
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Die japanische Regierung hat dieses Versprechen jedoch gebrochen und die fünf nicht in den Norden zurückgebracht. Auch in Japan gab es Vor- und Nachteile. Es wird gesagt, dass die Maßnahme, "die fünf Menschen nicht nach Nordkorea zurückzubringen", der Vorschlag von Herrn Abe an Herrn Koizumi war.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-04-12: Sehr geehrter Herr

Am 25. März hielt US-Präsident Joe Biden nach seinem Amtsantritt seine erste Pressekonferenz ab und beschuldigte Nordkorea, ballistische Raketen als "Verstoß gegen die Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates" abgefeuert zu haben.

Was mich beunruhigt, ist, dass Japan das "Problem der Entführung des japanischen Volkes durch Nordkorea" "politisch nutzt".

Und die Vereinigten Staaten nutzen das "Entführungsproblem" politisch. Es ist nicht amerikanisch!

Nordkorea sagt, dass das "Entführungsproblem" gelöst wurde.

Die japanische Regierung behauptet, dass der Rest der Japaner "überlebt".

Ich möchte "Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland usw.", die diplomatische Beziehungen zu Nordkorea unterhalten, bitten, das "japanische Entführungsproblem" zu lösen!

Ein Land, das diplomatische Beziehungen zu den Vereinten Nationen und Nordkorea unterhält, sollte eine "Bewertung der Überreste" von "Megumi Yokota" durchführen.

Bitte bewerten Sie die "Authentizität" des nordkoreanischen "Berichts".

Nordkorea hat die Vereinigten Staaten in Nuklearfragen wiederholt getäuscht.

Japan täuschte Nordkorea und brachte "japanische Entführte" zurück.

"Politik der Täuschung" sollte gestoppt werden. Wir sollten dieses Problem jetzt lösen.

Japan täuschte die Vereinigten Staaten vor, einen "Pearl Harbor-Angriff" durchzuführen. Wollen sich die USA wieder von Japan täuschen lassen?

Schwarze Angriffe auf Asiaten sind in den Vereinigten Staaten weit verbreitet.

Ich denke, dieses Problem ist auch für Asiaten verantwortlich. Ein schwarzer Mann wurde ermordet.

Schwarze führten eine "Demonstration" durch und sagten, dass "schwarzes Leben auch wichtig ist".

Asiaten "verachteten" Schwarze!

Asiaten schauten auf sie herab! Für Schwarze ist es selbstverständlich, "Asiaten zu jagen".

Teil 1 Präsident Biden "Erstens verstößt dieser Starttest gegen die Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates."

"Wenn Nordkorea die Situation eskaliert, werden die Vereinigten Staaten entsprechend reagieren."

Er betonte weiter, dass "wir bereit sind, irgendeine Form von Diplomatie zu betreiben" und "aber dies von der Denuklearisierung abhängig ist".


Der japanische Premierminister selbst stieg in Nordkorea ein und gewann die fünf Entführten und ihre Familien zurück.

Noch überraschender war, dass Japan sein Versprechen mit Nordkorea gebrochen hat.

 Die beiden Regierungen sagten, wenn die fünf Opfer nach Hause zurückkehren würden, würde Japan sie nach Nordkorea zurückbringen.

 Und "wieder" versprach "Nordkorea", sie nach Japan zurückzubringen.

Die japanische Regierung hat dieses Versprechen jedoch gebrochen und die fünf nicht in den Norden zurückgebracht. Auch in Japan gab es Vor- und Nachteile.

Es wird gesagt, dass die Maßnahme, "die fünf Menschen nicht nach Nordkorea zurückzubringen", der Vorschlag von Herrn Abe an Herrn Koizumi war.


Wurden Megumi Yokotas Überreste als Fälschung "behauptet"?


Ein Land mit diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Nordkorea!

England, Frankreich? , Deutschland, Iran, Kuba, Syrien, Simbabwe, China, Pakistan,

Bulgarien, Polen, Portugal, Malaysia, Russland, Schweiz, Österreich ...

Ein Land ohne diplomatische Beziehungen zu Nordkorea!

Amerika, Japan, Südkorea, Frankreich, Israel ...


Schreien "Missbrauch" und zerstören den Laden mit einer Eisenstange. Wieder "Asian American" in den USA ins Visier nehmen (5. April 2021)


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

In der Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes vom Januar 2017 heißt es: "Ich bin nicht schuldig", was der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können Negative zum "normalen Leben ohne Maske" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

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To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson The Japanese prime minister himself boarded North Korea and regained the five abductees and their families. Even more surprising was that Japan broke its promise with North Korea. The two governments said that when the five victims returned home, Japan would return them to North Korea. And "again", "North Korea" promised to return them to Japan.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-12: Dear Sir

On March 25, US President Joe Biden held his first press conference after taking office, 

accusing North Korea of ​​launching ballistic missiles as "a violation of the UN Security Council resolution."

What I am concerned about is 

that Japan is "politically using" the "problem of abduction of Japanese people by North Korea." 

And the United States is using the "abduction issue" politically. It's not American!

North Korea says that the "abduction issue" has been resolved. 

The Japanese government claims that the rest of the Japanese are "surviving."

I would like to ask "UK, France, Germany, etc.", 

which have diplomatic relations with North Korea, to solve the "Japanese abduction problem"!

A country that has diplomatic relations with the United Nations 

and North Korea should perform "assessment of the remains" of "Megumi Yokota". 

Please appraise the "authenticity" of the North Korean "report".

North Korea has repeatedly deceived the United States on nuclear issues. 

Japan deceived North Korea and brought back "Japanese abductees." 

"Politics of deception" should be stopped. We should settle this issue now. 

Japan deceived the United States into conducting a "Pearl Harbor attack." 

Does the United States want to be fooled by Japan again?

Black assaults on Asians are widespread in the United States. 

I think this issue is also responsible for Asians. A black man was murdered. 

Blacks gave a "demonstration" saying that "black life is also important."

"At that time"! Asians "despised" blacks! Asians looked down on them! 

It is natural for black people to "hunt Asians".

Part 1 President Biden "First of all, this launch test violates the UN Security Council resolution."

"If North Korea chooses to escalate the situation, the United States will respond accordingly."

"We are ready to do some form of diplomacy, but it is conditional on denuclearization," he emphasized.


The Japanese prime minister himself boarded North Korea and regained the five abductees and their families.

Even more surprising was that Japan broke its promise with North Korea.

 The two governments said that when the five victims returned home, 

 Japan would return them to North Korea. And "again", "North Korea" promised to return them to Japan.

However, the Japanese government broke that promise and did not return the five to the north. 

There were pros and cons to this in Japan as well.

It is said that the measure of "not returning five people" was Mr. Abe's suggestion to Mr. Koizumi.


Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" to be fake?


A country that has diplomatic relations with North Korea!

England, France? , Germany, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Zimbabwe, China, 

Pakistan, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Malaysia, Russia, Switzerland, Austria ...

A country without diplomatic relations with North Korea!

America, Japan, South Korea, France, Israel ...


Screaming rants and destroying the store with an iron rod. 

Targeting "Asian American" again in the US (April 5, 2021)


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, 

the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

To President Biden! President Biden "First of all, this launch test violates the UN Security Council resolution." "If North Korea chooses to escalate the situation, the United States will respond accordingly." "We are ready to do some form of diplomacy, but it is conditional on denuclearization," he emphasized.

 To President Biden!

2021-04-12: Dear Sir

On March 25, US President Joe Biden held his first press conference after taking office, 

accusing North Korea of ​​launching ballistic missiles as "a violation of the UN Security Council resolution."

What I am concerned about is 

that Japan is "politically using" the "problem of abduction of Japanese people by North Korea." 

And the United States is using the "abduction issue" politically. It's not American!

North Korea says that the "abduction issue" has been resolved. 

The Japanese government claims that the rest of the Japanese are "surviving."

I would like to ask "UK, France, Germany, etc.", 

which have diplomatic relations with North Korea, to solve the "Japanese abduction problem"!

A country that has diplomatic relations with the United Nations 

and North Korea should perform "assessment of the remains" of "Megumi Yokota". 

Please appraise the "authenticity" of the North Korean "report".

North Korea has repeatedly deceived the United States on nuclear issues. 

Japan deceived North Korea and brought back "Japanese abductees." 

"Politics of deception" should be stopped. We should settle this issue now. 

Japan deceived the United States into conducting a "Pearl Harbor attack." 

Does the United States want to be fooled by Japan again?

Black assaults on Asians are widespread in the United States. 

I think this issue is also responsible for Asians. A black man was murdered. 

Blacks gave a "demonstration" saying that "black life is also important."

"At that time"! Asians "despised" blacks! Asians looked down on them! 

It is natural for black people to "hunt Asians".

Part 1 President Biden "First of all, this launch test violates the UN Security Council resolution."

"If North Korea chooses to escalate the situation, the United States will respond accordingly."

"We are ready to do some form of diplomacy, but it is conditional on denuclearization," he emphasized.


The Japanese prime minister himself boarded North Korea and regained the five abductees and their families.

Even more surprising was that Japan broke its promise with North Korea.

 The two governments said that when the five victims returned home, 

 Japan would return them to North Korea. And "again", "North Korea" promised to return them to Japan.

However, the Japanese government broke that promise and did not return the five to the north. 

There were pros and cons to this in Japan as well.

It is said that the measure of "not returning five people" was Mr. Abe's suggestion to Mr. Koizumi.


Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" to be fake?


A country that has diplomatic relations with North Korea!

England, France? , Germany, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Zimbabwe, China, 

Pakistan, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Malaysia, Russia, Switzerland, Austria ...

A country without diplomatic relations with North Korea!

America, Japan, South Korea, France, Israel ...


Screaming rants and destroying the store with an iron rod. 

Targeting "Asian American" again in the US (April 5, 2021)


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, 

the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Europe and the United States, where renewable energy is widespread, will take the lead in hydrogen production that does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2). The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1,000 to 1,500 yen per kilogram, but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about one-fourth the price of Japan.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 11, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The only alternative to nuclear power plants is "hydrogen power plants"! 

Mankind will surely come true in the near future!

China will generate electricity from coal and run electric cars! 

It's crazy! We will "dominate" the world with cheap "electric cars"! China should definitely "decoupling"!

France uses the electricity generated by wind power to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen. 

The hydrogen is used to run a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle." 

A "decarbonized society" should cover all energy with "decarbonized".

Toyota Motor has released a patent for a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" free of charge. 

Next-generation vehicles in a "decarbonized society" should be "hydrogen fuel vehicles" 

and "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles."

The world wants low-cost hydrogen. 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is participating in the production of hydrogen, 

which is the trump card for decarbonization in Europe and the United States. 

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1000-1500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about a quarter of the price in Japan.

A Japanese venture company is developing water and "hydrogen" manufacturing technology!

Hydrogen is extracted from water by reaction with a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used. 

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

Part 1. Europe and the United States, where renewable energy is widespread, 

will take the lead in hydrogen production that does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2).

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1,000 to 1,500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about one-fourth the price of Japan.

If we can accumulate know-how that can produce hydrogen at low cost overseas, 

there is a possibility that the practical application 

of Japan's decarbonization technology will be accelerated in the future.


The real reason why Toyota released the patent for fuel cell vehicles free of charge

Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. launched the commercial model "MIRAI" 

of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on December 15, 2014, leading the world. 

At the world's largest consumer electronics trade fair CES (Consumer Electronics Show) held in Las Vegas, 

USA on January 6, 2015, this time around 5,700 single patents for fuel cell vehicles will be granted until 2020, 

related to hydrogen stations. Announced that it will be free of charge forever, and made the media turbulent.


The hydrogen market of 400 billion yen that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is aiming for! 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries participates in manufacturing in Europe and the United States!

Australia and Europe have an environment where it is easy to produce hydrogen. 

Natural gas is abundant, and renewable energy is also widespread.


Features of PLASMA R H2

Hydrogen is extracted from water by the reaction between water and a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used.

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

For more information. https://eh-tech.co.jp/h2/


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Features of PLASMA R H2 Hydrogen is extracted from water by the reaction between water and a catalyst. Almost no external heat or electricity is used. The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 11, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The only alternative to nuclear power plants is "hydrogen power plants"! 

Mankind will surely come true in the near future!

China will generate electricity from coal and run electric cars! 

It's crazy! We will "dominate" the world with cheap "electric cars"! China should definitely "decoupling"!

France uses the electricity generated by wind power to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen. 

The hydrogen is used to run a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle." 

A "decarbonized society" should cover all energy with "decarbonized".

Toyota Motor has released a patent for a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" free of charge. 

Next-generation vehicles in a "decarbonized society" should be "hydrogen fuel vehicles" 

and "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles."

The world wants low-cost hydrogen. 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is participating in the production of hydrogen, 

which is the trump card for decarbonization in Europe and the United States. 

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1000-1500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about a quarter of the price in Japan.

A Japanese venture company is developing water and "hydrogen" manufacturing technology!

Hydrogen is extracted from water by reaction with a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used. 

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

Part 1. Europe and the United States, where renewable energy is widespread, 

will take the lead in hydrogen production that does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2).

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1,000 to 1,500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about one-fourth the price of Japan.

If we can accumulate know-how that can produce hydrogen at low cost overseas, 

there is a possibility that the practical application 

of Japan's decarbonization technology will be accelerated in the future.


The real reason why Toyota released the patent for fuel cell vehicles free of charge

Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. launched the commercial model "MIRAI" 

of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on December 15, 2014, leading the world. 

At the world's largest consumer electronics trade fair CES (Consumer Electronics Show) held in Las Vegas, 

USA on January 6, 2015, this time around 5,700 single patents for fuel cell vehicles will be granted until 2020, 

related to hydrogen stations. Announced that it will be free of charge forever, and made the media turbulent.


The hydrogen market of 400 billion yen that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is aiming for! 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries participates in manufacturing in Europe and the United States!

Australia and Europe have an environment where it is easy to produce hydrogen. 

Natural gas is abundant, and renewable energy is also widespread.


Features of PLASMA R H2

Hydrogen is extracted from water by the reaction between water and a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used.

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

For more information. https://eh-tech.co.jp/h2/


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan. A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 11, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The only alternative to nuclear power plants is "hydrogen power plants"! 

Mankind will surely come true in the near future!

China will generate electricity from coal and run electric cars! 

It's crazy! We will "dominate" the world with cheap "electric cars"! China should definitely "decoupling"!

France uses the electricity generated by wind power to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen. 

The hydrogen is used to run a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle." 

A "decarbonized society" should cover all energy with "decarbonized".

Toyota Motor has released a patent for a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" free of charge. 

Next-generation vehicles in a "decarbonized society" should be "hydrogen fuel vehicles" 

and "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles."

The world wants low-cost hydrogen. 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is participating in the production of hydrogen, 

which is the trump card for decarbonization in Europe and the United States. 

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1000-1500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about a quarter of the price in Japan.

A Japanese venture company is developing water and "hydrogen" manufacturing technology!

Hydrogen is extracted from water by reaction with a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used. 

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

Part 1. Europe and the United States, where renewable energy is widespread, 

will take the lead in hydrogen production that does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2).

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1,000 to 1,500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about one-fourth the price of Japan.

If we can accumulate know-how that can produce hydrogen at low cost overseas, 

there is a possibility that the practical application 

of Japan's decarbonization technology will be accelerated in the future.


The real reason why Toyota released the patent for fuel cell vehicles free of charge

Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. launched the commercial model "MIRAI" 

of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on December 15, 2014, leading the world. 

At the world's largest consumer electronics trade fair CES (Consumer Electronics Show) held in Las Vegas, 

USA on January 6, 2015, this time around 5,700 single patents for fuel cell vehicles will be granted until 2020, 

related to hydrogen stations. Announced that it will be free of charge forever, and made the media turbulent.


The hydrogen market of 400 billion yen that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is aiming for! 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries participates in manufacturing in Europe and the United States!

Australia and Europe have an environment where it is easy to produce hydrogen. 

Natural gas is abundant, and renewable energy is also widespread.


Features of PLASMA R H2

Hydrogen is extracted from water by the reaction between water and a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used.

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

For more information. https://eh-tech.co.jp/h2/


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona". This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera". You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"! Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

April 11, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

The only alternative to nuclear power plants is "hydrogen power plants"! 

Mankind will surely come true in the near future!

China will generate electricity from coal and run electric cars! 

It's crazy! We will "dominate" the world with cheap "electric cars"! China should definitely "decoupling"!

France uses the electricity generated by wind power to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen. 

The hydrogen is used to run a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle." 

A "decarbonized society" should cover all energy with "decarbonized".

Toyota Motor has released a patent for a "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" free of charge. 

Next-generation vehicles in a "decarbonized society" should be "hydrogen fuel vehicles" 

and "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles."

The world wants low-cost hydrogen. 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is participating in the production of hydrogen, 

which is the trump card for decarbonization in Europe and the United States. 

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1000-1500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about a quarter of the price in Japan.

A Japanese venture company is developing water and "hydrogen" manufacturing technology!

Hydrogen is extracted from water by reaction with a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used. 

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

Part 1. Europe and the United States, where renewable energy is widespread, 

will take the lead in hydrogen production that does not emit carbon dioxide (CO2).

The price of hydrogen in Japan is 1,000 to 1,500 yen per kilogram, 

but Europe already has the technology to manufacture it at about one-fourth the price of Japan.

If we can accumulate know-how that can produce hydrogen at low cost overseas, 

there is a possibility that the practical application 

of Japan's decarbonization technology will be accelerated in the future.


The real reason why Toyota released the patent for fuel cell vehicles free of charge

Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. launched the commercial model "MIRAI" 

of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on December 15, 2014, leading the world. 

At the world's largest consumer electronics trade fair CES (Consumer Electronics Show) held in Las Vegas, 

USA on January 6, 2015, this time around 5,700 single patents for fuel cell vehicles will be granted until 2020, 

related to hydrogen stations. Announced that it will be free of charge forever, and made the media turbulent.


The hydrogen market of 400 billion yen that Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is aiming for! 

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries participates in manufacturing in Europe and the United States!

Australia and Europe have an environment where it is easy to produce hydrogen. 

Natural gas is abundant, and renewable energy is also widespread.


Features of PLASMA R H2

Hydrogen is extracted from water by the reaction between water and a catalyst. 

Almost no external heat or electricity is used.

The catalyst does not contain any pollutants that cause air pollution. 

It does not emit any carbon dioxide from the production of hydrogen to its use (completely CO2-free).

For more information. https://eh-tech.co.jp/h2/


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano

長野恭博 オピニオン PLASMA R H2の特徴 水と触媒との反応により、水から水素を取り出す。外部からの熱や電気をほとんど使用しない。 触媒は、大気汚染の原因となる公害物質等、一切含まれていない。水素の生成から使用に至るまで、二酸化炭素を一切排出しない(完全CO2フリー)。

 長野恭博 オピニオン



























三菱重工が狙う水素4000億円市場!三菱重工は欧米で製造に参画 !










































敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  










長野恭博 オピニオン 日本政府の人権侵害による被害者を支援してください。 アメリカ人の被害者もたくさんいます。 多くの中国人の被害者もたくさんいます。 多くのフィリッピン人の被害者もたくさんいます。

 長野恭博 オピニオン



























三菱重工が狙う水素4000億円市場!三菱重工は欧米で製造に参画 !










































敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  











Proposal from Japanese I hate the same "war" as oil! French President Emmanuel Macron Becomes Leader of "Decarbonized Society"! If the spread of "fuel cell vehicles" is successful, "France" will become the "hegemonic nation" of the world!

 Proposal from Japanese

10. April 2021: Samstagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,

The world must not be destabilized by "a scramble for lithium" like the war of "a scramble for oil"! 

To prevent that, next-generation vehicles should be "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles" or "hydrogen fuel vehicles"! 

I think the "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" promoted 

by the "French government" should become the "next generation vehicle"!

President Biden has promised to install 500,000 charging stations. 

In response to this, the EV charging station "EV go" moved to the listing of shares. 

The United States seems to have "decided" the "electric vehicle" to be the "next generation vehicle"! 

The world is likely to be unstable.

Germany requires all gas stations to install "charging equipment" for EVs.

France will promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, 

ships, railroads, aircraft) as a complement to the electrification of automobiles.

ITOCHU Corporation of Japan has signed a memorandum of understanding 

with the Japanese subsidiary of the French company "Air Riquid", 

which handles industrial gas, and announced that it will jointly manufacture and sell hydrogen.

The surge in demand for lithium is being shaken 

by the movements of the United States and South American producing countries aiming for lithium hegemony 

in South America. 

I hate the same "war" as oil! French President Emmanuel Macron Becomes Leader of "Decarbonized Society"! 

If the spread of "fuel cell vehicles" is successful, "France" will become the "hegemonic nation" of the world!

Part 1. Goals and policies of the French government.

In the hydrogen dissemination plan announced in June 2018, 

three "priority areas" for hydrogen dissemination were clarified together with "the following numerical targets".

Based on France's superiority in hydrogen production technology, 

we will promote economically rational CO2-free hydrogen utilization in the industrial field.

Promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, ships, 

railroads, aircraft) as a "complement" to the electrification of automobiles.


ITOCHU, a major trading company, wants to sell to fuel cell trucks, 

which are expected to become widespread in the future, by constructing a hydrogen production plant 

by the mid-2020s and installing a hydrogen station at a gas station. It is said.


EVgo, which operates the largest fast-charging network for electric vehicles 

in the United States, has announced the following plans, 

riding the wave of rising clean tech investment created by the new Biden administration.

Listed on the stock exchange through a merger with SPAC (special purpose acquisition company).


In Germany, all gas stations will be required to have electric vehicle (EV) charging spots.

A spokesman for the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) said.

He pointed out that the measure was in response to the goal 

of "1 million EV charging spots throughout Germany by 2030" set by Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

It is "a natural process," he said.


Judging from future estimated yields, it would create an extreme lithium deficiency.

The battle for resources will change from the century of oil-producing countries 

in the Middle East to the century of lithium in South America!


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


The world must not be destabilized by "a scramble for lithium" like the war of "a scramble for oil"!

 Proposal from Japanese

10. April 2021: Samstagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,

The world must not be destabilized by "a scramble for lithium" like the war of "a scramble for oil"! 

To prevent that, next-generation vehicles should be "hydrogen fuel cell vehicles" or "hydrogen fuel vehicles"! 

I think the "hydrogen fuel cell vehicle" promoted 

by the "French government" should become the "next generation vehicle"!

President Biden has promised to install 500,000 charging stations. 

In response to this, the EV charging station "EV go" moved to the listing of shares. 

The United States seems to have "decided" the "electric vehicle" to be the "next generation vehicle"! 

The world is likely to be unstable.

Germany requires all gas stations to install "charging equipment" for EVs.

France will promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, 

ships, railroads, aircraft) as a complement to the electrification of automobiles.

ITOCHU Corporation of Japan has signed a memorandum of understanding 

with the Japanese subsidiary of the French company "Air Riquid", 

which handles industrial gas, and announced that it will jointly manufacture and sell hydrogen.

The surge in demand for lithium is being shaken 

by the movements of the United States and South American producing countries aiming for lithium hegemony 

in South America. 

I hate the same "war" as oil! French President Emmanuel Macron Becomes Leader of "Decarbonized Society"! 

If the spread of "fuel cell vehicles" is successful, "France" will become the "hegemonic nation" of the world!

Part 1. Goals and policies of the French government.

In the hydrogen dissemination plan announced in June 2018, 

three "priority areas" for hydrogen dissemination were clarified together with "the following numerical targets".

Based on France's superiority in hydrogen production technology, 

we will promote economically rational CO2-free hydrogen utilization in the industrial field.

Promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, ships, 

railroads, aircraft) as a "complement" to the electrification of automobiles.


ITOCHU, a major trading company, wants to sell to fuel cell trucks, 

which are expected to become widespread in the future, by constructing a hydrogen production plant 

by the mid-2020s and installing a hydrogen station at a gas station. It is said.


EVgo, which operates the largest fast-charging network for electric vehicles 

in the United States, has announced the following plans, 

riding the wave of rising clean tech investment created by the new Biden administration.

Listed on the stock exchange through a merger with SPAC (special purpose acquisition company).


In Germany, all gas stations will be required to have electric vehicle (EV) charging spots.

A spokesman for the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) said.

He pointed out that the measure was in response to the goal 

of "1 million EV charging spots throughout Germany by 2030" set by Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

It is "a natural process," he said.


Judging from future estimated yields, it would create an extreme lithium deficiency.

The battle for resources will change from the century of oil-producing countries 

in the Middle East to the century of lithium in South America!


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy 

and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


日本人から 日本政府の人権侵害による被害者を支援してください。 入管法「資格外活動」を行った外国人に、「虚偽の雇用の契約書類」を「提供」した者は「無罪」です。 日本の国会が証明しています。 上記の行為を従来は処罰できなかったので、「入管法の改正」により処罰できるようにしました。 2017年入管法を改訂しました。 したがって過去に処罰された者は「無実」です



世界は、「石油の奪い合い .a scramble for oil」の戦争のように、

「リチウムの奪い合い,a scramble for lithium」で不安定化してはならない!








































































敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  











Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le porte-parole adjoint Porter du département d'État américain a accusé la Chine le 26 mars. Que se passe-t-il en Chine contre les "entreprises occidentales" qui ont annoncé l'exclusion du travail forcé "Le gouvernement chinois dirige le site d'échange (SNS)" sur les "boycotts des produits occidentaux"!

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-04-09: Cher Monsieur

L '«administration Biden» devrait «découpler la Chine» pour unir le cœur des Américains.

Sinon, la «division» des «Américains» ne sera pas «dissoute».

Cette «division» n'est pas la «responsabilité» de M. Trump!

Les Américains «visent» les Asiatiques.

La cible principale est les résidents «chinois». Les Japonais ont également été visés.

C'est une «rétribution» pour les «violations des droits de l'homme» du gouvernement japonais.

Le «stress» s'est accumulé chez les Américains qui sont obligés de vivre une vie difficile à Corona.

De nombreux Américains pensent que le "nouveau coronavirus" a été créé et s'est propagé en Chine.

Le porte-parole adjoint Porter du département d'Etat américain a accusé les "boycotts de la Chine" d'être "dirigés par le gouvernement".

"Certains médias coréens" ont écrit dans "Le meurtre de huit femmes asiatiques" en Géorgie, dans le sud des États-Unis.

L'homme arrêté a rapporté qu'il criait au moment du crime: «Je vais tuer tous les Asiatiques».

L'administration Biden devrait immédiatement «mettre fin» à la «nouvelle Corona» si elle ne «découplait» pas la Chine.

Je ne pense pas que ce soit possible.

"Michael Taylor" est le "héros américain" qui a sauvé l'innocent "Carlos Ghosn" du Japon!

Les Américains devraient protéger les droits humains des «Américains» en n'achetant pas de produits chinois ou japonais.

"L'attaque contre les Asiatiques" devrait être un "boycott des produits asiatiques".

Soyez patient avec les "attaques contre les individus"!

Partie 1 Le porte-parole adjoint Porter du département d'État américain a accusé la Chine le 26 mars.

Que se passe-t-il en Chine contre les "entreprises occidentales" qui ont annoncé l'exclusion du travail forcé

"Le gouvernement chinois dirige le site d'échange (SNS)" sur les "boycotts des produits occidentaux"!


Boycotts des produits occidentaux, expansion avec des vêtements appartenant à des étrangers! La Chine s'oppose aux questions de droits humains ouïghours!

En réponse, les responsables chinois ont déclaré: «Les consommateurs réagissent dans la vraie vie».

Le gouvernement chinois est «l'attitude» de «l'approbation silencieuse».


Boycotts de "H&M" et de "Nike" en Chine (25 mars 2021)

Il y a un boycott croissant des marques qui critiquent les violations des droits humains en Chine.

Le mouvement de non-achat s'est étendu à d'autres marques telles que «Nike» et «Adidas».


(19 mars 2021)

Lors du meurtre de huit femmes asiatiques en Géorgie, dans le sud des États-Unis, certains médias sud-coréens ont rapporté qu'un homme arrêté criait «Je vais tuer tous les Asiatiques» au moment du crime.


Manifestations de "crimes de haine" dans diverses régions des États-Unis, 90% des résidents asiatiques "discriminatoires"

Aux États-Unis, des manifestations ont eu lieu dans diverses régions du pays au cours du week-end pour protester contre l'augmentation des crimes haineux et des crimes haineux contre les Asiatiques.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut pas être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les négatifs peuvent revenir à "une vie normale sans masque"!Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Bei der Ermordung von acht asiatischen Frauen in Georgia im Süden der USA berichteten einige südkoreanische Medien, dass ein festgenommener Mann zum Zeitpunkt des Verbrechens "Ich werde alle Asiaten töten" rief.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-04-09: Sehr geehrter Herr

Die "Biden-Regierung" sollte "China entkoppeln", um die Herzen der Amerikaner zu vereinen.

Andernfalls wird die "Teilung" der "Amerikaner" nicht "aufgelöst".

Diese "Teilung" liegt nicht in der "Verantwortung" von Herrn Trump!

Amerikaner "zielen" auf Asiaten.

Das Hauptziel sind "chinesische" Einwohner. Japaner wurden ebenfalls ins Visier genommen.

Es ist eine "Vergeltung" für die "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" der japanischen Regierung.

"Stress" hat sich bei Amerikanern angesammelt, die gezwungen sind, ein schwieriges Leben in Corona zu führen.

Viele Amerikaner glauben, dass das "neue Coronavirus" in China geschaffen und verbreitet wurde.

Der stellvertretende Sprecher Porter des US-Außenministeriums beschuldigte die "Boykotte Chinas", "von der Regierung geführt" zu werden.

"Einige koreanische Medien" schrieben in "Der Mord an acht asiatischen Frauen" in Georgia im Süden der USA.

Der verhaftete Mann berichtete, dass er zum Zeitpunkt des Verbrechens schrie: "Ich werde alle Asiaten töten."

Die Biden-Regierung sollte die "neue Corona" sofort "beenden", wenn sie China nicht "entkoppelt".

Ich denke nicht, dass es möglich ist.

"Michael Taylor" ist der "amerikanische Held", der den unschuldigen "Carlos Ghosn" aus Japan gerettet hat!

Amerikaner sollten die Menschenrechte von "Amerikanern" schützen, indem sie keine chinesischen oder japanischen Produkte kaufen.

"Angriff auf Asiaten" sollte "Boykott asiatischer Produkte" sein.

Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld mit "Angriffen auf Einzelpersonen"!

Teil 1 Der stellvertretende Sprecher Porter des US-Außenministeriums beschuldigte China am 26. März.

Was passiert in China gegen "westliche Unternehmen", die den Ausschluss von Zwangsarbeit angekündigt haben?

"Die chinesische Regierung leitet die Exchange Site (SNS)" über die "Boykotte westlicher Produkte"!


Boykotte westlicher Produkte, die mit Kleidung in ausländischem Besitz erweitert werden! China ist gegen uigurische Menschenrechtsfragen!

Als Antwort sagten chinesische Beamte: "Die Verbraucher reagieren im wirklichen Leben."

Die chinesische Regierung ist die "Haltung" der "stillen Zustimmung".


Boykotte von "H & M" und "Nike" in China (25. März 2021)

Es gibt einen wachsenden Boykott von Marken, die Chinas Menschenrechtsverletzungen kritisieren.

Die Nichtkaufbewegung hat sich auf andere Marken wie "Nike" und "Adidas" ausgeweitet.


(19. März 2021)

Bei der Ermordung von acht asiatischen Frauen in Georgia im Süden der USA berichteten einige südkoreanische Medien, dass ein festgenommener Mann zum Zeitpunkt des Verbrechens "Ich werde alle Asiaten töten" rief.


"Hassverbrechen" -Demonstrationen in verschiedenen Teilen der USA, 90% der asiatischen Einwohner "diskriminierend"

In den Vereinigten Staaten fanden am Wochenende Proteste in verschiedenen Teilen des Landes statt, um gegen die Zunahme von Hassverbrechen und Hassverbrechen gegen Asiaten zu protestieren.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können Negative zum "normalen Leben ohne Maske" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson "Hate crime" demonstrations in various parts of the United States, 90% of Asian residents "discriminatory" In the United States, protests were held in various parts of the country over the weekend to protest the increase in hate crimes and hate crimes against Asians."Hate crime" demonstrations in various parts of the United States, 90% of Asian residents "discriminatory" In the United States, protests were held in various parts of the country over the weekend to protest the increase in hate crimes and hate crimes against Asians.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-09: Dear Sir

The "Biden administration" should decouple China to unite the hearts of Americans. 

Otherwise, the "American division" will not be resolved. 

This "division" is not Mr. Trump's "responsibility"!

Americans are "aiming" at Asians. The main target is "Chinese" residents. 

Japanese people were also targeted. 

It is a "retribution" for the Japanese government's "human rights violations."

"Stress" has accumulated in Americans who are forced to live a difficult life in Corona. 

Many Americans believe that the "new coronavirus" was created and spread in China.

Deputy spokesman Porter of the US State Department accused the "boycotts 

of China" of being "government-led."

"Some Korean media" wrote in "The murder of eight Asian women" in Georgia, southern United States. 

The arrested man reported that he was screaming at the time of the crime, "

I'm going to kill all Asians."

The Biden administration should immediately "end" the "new Corona" 

if it does not "decoupling" China. I don't think it's possible.

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" 

from Japan! Americans should protect the human rights of "Americans" by not buying Chinese 

or Japanese products.

"Attack on Asians" should be "boycotts of Asian products". 

Please be patient with "attacks on individuals"!

Part 1 Deputy spokesman Porter of the US State Department accused China on March 26.

"The Chinese government is leading the exchange site (SNS)" 

about the "boycotts of Western products" that is taking place 

in China against "Western companies" that have announced the exclusion of forced labor products!


Boycotts of Western products, expanding with foreign-owned apparel! 

China opposes Uighur human rights issues!

In response, Chinese officials said, "Consumers are reacting in real life."

The Chinese government is the "attitude" of "silent approval."


Boycotts of "H & M" and "Nike" in China (March 25, 2021)

There is a growing boycotts of brands that criticize China's human rights abuses.

The non-buying movement has spread to other brands such as "Nike" and "Adidas".


(March 19, 2021)

In the murder of eight Asian women in Georgia, 

southern United States, some South Korean media reported 

that a man arrested was shouting "I'm going to kill all Asians" at the time of the crime. ..


"Hate crime" demonstrations in various parts of the United States, 

90% of Asian residents "discriminatory"

In the United States, 

protests were held in various parts of the country over the weekend to protest the increase 

in hate crimes and hate crimes against Asians.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"! And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

 To President Biden!

2021-04-09: Dear Sir

The "Biden administration" should decouple China to unite the hearts of Americans. 

Otherwise, the "American division" will not be resolved. 

This "division" is not Mr. Trump's "responsibility"!

Americans are "aiming" at Asians. The main target is "Chinese" residents. 

Japanese people were also targeted. 

It is a "retribution" for the Japanese government's "human rights violations."

"Stress" has accumulated in Americans who are forced to live a difficult life in Corona. 

Many Americans believe that the "new coronavirus" was created and spread in China.

Deputy spokesman Porter of the US State Department accused the "boycotts 

of China" of being "government-led."

"Some Korean media" wrote in "The murder of eight Asian women" in Georgia, southern United States. 

The arrested man reported that he was screaming at the time of the crime, "

I'm going to kill all Asians."

The Biden administration should immediately "end" the "new Corona" 

if it does not "decoupling" China. I don't think it's possible.

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" 

from Japan! Americans should protect the human rights of "Americans" by not buying Chinese 

or Japanese products.

"Attack on Asians" should be "boycotts of Asian products". 

Please be patient with "attacks on individuals"!

Part 1 Deputy spokesman Porter of the US State Department accused China on March 26.

"The Chinese government is leading the exchange site (SNS)" 

about the "boycotts of Western products" that is taking place 

in China against "Western companies" that have announced the exclusion of forced labor products!


Boycotts of Western products, expanding with foreign-owned apparel! 

China opposes Uighur human rights issues!

In response, Chinese officials said, "Consumers are reacting in real life."

The Chinese government is the "attitude" of "silent approval."


Boycotts of "H & M" and "Nike" in China (March 25, 2021)

There is a growing boycotts of brands that criticize China's human rights abuses.

The non-buying movement has spread to other brands such as "Nike" and "Adidas".


(March 19, 2021)

In the murder of eight Asian women in Georgia, 

southern United States, some South Korean media reported 

that a man arrested was shouting "I'm going to kill all Asians" at the time of the crime. ..


"Hate crime" demonstrations in various parts of the United States, 

90% of Asian residents "discriminatory"

In the United States, 

protests were held in various parts of the country over the weekend to protest the increase 

in hate crimes and hate crimes against Asians.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 中国で「H&M」や「ナイキ」の不買運動 中国の人権侵害を批判したブランドの不買運動が広がっています。 不買の動きは「ナイキ」や「アディダス」など他のブランドにも広がっています

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様
























欧米製品の不買運動、外資アパレルで拡大! 中国はウイグル人権問題で反発!


中国政府は「黙認silent approval」の「姿勢」だ。


中国で「H&M」や「ナイキ」の不買運動 (2021年3月25日)

























長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!





Au président français Emmanuel Macron Cette idée est exactement la même qu'en Chine. Cela est dû à la «vieille pensée confucéenne». C'est pourquoi les Américains «détestent» les Asiatiques. Les Asiatiques méprisent les «noirs»! Les Noirs sont désormais des Asiatiques «haïssant».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-04-08: Cher Monsieur

La Chine et le Japon ont besoin d'une «révolution» pour les «droits de l'homme».

Sinon, je ne pense pas que le flot de «haine» vers les Asiatiques aux États-Unis s'arrêtera!

Le Japon a un système de «suffrage universel», donc c'est possible immédiatement.

Un législateur britannique sanctionné de Chine a appelé: "Le Japon devrait blâmer la Chine ensemble!"

Cependant, il n'y a pas de réaction du gouvernement japonais. Il est également vrai que non seulement le gouvernement japonais mais aussi le peuple japonais n'ont aucune "conscience des droits de l'homme".

C'est parce que les Japonais n'ont aucune expérience de la «bataille» (révolution) pour gagner les «droits de l'homme».

Les pays occidentaux ont sérieusement lancé un appel au gouvernement japonais pour "l'abolition de la peine de mort".

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais l'a ignoré en raison de «l'ingérence dans les affaires intérieures». Les violations des droits de l'homme ne se limitent pas au «système de la peine de mort».

Nous vous punirons avec "théorie générale" même si vous "n'avez pas violé un millimètre" dans le texte de la loi.

Étant donné que la "raison du crime" figurant dans "l'acte d'accusation" ne peut être punie, elle sera révisée pour pouvoir être punie.

Cependant, même avec cela, le Gouvernement japonais ne rétablit pas l’honneur ou ne compense pas.

Cette idée est exactement la même qu'en Chine.

Cela est dû à la «vieille pensée confucéenne». C'est pourquoi les Américains «détestent» les Asiatiques.

Les Asiatiques méprisent les «noirs»! Les Noirs sont désormais des Asiatiques «haïssant».

Partie 1 Dans la "Pensée confucéenne", les "relations de pouvoir" supérieures et inférieures sont clarifiées.

Dans les relations de pouvoir telles que les nations et les familles, l'inférieur est soumis au supérieur. C'est la même chose que l'organisation militaire.

L'armée adhère aux règles militaires dans le cadre de règles démocratiques.

Cependant, il n'y a pas de règles démocratiques dans la «pensée confucéenne».

C'est une "norme" de défendre le dirigeant. La Chine dit que "le confucianisme n'est pas une religion" et que "le confucianisme est une culture chinoise".

C'est l'idée des «droits de l'homme» de la «vieille nation confucéenne».

À propos des problèmes de droits de l'homme dans la région autonome ouïgoure du Xinjiang en Chine

«Deux parlementaires britanniques», «sanctionnés» par le gouvernement chinois, ont répondu à un entretien avec ANN.

Nous exhortons également le gouvernement japonais, qui se montre prudent face aux sanctions, à agir.

"Sanctionné" Sénateur Kennedy: "Il est de mon devoir de prendre la parole partout où des violations des droits de la personne se produisent dans le monde."

Le membre du Congrès Kennedy a travaillé avec des avocats du monde entier pour critiquer le gouvernement chinois non seulement pour les violations des droits de l'homme dans la région autonome ouïghoure, mais aussi pour la répression des mouvements de démocratisation à Hong Kong.

Le sénateur Kennedy "sanctionné": le Japon devrait également agir.

Je veux que vous «blâmiez» ce qui se passe en Chine «avec la Grande-Bretagne».

"Cela ne veut pas dire que nous voulons rompre notre amitié avec la Chine."


Je ne pense pas que le gouvernement japonais comprendra la voix du «sénateur Kennedy».

La raison en est que les Japonais n'ont pas les «valeurs» de la «justice»!

Je suis triste.

J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut pas être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano