
#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-08-17: President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law. In Japan, prosecutors are given the "monopoly right of indictment".

<Public mail> Therefore, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense of the prosecutor. Please request Japan "governance under the law". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. As a matter of fact, the status of residence will be granted at the discretion of the Minister of Justice. So, I received an explanation from the immigration office in Tokyo about "status of residence permit" as follows. And I was being operated like that. 1) In the case where the status of residence is satisfied with "diploma", if the foreign national has expertise, the employer is inappropriate or the employment contract is false. Immigration Bureau will let foreigners change "working company". Then, the Immigration Bureau has ordered foreigners to "apply again". 2) It is not necessary for a foreign national who made a contract for employment to join a company contracted for employment after receiving a status of residenc

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-08-17: President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.

<Public mail> In Japan, prosecutors are given the "monopoly right of indictment". Therefore, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense of the prosecutor. Please request Japan "governance under the law". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. As a matter of fact, the status of residence will be granted at the discretion of the Minister of Justice. So, I received an explanation from the immigration office in Tokyo about "status of residence permit" as follows. And I was being operated like that. 1) In the case where the status of residence is satisfied with "diploma", if the foreign national has expertise, the employer is inappropriate or the employment contract is false. Immigration Bureau will let foreigners change "working company". Then, the Immigration Bureau has ordered foreigners to "apply again". 2) It is not necessary for a foreign national who made a contract for employment to

【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-08-16】Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too. August 15, 2018 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message. President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out. Sincerely, The Office of Presidential Correspondence ● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a   #MeToo victim   too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-08-16】

The White House • August 15, 2018 Ivanka Trump in Steel Country Throughout the past month , President Donald J. Trump’s Pledge to America’s Workers has been earning commitments from companies in every corner of the country. Ivanka Trump has helped lead the charge, visiting factories, schools, and training facilities in Illinois, Iowa, and elsewhere—often at the President’s side. In Pittsburgh yesterday , Ms. Trump met the Girls of Steel robotics team and saw the Peregrine, a new lunar lander that will return America to the Moon. Last week in Illinois, she laid out the Administration’s plan of action. “ Right now, we come second to Mexico in—not just the public, but—the private sector’s investment in American workers after the age of 22,” she told students and local leaders in Godfrey, Illinois. “So we’ve called upon the private sector to partner with us and to sign, what we ca

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-08-16: President Donald Trump is challenging the rule of law.

<Public mail> In Japan, prosecutors are given the "monopoly right of indictment". Therefore, the prosecutor ignores criminal charges against the criminal offense of the prosecutor. Please request Japan "governance under the law". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Suppose that the "contract of employment" I provided to the Chinese was a "contract of employment" whose content is false. And if you obtained the status of residence in that "contract of employment", it is as stipulated in the cancellation of your status of residence, Article 22-4 of the Immigration Act. It is separate from assisting illegal work. Suppose the Chinese submits a "Contract of False Employment" and obtains the status of residence of "technology" or "humanities / international" from the Minister of Justice. However, it is self-evident that it will not become "illegal work" (activities other than qualificati

#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-08-16: Präsident Donald Trump stellt die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Frage.

<Öffentliche Post> In Japan erhalten Staatsanwälte das "Monopol der Anklage". Daher ignoriert der Staatsanwalt strafrechtliche Anklagen gegen die strafbare Handlung des Staatsanwalts. Bitte fordern Sie Japan "Governance unter dem Gesetz". Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Angenommen, der "Arbeitsvertrag", den ich den Chinesen gab, war ein "Arbeitsvertrag", dessen Inhalt falsch ist. Und wenn Sie den Aufenthaltsstatus in diesem "Arbeitsvertrag" erhalten haben Es ist wie in der Aufhebung eines Aufenthaltsstatus im Sinne von Artikel 22-4 des Immigration Control Act festgelegt. Es ist unabhängig von der Unterstützung illegaler Arbeit. Die Chinesen haben einen "Arbeitsvertrag mit falschem Inhalt" eingereicht Sie erhalten vom Justizminister den Status des Wohnsitzes von "Technologie" oder "Geisteswissenschaften / International". Wenn Sie jedoch im Rahmen des Status als "T

#MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-08-16: Le président Donald Trump conteste la règle de droit.

<Courrier public> Au Japon, les procureurs ont le "droit de mise en accusation". Par conséquent, le procureur ignore les accusations criminelles contre l'infraction pénale du procureur. Veuillez demander au Japon "la gouvernance en vertu de la loi". Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Supposons que le "contrat de travail" que j'ai fourni aux Chinois soit un "contrat de travail" dont le contenu est faux. Et si vous avez obtenu le statut de résidence dans ce "contrat de travail" C'est ce qui est stipulé dans l'annulation d'un statut de résidence tel que stipulé à l'article 22-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration. Il est distinct de l'aide au travail illégal. Le Chinois a soumis un «contrat de travail avec un faux contenu» Vous obtenez le statut de résidence de "technologie" ou "humanités / international" auprès du ministre de la justice. Toutefois, si vous tr