Minister Suga will dream of high economic growth and cause Japan to decline.

 Talking with Professor of the University of Tokyo [Prime Minister Suga's destruction of Japan] Prime Minister Suga will dream of high economic growth and cause Japan to decline.

The Science Council of Japan issue is just one example. Professor Ayumi Yasutomi's intelligence explodes


2020-10-16: Dear Sir,

In the "AI era", "human beings who are good at memorizing" 

of "University of Tokyo type" are "no place to utilize" and "incompetence"! 

The overall audience rating of the final episode of the Japanese TV drama "Naoki Hanzawa" is 44.1%! 

It was a feat. The real reason why people are "enthusiastic" 

about the "old-fashioned" story of "Hanzawa Naoki" is the reality of Japan's current "valueless, incompetent"!

Many scholars have begun to say. 

"Japan will become a falling developing country in the future," he said. 

It seems that it does not mean a "developing country" but a country 

that will fall into a developing country after it develops. The cause lies in bureaucracy. 

Bureaucracy is the idea of ​​"Cheng-Zhu" in Confucian culture. "Cheng-Zhu" learns the theory, 

but tolerates "injustice" that goes against the theory. 

In other words, "conservatism" is the creed. 

The reason is that "protecting the current system" is justice. 

But "Yangmingism" aligns theory with action. 

It is a "rebellion" against the "system." Therefore, "the one who practices justice" is "excluded" 

in both China and Japan. 

Most Japanese people have the idea of ​​"conservatism" = "Cheng-Zhu school".

However, there is a "conflict" in the Japanese mind. 

That is reflected in the audience rating of "Naoki Hanzawa".

If both bureaucrats and the private sector eliminate "bureaucracy," 

Japan will once again become a "country where the sun rises."


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-10-15: Cher Monsieur, De plus, il faut être vigilant sur les habitudes qui découlent de la «culture confucéenne» de la Chine et du Japon.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-10-15: Cher Monsieur,

"Kouko Gakuin" n'est pas la seule "culture chinoise" à surveiller.

La question du paiement des impôts de M. Trump est devenue une grande nouvelle.

À ma grande surprise, il était le président du «pauvre roi de l'immobilier». Il «gagnait» avec «des frais de vedette à la télévision» et des «frais de consultation».

Pourtant, il semble qu'il n'a pas gagné de «certains pots-de-vin» aux Etats-Unis, une nation démocratique!

"M. Ren Zhiqiang" (69 ans) est le magnat de l'immobilier en Chine.

Il est contre Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping), et "ouvertement", a continué à "critiquer".

Cependant, le 22 septembre, il a été condamné à 18 ans de prison pour "corruption, pots-de-vin et détournement de fonds publics". C'est "probable" en Chine!

La Chine commence par un pot-de-vin et se termine par un pot-de-vin dans «tous les» «domaines».

C'est la culture chinoise. Il en va de même pour le Japon.

La politique et la diplomatie de la Chine et du Japon "apportent" la diplomatie. Les pots-de-vin chinois et japonais sont ouverts et confidentiels.

Cela mine la société juste du monde.

La communauté internationale doit mettre en garde contre «l'introduction de la diplomatie» en Chine et au Japon.

De plus, il faut être vigilant sur les habitudes qui découlent de la «culture confucéenne» de la Chine et du Japon.

Partie 1

M. Zhiqiang, ancien président du groupe Huayuan, une société de développement immobilier appartenant à l'État.

Il a été appelé le magnat de l'immobilier en Chine, mais a été condamné à 18 ans de prison pour corruption.

Il a également critiqué le président Xi Jinping comme un "clown".

Des groupes de défense des droits de l'homme ont allégué que M. Xi et le Parti communiste utilisent des allégations de corruption comme moyen de fermer la bouche aux critiques.


Problème de paiement des impôts de M. Trump / Alchimie de l'image imaginaire du «roi de l'immobilier» / Point d'interrogation pour de fières compétences en gestion!

M. Trump a attaqué le New York Times lors d'une conférence de presse le 27.

Le New York Times "a rapporté que M. Trump avait payé très peu d'impôt sur le revenu avant de prendre ses fonctions".


Quelle est la différence entre les études Akiko et Yomei, et qu'est-ce que les études Japon Yomei?


Combien d'argent puis-je utiliser pour «acheter» un homme politique japonais? J'ai essayé de résumer les cas de corruption du passé!


Depuis la période Edo, il y a eu une rumeur selon laquelle Tanuma Yoshiji était un mauvais politicien qui était sale avec de l'argent, comme la politique de corruption.


Si vous prenez un peu d'histoire chinoise, vous pouvez voir que c'est une histoire couverte de pots-de-vin.

Le fait de donner et de recevoir des pots-de-vin est également répandu au Japon.

Dans un pays comme le Japon où l'industrie économique est super développée

Le Japon a été désigné comme l'un des `` pays les plus trent '' (classement de publication des statistiques de l'Organisation économique internationale de l'ONU).


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" au "Premier ministre fédéral allemand Merkel".

Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions d'e-mails (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-10-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die Frage der Steuerzahlung von Mr. Trump wurde zu einer großen Neuigkeit. Was mich überraschte, war der Präsident des "armen Immobilienkönigs". Er "verdiente" mit "Hauptrollen im Fernsehen" und "Beratungsgebühren".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2020-10-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,

"Kouko Gakuin" ist nicht die einzige "chinesische Kultur", auf die man achten muss.

Die Frage der Steuerzahlung von Mr. Trump wurde zu einer großen Neuigkeit.

Was mich überraschte, war der Präsident des "armen Immobilienkönigs". Er "verdiente" mit "Hauptrollen im Fernsehen" und "Beratungsgebühren".

Es scheint jedoch, dass die Vereinigten Staaten, eine demokratische Nation, kein Geld mit "bestimmter Bestechung" verdient haben!

"Herr Ren Zhiqiang" (69) ist der Immobilienmagnat in China.

Er ist gegen Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping) und hat "offen" weiter "kritisiert".

Am 22. September wurde er jedoch wegen "Korruption, Bestechung und Veruntreuung öffentlicher Gelder" zu 18 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Dies ist "wahrscheinlich" in China!

China beginnt mit einem Bestechungsgeld und endet mit einem Bestechungsgeld auf allen "Feldern".

Das ist chinesische Kultur. Gleiches gilt für Japan.

Chinas und Japans Politik und Diplomatie "bringen" Diplomatie. Chinesische und japanische Bestechungsgelder sind offen und vertraulich.

Dies untergräbt die gerechte Gesellschaft der Welt.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte davor warnen, "Diplomatie" in China und Japan zu bringen.

Darüber hinaus ist es notwendig, wachsam gegenüber den Gewohnheiten zu sein, die sich aus der "konfuzianischen Kultur" Chinas und Japans ergeben.

Teil 1

Herr Zhiqiang, ehemaliger Vorsitzender der Huayuan-Gruppe, einem staatlichen Immobilienentwicklungsunternehmen.

Er wurde in China als Immobilienmagnat bezeichnet, aber wegen Bestechung zu 18 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

Er hat auch Präsident Xi Jinping als "Clown" kritisiert.

Menschenrechtsgruppen haben behauptet, dass Herr Xi und die Kommunistische Partei Korruptionsvorwürfe als Mittel benutzen, um Kritikern den Mund zu schließen.


Mr. Trumps Steuerzahlungsproblem / Alchemie des imaginären Bildes des "Immobilienkönigs" / Fragezeichen für stolze Managementfähigkeiten!

Herr Trump griff die New York Times auf einer Pressekonferenz am 27. an.

Die New York Times "berichtete, dass Herr Trump vor seinem Amtsantritt nur sehr wenig Einkommenssteuer gezahlt hatte."


Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Akiko- und Yomei-Studien und was sind Japan-Yomei-Studien?


Wie viel Geld kann ich verwenden, um einen japanischen Politiker zu "kaufen"? Ich habe versucht, die Korruptionsfälle der Vergangenheit zusammenzufassen!


Seit der Edo-Zeit gab es ein Gerücht, dass Tanuma Yoshiji ein schlechter Politiker war, der mit Geld schmutzig war, wie zum Beispiel Bestechungspolitik.


Wenn Sie ein wenig chinesische Geschichte betrachten, können Sie sehen, dass es sich um eine Geschichte handelt, die mit Bestechungsgeldern bedeckt ist.

Das Geben und Empfangen von Bestechungsgeldern ist auch in Japan weit verbreitet.

In einem Land wie Japan, in dem die Wirtschaftsindustrie überentwickelt ist

Japan wurde als eines der dreißig Länder bezeichnet (Release Rank der Statistik der Internationalen Wirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen).


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-10-15: Dear Sir, "Confucius Institute" is not the only "Chinese culture" to watch out for. The issue of Mr. Trump's tax payment has become big news.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-10-15: Dear Sir,

"Confucius Institute" is not the only "Chinese culture" to watch out for.

The issue of Mr. Trump's tax payment has become big news. 

What surprised me was that he thought he was the president of the "real estate king," 

but he actually earned money from "starring fees" and "consulting fees."

However, it seems that the United States, a democracy, did not earn money from "certain bribery"!

"Ren Zhiqiang" (69) is the real estate tycoon in China.

He is against Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping), and "openly", has continued to "criticism".

However, on September 22, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for "corruption, bribery, 

and embezzlement of public money." This is "likely" in China!

China begins with a bribe and ends with a bribe across "all" "fields."

This is Chinese culture. The same is true in Japan.

All politics and diplomacy in China and Japan are "bribery" diplomacy. 

Bribes in China and Japan are openly confidential.

This is undermining the just society of the world.

The international community should warn against "bribery diplomacy" in China and Japan.

Furthermore, it is necessary to be vigilant about the customs that arise 

from the "Confucian culture" of China and Japan, "Cheng-Zhu School".

Part 1

Mr. Ren Zhiqiang, a former chairman of the Huayuan Group, 

a state-owned real estate development company. He was called the real estate tycoon in China, 

but was sentenced to 18 years in prison for bribery and other reasons. 

He has also criticized President Xi Jinping as a "clown."

Human rights groups have alleged that Mr. Xi and the Communist Party are using allegations 

of corruption as a means of closing the mouth of critics.


Mr. Trump's tax payment problem / Alchemy of the "real estate king" virtual image / Question mark 

on the proud management skill!

Mr. Trump attacked the New York Times at a press conference on the 27th.

The Times of the New York "reported that Mr. Trump had paid very little income tax before taking office."


The difference between Cheng-Zhu and Yangmingism, what is Japan Yangmingism?


How much money can I spend to "buy" a Japanese politician? I tried to summarize the past corruption cases!


Since the Edo period, Tanuma Okitsugu has been rumored to have been a bad politician who was dirty with money, 

such as bribery politics.


A little bit of Chinese history reveals that it is a bribe-covered history.

Bribery is very widespread in Japan as well.

Among the countries with super-developed economy and industry like Japan, 

Japan is designated as one of the'dirty countries'

 (UN International Economic Organization statistical release rank).


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Useless resistance is unsightly! Good Americans leave Trump further! US President Trump appeals to the Supreme Court to avoid disclosure of tax records!

 To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

Useless resistance is unsightly! Good Americans leave Trump further!

US President Trump appeals to the Supreme Court to avoid disclosure of tax records!


2020-10-15: Dear Sir,

"Confucius Institute" is not the only "Chinese culture" to watch out for.

The issue of Mr. Trump's tax payment has become big news. 

What surprised me was that he thought he was the president of the "real estate king," 

but he actually earned money from "starring fees" and "consulting fees."

However, it seems that the United States, a democracy, did not earn money from "certain bribery"!

"Ren Zhiqiang" (69) is the real estate tycoon in China.

He is against Xi Jinping (Xi Jinping), and "openly", has continued to "criticism".

However, on September 22, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for "corruption, bribery, 

and embezzlement of public money." This is "likely" in China!

China begins with a bribe and ends with a bribe across "all" "fields."

This is Chinese culture. The same is true in Japan.

All politics and diplomacy in China and Japan are "bribery" diplomacy. 

Bribes in China and Japan are openly confidential.

This is undermining the just society of the world.

The international community should warn against "bribery diplomacy" in China and Japan.

Furthermore, it is necessary to be vigilant about the customs that arise 

from the "Confucian culture" of China and Japan, "Cheng-Zhu School".

Part 1

Mr. Ren Zhiqiang, a former chairman of the Huayuan Group, 

a state-owned real estate development company. He was called the real estate tycoon in China, 

but was sentenced to 18 years in prison for bribery and other reasons. 

He has also criticized President Xi Jinping as a "clown."

Human rights groups have alleged that Mr. Xi and the Communist Party are using allegations 

of corruption as a means of closing the mouth of critics.


Mr. Trump's tax payment problem / Alchemy of the "real estate king" virtual image / Question mark 

on the proud management skill!

Mr. Trump attacked the New York Times at a press conference on the 27th.

The Times of the New York "reported that Mr. Trump had paid very little income tax before taking office."


The difference between Cheng-Zhu and Yangmingism, what is Japan Yangmingism?


How much money can I spend to "buy" a Japanese politician? I tried to summarize the past corruption cases!


Since the Edo period, Tanuma Okitsugu has been rumored to have been a bad politician who was dirty with money, 

such as bribery politics.


A little bit of Chinese history reveals that it is a bribe-covered history.

Bribery is very widespread in Japan as well.

Among the countries with super-developed economy and industry like Japan, 

Japan is designated as one of the'dirty countries'

 (UN International Economic Organization statistical release rank).


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.


Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


2025-01-19:يجب على ترامب أن يلتقي "الرئيس شي جين بينغ والرئيس بوتن" فور توليه منصبه. وإذا أمكن، فيجب أن تكون "قمة ثلاثية".

 19 يناير 2025: طبعة الأحد. يجب أن تنتهي "هروب" "جيش تشيانج كاي شيك". أعتقد أنه بمجرد تشكيل "G3MA"، ستتوحد ...