
saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even if "the United States has stopped trading with China."

 The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets,  such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people,"  and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus." You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war. September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed! On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy,"  saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even  if "the United States has stopped trading with China." President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone"  with innovative manufacturing technology.  Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone". Part 1 President Trump announced at a press conference ...

This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed!

 The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets,  such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people,"  and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus." You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war. September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed! On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy,"  saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even  if "the United States has stopped trading with China." President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone"  with innovative manufacturing technology.  Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone". Part 1 President Trump announced at a press conference ...

You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war.

  The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets, such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people," and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus." You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war. September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed! On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy,"  saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even  if "the United States has stopped trading with China." President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone"  with innovative manufacturing technology.  Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone". For more information, see today's SNS Post. http://o...

The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets, such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people," and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus."

  The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets, such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people," and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus." You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war. September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed! On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy,"  saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even  if "the United States has stopped trading with China." President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone"  with innovative manufacturing technology.  Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone". For more information, see today's SNS Post. http://o...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-25: Cher Monsieur, De nombreux Japonais n'ont pas besoin de la Chine. Nous recherchons un «rêve japonais» qui sera récompensé si nous faisons un effort.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-25: Cher Monsieur, Quel genre de technique le premier ministre Kan utilisera-t-il pour «manipuler» «la Chine et les États-Unis»? De nombreux Japonais n'ont pas besoin de la Chine. Nous recherchons un «rêve japonais» qui sera récompensé si nous faisons un effort. Yoshiyoshi Suga est devenu le président du LDP. M. Nikai a été nommé secrétaire général. Le 16 septembre, «l'administration Suga» a été inaugurée. Cette administration dit qu'elle "hérite" de "l'administration Abe". Ce qui est inquiétant, c'est que les «principaux instituts de recherche aux États-Unis» ont désigné le «secrétaire général du deuxième étage» comme «pro-chinois»! Selon Asahi Shimbun, le "Premier ministre Kan" préconise "la succession de l'administration Abe", mais si même les choses "endommagées" sont "prises en charge", la politique augmentera le "degré de détérioration". La ...

An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 25.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Mit welcher Technik wird Premierminister Kan "China und die Vereinigten Staaten" "manipulieren"?

 An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 25.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Mit welcher Technik wird Premierminister Kan "China und die Vereinigten Staaten" "manipulieren"? Viele Japaner brauchen China nicht. Wir suchen einen "japanischen Traum", der belohnt wird, wenn wir uns anstrengen. Yoshiyoshi Suga wurde Präsident der LDP. Herr Nikai wurde zum Generalsekretär ernannt. Am 16. September wurde die "Suga-Administration" eingeweiht. Diese Verwaltung sagt, sie "erbt" die "Abe-Verwaltung". Was besorgniserregend ist, ist, dass die "führenden Forschungsinstitute in den Vereinigten Staaten" den "Generalsekretär des zweiten Stocks" als "pro-chinesisch" bezeichnet haben! Laut Asahi Shimbun befürwortet "Premierminister Kan" die "Nachfolge der Abe-Regierung", aber wenn selbst "beschädigte" Dinge "übernommen" werden, wird die Politik den "Grad der Verschlec...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, Many Japanese do not need China. We are looking for a "Japanese dream" that will be rewarded if we make an effort.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, What kind of technique will Prime Minister Kan use to "manipulate" "China and the United States"? Many Japanese do not need China. We are looking for a "Japanese dream"  that will be rewarded if we make an effort. Yoshihide Suga became the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.  Mr. Nikai was appointed as the secretary-general. On September 16th,  the "Kan administration" was inaugurated.  This administration is said to succeed the "Abe administration". What is worrisome is that the "leading research institutes  in the United States" have designated "the secretary general of the second floor" as "pro-Chinese"! According to the Asahi Shimbun, "Yoshihide Suga" advocates "inheritance" of the Abe administration. If you "take over" even "damaged" things Politics increases the "degree of deterioration...

To President Trump 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, What kind of technique will Prime Minister Kan use to "manipulate" "China and the United States"?

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! It's a possible story! It can be said that the United States has entered a recession due to the corona crisis. However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once. War is the employment policy for the United States. 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, What kind of technique will Prime Minister Kan use to "manipulate" "China and the United States"? Many Japanese do not need China. We are looking for a "Japanese dream"  that will be rewarded if we make an effort. Yoshihide Suga became the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.  Mr. Nikai was appointed as the secretary-general. On September 16th,  the "Kan administration" was inaugurated.  This administration is said to succeed the ...

しかし、戦争を起こせばアメリカの不景気や雇用問題は一挙に解決する。 戦争こそアメリカにとっての雇用政策なのである。

 あり得る話だな! コロナ危機でアメリカは不景気に突入したと言えそうだ。 しかし、戦争を起こせばアメリカの不景気や雇用問題は一挙に解決する。 戦争こそアメリカにとっての雇用政策なのである。 2020-09-25:拝啓、 菅首相はどうようなテクニックで、「中国と米国」を「操る」のだろうか! 日本人の多くは中国を必要としない。努力をすれば報われる「ジャパニーズドリーム」を求めている。 菅義偉氏が自民党の総裁になった。幹事長には二階氏を指名した。9月16日、「菅政権」が発足した。 この政権は「安倍政権」を継承するという。 心配なのは「米国の有力研究機関」が「 二階幹事長」を「親中派」としていることだ! 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

あり得る話だな! コロナ危機でアメリカは不景気に突入したと言えそうだ。

 あり得る話だな! コロナ危機でアメリカは不景気に突入したと言えそうだ。 しかし、戦争を起こせばアメリカの不景気や雇用問題は一挙に解決する。 戦争こそアメリカにとっての雇用政策なのである。 2020-09-25:拝啓、 菅首相はどうようなテクニックで、「中国と米国」を「操る」のだろうか! 日本人の多くは中国を必要としない。努力をすれば報われる「ジャパニーズドリーム」を求めている。 菅義偉氏が自民党の総裁になった。幹事長には二階氏を指名した。9月16日、「菅政権」が発足した。 この政権は「安倍政権」を継承するという。 心配なのは「米国の有力研究機関」が「 二階幹事長」を「親中派」としていることだ! 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once. War is the employment policy for the United States.

  It's a possible story! It can be said that the United States has entered a recession due to the corona crisis. However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once. War is the employment policy for the United States. 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, What kind of technique will Prime Minister Kan use to "manipulate" "China and the United States"? Many Japanese do not need China. We are looking for a "Japanese dream"  that will be rewarded if we make an effort. Yoshihide Suga became the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.  Mr. Nikai was appointed as the secretary-general. On September 16th,  the "Kan administration" was inaugurated.  This administration is said to succeed the "Abe administration". What is worrisome is that the "leading research insti...

It's a possible story! It can be said that the United States has entered a recession due to the corona crisis.

  It's a possible story! It can be said that the United States has entered a recession due to the corona crisis. However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once. War is the employment policy for the United States. 2020-09-25: Dear Sir, What kind of technique will Prime Minister Kan use to "manipulate" "China and the United States"? Many Japanese do not need China. We are looking for a "Japanese dream"  that will be rewarded if we make an effort. Yoshihide Suga became the president of the Liberal Democratic Party.  Mr. Nikai was appointed as the secretary-general. On September 16th,  the "Kan administration" was inaugurated.  This administration is said to succeed the "Abe administration". What is worrisome is that the "leading research insti...

日本政府は「日産自動車」と「本田自動車」とを、合併させる「策略」をしていますが、 「本田」は応じないと思います。フランス政府はルノーを通じて日産の株式を緊急にすべてを売却すべきです。。

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。 罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。 検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。 よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。 私は、2つのことを「訴えて」います。 1)外国人が「在留の資格」以外の「違法な労働」を行った。しかし外国人は無罪です。 2)検察は「入管法22-4-4条の支援」を理由として、入管法70条に対して刑法の60条および62条の 「他の犯罪を支援する罪」を「適用」したが「適用する法律の誤り」です。 私は、私および中国人、フィリッピン大使館関係者に対する、 「名誉の回復」と「賠償」を求めます。 2020-09-24:拝啓、 日本政府は「日産自動車」と「本田自動車」とを、合併させる「策略」をしていますが、 「本田」は応じないと思います。フランス政府はルノーを通じて日産の株式を緊急にすべてを売却すべきです。。 日産自動車の元代表取締役グレッグ・ケリー被告(64)の初公判が行われた。 ゴーン元会長はこの事件を「クーデター」だと批判していた。 ケリー被告の説明を聞いてください。 この事件は、日産社内の権力争いです。多くの日本人も「何が犯罪であるか、意味が不明」と言います。 日本の検察が強引に外国から日産を守ろうとした意図が明白です。 「仮」に、「未払い報酬」が「存在」したとしても「犯罪にはなりません」。 「国家の権力」で「会社の経営」を行う企業は「破産」すべきです 。 すでに売り上げは激減しています。優秀な社員は退職をしています。。 第1部。日産自動車の元会長カルロス・ゴーン被告(66)が約91億円の役員報酬を 「有価証券報告書」に「記載」しなかったとされる事件で、 「共犯」として「金融商品取引法違反」の罪に問われた元代表取締役グレッグ・ケリー被告(64)の初公判が15日、 東京地裁(下津健司裁判長)であった。 「ケリー元役員」は「起訴の内容」を「否認」して、無罪を「主張」した。検察側と「全面対決」する「形」となった。 ケリー被告「ゴーン氏は「報酬」を減らした」。 「起訴状」などによると、ゴーン元会長、ケリー元役員は「秘書室」の「元室の長」である「大沼敏明」らと「共謀」した。 2010~17年度の元会長の報酬は計約170億円...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le gouvernement français devrait vendre de toute urgence toutes les actions de Nissan via Renault. ..

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-24: Cher Monsieur, Le gouvernement japonais a une «stratégie» pour «fusionner» «Nissan Motor» et «Honda Motor», mais je pense que «Honda» ne répond pas. Le gouvernement français devrait vendre de toute urgence toutes les actions de Nissan via Renault. .. Le "premier" "procès" de "l'ancien directeur représentant Greg Kelly (64 ans)" de Nissan Motor a eu lieu. L'ancien président Gone a critiqué l'affaire comme étant un «coup d'État». Écoutez l'explication de Kelly. Cette affaire est une lutte de pouvoir au sein de Nissan. De nombreux Japonais disent aussi: "Je ne sais pas ce qu'ils font". L '«intention» que le parquet japonais a tenté de protéger par la force Nissan des pays étrangers est claire. Même si une "indemnisation non payée" "existe", ce n'est "pas un crime". Les entreprises qui «gèrent une entreprise» avec une «puissance nationale»...

An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-24: Sehr geehrter Herr,Der frühere Präsident Gone kritisierte den Fall als "Staatsstreich". Hören Sie sich Kellys Erklärung an. Dieser Fall ist ein Machtkampf innerhalb von Nissan.

 An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-24: Sehr geehrter Herr, Die japanische Regierung hat eine "Strategie", um "Nissan Motor" und "Honda Motor" "zusammenzuführen", aber ich denke, "Honda" reagiert nicht. Die französische Regierung sollte dringend alle Aktien von Nissan über Renault verkaufen. .. Der "erste" "Prozess" gegen Nissan Motors "ehemaligen stellvertretenden Direktor Greg Kelly (64)" wurde abgehalten. Der frühere Präsident Gone kritisierte den Fall als "Staatsstreich". Hören Sie sich Kellys Erklärung an. Dieser Fall ist ein Machtkampf innerhalb von Nissan. Viele Japaner sagen auch: "Ich weiß nicht, was sie tun." Die "Absicht", dass die japanische Staatsanwaltschaft versuchte, Nissan gewaltsam vor dem Ausland zu schützen, ist klar. Selbst wenn "unbezahlte Entschädigung" "existiert", ist es "kein Verbrechen". Unternehmen, ...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The French government should urgently sell all of Nissan's shares through Renault. .. The first trial of former Nissan Motor CEO Greg Kelly (64) was held.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-24: Dear Sir, The Japanese government has a "strategy" to merge "Nissan Motor" and "Honda Motor",  but I don't think "Honda" will respond.  The French government should urgently sell all of Nissan's shares through Renault. .. The first trial of former Nissan Motor CEO Greg Kelly (64) was held.  Former Chairman Ghosn criticized the case as a "coup." Listen to Kelly's explanation. This case is a power struggle within Nissan.  Many Japanese also say, "I don't know what the crime is."  The intention of the Japanese prosecution to forcibly protect Nissan from foreign countries is clear. Even if "unpaid compensation" "exists", it is "not a crime".  Companies that "manage a company" with "state power" should "bankrupt".  Sales have already dropped sharply. Excellent employees are retired. .. Part 1 In the case...

To President Trump The Japanese government has a "strategy" to merge "Nissan Motor" and "Honda Motor", but I don't think "Honda" will respond.

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Trump says he'll keep 270 million Chinese out of the US? Banning Communist Party members from entering the country !! It turns out that the Trump administration is considering a "ban on travel" to the United States for all Chinese Communists and their families, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal report. Japan, an ally, should also "follow"! 2020-09-24: Dear Sir, The Japanese government has a "strategy" to merge "Nissan Motor" and "Honda Motor",  but I don't think "Honda" will respond.  The French government should urgently sell all of Nissan's shares through Renault. .. The first trial of former Nissan Motor CEO Greg Kelly (64) was held.  Former Chairman Ghosn criticized the case as a "coup." Listen to Kelly's explanation. This case is a power struggle within Nissan.  Many Japa...


 トランプ、米国から2億7千万の中国人締め出すと言う?共産党員の入国を禁止へ!! トランプ政権が全ての中国共産党員とその家族に対して、米国への「渡航の禁止」を検討していることがわかった、とロイターやWall Street Journalが報じている。 同盟国の日本も「追従」すべきです! 2020-09-24:拝啓、 日本政府は「日産自動車」と「本田自動車」とを、合併させる「策略」をしていますが、 「本田」は応じないと思います。フランス政府はルノーを通じて日産の株式を緊急にすべてを売却すべきです。。 日産自動車の元代表取締役グレッグ・ケリー被告(64)の初公判が行われた。 ゴーン元会長はこの事件を「クーデター」だと批判していた。 ケリー被告の説明を聞いてください。 この事件は、日産社内の権力争いです。多くの日本人も「何が犯罪であるか、意味が不明」と言います。 日本の検察が強引に外国から日産を守ろうとした意図が明白です。 「仮」に、「未払い報酬」が「存在」したとしても「犯罪にはなりません」。 「国家の権力」で「会社の経営」を行う企業は「破産」すべきです 。 すでに売り上げは激減しています。優秀な社員は退職をしています。。 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語) h...

It turns out that the Trump administration is considering a "ban on travel" to the United States for all Chinese Communists and their families, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal report.

 Trump says he'll keep 270 million Chinese out of the US? Banning Communist Party members from entering the country !! It turns out that the Trump administration is considering a "ban on travel" to the United States for all Chinese Communists and their families, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal report. Japan, an ally, should also "follow"! 2020-09-24: Dear Sir, The Japanese government has a "strategy" to merge "Nissan Motor" and "Honda Motor",  but I don't think "Honda" will respond.  The French government should urgently sell all of Nissan's shares through Renault. .. The first trial of former Nissan Motor CEO Greg Kelly (64) was held.  Former Chairman Ghosn criticized the case as a "coup." Listen to Kelly's explanation. This case is a power struggle within Nissan.  Many Japanese also say, "I don't know what the crime is."  The intention of the Japa...

Trump says he'll keep 270 million Chinese out of the US? Banning Communist Party members from entering the country !!

 Trump says he'll keep 270 million Chinese out of the US? Banning Communist Party members from entering the country !! It turns out that the Trump administration is considering a "ban on travel" to the United States for all Chinese Communists and their families, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal report. Japan, an ally, should also "follow"! 2020-09-24: Dear Sir, The Japanese government has a "strategy" to merge "Nissan Motor" and "Honda Motor",  but I don't think "Honda" will respond.  The French government should urgently sell all of Nissan's shares through Renault. .. The first trial of former Nissan Motor CEO Greg Kelly (64) was held.  Former Chairman Ghosn criticized the case as a "coup." Listen to Kelly's explanation. This case is a power struggle within Nissan.  Many Japanese also say, "I don't know what the crime is."  The intention of the Japa...

アジア人がかかりにくいことからして生物兵器でしょうね!と専門家は言う! 親中派の日本政府が「(Goto) 感染 キャンペーン」を行う理由が理解できた!日本政府は知ってたんだ!

 「コロナは武漢の研究所で作られた」中国人学者が論文発表するが専門家は「愚かで、ばかばかしい」と指摘する。 しかし、アジア人がかかりにくいことからして生物兵器でしょうね!と専門家は言う! 親中派の日本政府が「(Goto) 感染 キャンペーン」を行う理由が理解できた!日本政府は知ってたんだ! 2020-09-23:拝啓、 世界の労働者は中国を「WTO」から「除名」する運動を行うべきです。 先進諸国の労働者が「奴隷労働者」と「公正」に競争することは不可能です。 中国が「WTO」に加盟して以来、労働者の賃金は上がらずに、さらに失業者が増大している。 米国はウィグル人を使った「中国の「強制労働」、 「奴隷労働」」から自国製品を守るためには「制裁関税」でを「課金」するしかない。 しかしWTOのの紛争処理小委員会は15日、 アメリカの措置は、加盟国の差別を禁じた原則に違反していると指摘して中国側の主張を認めました。 これに対して、トランプ大統領は記者団に「WTOには何らかの措置をとる」。 「彼らは中国に好き放題やらせている」などと述べ、反発しています。 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23/09/2020: Cher Monsieur,Depuis que la Chine a rejoint l'OMC, les salaires des travailleurs n'ont pas augmenté et le nombre de chômeurs a augmenté.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23/09/2020: Cher Monsieur, Les travailleurs du monde entier devraient faire campagne pour «exclure» la Chine de «l'OMC». Il est impossible pour les travailleurs des pays développés de concurrencer «équitablement» les «esclaves». Depuis que la Chine a rejoint l'OMC, les salaires des travailleurs n'ont pas augmenté et le nombre de chômeurs a augmenté. Les Etats-Unis n'ont d'autre choix que de "facturer" des "tarifs de sanctions" afin de protéger leurs produits du "travail forcé" et du "travail forcé" de la Chine en utilisant Wiggles. Cependant, le sous-comité de règlement des différends de l'OMC a reconnu le 15 les allégations de la Chine, soulignant que les mesures américaines violaient le principe d'interdiction de la discrimination entre les États membres. En réponse, le président Trump a déclaré aux journalistes: "Nous prendrons des mesures contre l'OMC". "Ils...

An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-23: Sehr geehrter Herr,Seit dem Beitritt Chinas zur WTO sind die Löhne der Arbeitnehmer nicht gestiegen und die Zahl der Arbeitslosen ist gestiegen.

 An die deutsche Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel 2020-09-23: Sehr geehrter Herr, Arbeiter auf der ganzen Welt sollten sich dafür einsetzen, China von der "WTO" "auszuschließen". Es ist für Arbeiter in Industrieländern unmöglich, "fair" mit "Sklavenarbeitern" zu konkurrieren. Seit dem Beitritt Chinas zur WTO sind die Löhne der Arbeitnehmer nicht gestiegen und die Zahl der Arbeitslosen ist gestiegen. Die Vereinigten Staaten haben keine andere Wahl, als mit "Sanktionszöllen" zu "belasten", um ihre Produkte mit Wiggles vor "Chinas" Zwangsarbeit "und" Sklavenarbeit "zu schützen. Der Unterausschuss für Streitbeilegung der WTO erkannte jedoch Chinas Vorwürfe vom 15. an und wies darauf hin, dass US-Maßnahmen gegen den Grundsatz des Verbots der Diskriminierung zwischen Mitgliedstaaten verstoßen. Als Antwort sagte Präsident Trump gegenüber Reportern: "Wir werden einige Maßnahmen gegen die WTO ergreifen....

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-23: Dear Sir,It is impossible for workers in developed countries to compete "fairly" with "slave workers."

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-23: Dear Sir, Workers around the world should campaign to "exclude" China from the "WTO."  It is impossible for workers in developed countries to compete "fairly" with "slave workers."  Since China joined the WTO, wages for workers have not risen and the number of unemployed has increased. The United States has no choice but to "charge" with "sanctions tariffs"  in order to protect its products from "China's" forced labor "and" slave labor "using Uighurs.  However, the WTO's Conflict Resolution Subcommittee acknowledged China's allegations on the 15th,  pointing out that US measures violated the principle of prohibiting discrimination among member states.  In response, President Trump told reporters,  "We will take some measures against the WTO." "They let China do whatever they want," he said. Part 1 I think the United S...

To President Trump 2020-09-23: Dear Sir, Workers around the world should campaign to "exclude" China from the "WTO."

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! "Corona was made at (Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine)"! A Chinese scholar publishes a dissertation, but experts point out that it is "stupid and ridiculous." However, it is a biological weapon because Asians are "hard to get corona"! Experts say! I understand why the Japanese government of "Pro-China" is conducting "(Goto)! Infection! Campaign"! The Japanese government knew! 2020-09-23: Dear Sir, Workers around the world should campaign to "exclude" China from the "WTO."  It is impossible for workers in developed countries to compete "fairly" with "slave workers."  Since China joined the WTO, wages for workers have not risen and the number of unemployed has increased. Th...

I understand why the Japanese government of "Pro-China" is conducting "(Goto)! Infection! Campaign"! The Japanese government knew!

 "Corona was made at (Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine)"! A Chinese scholar publishes a dissertation, but experts point out that it is "stupid and ridiculous." However, it is a biological weapon because Asians are "hard to get corona"! Experts say! I understand why the Japanese government of "Pro-China" is conducting "(Goto)! Infection! Campaign"! The Japanese government knew! 2020-09-23: Dear Sir, Workers around the world should campaign to "exclude" China from the "WTO."  It is impossible for workers in developed countries to compete "fairly" with "slave workers."  Since China joined the WTO, wages for workers have not risen and the number of unemployed has increased. The United States has no choice but to "charge" with "sanctions tariffs...