2020-05-15: Dear Sir,
Defective medical supplies purchased from China in Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, etc.
Even in Canada, 1 million Chinese masks are defective.
Canada argues that it should build its own supply chain to ensure national security.
This is a great opinion. Each country should practice.
We are “unsatisfied” with what the Chinese government does.
China will not accept whatever evidence the international community puts on China.
The international community should exclude China.
China has taken advantage of trade and supply chains to gain political capital on the world stage. I have to feel anxiety. "
Please see today's "SNS post".
I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".
Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and International Law" in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages."
China, Japan and South Korea are “Confucian countries” and have the same “ideas
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