
Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: July 01, 2018: Everyone in the international community can not trade equally with such "socialist market economy" China. President Trump is fighting alone. Western society leaders should support President Donald Trump. We should cooperate with President Donald Trump. Let's restore "market economy" in democratic society.

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version: July 01, 2018:
The trade with the "Communist Party Administration China" is complicated.
The government prefers state-owned enterprises and implements a planned economy
that freely manipulates private enterprises.
Let the international community stop runaway in China!

epochtimes.jp According to April 03, 2018, the Communist Party aims to shade
in the shade "to spread the socialist Chinese model".

The CPC has been doing comprehensive strategies to hit the US economy such as spy maneuvering,
currency manipulation, cyber attacks and intellectual property for decades.
At least 40 years ago in the Deng Xiaoping era,
in the high-tech development plan, we have promoted technology transfer
from overseas to the mainland.

At the Senate Finance Committee meeting on March 22,
US Trade Representative Robert Lightherther touched on the importance of US technology
and criticized it as saying,
"China is forcibly transferring technology from the United States of America" .

The Ministry of Commerce has conducted a seven-month survey
on China's infringement of intellectual property rights and forced technology transfer
by China, which accounts for half of the US trade deficit.

China is acquiring foreign skills he desires in various ways.
In January, at a hearing inviting experts at (CFIUS),
the Chinese authorities pointed out that there are six ways to acquire foreign skills.

▼ Invite foreign companies to China to make a joint venture company
▼ Chinese companies acquire target companies overseas (including M & A and stock acquisition)
▼ China imports target technical products
▼ Chinese enterprises and research institutions hire technically skilled foreigners
▼ Chinese international students learn technology, return home or send data to home country
▼ Steal by internet or other means

For details, please visit epochtimes.jp's website.
The trade with the Chinese of the Communist regime is complicated.

The government prefers state-owned enterprises and runs a planned economy
that moves private enterprises as they wish.

Promote investment in private companies that "flattery" to the Communist Party.
When the situation gets worse, we confiscate assets.

In socialist countries the boundaries between private enterprises,
the Communist Party and the military are vague, and the concept of privacy policy
and intellectual property is low.
Companies with more than 50 employees are demanding enterprises to have a system
for the Communist Party to access company internal information.

Everyone in the international community can not trade equally
with such "socialist market economy" China.

President Trump is fighting alone.

Western society leaders should support President Donald Trump.

We should cooperate with President Donald Trump.

Let's restore "market economy" in democratic society.

It is the root of human rights abuses in Japan.
Please understand the lawless state of the prosecution of Japan and support.
It is an internal accusation of a former public prosecutor.


Japan has returned to the prewar thought. Japan ignores international law.

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please contact us by e-mail.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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