Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-12-31】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-12-31

December 30, 2018

Instead of setting politics aside and putting the safety of our country first, Democrats in Congress have continued to obstruct. In doing so, they have refused to come together with Republicans to pass commonsense legislation that provides adequate funding to secure America's borders and prevent a partial government shut down.
As I have said throughout this process, I remain committed to finding an agreemnet that reopens our Government and ensures that our Nation's borders are safe and secure.
I urge Congress to rejoin me in Washington to immediatly pass appropriations legislation that properly addresses the critical issues affecting our Nation's security and prosperity.
Thank you for your email.
Sincerely,Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.


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