
Dear Sirs International people. Year-End & New Year's Edition 01 January 2019: Happy New Year. ICC should punish personal crimes of Japanese judicial officials based on "Rome regulations or ICC regulations".

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Year-End & New Year's Edition 01 January 2019:
Happy New Year.
ICC should punish personal crimes of Japanese judicial officials based on "Rome regulations
or ICC regulations".

Dear sirs. Please "listen" to the summary of the ICC complaint.
Furthermore, the malicious thing is that this incident is "an error
in the applicable law" due to the use of illegal power,
Criminal acts are crushed by state power.
In Japan 's justice system, you can not request a retrial under "Applicable law error".
However, if a crime of "special civil servants" such as police officers involved
in the case is proved, we can request a retrial.

The crimes of "special civil servants" are as follows.
"We" have not violated anything.
Nevertheless, because they "arrested and detained" us,
(a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority).
And it is "Crime of false complaint" because we are doing "Prosecution"
to the court "sent to the prosecution (inspection)" for the purpose of giving criminal punishment.

So I will submit "Complaint" "Accusation letter" to the Tokyo Public Prosecution Board etc.
after the "period of penalty at the prison" is completely completed,
but the prosecutors abuse the "monopoly right
to prosecute" to " Complaint "" Accusation letter "will not be" accepted ".
Since Japan has given "prosecution exclusive right" to the prosecution,
unless it is "accepted" by a public prosecutor, it can not be made into a case.

(If the accepted "Complaint" "Accusation letter" is "decision not to prosecute",
you can request a review from the prosecution review board,
but if it is not accepted it will not be able to claim it to the prosecution review board.)

So even if the prosecutor murders,
the prosecution can not trial as "murder" unless the prosecution receives "Accusation letter".
Prosecutors can freely kill.

I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

I've "claimed" two things in this case.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.
Only foreigners were punished with Article 70 of the Immigration Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers who are "causal relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).
However, Japan's judiciary "disposses" only foreigners and does not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And it violates international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.
If "an employer who illegally employed" is innocent,
"a foreigner who worked illegally" is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. "Prosecution letter" "as a reason for crime,
It points out the Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no criminal penalty against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "crime to support other crimes of criminal law" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world. Please "support" a lot of victims with your courage
and justice.
I am asking the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensate for victims" of the victims.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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