
2020-05-12: Dear Sir, “Remember Chinese Virus” April 28th, the United States finally reached 58,365 deaths due to coronavirus,

2020-05-12: Dear Sir,
“Remember Chinese Virus” April 28th, the United States finally reached 58,365 deaths due to coronavirus,
More than 58,220 Americans died in the Vietnam War.
From the reporter, rather than the number of deaths throughout the Vietnam War,
Asked if the president, who had lost more Americans in six weeks, would be eligible for reelection.
The troops of each country cannot even "war".
What should we do about the war that protects freedom and democracy?

At a “meeting” on April 27, a reporter asked if the president would be eligible for reelection.
There are 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but about half of them are under construction, so there are about 3 to 4 aircraft carriers that can immediately respond to operational actions.

Please see today's "SNS post".

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