
Opinion of justice May 09, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Germany and the United States have begun to "reopen part" of economic activity. The (EU) lists three conditions for "starting resumption": (1) slowing down the spread of infection, (2) large-scale testing capability, and (3) sufficient medical system. The “EU” conditions that consider the lives and health of the people are reasonable. Countries should meet EU standards and resume economic activity.

May 09, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,
Germany and the United States have begun to "reopen part" of economic activity. The (EU) lists three conditions for "starting resumption": (1) slowing down the spread of infection, (2) large-scale testing capability, and (3) sufficient medical system. The “EU” conditions that consider the lives and health of the people are reasonable. Countries should meet EU standards and resume economic activity.

Part 1. In Japan, due to the lack of a sufficient medical system,
large-scale tests are not conducted as a means to prevent the collapse of medical care.
This is called "putting the cart before the horse."
Even if a doctor requests an inspection, the inspection facility still refuses it.
I think more people in Japan will commit suicide for economic reasons rather than die of coronavirus.

The IFO Institute, a public research institute for economic and social research and policy research
in Germany, points out.
In the future, "it is urgent to take not only emergency measures to build a medical system for treating illnesses,
but also fiscal and monetary policy measures to contain the current economic damage that is currently being caused,
without prolonging it."
Due to the suspension of school,
the topic of changing from April admission to September admission is being raised as a solution to the problem
of insufficient classes.
It has nothing to do with “preventing infection”. It's crazy
Will Europe and America change to admission in April?

Regarding the resumption of economic activities restricted by the effects of the new coronavirus,
a "demo" was held in 33 locations throughout the United States calling
for an early resumption in the United States.
"Women who called for demonstrations," said "health is important,
but it is more important to keep the economy healthy for the public."
On the other hand, a cautious opinion is deeply rooted that it may lead to the spread of infection again,
and about 60% of people in the opinion poll are concerned about the early resumption of economic activities.

I say her words again.
"Health is important, but it's more important to keep the economy healthy for the people."
"People who can afford financially" prioritize health.
However, there are many “people who cannot afford to be financially”.
Leaders in each country should meet "EU standards" and resume economic activity.

It will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. What is required of Western countries is "economic growth."
Immigration is required to increase GDP.
The United States needs "immigrants" to increase consumption of excess produce.
An "industrial park like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States.
Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China.
It is to solve the problems of the poor and to "realize a peaceful earth" that advanced
and underdeveloped countries emphasize.

In the "special zone",
1) I "propose" that the United States will build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico.
2) We propose to build "special zones" in Europe and other countries.
3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies.
4) Accept the poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone".
5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”.
6) “Allied companies” will build labor-intensive factories in “special zones”.
7) Most of the factory workers are “temporary immigrants”. They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”.
8) "Temporary immigrants" work for a certain period of time in "special zones" and those
who "certify" as safe immigrants are free to work in each country as "labor immigrants".

Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek "rule of law".
There are many victims worldwide due to “illegal punishment” of “violation of the Immigration Control Act”.
For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.
There are also many American victims.
The US Government should protect the human rights of Americans! ! ! ! !

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

If you have any questions, please email us.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

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