
#Opinion of justice This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good."

President Trump should do what he promised me

June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!
This word moves the hearts of people around the world.
 "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good." 
President Trump defends the "white policeman" of the murderer. 
He "does not understand human rights." 
Trump's approval rating plummeted to 38%, widening to 14 points from former Vice President Biden. 
Trump was too affected by the Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo. 
The three are on the brink of defeat.

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


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