
This is a "Facebook" political intervention. I haven't heard back, so I'll resend it. I can't access the Liberal Democratic Party page. Specifying my account, I'm excluding browsing and posting. This is a serious incident.

 This is a "Facebook" political intervention.

I haven't heard back, so I'll resend it.

I can't access the Liberal Democratic Party page.

Specifying my account, I'm excluding browsing and posting.

This is a serious incident.

The Liberal Democratic Party receives "party grants" from the Japanese government.

Therefore, it is a public institution.

A public agency of the Government of Japan cannot deny the rights of the people.

Must be accessed by everyone.

FB has attributes for the account for that.

If FB admits the LDP's actions,

I'm FB is an American company, so

I will sue FB's actions against the US Senate and House of Representatives.

Violate the basic rules of democracy.

I have to say that it is FB's political intervention.

We refuse political speech control by FB.

In addition, not a public institution, but an individual or group page has a specific account

I think it's legal to eliminate it.

What FB can do is that of international law and Japanese law

It is to limit posts that violate the FB rules within the scope.

I think the LDP's act this time is the closure of the following account from her FB for a certain period of time.

Please respond as soon as possible.

Liberal Democratic Party


This content is currently unavailable

This could be because the owner has limited the share to only some people, the privacy settings have changed, or the content has been deleted.


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