
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 26.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,"China zuerst". Einige Leute, die mit China handeln, sind reich geworden. Das Einkommen von "Amerikanern unter der Mittelklasse", die "chinesische Produkte" kaufen, steigt nicht. Die Ursache dafür ist China!

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 26.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Die besten 5% der reichsten in den Vereinigten Staaten machen 37% des gesamten Verbrauchs in den Vereinigten Staaten aus. Amerika ist verrückt! Nach dem Ergebnis der Präsidentschaftswahlen kämpft das amerikanische Volk in zwei Teilen. Trump sagte, es sei "America First". Aber jetzt sind die Amerikaner voll von "chinesischen Produkten". "China zuerst". Einige Leute, die mit China handeln, sind reich geworden. Das Einkommen von "Amerikanern unter der Mittelklasse", die "chinesische Produkte" kaufen, steigt nicht. Die Ursache dafür ist China! Das Gehalt kann nicht steigen. Dies liegt daran, dass es Politiker gibt, die eine Gesellschaft des Lohnwettbewerbs mit "chinesischen Sklavenarbeitern und Zwangsarbeitern" geschaffen haben. Der Feind der US-Arbeiter sind "chinesische Produkte". Sowohl Trump- als auch Byden-Anhänger sollten aufhö...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-26: Dear Sir, Trump said it was "America First." But now, Americans are full of "Chinese products." "China First". Some people who trade with China have become rich.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-26: Dear Sir, The top 5% of the wealthy in the United States make up 37% of all US consumption. America is crazy!  Following the result of the presidential election, the American people are divided into two and fighting.  Trump said it was "America First."  But now, Americans are full of "Chinese products."  "China First". Some people who trade with China have become rich.  The income of "Americans below the middle class" who purchase "Chinese products" does not rise.  The cause of this is China! The salary cannot go up. This is because there are politicians  who have created a society of wage competition with "Chinese slave workers and forced laborers."  The enemy of US workers is "Chinese products".  Both Trump and Biden supporters should stop buying "Chinese products."  Both Trump and Biden supporters should unite to fight "Chinese products." ...

To President Trumpn 2020-11-26: Dear Sir, The top 5% of the wealthy in the United States make up 37% of all US consumption. America is crazy!

 To President Trump US Tesla Mask CEO overtakes Gates with assets of 13 trillion yen to the world's second largest millionaire The top is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Demand for Amazon services increased with the new Corona 2020-11-26: Dear Sir, The top 5% of the wealthy in the United States make up 37% of all US consumption. America is crazy!  Following the result of the presidential election, the American people are divided into two and fighting.  Trump said it was "America First."  But now, Americans are full of "Chinese products."  "China First". Some people who trade with China have become rich.  The income of "Americans below the middle class" who purchase "Chinese products" does not rise.  The cause of this is China! The salary cannot go up. This is because there are politicians  who have created a society of wage competition with "Chinese slave workers and forced laborers....

US Tesla Mask CEO overtakes Gates with assets of 13 trillion yen to the world's second largest millionaire The top is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Demand for Amazon services increased with the new Corona

 US Tesla Mask CEO overtakes Gates with assets of 13 trillion yen to the world's second largest millionaire The top is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Demand for Amazon services increased with the new Corona 2020-11-26: Dear Sir, The top 5% of the wealthy in the United States make up 37% of all US consumption. America is crazy!  Following the result of the presidential election, the American people are divided into two and fighting.  Trump said it was "America First."  But now, Americans are full of "Chinese products."  "China First". Some people who trade with China have become rich.  The income of "Americans below the middle class" who purchase "Chinese products" does not rise.  The cause of this is China! The salary cannot go up. This is because there are politicians  who have created a society of wage competition with "Chinese slave workers and forced laborers."  The enemy of US...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-25: Cher Monsieur, Les Américains ne devraient pas permettre des «nations» «contradictoires» comme la Chine et le Japon. C'est la même façon de penser les droits de l'homme.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-25: Cher Monsieur, Les ennemis des États-Unis sont la Chine et le Japon. Le peuple américain ne doit pas se diviser. Les Américains devraient connaître le véritable ennemi. M. Byden a appelé les électeurs pendant l'élection. Il a souligné que le président Trump avait promis de ne pas fermer d'usines aux États-Unis lors de l'élection présidentielle de 2016 et de renvoyer les usines à l'étranger aux États-Unis. Mais c'est le contraire qui s'est produit », a-t-il déclaré, arguant que l'industrie manufacturière nationale avait décliné sous l'administration Trump. M. Byden a annoncé un nouveau régime fiscal pour reconstruire l'industrie manufacturière. Il a mis en place une «taxe punitive» qui impose une taxe sur le revenu des produits étrangers aux États-Unis. Il comprend également des déductions fiscales pour la production américaine des entreprises. Les deux sont des politiques qui clarifient l'attitud...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-25: Sehr geehrter Herr,Aber das Gegenteil ist passiert ", sagte er und argumentierte, dass die heimische Fertigungsindustrie unter der Trump-Regierung zurückgegangen sei. Herr Byden hat ein neues Steuersystem für den Wiederaufbau des verarbeitenden Gewerbes angekündigt.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-25: Sehr geehrter Herr, Die Feinde der Vereinigten Staaten sind China und Japan. Das amerikanische Volk sollte sich nicht teilen. Amerikaner sollten den wahren Feind kennen. Herr Byden forderte die Wähler während der Wahlen auf. Er wies darauf hin, dass Präsident Trump versprochen habe, bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2016 keine Fabriken in den Vereinigten Staaten zu schließen und Fabriken im Ausland in die Vereinigten Staaten zurückzugeben. Aber das Gegenteil ist passiert ", sagte er und argumentierte, dass die heimische Fertigungsindustrie unter der Trump-Regierung zurückgegangen sei. Herr Byden hat ein neues Steuersystem für den Wiederaufbau des verarbeitenden Gewerbes angekündigt. Es hat eine "Strafsteuer" eingeführt, die eine Steuer auf das Einkommen ausländischer Produkte in den Vereinigten Staaten erhebt. Es enthält auch Steuerabzüge für die US-Produktion von Unternehmen. Beides sind Richtlinien, die ...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-25: Dear Sir, in the 2016 presidential election and to return factories abroad to the United States. But the opposite happened, "he said, arguing that domestic manufacturing had declined under the Trump administration.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-25: Dear Sir, The enemies of the United States are China and Japan. The American people should not divide.  Americans should know the true enemy. Mr Biden called on voters during the election.  He pointed out that President Trump promised not to close factories in the United States  in the 2016 presidential election and to return factories abroad to the United States.  But the opposite happened,  "he said, arguing that domestic manufacturing had declined under the Trump administration. Mr. Biden has announced a new tax system to rebuild the manufacturing industry.  It has set up a "punishment tax" to tax the income of foreign products in the United States.  It also includes tax deductions for companies' US production.  Both are policies that clarify the attitude of protecting US employment. I think it's a great promise. But if it can't be done, it's the same as President Trump's promise....

To President Trump 2020-11-25: Dear Sir, The enemies of the United States are China and Japan. The American people should not divide. Americans should know the true enemy. Mr Biden called on voters during the election.

 To President Trump Mr. Trump, the struggle is unexploded,  full-scale start to the administration transition Mr. Trump accepts taking over 2020-11-25: Dear Sir, The enemies of the United States are China and Japan. The American people should not divide.  Americans should know the true enemy. Mr Biden called on voters during the election.  He pointed out that President Trump promised not to close factories in the United States  in the 2016 presidential election and to return factories abroad to the United States.  But the opposite happened,  "he said, arguing that domestic manufacturing had declined under the Trump administration. Mr. Biden has announced a new tax system to rebuild the manufacturing industry.  It has set up a "punishment tax" to tax the income of foreign products in the United States.  It also includes tax deductions for companies' US production.  Both are poli...

Mr. Trump, the struggle is unexploded, full-scale start to the administration transition Mr. Trump accepts taking over

 To President Trump Mr. Trump, the struggle is unexploded,  full-scale start to the administration transition Mr. Trump accepts taking over 2020-11-25: Dear Sir, The enemies of the United States are China and Japan. The American people should not divide.  Americans should know the true enemy. Mr Biden called on voters during the election.  He pointed out that President Trump promised not to close factories in the United States  in the 2016 presidential election and to return factories abroad to the United States.  But the opposite happened,  "he said, arguing that domestic manufacturing had declined under the Trump administration. Mr. Biden has announced a new tax system to rebuild the manufacturing industry.  It has set up a "punishment tax" to tax the income of foreign products in the United States.  It also includes tax deductions for companies' US production.  Both are poli...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-24: Cher Monsieur,Beaucoup d'Américains riches sont tombés dans le «piège du miel chinois». Il est important que les «occidentaux» comprennent la «culture confucéenne» de l'Asie de l'Est. L '«administration Baiden» devrait commencer par «découpler» la Chine.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-24: Cher Monsieur, Les Américains vont-ils continuer à diviser les États-Unis? Le président Donald Trump n'admet pas la «défaite» de l'élection présidentielle. À quoi «pense» le président Trump? Le président Trump les a qualifiés de «meilleurs amis». Le meilleur ami est "Shinzo Abe", "Kim Jong-un", "Xi Jinping". Ce que ses meilleurs amis ont en commun, ce sont les «dictateurs» de la «culture confucéenne». Il n'y avait pas de noms de "politiciens démocratiques" tels que "Emanuel Macron" et "M. Angela Merkel". Depuis environ 220 ans depuis «le premier président de George Washington», le «changement de gouvernement aux États-Unis» est pacifique. Cette «tradition» est «coupée». La démocratie américaine peut être «détruite». Lors de l'élection présidentielle de 2020, M. Trump a remporté plus de 71 millions de voix et environ 40% de la population sont des partisans entho...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 24.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,Seit etwa 220 Jahren seit "dem ersten Präsidenten von George Washington" ist der "Regierungswechsel in den Vereinigten Staaten" friedlich. Diese "Tradition" ist "abgeschnitten". Die amerikanische Demokratie kann "zerstört" werden.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 24.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Werden die Amerikaner die Vereinigten Staaten weiterhin spalten? Präsident Donald Trump gibt die "Niederlage" der Präsidentschaftswahlen nicht zu. Was "denkt" Präsident Trump? Präsident Trump nannte sie "beste Freunde". Der beste Freund ist "Shinzo Abe", "Kim Jong-un", "Xi Jinping". Was seine besten Freunde gemeinsam haben, sind die "Diktatoren" der "konfuzianischen Kultur". Es gab keine Namen von "demokratischen Politikern" wie "Emanuel Macron" und "Angela Merkel". Seit etwa 220 Jahren seit "dem ersten Präsidenten von George Washington" ist der "Regierungswechsel in den Vereinigten Staaten" friedlich. Diese "Tradition" ist "abgeschnitten". Die amerikanische Demokratie kann "zerstört" werden. Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020 gewann Herr T...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-24: Dear Sir, Do Americans intend to continue to divide the United States? President Donald Trump does not admit the "defeat" of the presidential election. What is President Trump thinking? President Trump called them his best friends. They and is "Shinzo Abe", "Kim Jong-un," "Xi Jinping".

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-24: Dear Sir, Do Americans intend to continue to divide the United States?  President Donald Trump does not admit the "defeat" of the presidential election.  What is President Trump thinking? President Trump called them his best friends.  They and is "Shinzo Abe", "Kim Jong-un," "Xi Jinping".  What they all have in common is the "dictators" of "Confucian culture."  There were no names of "democratic politicians" such as "Emmanuel Macron" and "Mr. Angela Merkel". For about 220 years since "the first president of George Washington,"  the "American peaceful transition of power" has been peaceful.  That "tradition" is "cut off". American democracy may be "destroyed." In the 2020 presidential election, Mr. Trump won more than 71 million votes,  and about 40% of the people are enthusiastic supporters of M...

To President Trump President Trump's Action, All People Should Be Concerned (CNN)

To President Trump President Trump's Action, All People Should Be Concerned (CNN) 2020-11-24: Dear Sir, Do Americans intend to continue to divide the United States?  President Donald Trump does not admit the "defeat" of the presidential election.  What is President Trump thinking? President Trump called them his best friends.  They and is "Shinzo Abe", "Kim Jong-un," "Xi Jinping".  What they all have in common is the "dictators" of "Confucian culture."  There were no names of "democratic politicians" such as "Emmanuel Macron" and "Mr. Angela Merkel". For about 220 years since "the first president of George Washington,"  the "American peaceful transition of power" has been peaceful.  That "tradition" is "cut off". American democracy may be "destroyed." In the 2020 presidential election, Mr. Trump won more ...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-23 Cher Monsieur,M. Byden dit que les mesures pour la «nouvelle couronne» seront prioritaires. Génial, Le président Trump a abandonné les «victimes du peuple américain» dans «l'affaire de violation de la loi sur l'immigration du gouvernement japonais». M. Byden demande au gouvernement japonais "la restauration et la compensation de leur honneur".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-23 Cher Monsieur, Je propose aux gouvernements de chaque pays. La "division nationale" par la "nouvelle couronne" doit être stoppée. L '«idée» de «contre-mesures pour la nouvelle corona» devrait être modifiée. Il devrait fournir des «fonds de coopération pour la prévention des infections» aux «personnes qui n'ont pas été infectées» par le «nouveau Corona» à intervalles réguliers. Je pense que les gens seront plus sérieux dans la prévention des infections. Les "personnes qui n'ont pas infecté la" nouvelle couronne "sont aussi les" personnes qui n'infectent pas "les autres" avec la "nouvelle couronne". Ce sont des «gens» merveilleux. Au Japon, ceux qui «critiquent» une personne infectée sont traités comme des «méchants». Je ne pense pas que la «critique» des personnes infectées soit bonne. Cependant, les personnes qui «portent des masques» sérieusement, «se lavent le...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-23 Sehr geehrter Herr, In Japan werden diejenigen, die eine infizierte Person "kritisieren", als "böse Jungs" behandelt. Ich denke nicht, dass die "Kritik" an infizierten Menschen gut ist. Menschen, die ernsthaft "Masken tragen", "ihre Hände waschen", "soziale Distanz" halten und ein "enges" Leben führen, möchten infizierten Menschen "Kritik" sagen.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-23 Sehr geehrter Herr, Ich schlage den Regierungen jedes Landes vor. Die "nationale Teilung" durch die "neue Korona" sollte gestoppt werden. Die "Idee" von "Gegenmaßnahmen für die neue Korona" sollte geändert werden. Es sollte "Menschen, die nicht mit" neuer Corona "infiziert wurden" in regelmäßigen Abständen "Geld für die Zusammenarbeit bei der Infektionsprävention" zur Verfügung stellen. Ich denke, dass die Menschen es ernst meinen werden, Infektionen vorzubeugen. "Menschen, die die" neue Corona "nicht infiziert haben, sind auch" Menschen, die "andere" nicht mit der "neuen Corona" infizieren. Sie sind wundervolle "Menschen". In Japan werden diejenigen, die eine infizierte Person "kritisieren", als "böse Jungs" behandelt. Ich denke nicht, dass die "Kritik" an infizierten Me...

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-23 Dear Sir, I propose to the governments of each country. The "national division" by the "new corona" should be stopped. The "idea" of "measures for the new corona" should be changed. It should provide "infection prevention cooperation money" to "people who have not been infected" with "new corona" at regular intervals.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-23 Dear Sir, I propose to the governments of each country.  The "national division" by the "new corona" should be stopped.  The "idea" of "measures for the new corona" should be changed. It should provide "infection prevention cooperation money" to "people  who have not been infected" with "new corona" at regular intervals.  Then, I think the people will be more serious about infection prevention. The "people who did not get infected with the new corona" are also the people  who "did not infect" the "new corona" with "others". They are wonderful "people". In Japan, people who say they "blame" an infected person are treated as "bad guys." I don't think "blame" for infected people is good. However, for the people who seriously "wear masks", "wash their hands",  keep t...

To President Trump President Trump has abandoned the "American people" with the "new Corona. " Mr. Biden says that measures for the "new corona" will be given top priority. Great, President Trump abandoned the "victims of the American people" in the "Japanese government immigration law violation case." Mr. Biden asks the Government of Japan to "restore their honor and reparations".

To President Trump President Trump has abandoned the "American people" with the "new Corona. " Mr. Biden says that measures for the "new corona" will be given top priority. Great, President Trump abandoned the "victims of the American people"  in the "Japanese government immigration law violation case."  Mr. Biden asks the Government of Japan to "restore their honor and reparations". 2020-11-23 Dear Sir, I propose to the governments of each country.  The "national division" by the "new corona" should be stopped.  The "idea" of "measures for the new corona" should be changed. It should provide "infection prevention cooperation money" to "people  who have not been infected" with "new corona" at regular intervals.  Then, I think the people will be more serious about infection prevention. The "people who did not get infected with the new corona" are al...

November 22, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, After declaring victory on the 7th, Mr. Biden began diplomacy with an emphasis on alliance. You can see the "face of joy" of Chancellor Merkel.

  The "Biden administration" should also "protect US farmers" and unite the United States. November 22, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, After declaring victory on the 7th, Mr. Biden began diplomacy with an emphasis on alliance.  You can see the "face of joy" of Chancellor Merkel.  Telephone talks with the leaders of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Japan  and other countries one after another.  The talks with Mr. Conte are over,  and the talks with the leaders of the seven developed countries (G7) have come to an end.  Mr. Biden stated in his first telephone conversation with "Prime Minister Kan"  that the "Senkaku Islands" are "subject to Article 5 of the Security Treaty."  In response, the Chinese government opposed the "Japan-US telephone talks,"  saying that the Security Treaty was a product of the Cold War. The "Trump administration" has been vulnerable to China  by exporting US "exces...

The "Biden administration" should also "protect US farmers" and unite the United States. November 22, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

 The "Biden administration" should also "protect US farmers" and unite the United States. November 22, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, After declaring victory on the 7th, Mr. Biden began diplomacy with an emphasis on alliance.  You can see the "face of joy" of Chancellor Merkel.  Telephone talks with the leaders of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Japan  and other countries one after another.  The talks with Mr. Conte are over,  and the talks with the leaders of the seven developed countries (G7) have come to an end.  Mr. Biden stated in his first telephone conversation with "Prime Minister Kan"  that the "Senkaku Islands" are "subject to Article 5 of the Security Treaty."  In response, the Chinese government opposed the "Japan-US telephone talks,"  saying that the Security Treaty was a product of the Cold War. The "Trump administration" has been vulnerable to China  by exporting US "excess...