
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06b 】 Your 1600 Daily: Prime Minister Netanyahu visits

【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-06b 】




「エルサレムは3大宗教の中心だけではなく、世界で最も成功した民主主義の中心でもあります。」とトランプ大統領は12月に述べました。 「この神聖な都市は、人類の中で最高のものを求め、可能な限り私たちの視野を持ち上げるべきだ」




副大統領はアメリカのカムバックの一例としてモーターシティ自体を使用しました。 "あなたは、フィアット・クライスラーが全従業員に2,000ドルの減税ボーナスを出しているのを聞いたかもしれない"と彼は言った。 "彼らはメキシコからミシガンに生産ライン全体を移すつもりです。"


Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-06b 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Prime Minister Netanyahu visits
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mrs. Netanyahu in Washington today. The Prime Minister will join the President both for a private meeting and for a working lunch this afternoon.

The meeting comes as both the United States and Israel look to bring peace and stability to a Middle East that’s been ravaged by violence for far too long. Specifically, the two leaders will discuss President Trump’s recently announced plans to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to its capital city of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world,” President Trump said in December. “This sacred city should call forth the best in humanity, lifting our sights to what it is possible.”
See what Israeli and U.S. officials said about President Trump’s historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

America’s manufacturing comeback
“After just one year, under President Trump’s leadership, manufacturing in America is back,” Vice President Mike Pence told an audience at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit Hotel in Michigan on Friday.

Speaking just blocks from the headquarters of some of America’s biggest car manufacturers, the Vice President explained what so many citizens in Michigan—and indeed, all over the Midwest—saw in President Trump when they supported him in 2016. “American companies have created nearly 200,000 new, good-paying manufacturing jobs, including nearly 6,000 new jobs across Michigan alone,” Vice President Pence said.
The Vice President used the Motor City itself as an example of America’s comeback. “You might have heard Fiat Chrysler is giving out $2,000-tax-cuts bonuses to all of its workers,” he said. “And they’re going to move their entire production line from Mexico to Michigan.”
Read more: “At this White House, that’s just what [the President] calls a good start.”

National Consumer Protection Week
On March 2, President Trump proclaimed this week as National Consumer Protection Week—an important occasion to help consumers learn more about their rights in the U.S. marketplace.

A few messages that President Trump wants all Americans to hear this week:
  • American consumers must be alert for a broad range of scams and schemes, including identity theft, cybersecurity breaches, and charity fraud, all of which . . . erode financial security.”
  • Depraved scammers often target the elderly. Such fraud can rob victims of their dignity and confidence, in addition to their resources.”
  • The best weapon against fraud and extortion is a well-informed consumer.
A vibrant economy, fueled by consumer confidence, is at the heart of American prosperity,” President Trump writes. “Fraudulent and deceptive practices erode the marketplace.”
Learn more about National Consumer Protection Week in the President’s Proclamation.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump honors the late Reverend Billy Graham | March 2, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump and the First Lady welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu and Mrs. Netanyahu to the White House. The four will meet at the South Portico before the President participates in a working lunch with Vice President Pence and Prime Minister Netanyahu. This afternoon, the President will meet with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.
The Vice President will participate in a meeting with Israeli Parliamentary Opposition Leader Yitzhak Herzog and later meet with Mayor Nir Barkat of Jerusalem. This evening, the Vice President will deliver remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference.
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