
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-06a 】 March 4, 2018 I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly.

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail from the White House  2018-03-06a 】

March 4, 2018  
I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions. My staff will share your email with me shortly.
Every day, 115 Americans die from an opioid overdose. Too many of our fellow Americans have been lost due to the scourge of drug abuse. It is plaguing families and communities across our Nation, robbing so many of their potential.
My Administration is fighting the opioid crisis on all fronts, and we hosted an Opioid Summit at the White House to face this challenge as a national family—with both conviction and unity.
Watch my remarks at the Opioid Summit, or learn more about my Administration’s strategy to combat addiction in America.
Thank you again for taking the time to write.
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Opioid (Opioid) refers to alkaloids collected from poppy pools, compounds synthesized therefrom, and endogenous compounds present in the body, which have pain relief, euphoric effects, and in coma at high doses of drugs, coma , Causing respiratory depression [1]. Such alkaloids (opiates) and semisynthetic compounds thereof include morphine, heroin, codeine, oxycodone, etc. Also, synthetic opioids include fentanyl, methadone, pethidine and the like [1]. These are narcotic in their original sense [1]. Opioid means "opium analogous substance" and it was named as a substance (originally in vivo) that binds to the opioid receptor to which they bind. Endogenous opioids include endorphins, enkephalins, and the like.
The use of opioid drugs has the risk of opioid dependence (English version), withdrawal symptoms and death due to overdose. In the United States, up to 43% of drug addiction death accounted for by overdose of opioid medicines [2], the American Neurological Society in 2014, also in chronic pain states such as headache, low back pain, fibromyalgia, opioid We are making statements that use is much more dangerous [3]. In 2017 a public health emergency was declared [4].
Source Wikipedia

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