
Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version October 27, 2018: The international community has become a battle with "the Western society of liberty and democracy" and "the Communist party dictatorship of China and Russia." Western countries need 'anti-Communist party' policy against China and Russia. President Donald Trump, "Please protect" allies such as NATO and Japan! Please "Please" protect the freedom and democracy of the world!

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday version October 27, 2018:
The international community has become a battle with "the Western society of liberty
and democracy" and "the Communist party dictatorship of China and Russia."
Western countries need 'anti-Communist party' policy against China and Russia.
President Donald Trump,
"Please protect" allies such as NATO and Japan! Please "Please" protect the freedom
and democracy of the world!

Dear Sir, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America announced on 20th,
the abolition of the INF disarmament treaty.
The development of medium-range missiles by Russia facilitates surprise attack on European countries,
increasing the possibility that it will have a serious impact on the military balance
between Russia and (NATO).
It is aimed at opposing the mid-range missile strength that China will unilaterally deploy
with the aim of "establishing hegemony" in the western Pacific.
Even INF has treated China special.
"China's non-accession to the INF" has destroyed the military balance of the world.
China destroyed the military balance of the world as well as trade.
It is natural that America will withdraw from (INF).
It was rather too late!
America should sell nuclear missiles to allies unless China and Russia stop developing
and manufacturing medium-range nuclear missiles and discarding them.
By doing so, the world will shift to a military posture with medium-range nuclear missiles.
This responsibility lies in China and Russia.
American allies should restrict trade transactions with China and Russia.
The most important thing is to "shut off" the funds necessary for China and Russia to develop
and manufacture medium-range nuclear missiles.
The deficit in trade deals should be stopped at "urgent".
In trade, the resurgence of 'Kokomu' is also necessary.

The G7 should hold emergency meetings and discuss development and manufacturing issues
of China and Russia's medium-range nuclear missiles.

G7 countries, Ganbare!

The Japanese government appealed the "North Korean government's abduction issue" to the United Nations.
The Japanese government is "acting" "rescuing the Japanese" with huge money.
Meanwhile, the Japanese government "abducts and captures foreigners illegally."
There is no "good abduction" or "bad abduction" in the abduction detention.
Help me! There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the above translation documents are inaccurate,
please contact us by email.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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