
Opinion from Japanese Saturday version, September 21, 2019: Dear Sir, I think many British people want the “rebirth” of the “British Commonwealth”. I think that the “reconstruction” of “EU” will be done by French President Macron. Prime Minister Johnson and President Macron should form a “New National Group” that can compete with the United States in cooperation with the “UK” and “EU”. Then Trump would be “be petrified with terror”.

Opinion from Japanese

Saturday version, September 21, 2019: Dear Sir,
I think many British people want the “rebirth” of the “British Commonwealth”.
I think that the “reconstruction” of “EU” will be done by French President Macron.
Prime Minister Johnson and President Macron should form a “New National Group”
that can compete with the United States in cooperation with the “UK” and “EU”.
Then Trump would be “be petrified with terror”.

Part 1. The Japanese translation
of “Kosi wo Nukasu” is translated as “be petrified with terror”.
According to Reuters on the 16th,
British Prime Minister Johnson reiterated
that he would leave the EU at the end of October even though he would comply
with the laws of the UK but did not agree with (EU).
EU countries should “leave” the UK from the EU at the end of October.
EU countries have more “action items” than “British EU withdrawal” issues.

The British Parliament passed a bill this month to postpone the UK's withdrawal
from the EU. The law was passed by Queen Elizabeth.
The law obligates Prime Minister Johnson
to request the EU to postpone a three-month withdrawal
if the proposed withdrawal agreement with the EU is not approved
by Congress before October 19 .

As I wrote last week, the negative of the trade problem
after the UK leaves the EU is also the EU problem.
“EU” should return to the era of “EEC” or “EC”.
And I think a new “EC” will be born.

I think that the British who chose “Leaving the EU”
in the referendum also have “preparedness” in “independence from the UK”
in Northern Ireland and Scotland.
I think the UK should “reconstruct” the “British Commonwealth” under Queen Elizabeth.
First of all, I think the UK should return to the “Federal Federation”.
After the Second World War, the UK's leadership
in the constituent countries declined as the British economy declined,
and conflicts of interest among the constituent countries became apparent.
I think that the British Commonwealth has
become an “in name only” “existence” due to the 1973 UK membership
of the EC (currently the European Union).
I think many British people want to revive the "British Commonwealth"
(a national group of 53 countries).
I think that the rebirth of “EU” will be done by French President Macron.
President Macron is to make former colonies such as France and the Netherlands members
of the "Extended EU".
Prime Minister Johnson and President Macron should form a large “New National Group”
that can compete with the United States in cooperation with the “UK” and “EU”.
In order for the “New National Group” to have “power”
in the international community,
it needs to have an economy that is larger than the United States and China in terms of GDP.
Then Trump would be “be petrified with terror”.
If that happens Xi Jinping president also it would "be petrified with terror".
To that end, a “special zone” should be created and “refugees”
and “immigrants” should be actively accepted.
To that end, I am saying in a special zone, the Sunday edition,
"Europe should be re-emerged as" the king of the world "again."

It will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. Many Koreans have been arrested for violating international law
and immigration laws.
(I can't count).
Korean, Chinese, Philippine, `` Everyone '' from all over the world!
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!

Victims are foreigners who “work illegally”
in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.
They were arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act,
Received "criminal disposition" such as "fine penalty".
And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.

A third party has been arrested
on charges of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me and “Kin Gungaku who is Chinese”.
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.

The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
Therefore, as a crime against foreigner immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor"
"Crime that supported other crimes" in "Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor” is “sin of support”
It is stipulated in “Sin that promotes illegal employment”.

The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status of Residence
by Submitting False Documents”.
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.

Even if you get a status of residence with "false documents",
If you work within the scope of your status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in the “Applicable Law”.
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".

If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,
please request an investigation from ICC.
There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate,
so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yashiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


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