
"Kim Jong-un Chairman" sollte den nächsten Präsidenten Byden bitten, ihn genauso zu behandeln wie Indien! Machen Sie eine "Anfrage", keine "Bedrohung"! Da Indien ein "wirtschaftliches Kraftwerk" sein will, hat es "Atomwaffen", beabsichtigt aber nicht, sich auf einen "Atomkrieg" einzulassen! "Atomwaffen" dienen der "Verteidigung" zur Vorbereitung der chinesischen Invasion.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten.

"Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig".

Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR".

Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7.

Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden.

Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind.

Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht.

Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich.

2021-01-18: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Nordkorea "Wenn die Vereinigten Staaten mit uns sprechen wollen, sollten wir feindliche Maßnahmen (wie Wirtschaftssanktionen) zurückziehen."

"Kim Jong-un Chairman" sollte schlauer sein!

Sie sollten eher einen "Traum haben, eine Wirtschaftsmacht zu werden" als einen "Traum, die Vereinigten Staaten zu schlagen" in einem Atomkrieg.

Der nächste Präsident Byden ist nicht so süß wie Mr. Trump.

Es wird die Belagerung Nordkoreas verstärken. In diesem Fall wird Nordkorea innerhalb von vier Jahren zusammenbrechen!

"Kim Jong-un Chairman" sollte den nächsten Präsidenten Byden bitten, ihn genauso zu behandeln wie Indien! Machen Sie eine "Anfrage", keine "Bedrohung"!

Da Indien ein "wirtschaftliches Kraftwerk" sein will, hat es "Atomwaffen", beabsichtigt aber nicht, sich auf einen "Atomkrieg" einzulassen!

"Atomwaffen" dienen der "Verteidigung" zur Vorbereitung der chinesischen Invasion.

Der Feind Nordkoreas ist historisch gesehen China! Nordkorea sollte sich mit den Vereinigten Staaten versöhnen und sich auf den Weg machen, ein "wirtschaftliches Kraftwerk" zu werden.

Das nordkoreanische Volk sollte Kleidung und verschiedene in Nordkorea hergestellte Waren direkt exportieren, damit Handelsgeschäfte von China nicht "ausgebeutet" werden.

Dazu sollten wir die "Alibaba Group", ein "B to B Handelsunternehmen" in China, "imitieren"!

"Kim Jong-un Chairman" sollte die Initiative ergreifen, um eine "nordkoreanische Version" von "B to B Trading Company" in Nordkorea zu etablieren.

"Kim Jong-un Chairman" kann ein "Millionär" sein.

Nordkorea wird die "Arbeitskraft" für die Herstellung von "Kleidung", "verschiedenen Waren" und "Mobiltelefonen" ausgehen.

Zu dieser Zeit sollte das südkoreanische Volk als "Arbeitsmigrant" akzeptiert werden.

Da Nordkorea über technologische Fähigkeiten verfügt, wird es bald zu einem "wirtschaftlichen Kraftwerk", das "mehr als Südkorea" ist. Dies kann auch von "Affen" verstanden werden.

Wenn Nordkorea eine "Wirtschaftsmacht" wird, sollten "Atomwaffen" zur "Vorbereitung" auf Chinas Invasion "zur Verteidigung" "gehalten" werden.

Dies sollte aus der Geschichte Nordkoreas gelernt werden. Nordkorea sollte aufhören, China für immer zu "schmeicheln".

Wir sollten ein stolzes "großes Land Korea" aufbauen.

Am 20. Januar sollte "Kim Jong-un Chairman" sofort "Maßnahmen" ergreifen!

Dieses Jahr wird ein glückliches Jahr für Nordkorea!

Teil 1 "Kim Jong-un Vorsitzender" "Die Vereinigten Staaten sind der größte Feind" Konfrontation mit der Byden-Administration auf dem Parteitag!

Nordkoreas Central News Agency sagte am 9., dass "Kim Jong-un Chairman" auf dem Parteitag vom 5. bis 7. einen allgemeinen Bericht vorlegte, in dem die Vereinigten Staaten aufgefordert wurden, Maßnahmen gegen die Feindseligkeit zurückzuziehen und ihre Nuklearstreitkräfte weiter zu stärken. Ich habe es dir gesagt.

"Kim Jong-un, Vorsitzender", sagte: "Egal, welche Art von Regierung in den Vereinigten Staaten geboren wird, die Substanz und die wahre Absicht werden sich nicht ändern", sagte er zum ersten Mal nach der Wahl des US-Präsidenten im November letzten Jahres.

Mit den Vereinigten Staaten als "größtem Feind" erklärte er seine Konfrontation mit der neuen Byden-Regierung, die am 20. November eingeführt wird.


28. Juni 1999 [1] Gegründet. Eine passende Website, die den unternehmensübergreifenden elektronischen Handel unterstützt.

"Alibaba.com (Alibaba.com)" versammelte viele Mitglieder und wuchs schnell in einem Augenblick.

Seitdem die E-Commerce-Website "Taobao.com", die Such-Website "Yahoo! China Masatora", der E-Geld-Service "Alipay" und das Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen "Alisoft"

Etablierte oder erworbene Unternehmen wie (derzeit fusioniert mit Alibaba.com und Alibaba Cloud Computing) und stellen sie unter ihr Dach.

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AA%E3%83%90%E3%83%90%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3 % 83% BC% E3% 83% 97

<Interne Untersuchung Nordkoreas> Verschwindende Seife, Hygieneartikel, Toilettenpapier, Sojasauce ... Das Auto bewegt sich nicht ohne Teile.

Was ist die Realität der von Corona gelähmten Wirtschaft?


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten für "Gefängnis" in "Verbrechen der Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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Hilf mir.

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North Korea "If the United States wants to talk to us, it should withdraw its hostile policies (such as economic sanctions)." Kim Jong Un should be smarter! Have a dream of becoming an "economic power" rather than having a "dream of winning the United States" in a nuclear war. President-elect Biden is not as sweet as Mr. Trump.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him.

"We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases".

Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR".

Please "pursue" Japan's "arbitrary" "human rights violations" at the United Nations and the G7.

If this is not done, the "death penalty system" will not disappear from Japan.

The G7 nations should teach the Japanese that "human rights" are important.

The Japanese government says it is "ineffective" in response to the UN report.

Economic sanctions on Japan are needed.

2021-01-18: Dear Sir,

North Korea "If the United States wants to talk to us, 

it should withdraw its hostile policies (such as economic sanctions)."

Kim Jong Un should be smarter! 

Have a dream of becoming an "economic power" rather than having a "dream of winning the United States" 

in a nuclear war. President-elect Biden is not as sweet as Mr. Trump. 

He will strengthen the siege of North Korea. 

If that happens, North Korea will collapse within four years!

Kim Jong Un should ask President-elect Biden to treat him the same as India! Make a request, not a threat!

India is aiming to be an "economic power", so it has "nuclear weapons" 

but does not intend to engage in a "nuclear war"! 

"Nuclear weapons" are for "defense" in preparation for the invasion of China.

The enemy of North Korea is historically China! North Korea should reconcile with the United States 

and go on the road to becoming an "economic power." 

The North Korean people should directly export clothing and miscellaneous goods produced 

in North Korea so that trade transactions will not be "exploited" by China.

To do that, we should "apprentice" the "Alibaba Group", a "B to B trading company" in China!

Kim Jong Un should take the initiative to establish a "North Korean version" of "B to B trading company" 

in North Korea.

Kim Jong Un can be a "millionaire".

Of course, the North Korean people will run out of "labor" to manufacture "clothing", "miscellaneous goods" 

and "mobile phones".

 At that time, accept the South Korean people as "labor immigrants."

North Korea will become an "economic powerhouse" more than "South Korea" because of its technological capabilities. 

This can also be understood by "monkeys".

If North Korea becomes an "economic power", 

"nuclear weapons" should be "held" in "defense" in preparation for China's invasion.

This should be learned from the history of North Korea. 

North Korea should stop "flattering" to China forever. We should build a proud "Great Korea". 

On January 20th, Kim Jong Un should act immediately! This year will be a lucky year for North Korea!

Part 1 Kim Jong Un "The United States is the biggest enemy" Confrontation 

with the Biden administration at the party convention

North Korea's Korean Central News Agency reported on the 9th that Kim Jong-un, 

the chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, 

gave a general report at the party convention on the 5th to 7th, 

demanding the United States to withdraw measures against hostility 

and saying that it would continue to strengthen its nuclear force. ..

Mr. Masaon said, "No matter what kind of government is born in the United States, 

the substance and the true intention will not change," 

he said for the first time after the election of the US president in November last year.

He made the United States the "biggest enemy" and clarified his confrontation with the new Biden administration, 

which will be launched on the 20th.


June 28, 1999 [1] Founded. A matching site that supports business-to-business electronic commerce.

"Alibaba.com (Alibaba.com)" gathered many members and grew rapidly in a blink of an eye.

Since then, the electronic commerce site "Taobao.com",

Established or acquired companies such as search site "Yahoo! China Masatora", 

electronic money service "Alipay", software development company "Alisoft" (currently merged 

with Alibaba.com and Alibaba Cloud Computing) Put it under the umbrella.


<North Korea internal investigation> Soap, sanitary napkins, toilet paper, soy sauce that have disappeared ... 

The car does not move without parts.

What is the reality of the economy paralyzed by corona?


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To the White House officials! I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office. President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case." "I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me. White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House! The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty." The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn. If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over.

 To the White House officials!

I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office.

President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case."

"I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me.

White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House!

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty."

The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn.

If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over.

Kim Jong Un becomes party general secretary (January 11, 2021)

The enemy of North Korea is historically China! 

North Korea should reconcile with the United States and go on the road to becoming an "economic power."


2021-01-18: Dear Sir,

North Korea "If the United States wants to talk to us, 

it should withdraw its hostile policies (such as economic sanctions)."

Kim Jong Un should be smarter! 

Have a dream of becoming an "economic power" rather than having a "dream of winning the United States" 

in a nuclear war. President-elect Biden is not as sweet as Mr. Trump. 

He will strengthen the siege of North Korea. 

If that happens, North Korea will collapse within four years!

Kim Jong Un should ask President-elect Biden to treat him the same as India! Make a request, not a threat!

India is aiming to be an "economic power", so it has "nuclear weapons" 

but does not intend to engage in a "nuclear war"! 

"Nuclear weapons" are for "defense" in preparation for the invasion of China.

The enemy of North Korea is historically China! North Korea should reconcile with the United States 

and go on the road to becoming an "economic power." 

The North Korean people should directly export clothing and miscellaneous goods produced 

in North Korea so that trade transactions will not be "exploited" by China.

To do that, we should "apprentice" the "Alibaba Group", a "B to B trading company" in China!

Kim Jong Un should take the initiative to establish a "North Korean version" of "B to B trading company" 

in North Korea.

Kim Jong Un can be a "millionaire".

Of course, the North Korean people will run out of "labor" to manufacture "clothing", "miscellaneous goods" 

and "mobile phones".

 At that time, accept the South Korean people as "labor immigrants."

North Korea will become an "economic powerhouse" more than "South Korea" because of its technological capabilities. 

This can also be understood by "monkeys".

If North Korea becomes an "economic power", 

"nuclear weapons" should be "held" in "defense" in preparation for China's invasion.

This should be learned from the history of North Korea. 

North Korea should stop "flattering" to China forever. We should build a proud "Great Korea". 

On January 20th, Kim Jong Un should act immediately! This year will be a lucky year for North Korea!

Part 1 Kim Jong Un "The United States is the biggest enemy" Confrontation 

with the Biden administration at the party convention

North Korea's Korean Central News Agency reported on the 9th that Kim Jong-un, 

the chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, 

gave a general report at the party convention on the 5th to 7th, 

demanding the United States to withdraw measures against hostility 

and saying that it would continue to strengthen its nuclear force. ..

Mr. Masaon said, "No matter what kind of government is born in the United States, 

the substance and the true intention will not change," 

he said for the first time after the election of the US president in November last year.

He made the United States the "biggest enemy" and clarified his confrontation with the new Biden administration, 

which will be launched on the 20th.


June 28, 1999 [1] Founded. A matching site that supports business-to-business electronic commerce.

"Alibaba.com (Alibaba.com)" gathered many members and grew rapidly in a blink of an eye.

Since then, the electronic commerce site "Taobao.com",

Established or acquired companies such as search site "Yahoo! China Masatora", 

electronic money service "Alipay", software development company "Alisoft" (currently merged 

with Alibaba.com and Alibaba Cloud Computing) Put it under the umbrella.


<North Korea internal investigation> Soap, sanitary napkins, toilet paper, soy sauce that have disappeared ... 

The car does not move without parts.

What is the reality of the economy paralyzed by corona?


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



I think that "the prospect of development" will be established in half a year, and mass-produced products will be shipped within the year. The "corona diagnostic device" should be distributed free of charge by the government. Developed countries should distribute to developing countries free of charge.

 January 17, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

National leaders should listen to my suggestions seriously.

Mankind is losing to the "new corona". Human health should be our top priority. 

But economic activity should be the second priority. Mankind has lost its ideals. 

We must balance health and economy.

For that purpose, human beings should develop a device 

that can instantly determine the "infected person of the new corona" 

in order to activate economic activities and "coexist with the new corona".

It is a "corona diagnosis device" that instantly judges "corona diagnosis" like a "thermal camera (thermography)".

Of course, it is a low-priced device. You don't have to "stick" to your PCR testing system.

Last year, Canon Medical released an "examination kit" that enables "corona diagnosis" in as little as 4 minutes. 

However, this system is not enough. You need an instant system.

We will create a "mechanism that can instantly exclude infected people" 

in order to "live together" with the "new corona".

This is to enjoy "dining", "watching games", "watching plays", etc. 

without wearing a "corona infection prevention mask".

for that reason. Every time, at the entrance of the "facility", 

you will be automatically diagnosed with the "corona diagnosis device".

And even when you leave, it will be automatically diagnosed by the "corona diagnosis device".

By discovering the "corona infected person" in this way, the infected person is quickly quarantined.

This will allow the "non-infected" to continue their normal daily activities.

This "corona diagnostic device" has a different purpose than the "corona vaccine".

The "US and allies" should fund development, create multiple development teams, and compete for development.

If it is "technical capabilities of developed countries", 

I think that "the prospect of development" will be established in half a year, 

and mass-produced products will be shipped within the year.

The "corona diagnostic device" should be distributed free of charge by the government. 

Developed countries should distribute to developing countries free of charge.

Part 1 Thermography (English: thermography) is an image 

that analyzes infrared rays emitted from an object and shows the heat distribution as a diagram, 

and a device that performs it.

Canon Medical Systems will announce on December 8, 2020,

The company announced that it will release an antigen test kit in Japan 

that diagnoses infection with the new coronavirus in as little as 4 minutes.

In collaboration with Yokohama City University, 

we have developed a kit that can be judged in a short time using our high-sensitivity inspection equipment.

The price is 60,000 yen excluding tax for 10 people per set of kit,

The inspection equipment will be "rented" for an annual tax of 30,000 yen.

Expected to be introduced at medical institutions and airports.


Shimadzu releases PCR test equipment ... 1.9 million yen, half price made by other companies

Results will be known in a minimum of about 90 minutes

Shimadzu Corporation has released a fully automatic PCR test device 

that confirms whether or not it is infected with the new coronavirus. 

The price is about half that of other companies' products, 

making it easier for small and medium-sized medical institutions to introduce.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


We will create a "mechanism that can instantly exclude infected people" in order to "live together" with the "new corona". This is to enjoy "dining", "watching games", "watching plays", etc.

 January 17, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

National leaders should listen to my suggestions seriously.

Mankind is losing to the "new corona". Human health should be our top priority. 

But economic activity should be the second priority. Mankind has lost its ideals. 

We must balance health and economy.

For that purpose, human beings should develop a device 

that can instantly determine the "infected person of the new corona" 

in order to activate economic activities and "coexist with the new corona".

It is a "corona diagnosis device" that instantly judges "corona diagnosis" like a "thermal camera (thermography)".

Of course, it is a low-priced device. You don't have to "stick" to your PCR testing system.

Last year, Canon Medical released an "examination kit" that enables "corona diagnosis" in as little as 4 minutes. 

However, this system is not enough. You need an instant system.

We will create a "mechanism that can instantly exclude infected people" 

in order to "live together" with the "new corona".

This is to enjoy "dining", "watching games", "watching plays", etc. 

without wearing a "corona infection prevention mask".

for that reason. Every time, at the entrance of the "facility", 

you will be automatically diagnosed with the "corona diagnosis device".

And even when you leave, it will be automatically diagnosed by the "corona diagnosis device".

By discovering the "corona infected person" in this way, the infected person is quickly quarantined.

This will allow the "non-infected" to continue their normal daily activities.

This "corona diagnostic device" has a different purpose than the "corona vaccine".

The "US and allies" should fund development, create multiple development teams, and compete for development.

If it is "technical capabilities of developed countries", 

I think that "the prospect of development" will be established in half a year, 

and mass-produced products will be shipped within the year.

The "corona diagnostic device" should be distributed free of charge by the government. 

Developed countries should distribute to developing countries free of charge.

Part 1 Thermography (English: thermography) is an image 

that analyzes infrared rays emitted from an object and shows the heat distribution as a diagram, 

and a device that performs it.

Canon Medical Systems will announce on December 8, 2020,

The company announced that it will release an antigen test kit in Japan 

that diagnoses infection with the new coronavirus in as little as 4 minutes.

In collaboration with Yokohama City University, 

we have developed a kit that can be judged in a short time using our high-sensitivity inspection equipment.

The price is 60,000 yen excluding tax for 10 people per set of kit,

The inspection equipment will be "rented" for an annual tax of 30,000 yen.

Expected to be introduced at medical institutions and airports.


Shimadzu releases PCR test equipment ... 1.9 million yen, half price made by other companies

Results will be known in a minimum of about 90 minutes

Shimadzu Corporation has released a fully automatic PCR test device 

that confirms whether or not it is infected with the new coronavirus. 

The price is about half that of other companies' products, 

making it easier for small and medium-sized medical institutions to introduce.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


National leaders should listen to my suggestions seriously. Mankind is losing to the "new corona". Human health should be our top priority. But economic activity should be the second priority. Mankind has lost its ideals. We must balance health and economy.

 January 17, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

National leaders should listen to my suggestions seriously.

Mankind is losing to the "new corona". Human health should be our top priority. 

But economic activity should be the second priority. Mankind has lost its ideals. 

We must balance health and economy.

For that purpose, human beings should develop a device 

that can instantly determine the "infected person of the new corona" 

in order to activate economic activities and "coexist with the new corona".

It is a "corona diagnosis device" that instantly judges "corona diagnosis" like a "thermal camera (thermography)".

Of course, it is a low-priced device. You don't have to "stick" to your PCR testing system.

Last year, Canon Medical released an "examination kit" that enables "corona diagnosis" in as little as 4 minutes. 

However, this system is not enough. You need an instant system.

We will create a "mechanism that can instantly exclude infected people" 

in order to "live together" with the "new corona".

This is to enjoy "dining", "watching games", "watching plays", etc. 

without wearing a "corona infection prevention mask".

for that reason. Every time, at the entrance of the "facility", 

you will be automatically diagnosed with the "corona diagnosis device".

And even when you leave, it will be automatically diagnosed by the "corona diagnosis device".

By discovering the "corona infected person" in this way, the infected person is quickly quarantined.

This will allow the "non-infected" to continue their normal daily activities.

This "corona diagnostic device" has a different purpose than the "corona vaccine".

The "US and allies" should fund development, create multiple development teams, and compete for development.

If it is "technical capabilities of developed countries", 

I think that "the prospect of development" will be established in half a year, 

and mass-produced products will be shipped within the year.

The "corona diagnostic device" should be distributed free of charge by the government. 

Developed countries should distribute to developing countries free of charge.

Part 1 Thermography (English: thermography) is an image 

that analyzes infrared rays emitted from an object and shows the heat distribution as a diagram, 

and a device that performs it.

Canon Medical Systems will announce on December 8, 2020,

The company announced that it will release an antigen test kit in Japan 

that diagnoses infection with the new coronavirus in as little as 4 minutes.

In collaboration with Yokohama City University, 

we have developed a kit that can be judged in a short time using our high-sensitivity inspection equipment.

The price is 60,000 yen excluding tax for 10 people per set of kit,

The inspection equipment will be "rented" for an annual tax of 30,000 yen.

Expected to be introduced at medical institutions and airports.


Shimadzu releases PCR test equipment ... 1.9 million yen, half price made by other companies

Results will be known in a minimum of about 90 minutes

Shimadzu Corporation has released a fully automatic PCR test device 

that confirms whether or not it is infected with the new coronavirus. 

The price is about half that of other companies' products, 

making it easier for small and medium-sized medical institutions to introduce.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

 Mr. Biden, economic measures 200 trillion yen, cash benefits added by $ 1,400 per person


January 16, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

We should protect an "equal society" that respects the freedom, 

democracy and human rights that humanity has historically won.

The United States and its allies need to win the economic war with China. 

To that end, it is necessary to promote "technological innovation." 

The center of "technological innovation" has been led by "new companies = SMEs". 

This can be seen in the postwar economic history of the United States, Europe and Japan.

Recently, the US "GAFA" and "Tembagger" have proved their achievements.

Leaders of developed countries other than Japan's "Suga administration" fully understand this 

and are strengthening "cultivation of entrepreneurs" and support measures for SMEs.

 (Japan is said to halve SMEs with the advice of British people).

But UK SMEs account for 99%, which is more than Japan. The UK promotes "entrepreneurship" 

and fosters SMEs. I think this is the "distant cause" of Britain's prosperity.

What I'm interested in is that successful people aren't graduates of top universities.

The founders of successful post-war Japanese companies are not graduates of top universities either.

Europe and the United States of "fundamental" comfort "education" 

and Asia of "war-type education centered on memorization to pass the exam".

Speaking of which, Korea's exam war is famous, but there are no Nobel laureates.

French universities do not have their own entrance exams, so you can enter 

by submitting an application to the university you want to go to. However, 

the lessons are extremely strict and the content is advanced, 

so the test results will make you "repeat a year". It's an ideal system of equality.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens who have fought 

for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.

It is a country that people long for. I think France is the country that can beat China.

In India, there are many "young people in the IT society" who break through the "caste society". 

If France teams up with India, 

I think both countries will become economic powers "more than the United States and China."

I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities 

and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

Part 1 The main thing in talking about the history of France is the French Revolution 

that occurred between 1789 and 1799.

The French Revolution was the most representative civil revolution in the history of the world, 

beginning with the aristocratic rebellion against the kingship 

and developing into a revolution involving the "whole citizen".

It began with a raid on Bastille and evolved into the abolition of feudal privileges 

and the declaration of human rights.

France was a victorious country in World War II, but it suffered considerable war damage.

The "territory" and finances deteriorated, 

and the "many" colonies in the 17th century became almost independent in 1960.

The 1st to 5th Republics have been carried out, and various changes have been made to win freedom.

At present, France, which has succumbed to terrorism 

and maintains the dignity of being the number one country in Europe, 

can be said to be a country that is doing its best.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens 

who have fought for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.


Examples of industry-academia collaboration efforts in the field of human resource development in each country


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


We should protect an "equal society" that respects the freedom, democracy and human rights that humanity has historically won. The United States and its allies need to win the economic war with China.

 Mr. Biden, economic measures 200 trillion yen, cash benefits added by $ 1,400 per person


January 16, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

We should protect an "equal society" that respects the freedom, 

democracy and human rights that humanity has historically won.

The United States and its allies need to win the economic war with China. 

To that end, it is necessary to promote "technological innovation." 

The center of "technological innovation" has been led by "new companies = SMEs". 

This can be seen in the postwar economic history of the United States, Europe and Japan.

Recently, the US "GAFA" and "Tembagger" have proved their achievements.

Leaders of developed countries other than Japan's "Suga administration" fully understand this 

and are strengthening "cultivation of entrepreneurs" and support measures for SMEs.

 (Japan is said to halve SMEs with the advice of British people).

But UK SMEs account for 99%, which is more than Japan. The UK promotes "entrepreneurship" 

and fosters SMEs. I think this is the "distant cause" of Britain's prosperity.

What I'm interested in is that successful people aren't graduates of top universities.

The founders of successful post-war Japanese companies are not graduates of top universities either.

Europe and the United States of "fundamental" comfort "education" 

and Asia of "war-type education centered on memorization to pass the exam".

Speaking of which, Korea's exam war is famous, but there are no Nobel laureates.

French universities do not have their own entrance exams, so you can enter 

by submitting an application to the university you want to go to. However, 

the lessons are extremely strict and the content is advanced, 

so the test results will make you "repeat a year". It's an ideal system of equality.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens who have fought 

for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.

It is a country that people long for. I think France is the country that can beat China.

In India, there are many "young people in the IT society" who break through the "caste society". 

If France teams up with India, 

I think both countries will become economic powers "more than the United States and China."

I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities 

and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

Part 1 The main thing in talking about the history of France is the French Revolution 

that occurred between 1789 and 1799.

The French Revolution was the most representative civil revolution in the history of the world, 

beginning with the aristocratic rebellion against the kingship 

and developing into a revolution involving the "whole citizen".

It began with a raid on Bastille and evolved into the abolition of feudal privileges 

and the declaration of human rights.

France was a victorious country in World War II, but it suffered considerable war damage.

The "territory" and finances deteriorated, 

and the "many" colonies in the 17th century became almost independent in 1960.

The 1st to 5th Republics have been carried out, and various changes have been made to win freedom.

At present, France, which has succumbed to terrorism 

and maintains the dignity of being the number one country in Europe, 

can be said to be a country that is doing its best.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens 

who have fought for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.


Examples of industry-academia collaboration efforts in the field of human resource development in each country


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Mr. Biden, economic measures 200 trillion yen, cash benefits added by $ 1,400 per person

 Mr. Biden, economic measures 200 trillion yen, cash benefits added by $ 1,400 per person


January 16, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

We should protect an "equal society" that respects the freedom, 

democracy and human rights that humanity has historically won.

The United States and its allies need to win the economic war with China. 

To that end, it is necessary to promote "technological innovation." 

The center of "technological innovation" has been led by "new companies = SMEs". 

This can be seen in the postwar economic history of the United States, Europe and Japan.

Recently, the US "GAFA" and "Tembagger" have proved their achievements.

Leaders of developed countries other than Japan's "Suga administration" fully understand this 

and are strengthening "cultivation of entrepreneurs" and support measures for SMEs.

 (Japan is said to halve SMEs with the advice of British people).

But UK SMEs account for 99%, which is more than Japan. The UK promotes "entrepreneurship" 

and fosters SMEs. I think this is the "distant cause" of Britain's prosperity.

What I'm interested in is that successful people aren't graduates of top universities.

The founders of successful post-war Japanese companies are not graduates of top universities either.

Europe and the United States of "fundamental" comfort "education" 

and Asia of "war-type education centered on memorization to pass the exam".

Speaking of which, Korea's exam war is famous, but there are no Nobel laureates.

French universities do not have their own entrance exams, so you can enter 

by submitting an application to the university you want to go to. However, 

the lessons are extremely strict and the content is advanced, 

so the test results will make you "repeat a year". It's an ideal system of equality.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens who have fought 

for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.

It is a country that people long for. I think France is the country that can beat China.

In India, there are many "young people in the IT society" who break through the "caste society". 

If France teams up with India, 

I think both countries will become economic powers "more than the United States and China."

I think that each country can be enriched if it gives young people equal opportunities 

and makes efforts in the "hungry spirit".

Part 1 The main thing in talking about the history of France is the French Revolution 

that occurred between 1789 and 1799.

The French Revolution was the most representative civil revolution in the history of the world, 

beginning with the aristocratic rebellion against the kingship 

and developing into a revolution involving the "whole citizen".

It began with a raid on Bastille and evolved into the abolition of feudal privileges 

and the declaration of human rights.

France was a victorious country in World War II, but it suffered considerable war damage.

The "territory" and finances deteriorated, 

and the "many" colonies in the 17th century became almost independent in 1960.

The 1st to 5th Republics have been carried out, and various changes have been made to win freedom.

At present, France, which has succumbed to terrorism 

and maintains the dignity of being the number one country in Europe, 

can be said to be a country that is doing its best.

France is a country where you can feel the spirit of the citizens 

who have fought for a free country even though they are at the mercy of the king's wealth and power.


Examples of industry-academia collaboration efforts in the field of human resource development in each country


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Government of Japan has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



Lorsqu'il est exclu des directives du ministère de la Justice pour protéger le "président sortant"! Si le pouvoir judiciaire ne peut pas «poursuivre» M. Trump La faction anti-Trump sera à nouveau découragée.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que Carlos Gone n'était pas coupable. Et le groupe de travail demande au Japon de lui verser une compensation.

«Nous» sommes également complètement «innocents» dans les «cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration».

Veuillez soutenir notre "poursuite" contre "ICC" et "HCDH".

Veuillez «poursuivre» les «violations des droits de l'homme» «arbitraires» du Japon aux Nations Unies et au G7.

Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU.

Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires.

2021-01-15: Cher Monsieur,

En cette nouvelle année, le Japon et les États-Unis "ne peuvent pas quitter les yeux" dans le "jugement de justice" contre l'ancien Premier ministre Abe et l'ancien président Trump!

Le Japon et les États-Unis devraient montrer un exemple de "gouvernement conformément à la loi".

Concernant le "problème de visualisation des cerisiers en fleurs" de M. Abe, le parti d'opposition continuera de solliciter l'assignation de témoin de M. Abe, affirmant que les doutes n'ont pas été dissipés.

Aux États-Unis, un certain nombre de poursuites judiciaires attendent le départ à la retraite du président Trump. Peut-être coupable en rapport avec les «affaires» du «clan»!

Le numéro de la soirée d'observation des fleurs de cerisier est une série de problèmes entourant la soirée d'observation des fleurs de cerisier organisée par le Premier ministre japonais. Il a fait surface en mai 2019.

M. Trump est le président le plus «scandalisé» de tous les temps, avec «harcèlement sexuel», «témoignage d'agression sexuelle», «organisation Trump», «suspicion sur le paiement des impôts», etc. contre les femmes découverts avant l'élection.

Lorsqu'il est exclu des directives du ministère de la Justice pour protéger le "président sortant"!

Si le pouvoir judiciaire ne peut pas «poursuivre» M. Trump

La faction anti-Trump sera à nouveau découragée.

Partie 1 Un rassemblement social pour la "Sakura Viewing Party". L'ancien Premier ministre Abe s'excuse, mais l'opposition continue de le poursuivre!

L'ancien Premier ministre Abe a présenté ses excuses au comité directeur des deux chambres des représentants le 25 pour la question du rassemblement social tenu la nuit avant le "Sakura Viewing Party", affirmant que les réponses passées étaient différentes des faits. J'ai répondu aux questions de chaque parti.


Il est peu probable que la question de la soirée d'observation des fleurs de cerisier soit résolue.

C'est le comité du budget de la Chambre des représentants le 8 novembre qui a attiré l'attention sur cette soirée d'observation des cerisiers en fleurs.

Le sénateur Tomoko Tamura du Parti communiste a souligné qu'un grand nombre de personnes impliquées dans l'association des partisans, y compris le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe, ont été invitées, et a souligné que les critères de sélection des invités étaient ambigus.


Problème de rencontre pour voir les fleurs de cerisier

Principaux problèmes, invitation de supporters / personnes liées, animation des supporters en utilisant les taxes, implication de Mme Akie Abe, invitation des membres de l'assemblée préfectorale, liste d'invitation et gestion des documents officiels, veille de la visite des cerisiers en fleur, Rapport sur le solde des fonds politiques,

Réponse, Shinzo Abe, Premier ministre. Secrétaire d'État Yoshiyoshi Suga, ministre du Développement régional Kitamura. Participation de forces antisociales, relation avec Japan Life, des avocats dans tout le pays ont accusé le Département des enquêtes spéciales de l'inspection du district de Tokyo

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A1%9C%E3%82%92%E8%A6%8B%E3%82%8B%E4%BC%9A%E5%95%8F%E9 % A1% 8C

Un certain nombre de poursuites en attente après la retraite du président Trump.

Il pourrait être coupable de l'affaire "Trump Clan"!

Le président sortant est "spécialement" protégé par les directives du ministère de la Justice selon lesquelles des poursuites pénales ne sont pas possibles.

Bien entendu, ce traitement particulier ne s'applique pas s'il devient une «personne générale».


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous "Prison" dans "Crime of Supporting Immigration Control Violation" en 2010





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

In den Vereinigten Staaten warten nach dem Rücktritt von Präsident Trump eine Reihe von Klagen auf Sie. Möglicherweise schuldig im Zusammenhang mit dem "Geschäft" des "Clans"!

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten.

"Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig".

Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR".

Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7.

Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden.

Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind.

Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht.

Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich.

2021-01-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Im neuen Jahr können Japan und die Vereinigten Staaten im "Urteil der Gerechtigkeit" gegen den ehemaligen Premierminister Abe und den ehemaligen Präsidenten Trump "nicht die Augen abwenden"!

Sowohl Japan als auch die Vereinigten Staaten sollten eine Stichprobe von "Regierung nach dem Gesetz" zeigen.

In Bezug auf Mr. Abes "Problem der Betrachtung von Kirschblüten" wird die Oppositionspartei weiterhin die Zeugenaufforderung von Mr. Abe einholen und sagen, dass die Zweifel nicht ausgeräumt wurden.

In den Vereinigten Staaten warten nach dem Rücktritt von Präsident Trump eine Reihe von Klagen auf Sie. Möglicherweise schuldig im Zusammenhang mit dem "Geschäft" des "Clans"!

Die Ausgabe der Kirschblüten-Party ist eine Reihe von Themen rund um die Kirschblüten-Party, die vom japanischen Premierminister veranstaltet wird. Es tauchte im Mai 2019 auf.

Herr Trump ist der "skandalöseste" Präsident aller Zeiten mit "sexueller Belästigung", "Zeugnis sexueller Übergriffe", "Trump-Organisation", "Verdacht auf Steuerzahlung" usw. gegen Frauen, die vor der Wahl entdeckt wurden.

Wenn von den Richtlinien des Justizministeriums zum Schutz des "amtierenden Präsidenten" ausgeschlossen!

Wenn die Justiz Herrn Trump nicht "strafrechtlich verfolgen" kann

Die Anti-Trump-Fraktion wird erneut entmutigt.

Teil 1 Ein geselliges Beisammensein für die "Sakura Viewing Party". Der frühere Premierminister Abe entschuldigt sich, aber die Opposition verfolgt es weiter!

Der frühere Premierminister Abe entschuldigte sich am 25. im Lenkungsausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses beider Repräsentantenhäuser für die Frage des sozialen Treffens in der Nacht vor dem "Sakura-miru-kai" und sagte, dass die Antworten der Vergangenheit von den Fakten abweichen. Ich beantwortete die Fragen jeder Partei.


Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass das Problem der Kirschblüten-Party gelöst wird.

Es war der Haushaltsausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses am 8. November, der die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Kirschblüten-Party lenkte.

Senator Tomoko Tamura von der Kommunistischen Partei wies darauf hin, dass eine große Anzahl von Personen, die an der Unterstützervereinigung beteiligt waren, einschließlich Premierminister Shinzo Abe, eingeladen wurden, und wies darauf hin, dass die Kriterien für die Auswahl der eingeladenen Gäste nicht eindeutig seien.


Treffen Problem, um Kirschblüten zu sehen

Hauptprobleme, Einladung von Unterstützern / verwandten Personen, Unterhaltung für Unterstützer mit Steuern, Beteiligung von Frau Akie Abe, Einladung von Mitgliedern der Präfekturversammlung, Einladungsliste und offizielle Dokumentenverwaltung, Vorabend der Kirschblütenbetrachtung, Bilanzbericht über politische Fonds,

Antworte, Shinzo Abe, Premierminister. Staatssekretär Yoshiyoshi Suga, Minister für regionale Entwicklung Kitamura. Beteiligung von asozialen Kräften, Beziehung zu Japan Life, Anwälte im ganzen Land beschuldigten die Sonderuntersuchungsabteilung des Bezirks Tokio

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A1%9C%E3%82%92%E8%A6%8B%E3%82%8B%E4%BC%9A%E5%95%8F%E9 % A1% 8C

Eine Reihe von Klagen warten darauf, dass Präsident Trump in den Ruhestand geht.

Er könnte sich des "Trump Clan" -Geschäfts schuldig machen!

Der amtierende Präsident ist nach den Richtlinien des Justizministeriums "besonders" geschützt, dass eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung nicht möglich ist.

Natürlich gilt diese Sonderbehandlung nicht, wenn er eine "allgemeine Person" wird.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten für "Gefängnis" in "Verbrechen der Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

In the New Year, Japan and the United States say "cannot take one's eyes off" in the "judiciary judgment" against former Prime Minister Abe and former President Trump! Both Japan and the United States should show a sample of "government under the law."

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him.

"We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases".

Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR".

Please "pursue" Japan's "arbitrary" "human rights violations" at the United Nations and the G7.

If this is not done, the "death penalty system" will not disappear from Japan.

The G7 nations should teach the Japanese that "human rights" are important.

The Japanese government says it is "ineffective" in response to the UN report.

Economic sanctions on Japan are needed.

2021-01-15: Dear Sir,

In the New Year, Japan and the United States say "cannot take one's eyes off" 

in the "judiciary judgment" against former Prime Minister Abe and former President Trump!

Both Japan and the United States should show a sample of "government under the law."

Regarding Mr. Abe's "Sakura wo Miru Kai problem," 

the opposition party will continue to seek Mr. Abe's witness summons, 

saying that his doubts have not been dispelled.

In the United States, a number of proceedings await after President Trump retires. 

Possibly guilty in connection with the "business" of the "clan"!

The Sakura wo Miru Kai issue is a series of issues surrounding the Sakura wo Miru Kai hosted 

by the Prime Minister of Japan. It surfaced in May 2019.

Mr. Trump is the most "scandal-covered" president of all time, with "sexual harassment," "testimony of sexual assault," "Trump organization," and "suspicions over tax payments" against women discovered before the election.

When you deviate from the guidelines of the Department of Justice to protect the "incumbent president"!

Even if he becomes a "general American," anti-Trumps will be discouraged again if the judiciary cannot "prosecute" him.

Part 1 A social gathering for the "Sakura wo Miru Kai". 

Former Prime Minister Abe apologizes, but the opposition continues to pursue it!

Former Prime Minister Abe apologized at the House Steering Committee of both Houses 

of Representatives on the 25th for the issue of the social gathering held the night before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai",

saying that the past answers were different from the facts. 

I answered the questions of each party.


The issue of the cherry blossom viewing party is unlikely to be resolved.

It was the House of Councilors Budget Committee 

on November 8th that attracted attention to this cherry blossom viewing party.

The Communist Party's House of Councilors Tomoko Tamura pointed out that many members of the supporters' association, 

including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, were invited, 

and questioned the ambiguous criteria for selecting invited guests.


Meeting problem to see cherry blossoms

Main problems, invitation of supporters / related persons, entertainment to supporters using taxes, involvement of Mrs. Akie Abe, invitation of prefectural assembly members, invitation list and official document management, 

eve of cherry blossom viewing, Political Funds Balance Report, Answers, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. 

Yoshihide Suga, Secretary of State, Minister for Regional Creation, Kitamura. 

Participation of antisocial forces, relation to Japan Life, 

lawyers nationwide accused Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A1%9C%E3%82%92%E8%A6%8B%E3%82%8B%E4%BC%9A%E5%95%8F%E9 % A1% 8C

A number of proceedings awaiting after President Trump retires.

He could be guilty in connection with the "Trump Clan" business!

The incumbent president is "specially" protected under the Department of Justice's guidelines 

that criminal charges cannot be prosecuted.

Of course, this special treatment does not apply if he becomes a "general person".


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Impeachment charge for President Trump's dismissal passed by the US House of Representatives, second time during his term The focus will be on how much Republican support can be obtained and trends in domestic public opinion.

 To the White House officials!

I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office.

President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case."

"I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me.

White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House!

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty."

The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn.

If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over.

Impeachment charge for President Trump's dismissal passed by the US House of Representatives, 

second time during his term

The focus will be on how much Republican support can be obtained and trends in domestic public opinion.


2021-01-15: Dear Sir,

In the New Year, Japan and the United States say "cannot take one's eyes off" 

in the "judiciary judgment" against former Prime Minister Abe and former President Trump!

Both Japan and the United States should show a sample of "government under the law."

Regarding Mr. Abe's "Sakura wo Miru Kai problem," 

the opposition party will continue to seek Mr. Abe's witness summons, 

saying that his doubts have not been dispelled.

In the United States, a number of proceedings await after President Trump retires. 

Possibly guilty in connection with the "business" of the "clan"!

The Sakura wo Miru Kai issue is a series of issues surrounding the Sakura wo Miru Kai hosted 

by the Prime Minister of Japan. It surfaced in May 2019.

Mr. Trump is the most "scandal-covered" president of all time, with "sexual harassment," "testimony of sexual assault," "Trump organization," and "suspicions over tax payments" against women discovered before the election.

When you deviate from the guidelines of the Department of Justice to protect the "incumbent president"!

Even if he becomes a "general American," anti-Trumps will be discouraged again if the judiciary cannot "prosecute" him.

Part 1 A social gathering for the "Sakura wo Miru Kai". 

Former Prime Minister Abe apologizes, but the opposition continues to pursue it!

Former Prime Minister Abe apologized at the House Steering Committee of both Houses 

of Representatives on the 25th for the issue of the social gathering held the night before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai",

saying that the past answers were different from the facts. 

I answered the questions of each party.


The issue of the cherry blossom viewing party is unlikely to be resolved.

It was the House of Councilors Budget Committee 

on November 8th that attracted attention to this cherry blossom viewing party.

The Communist Party's House of Councilors Tomoko Tamura pointed out that many members of the supporters' association, 

including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, were invited, 

and questioned the ambiguous criteria for selecting invited guests.


Meeting problem to see cherry blossoms

Main problems, invitation of supporters / related persons, entertainment to supporters using taxes, involvement of Mrs. Akie Abe, invitation of prefectural assembly members, invitation list and official document management, 

eve of cherry blossom viewing, Political Funds Balance Report, Answers, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. 

Yoshihide Suga, Secretary of State, Minister for Regional Creation, Kitamura. 

Participation of antisocial forces, relation to Japan Life, 

lawyers nationwide accused Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A1%9C%E3%82%92%E8%A6%8B%E3%82%8B%E4%BC%9A%E5%95%8F%E9 % A1% 8C

A number of proceedings awaiting after President Trump retires.

He could be guilty in connection with the "Trump Clan" business!

The incumbent president is "specially" protected under the Department of Justice's guidelines 

that criminal charges cannot be prosecuted.

Of course, this special treatment does not apply if he becomes a "general person".


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Les responsables suisses ont déclaré le 30: "Il est difficile de penser à une relation causale". .. .. .. Alors inoculons!


Au président français Emmanuel Macron

Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que Carlos Gone n'était pas coupable. Et le groupe de travail demande au Japon de lui verser une compensation.

«Nous» sommes également complètement «innocents» dans les «cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration».

Veuillez soutenir notre "poursuite" contre "ICC" et "HCDH".

Veuillez «poursuivre» les «violations des droits de l'homme» «arbitraires» du Japon aux Nations Unies et au G7.

Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU.

Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires.

2021-01-14: Cher Monsieur,

Après la vaccination, "Merci de ne pas boire" d'alcool "pendant 2 mois"!

Je dirais ça aussi! "Je te deteste."

«Il y a peu de base scientifique», «alors l'inoculation est impossible» et «cela semble être malsain si vous ne buvez pas».

Lorsque le gouvernement russe a appelé à "éviter de boire pendant deux mois" lors de l'inoculation du vaccin domestique "Spoutnik V" du nouveau virus corona, il y a eu une série de voix telles que SNS.

La Russie est également un producteur mondial de vodka, et il semble que les partis de gauche aient réagi.

Les autorités envisagent d'élargir prochainement la cible de l'inoculation aux personnes âgées et sont poursuivies par des "extincteurs d'incendie" tels que "Si seulement une tasse, il n'y a pas de problème".

En Suisse, une personne âgée qui a reçu un nouveau vaccin contre le coronavirus développé conjointement par le géant pharmaceutique américain Pfizer et l'entreprise pharmaceutique allemande BioNTech est décédée cinq jours plus tard.

Les responsables suisses ont déclaré le 30: "Il est difficile de penser à une relation causale". .. .. .. Alors inoculons!

Partie 1 Russie, "Arrêtez de boire" pendant 2 mois après la vaccination. Les citoyens se sont plaints!

Popova, secrétaire de l'Agence de la consommation de la Fédération de Russie, a exhorté ceux qui reçoivent le nouveau vaccin contre le coronavirus du pays "Spoutnik V" à s'abstenir de boire pendant environ deux mois.

L'abstinence devrait commencer au moins deux semaines avant la vaccination et se poursuivre pendant 42 jours après la vaccination, a-t-il déclaré à la radio locale Komsomoriskaya Prouda.

Le Spoutnik V a déjà été administré à des médecins, des soldats et des enseignants, et une vaccination à grande échelle devrait commencer dans tout le pays au cours de cette semaine. L'inoculation sera administrée deux fois avec une période de 21 jours.

Elena Cribben, qui vit dans la capitale Moscou, a déclaré: «Il est impossible que vous ne puissiez pas boire pendant 80 jours.

Surtout si vous ne pouvez pas le prendre au moment de la célébration, vous serez stressé et ce sera pire que le vaccin (effet secondaire). "


C'était controversé le 4, la veille du début de l'inoculation au Japon.

Le vice-premier ministre chargé des mesures contre la nouvelle couronne a demandé lors d'une conférence de presse de "limiter la consommation d'alcool pendant 42 jours après l'inoculation".

Le 8, un haut fonctionnaire de la santé a déclaré: "Vous devriez arrêter de boire pendant deux semaines avant l'inoculation", et il y avait une large acceptation parmi le public qu'il serait forcé de s'abstenir de boire pendant environ deux mois.

Spoutnik V est perfusé deux fois avec un intervalle de 21 jours. Compte tenu du moment où l'anticorps est produit, il semble que l'intention soit de s'abstenir de boire et de renforcer l'effet.

Selon Tas News, le directeur de l'Institut national de recherche, qui a développé Spoutnik V, a déclaré qu'une coupe de champagne, souvent bu au fil des ans en Russie, "ne nuit pas à l'inoculation".

Les fonctionnaires essaient de corriger le cours, par exemple en autorisant une quantité appropriée de boisson.


Un homme de 91 ans est décédé 5 jours après la vaccination "Il est difficile de penser à une relation causale"

Une personne âgée qui a reçu un nouveau vaccin contre le coronavirus développé conjointement par le géant pharmaceutique américain Pfizer et l'entreprise pharmaceutique allemande BioNTech est décédée cinq jours plus tard en Suisse.

Les responsables suisses ont annoncé hier que la mort était "extrêmement peu probable" associée aux vaccins.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous "Prison" dans "Crime of Supporting Immigration Control Violation" en 2010





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden. Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten.

"Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig".

Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR".

Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7.

Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden.

Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind.

Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht.

Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich.

2021-01-14: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Nach der Impfung "Bitte 2 Monate lang keinen Alkohol trinken"!

Das würde ich auch sagen! "Ich hasse dich."

"Es gibt wenig wissenschaftliche Grundlage", "dann ist eine Impfung unmöglich" und "es scheint ungesund zu sein, wenn man nicht trinkt."

Als die russische Regierung forderte, "zwei Monate lang nicht zu trinken", als sie den inländischen Impfstoff "Sputnik V" gegen das neue Koronavirus beimpfte, gab es eine Reihe von Stimmen wie SNS.

Russland ist auch ein globaler Wodka-Produzent, und es scheint, dass die linken Parteien reagiert haben.

Die Behörden planen, das Ziel der Impfung bald auf ältere Menschen auszudehnen, und werden von "Feuerlöschern" wie "Wenn nur eine Tasse, gibt es kein Problem" verfolgt.

In der Schweiz starb fünf Tage später eine ältere Person, die einen neuen Coronavirus-Impfstoff erhielt, der gemeinsam vom US-amerikanischen Pharmagiganten Pfizer und dem deutschen Pharmaunternehmen BioNTech entwickelt wurde.

Schweizer Beamte sagten am 30.: "Es ist schwer, sich einen Kausalzusammenhang vorzustellen." .. .. .. Dann impfen wir!

Teil 1 Russland, "Hör auf zu trinken" für 2 Monate nach der Impfung. Bürger beschwerten sich!

Popova, Sekretärin der Verbraucherbehörde der Russischen Föderation, hat diejenigen, die den neuen Coronavirus-Impfstoff "Sputnik V" des Landes erhalten, aufgefordert, etwa zwei Monate lang nicht zu trinken.

Die Abstinenz sollte mindestens zwei Wochen vor der Impfung beginnen und nach der Impfung 42 Tage andauern, sagte er gegenüber dem lokalen Radio Komsomoriskaya Prouda.

Sputnik V wurde bereits an Ärzte, Soldaten und Lehrer verabreicht, und es wird erwartet, dass die groß angelegte Impfung innerhalb dieser Woche landesweit beginnt. Die Impfung erfolgt zweimal mit einem Zeitraum von 21 Tagen.

Elena Cribben, die in der Hauptstadt Moskau lebt, sagte: "Es ist unmöglich, dass man 80 Tage lang nicht trinken kann.

Besonders wenn Sie es zum Zeitpunkt der Feier nicht einnehmen können, werden Sie gestresst und es wird schlimmer als der Impfstoff (Nebenwirkung). "


Es war am 4., dem Tag vor Beginn der Impfung in Japan, umstritten.

Der für Maßnahmen gegen die neue Korona zuständige stellvertretende Ministerpräsident forderte auf einer Pressekonferenz auf, "das Trinken nach der Impfung für 42 Tage einzuschränken".

Am 8. sagte ein hochrangiger Gesundheitsbeamter: "Sie sollten vor der Impfung zwei Wochen lang mit dem Trinken aufhören", und in der Öffentlichkeit herrschte weit verbreitete Akzeptanz, dass sie gezwungen sein würden, etwa zwei Monate lang nicht zu trinken.

Sputnik V wird zweimal im Abstand von 21 Tagen infundiert. In Anbetracht der Zeit, in der der Antikörper produziert wird, scheint es die Absicht zu sein, auf das Trinken zu verzichten und die Wirkung zu verstärken.

Laut Tas News sagte der Direktor des Nationalen Forschungsinstituts, das Sputnik V entwickelt hat, dass ein Glas Champagner, das in Russland im Laufe der Jahre oft getrunken wird, "der Impfung keinen Schaden zufügt".

Beamte versuchen, den Kurs zu korrigieren, indem sie beispielsweise eine angemessene Menge an Alkohol zulassen.


Der 91-Jährige starb 5 Tage nach der Impfung. "Es ist schwer, sich einen Kausalzusammenhang vorzustellen."

Eine ältere Person, die einen neuen Coronavirus-Impfstoff erhielt, der gemeinsam vom US-amerikanischen Pharmagiganten Pfizer und dem deutschen Pharmaunternehmen BioNTech entwickelt wurde, starb fünf Tage später in der Schweiz.

Schweizer Beamte gaben gestern bekannt, dass der Tod "äußerst unwahrscheinlich" mit Impfstoffen verbunden ist.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten für "Gefängnis" in "Verbrechen der Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Avoid drinking alcohol for 2 months" with vaccination! I would say too! "I don't like it," "I don't have a scientific basis," "I can't inoculate it," and "I'm likely to be unhealthy if I don't drink."

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him.

"We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases".

Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR".

Please "pursue" Japan's "arbitrary" "human rights violations" at the United Nations and the G7.

If this is not done, the "death penalty system" will not disappear from Japan.

The G7 nations should teach the Japanese that "human rights" are important.

The Japanese government says it is "ineffective" in response to the UN report.

Economic sanctions on Japan are needed.

2021-01-14: Dear Sir,

"Avoid drinking alcohol for 2 months" with vaccination!

I would say too! "I don't like it," "I don't have a scientific basis," "I can't inoculate it," 

and "I'm likely to be unhealthy if I don't drink."

When the Russian government called for "avoid drinking for two months" 

when inoculating the domestic vaccine "Sputnik V" for the new coronavirus, 

there were a series of voices such as on SNS. Russia is also a global producer of vodka, 

and it seems that the left parties have reacted. 

The authorities are planning to expand the vaccination target to elderly people soon, 

and are being chased by "fire extinguishing" such as "If only one cup, there is no problem".

In Switzerland, an elderly person who received a new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed 

by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German pharmaceutical venture BioNTech died five days later. 

Swiss officials said yesterday that "causality is unlikely." .. .. .. Then let's inoculate!

Part 1 "Stop drinking" for 2 months after vaccination in Russia. Citizens complain!

The Secretary of the Consumer Affairs Agency of the Russian Federation, 

Popova, has urged those who receive the country's new coronavirus vaccine, 

Sputnik V, to refrain from drinking alcohol for about two months.

Prohibition should begin at least two weeks before vaccination and continue for 42 days after vaccination, 

he told local radio Komsomolskaya Prouda.

Sputnik V vaccination has already been given to doctors, soldiers and teachers, 

and large-scale vaccination is expected to begin nationwide within this week. 

The inoculation will be given twice with a period of 21 days.

Elena Cribben, who lives in the capital Moscow, said, "It's impossible not to drink alcohol for 80 days. 

Especially if you can't drink alcohol at the time of celebration,

you will get stressed and it will be worse than the vaccine (side effect)." ..


The controversy was triggered by the deputy prime minister in charge of measures against the new corona, 

who asked at a press conference on the 4th, the day before the vaccination began in Japan, 

to "restrict drinking for 42 days after the vaccination."

On the 8th, a high-ranking health official said, "You should stop drinking for two weeks before vaccination," 

and people are increasingly perceived that they will be forced to refrain from drinking for about two months.

Sputnik V will be inoculated twice, 21 days apart. Considering the time when the antibody is produced, 

it seems that the intention is to refrain from drinking alcohol and enhance the effect.

According to Tass, the director of the National Research Institute, 

who developed Sputnik V, said that a glass of champagne, which is often drunk over the years in Russia, 

"does not harm the vaccination."

Officials are trying to correct the trajectory, such as allowing a proper amount of alcohol to be drunk.


Swiss officials say 91-year-old died 5 days after vaccination "causal relationship is unlikely"

Swiss officials said on the 30th that an elderly person 

who had been vaccinated with the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed 

by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German pharmaceutical venture BioNTech died five days later. 

The vaccine is "extremely unlikely" to be involved, he said.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

 However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Britain pressures China on Uighur issue! Companies involved in forced labor are excluded from the supply chain! = Consumers need to "not buy"! Japanese "UNIQLO" and "MUJI" were also included in it.

 To the White House officials!

I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office.

President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case."

"I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me.

White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House!

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty."

The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn.

If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over.

Britain pressures China on Uighur issue! 

Companies involved in forced labor are excluded from the supply chain! = Consumers need to "not buy"!

Japanese "UNIQLO" and "MUJI" were also included in it.


2021-01-14: Dear Sir,

"Avoid drinking alcohol for 2 months" with vaccination!

I would say too! "I don't like it," "I don't have a scientific basis," "I can't inoculate it," 

and "I'm likely to be unhealthy if I don't drink."

When the Russian government called for "avoid drinking for two months" 

when inoculating the domestic vaccine "Sputnik V" for the new coronavirus, 

there were a series of voices such as on SNS. Russia is also a global producer of vodka, 

and it seems that the left parties have reacted. 

The authorities are planning to expand the vaccination target to elderly people soon, 

and are being chased by "fire extinguishing" such as "If only one cup, there is no problem".

In Switzerland, an elderly person who received a new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed 

by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German pharmaceutical venture BioNTech died five days later. 

Swiss officials said yesterday that "causality is unlikely." .. .. .. Then let's inoculate!

Part 1 "Stop drinking" for 2 months after vaccination in Russia. Citizens complain!

The Secretary of the Consumer Affairs Agency of the Russian Federation, 

Popova, has urged those who receive the country's new coronavirus vaccine, 

Sputnik V, to refrain from drinking alcohol for about two months.

Prohibition should begin at least two weeks before vaccination and continue for 42 days after vaccination, 

he told local radio Komsomolskaya Prouda.

Sputnik V vaccination has already been given to doctors, soldiers and teachers, 

and large-scale vaccination is expected to begin nationwide within this week. 

The inoculation will be given twice with a period of 21 days.

Elena Cribben, who lives in the capital Moscow, said, "It's impossible not to drink alcohol for 80 days. 

Especially if you can't drink alcohol at the time of celebration,

you will get stressed and it will be worse than the vaccine (side effect)." ..


The controversy was triggered by the deputy prime minister in charge of measures against the new corona, 

who asked at a press conference on the 4th, the day before the vaccination began in Japan, 

to "restrict drinking for 42 days after the vaccination."

On the 8th, a high-ranking health official said, "You should stop drinking for two weeks before vaccination," 

and people are increasingly perceived that they will be forced to refrain from drinking for about two months.

Sputnik V will be inoculated twice, 21 days apart. Considering the time when the antibody is produced, 

it seems that the intention is to refrain from drinking alcohol and enhance the effect.

According to Tass, the director of the National Research Institute, 

who developed Sputnik V, said that a glass of champagne, which is often drunk over the years in Russia, 

"does not harm the vaccination."

Officials are trying to correct the trajectory, such as allowing a proper amount of alcohol to be drunk.


Swiss officials say 91-year-old died 5 days after vaccination "causal relationship is unlikely"

Swiss officials said on the 30th that an elderly person 

who had been vaccinated with the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed 

by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German pharmaceutical venture BioNTech died five days later. 

The vaccine is "extremely unlikely" to be involved, he said.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

 However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!
